HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.02.15r-721 Burllng&me - Callfornla Fbbruary 15, L954 A regular meetlng of the Bur"lingame City Couneil was held on the ab_o-ve glygn date. The meetlng was calIed to orden at B:2s p. M.,- I{ayor Slmonds in t}:.e Chair". Ro1l CalI: Present - Councilmen:Atwater-Bynd-Love-Mor gan-SLmonds . NoneAbsent Councllmen: The rnlnutes of the prevLous meeting of S'ebruany 1, ).954, as submlt-ted to members of the Cor:ncll were unanlmousS-y- apfiroved. A letter dated Fbbruary 5, 1954, fnou the Southern PacLfie Cornp&Dyrwas read by the Clty Glerkr relatlve to the corultr"uction of a iovlr,wi:re fence a3-ong the norttrerS-y right-of-way 1lne, between the cross-lngs -of Oak Grove Avenue and. Nont6 Lane, the eosi thereof to be as-surned on an equal basls by the Ctty of Burllngirme and. the SouthennPaclflc Company. ft ur&s moved by iouncllman nyrd and. second.ed. byCouncllman Morgan, that they concun ln the plan and. lnstruct CltyAttorney Karmel to confer with Southenn Paclflc offlclals in araivtngup an agreement, and unanlmously car:rled. A letter dated. Fbbruany 11, 19s4, fbom Geo, J. Ivlarr, Director of-rybFc works, 1ry?s readl re[a:rdlni ii"-p""chase of a'new sewerageS1udge _Grinde:: to repLaee tfre o1d one now in use which is Uaaf$ fnle"q-of repaL::s, from fbnds eollected f?om the sale of sluCg" io-if."Public. rt fl,as moved Py c9r:nctlman Morga-n and second,ed by dorrrrcllmanByrd that they concur ln the recommendaEion of Mr. Ittarr. aird. that hebe authorized to_negotiate for the purchase of thls machiner"y, nr..aunanlmously carried. Cotu:c1lman Byrd eompllmented. Ivlr. Walten Plate, Dlsposal plant Ope::-ator, on his efficlent lronk, A letter dated-Feb::uary 11, l?-53, flom Geo. J. Marr, r'ias read, regard-l.e the renewal of the City lrl1L-Agreement. The Ciiy Clerk *i"o ieaaResolutlon No_. 6-54, _Orderlng Conti-nuatlon of Agreemlnt with RomeoJoly, _dated January 31, 1951. ft was moved by doun"it**n l,ove anaseconded-by Councllman Atwaten, that ResoLutlbn No. O-s+ U." aaofCeaand unanlmously ca::Iled on roli eaII. Mr. James Hinnnef o.uestioiredthe F111 method, and. I{ayor 51mo1ds explalned Ln detail td;-rir.ay-irr*thas been rnad.e by Councilman Byrd to impnove lt. A Letten dated_Fbbruary Ll, 1gS4 finom $. J. Manr, public Wor.ks D1r,ect_oPr negarding Street Light Modennl.zation on Howard Avenue and prlm-rose Road; Hlghland. Avenue, North of Howard Avenue; and Lorton Avenueand Pank Hoad,-fnom Burlingame Avenue to }loward Avenue. rt was movedby Councj.lman Love and second.ed by Councilman laorga;; that Resolution To- 45-55r_ llodennlzation of str.eet Ligrtlng or:' ""Etioo" of Howard.Avenue and Pniru::ose Road. be resci"qgd;' and*that Resoiution No. 7-s4,covering the enlarged area stneet llghting p1an, t;-*aoptea, -ana wasunanimously carrled. A-report of tlr.e T1{" Department, lnclud.ing the Bureau of trtre pneven-tlon and Pubric safetyr-for the-month o{ 5rrr,r*rry, **u,"ad by the .9.1ry' clenk, and also i-detatled, nepont flom trre"6rne"to" of publici{lonks for the month of January, wai read.- M;t;"-si;onas uip";;;;;appreclatlon for the flne reports and work dole uy totrr det;i;;ii*. Mayon slmonds at thls tlme turned the meet{nq ovel to viee-Mayo:r Lov€rand asked that-Actl-ng F5.re Chlef PqtseL and. daptain-Moonby, u6ir, onthe-e1Lg1!rq 1lst for ELne Chi.ef, to come up on the rostnrm. He €x-plained that thls had been a mosf, dlfflcult* declsLon to make, butthat aften a thonough and lrrpaltlal stud.y, lt was irr" ,ro*rri.mous opln-lon of the councllr-on Roll b*ll, that Reglnald E. trrloonby, loaoMorr"e11 Avenue, Ifumben one on th6 errgltlE-iiltr-u"-'-ippotnted as Fr.rechlef for the cltv of Bu::ll1same. lu;;;; si;;;d; upo[; on the flnework both of these men had dSne in tnL e*"-o"protil""t, Actl,gg Firechtef Ed patsel congratulated chi;f noo"ry .;-;i; -ap;oj.ntment andpledged his suppont*ln eveny posslble w&fr The newly appointed chlef r-- a2?.- thar:lced the Councll for the confidence that they had. pLaced in hLm and sald he realized the tremendous responslbility of the position. He f\rrther stated that with ttre capable asslstance of Asslstant FiroChief PatseL and the outstandlng men in the Department, he would doeverything ln his powen to make tt the best Fire Department. Counci-lman Love tunned back the gavel to Mayor Slmonds. Counci}nan Byrd made a motlon, seconded by CouncLlm'an Morgan, to ex-press the appreclation of the Council end the Citizens of Bur:llngamefor the very flne and outstanding work carrj"ed on by Actlng ChiefPatsel during the lnterlm of the retirement of Chlef Ed Leis and theselection of a new Chlef. The motion was unanlmously carnied. Councllman Love spoke on the flne work of the Civil Defense Group,and made a motLon seconded by CouncLLman Atwater:, that an AnnualClvll Defense and Disaster Councll dfuuren meetLng be he1d, lnvltlngthe press and Pensonnel of the Clty who have been lnstrumentaL lnthe success of the Clvll Defense Pnograrn, Sueh a meeting would en-able the eitlzens to hear a fulL nepo::t on the activlttei of Clvl1Defense and becorne better acQualnted with utrat the Civil Defensegrganlzation.ls {o1ng. - Th" matlon was unanlmously caruled. MayorSimonds appolnted Councilman tove as Chalrman. - Councllman Byrd questloned Pollee Chief Theuer r.egandlng hls prev-lous recorrnendation of movlng the trafflc slgnal lbom pI Carofno and.Sanchez Avenue to Carmellta'.fvenue, ln order-to take the traffic offof_Broadway at peak hours, theneby maklng Canmellta Avenue an arten-la1 street. Mayon Slmonds requested the-Chalrman of ttre Street Com-mlttee to confer wlth Chief Theuer and brlng a= repont to the nextmeeting of the Councll. The reslgnation of Mns. Hazel Flawcett as Sec::etany for Ctvll Defense,was announce{ !y- Mayor Slmonds. A motion was mad,6 by Councilman At-'w-ater, seconded, by-Coun-cl1man Love, that a letten of"appreclatlon flomthe Councll be sent to Mrs. Fb.wcett for hen veny'flne endeavor andwork she has done for the gity of lurlingame, ai:d unanimously "*oof"aon ro11 calL.. Mayor Simonds stated that*M:rs. Maxine Matthewi, ,"L"o*-mended by gaPtaln Geo. C. Curnler, Asslstant DLrecton of Clvli Def-enser as Clvil Defense Secretarn? --Councilman Morgan made a motloa,secoTded' !f CounciLman ByTa, thgt l/ins. Maxlne Matf,hews be "*pfoy"a ""CivlL Defense secnetany to repLace Mrs. HazeL FEwcett, ana inaiiroour-1y ca:rrled. Clalms }los. 4873._to 5021, _lncluslve-, 1r-r the aruount of $44roog.zg, dulyaudlted, Yrere althonlzed dnawn on the City Treasury-ioi tfrefu"-o"ip""- !1"". amountsr oo motion of Councllman Lov€r second.ed. by CouncffmairAtwater and unanimously carnled, on roLl ci.Ll. Paynoll waruants, Nos . 64oa to 624g tncluslve, for January, 1gs4, inthe amount of $40r 916.9?, were lpproved. on motion of counlirman f,,Iorgan,seconded by Councllman Byrrd, and.-unanlmousty canrte-, on ro11 ca1l. A cl,atm 1g?in:t^the^clty of Burltngame fon personal damages ln the -anoqnt. of $1oo' ooo. oo, lresente_d !; Mn". Ma-ngaret sheldofi, - f+re -Fior.f -bunda Avenue, Burlirlgamer_ on behal? of her "Jn, Mroon George sheld.on,was r"eJected and noferred to the Cityrg lnsr:rance'ca:'r.len dn motlon ofCouncilman Mongan, seeonded by Councitman Blrd a3d-unanlmous:.y- canrfed. Mrs. Leona CJe'nk, 19w1y elected Pnesldent of the Burlingame Chamber ofCommerce, and the flrst lady_to held that offlce for tfrE Cfty oi-nu::ttn-€me, was intnoduced.. Mrs. clar! spoke b::lefly, thanklng th; councrrfo1 g.asslTg the Resolution to moderi:lze the fig*irtfns-on lloward Avenueand the slde streets, and expresslng her" Aeslrf-to-fiorf< wlth the Ci[yCounc11. Mlf9r Simonds questloned Clq. Attorney Kanmel as to rvhether the Clty 9-f PuTlingame ls covered Uy tnelr lnslrance 1n:respect to the Uencfrthat ls to be place on Pa:rk Road near Burlingam" airurr"" for the con-venLence of the publlc. ctty Attorney_Karmef assured naayor iil.;e;that-the clty-ls pnotected, i.nd CouncLl-man Byrd sCatea tirat trrJ uencrrLs "11 t"l-ax -for -usg, and i'tr. Marn was lnstrict"- -ty-urryor slmonds tosee that the bench is put ln place. r -11Da -l,- aaaJ Mr. Wm. Roese, Burlingame representetLve on the San Mateo County Mosqulto Abatement Dlstrlet, wag lntroduced. and spoke a few words. Director of Recreatlon, Mr. Ed J,lnco1nr spoke briefly on the Confer- ence now in sesslon 1n San Fbanclsco. Plannlng Consultant Geo. A. I{tlnn, gpoke on the new Fence Ordlnance. Mr. C. R. Broback questlon- ed the nonconfom.lng uses of property tq the Cltyts nowly adoptod Zonlng Ordi-nance, to utrich }rtayor Slmonds replled that a zonlng slrt- vey is anticlpated ln the noar future. Mr. 3Ym. Roese, 908 Toyon Drlve, questloned the operatlon of a Bent-A11 buslness on the premises formerly occupied by ttre Bayshore Plurnblng Co. under a varlance permlt. After some dlscusslon, Mayo3 Slmonds ::equested Police Chlef Theuer" to have an lnspectlon madeard repont to Mn. I. Karmel, Clty Attornoy, who w111 report at thenext meetlng of the Councll. Mrs, V. K. Parmelee, 1116 Summen Avenue, lnqulred as to when theproposed F111 and Cover method would be lnltiated at the Clty F111, and. protested the unsl$rtly sheds used for the storage of salvagematerlal at the f111. Mayor Simonds r"evlewed the antlclpated pLanas sumbitted by Councilaran B;rrd. 8111 Key, Br.rrlingame i1lgfl School student, spoke on behiilf of L[:r.KarI LoeffLer, Principalr exprosslng appreciatlon fon the ldea ofa fence as proposed by the southenn Paciflc company fon the pro-tectlon of students and pedestrlans. He also stated that tie Stu-dent Councll were golng to try and pnevent the mess created. by thestudents throwlng lunch papers and refuse on Burlingarne Avenui dur- llg the lunch hour, b), havlng membens of the Student Counctl poIlcethe area at noon time. Mayon Slmonds thanked. Mr". Key and askld fitmto convey hls thanks to I{::. Loefflen and the Student-Counci1 fortheir splendld-eooperatlon 1n the matten. Mayor Slmond.s also sug-ge_stedr- r'egarding the AnnuaL student Government Oay, that tfre Stid-ent Body Offtcers meet 1n advance to make pneparati6n ror thein eom-Lng program. Mr. Jay Burns, Presldent _qf the Burlingame Elementany School Boand,was i.ntroduced, and also Mr. Geo. McQu6en, former pulri-f sher of tf."'Burllngame Advance-Stan, who annou-nced. the dedtcation of the newPenlnsula Hospltal on Surliay, Fbbruany ?Btlr, and lnvlted everyo"" toattend. The_ne pell-8 no further buslness, the meetlng was ad.Journed at 1O:10P. M. by the unanlmous consent 6f tfre Councj.I. Resp e ctfully submltted WI{]TE CTTY CI;IBK AP}ROIffiD: uu. s. srldoNDs, MAYOR JR