HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.04.16I ALL TO ORDER A regular moeltrg of tho Ctty CounoLl was held on the above glven date.MeetLng caIled to eder at Sloo pornr - Hayor lfior.gan ln tho chaLn. SALUTE TO FI.AG 42s _Morganr- all ln the Councll arose and were 1ed by Boy28, ln the salute to and Pledge of Allegr.anee to-the Flago INVOCATlON cou.ncllnan chanlotto r. Johnson gavo the rnvooatton. notrL cAtt heeent - Oounollmen! Byrd-Johnson-Mongan-Rooth-fhayen Absent - Councilmenl None PREVTOUS MEET NG The mlnutes of the negulan neetlng of Aprll 2, 1956r &s submltted. tomembdrs of the_Councl1, were unanlmously appnoved and adopted. on motlonof councllman fiooth and seeonded by counclrman Johnson. COMMUNTCATTONS 1 COMPLET I ON PROJECT MCS NO. 69 (Rolllns Road s urfaelne ) At wor.d fnom Mayor Saouts, froop No. a A eommunleatlon dated. Aprll -12, 1956t xrqs received from G. J. Marr,Dlnecton of Publle^Wonks, advlsing that ProJect MCS 69 fon the surfacligand eongtructlon of cr.l.rbs a1{-sutters on Ro11lns Road was satlsfaetorll}completed. as of Aprl1 L2, 1956 and recommend.lng that the proJoct beaecepted as complete. RESOLUTION NO. 55.56 I'ACCEPTING STNEET IJIIORK AS PERFORMED UNDEN PROJECT)rwas1ntrod'uoedbyGounc11maneyra,whomoved.1teadopt!.on, seconded by Councllman Roothr- and unanlmousiy 6arrled on no1lcall of members. 2. RESIGNATION - Jame s- Roe mer Junlor EngLneen A communloation dated Apr11 12, 1956, ras read from G.. J. Mrr, Dlrectorof Publlc Iilorksr advlslng that a letter of reslgnatlon has been su6rltted. Py_S". James Roemer", Junlon Elglneenr- to becone effeotlve Fnlday, May 4^r1956. Councllman Thayen moved. that ihe reslgnatlon be acceptea-wttfr-nognet and that an appropnlate oommunleatlon be fonwanded t; Mn. Roomer.on behalf of the City Councllr soconded by Councllman Johnson *na on*rrlmouslyearnled. Councllruan Thayer fu::then moved that the Clvl1 Servlce Commlsslon belnstructed. to conduct an examl"natlon fon the posltLon of Junion Enllneer,second,ed by councllman Rooth and. unanlmously tannled. 5. FTRE TBAINTNG C OURSES A"cormr-mleatlon dated'Aprll 11, 1956, was recelved from the Board ofFlre Commlsslonense pacoilrnendlng that asilstant Chief Harvey Johnson bepermltted to attend. a Flne fnstructonls Tralnlng Course and that FlreInspecton Howard. Pearson be permltted to attend.-a FLne and Arson Invostlga-tLon Course. Actlon was wlthheld. pendlng the appolntment of a-Cf[y Mana[er. BurllnEame. Callfonnla Aprll 16. 1956 426 4. PARKTNG LIMTTATION ON CI{APIN AVE WEST OF OCCIDENTAT AVE A communlcatlon dated Aprll 15e 1956, was reoolved from R. C. Theuen,Chtef of Follce, recomlnendlng that all-day parklng on Chapin Avenue,west of Occldental Avenue, be restrlcted to Pllmlted parklng.n The subJect was referred to the Councll Pollce Committoe. 5. QFEICE CARL_ SC-HITVAHN In.jury A letter datod. Aprll 15, ]956, was recelved fnom R. C. Theuere Chtefof Pollee, advlslng of OffLcer Carl Sbhwahnrs recent rnotor accldent andhts conflnement in a loca1 hospttal, Councl-lman Thayen moved that an approprlate eorurnrnLcat lon be dlnected to Off lcer Schwahn on behalf of theClty Councll, seconded. by Councllman Rooth and unanllnously carried. 6. CALfFORNIA STATE PEACE OFFICERS CONFERENCE - San Dleeo A communlcatlon dated Aprl1 15, 1956, frorn R. C. Theuor, Chlef ofPolice, requestlng permlsslon to attend the 29th Annua1 Conventlon ofthe Californla State Peace Offlconst Assoclatlon th San Diego, May 2L,22, 23, 1956, was concurred. 1n on motlon of Councllman Thayen, seoondedby Councllman Rooth and unanlrnously canrlod. 7. DISCHARGE OF STNEET DEPT. EMPtCI]EE FNOM CLASSIFIED SERVICE A eommunlcatlon d.ated Aprll 12, 1956, was receLved fr:om the Clvt1 ServLce Commlssion, recomrnndlng that the actlon fon dlsmlssal of Arthr:rPeter Hanke, Street Dopartment omployee, by the department head, be sre-talned. Councllman Rooth moved that the Coirncl] concur 1n the recommend-atlon of the Clvtl SenvLce Commlsslon, soconded by Couneilman ThayerrSpoaklng on the questLon, Councllman B5rrd etated, that he first deslnedassurance that the employee ln questlon had been glven ev6ry oonsldera-tlon. Following a bnief dtscussion, Councllman Rooth withd.rew his motlonwlth the eonsont of hle second, and aetlon was held for an addltlonaltwo weeks. 8. DR I Restnictton Affecti on A eommunLcatlon dated. Aprll 9, 1956, rvas received fr"om Dn. B. f.Bearlnt, 1288 Bayshone Hlghway, requesting that the rlght of way restnlc-tlon affectlng lngness and egress to hls property be removed. The subJect was referred to the Clty Attonney and to the Clty Englneer. 9. REC OMIiIIENDATI 0 NT 0 ENGAGE NEG 0TIATOR Panklne Distrlct No. 1 A oornrrunlcatlon datod Aprll 15, 1956, was recelved from the law firmof Klrkbrlde, Wl1son, Harzfeld & Wallace, advlslng the Corincll that ltsflrst action ln furtherlng tho Panklng Dlstnlet No. 1 pnoJect should bethe engagement of a perrson quallfled to effectlvely negotLate the aequ5.sl-tlon of propenty. Action was wlthheld untll the next negular neetlng ofthe Clty Councll. 10. TREE CO}IDIT]ON Hlllslde DrLve A corunrnlcatlon from the Burllngame Federatlon of Clvlo fmprovements C1ubs, Inc., d.ated Apnll 1O, 1956, requosttng the nemoval of a tree at 2404 Hllls lde Drlve, Bu:rllngame, was refernod to the members of th'e Park CommlssLono 11. T0WN & COUNT8Y REALTY re: Real Estate Sign - !d111e Estate No. 5 A eommrnlcatlon dated Apnll 2, 1956, was reoeLved from the Town arrl Countny Realty Company, requestlng permls sj"on to orect a 6 x 1O slgn toadvertlse new apartments to be enected on Lot No. 6, M1IIs Estate I{o. 8,(Ogden and Murchlson Drlves and Trousdale and Ogden Drlves). Councllma:n'Thayer moved that a permlt be granted for a slx months ponlod on1y, seconded by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously cannLed. e r 427 L2. QRS NEOU COI4IANY - Verlence _Pennlt !o fnstall. Plastlo Sl-sn A commmlcatLon d"ated Anpll 4, 1956, wes reoeLved from the QRS Noon Company, ln behalf of the A.V.R. Realty Oompany, nequestlng a vanLancepenmlt to onect a plastlc sign. The comrnunloation advised thet thelnstallatlon confonms to the clty sLgn ondlnance with the exceptlon thatlt w111 pnoJoet 28*' ov6r the buildlng llne. Councllman Thayer statedthat lnaemuch as the ordlnance has only recently been Ln effect, she was opposed. to the gnantlng of varlances at thls tlme and would therofore move that the applleatlon be denled. The notlon was seeond.ed. by Councilman Rooth. Speaking on the questlon, Counclhnan Byrd advl-sedthat he would pnefen that tt be glven further consLder:atlon by refernlngthe subJect to the Plannlng Commlsslon. Cormcllman fhayer withdrew hermotlon wlth the consent of the seoond., Councllman Rooth. Councllnran Bynd theneupon raoved that the subJect matten be referred to the PlannlngCommisilon fon etudy and recommond.atlon to the 01ty CouncLlr $6conded byCouncllnan Thayer and unanlmously canried. 15. SALE OF CTTY.WNED OBSOI,ETE MOTOR AND GRINDER A etimmrnleatlon d,ated Apn11 5, 1956, was recelved. from G. J. MarrlDLrector of Publlc lUorks, advlstng that an offen of $1O.OO has been sub-nnltted by Mn. Robort F. Bezecny, a member of the Flre Department, topurchase an obsolete motor and gnlnd.er, presently the propenty oi theFlre Depantment of the Clty of Bunllngame. Councllmaa Byrd" moved thatthe motor and. grinder be sold to &In. Bezecny, ln the amount stated., socond.ed by Councllmsn Rooth and unanlmously earrl"ed. L4. & 15. FfnE STATION SITES MlLls Estate and RollLns Road ConrunleatLons, dated Aprl1 11, 1956, wero recotved. fron the Boardof Fj.ne Conml.sslonerse recommendlng (1) that a suLtable slte be seLectedfor a future flne sf,atlon ln the lilllIe Estate and (Z) that consld.erail.onbe gLven to eonstnucting a flre statlon on cLty-owned. property on RolllnsBoad. Both oomrnrnioatl"ons were held. for study. Counollman Rboth ca}Iedattentlon to a statement prevlously made by DIn. L. E. Welsenborgeropnesentatlve .of the Tnousd.ale Construotlon Company, offerlng a flnehouse slte and/or an access road. wlthln the mIr; g![ate. REPORTS OF OFFICERS Reports frora the Publlc lUorks Depantrnont, the Pollce Departnent and theFlre Depantment, month of li{arch, 1956, were recelved, atknowledged. ardplaced on flle. RES0LUTIONE - Nono ORDfNANCES - lntroduc tlon OED,I}{AN9E=}I0.625 ftAmendlrrg Sectlons 1911, }912, 1919, 1914, 1915 and 1921of the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Bunltngame by Providln[ pnoceaures Iot-H_eanLng, -Appeal and Revl9w 9f Applleatlons Flied Unden Fart XeAntlcle 50 of Sald Code and by..Regulatlng the 0onstructlon, Malnt6nanceand Use of Temporar4y Bulldlngsfr wss lntroduced by Councllmin Byrd. forflrst neadlng. 0RDINANCE $p-._6?6 rAmendlng the Ondinance Code of the Clt y of Burllngameby Amendlng Section 1,222.8 Llndtt ng Stopplng and Parklng of Yehlcles onBellevueAvenue and Douglas A venue for Mone Than Two llourstt was lntrod.ucedby Councl lman Blrd for flrst readLng. COUNCIL COMM]TTEE NEPORTS (Dlnec tLonal Slqnal-son E]. Camlno Real) Reference was mad"e to a comrm:nlcatl.on dated Aprll 16, 1956, fnom theBu:rllngame Chamber of Comnence, requestlng tfrirt a 1eiten be addressed tothe_State Hlghway Department, a-uklng that dlreotlonal slgnals be placedon E1 0amLno Rea1, lndlcatlng the route from El Camlno Real to thL BayshoreFneeway vLa Penlnsula Avenue and at Callfornla Drlve and Penlnsula Av;nue.Councilman Johnson moved that the Councll coneun and. the Clty Clerk wasln$tructed. to go notlfy the State of Callfoneta, Divlslon of"Uigfr.rly",seeorxled by councllman Thayor and unanllnously eannLed. _I 428 U}TFINISHED BUSI}IESS (Ci!f Manprgel, SelectJ on ) Councilman Byrd offered a suggestlon that the Stato Personnel Boardbe authorlzed to asslst the City of Burllngame by advertlslng andthereaftor conductlng an examlnatlon, wnltten and orale fon the posltlonof 01ty Manager, w'lth the Councll subsequently lntenvLewing theflnallsts ln the examlnatlon. Counollman tsyrd rrged tbe schedullng of s. moeting ln May to eonsLden wa.ges, worklng hours and tho area ofrosponslblllty and. authonlty ln which the Clty Manager shall opopatoo tr{ayon Mor"gan eoncur'red wlth the statenrents of Councllman Byrdr butstated that lt would be lmpr:oper to act untLl the election ballots were oanva.ssed and the r"esults announced at a meetlng of the Counclle Tuesday,Apnll 17, 1n eonfonnance to the State electlon laws. Counellman Rooth questloned whether the engagement of the State Personnel Board to oonduct an examlnatlon would place the posltlon of Clty Marrager under Civll Senvlce to whlch he was advleed that lt would not. Folloving further dLscusslon, tho subJect was held untll the results ofthe Munlolpal eleetlon, Apr1l 1O, 1956, wone announoed. NEIII BUST}flESS 1 James Klng-Roy Flack -- Proposal to MaLntaln Parklng tot AdJacentto Post Offlce a Reference was mad.o to a comrmnlcatl"on, dated Aprll 15, 1956, recelv-ed from James Ktng and Roy F1ack, offerlng to malntaln sr"derly park-lng on the parklng lot adJacont to the Post Offlee, wlthout comp6nSe.-tlon, an+ that permlssLon be gnanted" to sollclt o&r washlng at therate of $1.75 per capo The applleants agreed to pnovlde such lnsunanceas need.ed and to malntatrn parklng to the satlsfactlon of the Chlef ofPoIlce. Councllman Rooth moved that the offer be aoeepted ln acoordancewith the terms as outllaed ln the commrnication, and, uporl appnoval oftryon and IIoagT owners of the lot. The motlon was eecond.ed by Councll- man Johnson and unanlmously carrled. 2.ilayo:r GeorEe Chrlstopher of San Francl- sco Uayon Morgan advLsed. of a aomrn:nlo&tLon receLved from GeongeChrtstopher, Mayor of San Fnanclscoe acknowledglng the courtesLes €x-tended to hlm durlng hLs recent attendanco at the CommunLty Dlnnenr 5. Centennlal CelebratLon Mayor Morgan announced that plans &re ln prnlal CelebnatLon of San Mate6 County, July 5, 1 subJect to CouncLlman Rooth. og 95 ress fo:: the Centen-6, and refenred the WARNANT APPROVAT Aprll varrantse Nos. 8466-8605, ln the amount of $4er 524.60, duly audlted, vuere authorlzed dnawn on the Clty Tneasupy ln thelr respeetlve amounts, on motlon of Counoihnan Byrd., seoond.ed by-Councilman Johnson and unan- Lmously carrled. PAYROI,L APPROI/AI, Maroh paynoll nrnantge $os. 5514-5869, ln the emount of $S4r78.4.42,xer@ appoved on motlon of Counctlman Blmd, seeonded by Councllnan Booth and unanlmously caml-ed. ADJOURI{TIENT Mayon Morgan advlsed that the Councll would elect a new chalrm&n at themeetlng on Tuesday, Apnll 17, 1956, and expressed hls appreclatlon to the members of the Counclltheln c eratlon durl T e ng no further buslnesse the meetlng was adJourned untll Tuesday, A Res tfu11y su er L. B. I tho Clty Commlss toner"s and the Ctty Employees forng hts year as Mayon of the Clty of Burllngame. P Mayon , 1956, 8lOO otclock, ponr Clty Clerk Ttlhlte d,