HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.04.18265 Burllngame Callfornla Apr1l 18, 1955 A i.egular meetlng of the Burlingame Clty Councll was held on the aboveglven date. Meetlng calIed to order at 8:10 P. M. - Vlce-Mayor Rooth pne sldlng. ROLL CALL: Present Councllmenr Byrd-Morgan-Rooth Absent Councllmen: Atwater-Sheehan Councllman Byrd moved that Councllman Atwator be excused because of 11lness, sceonded by Cor:ncllman Morgan and unanlmously carrled. Counellman Byrd movod that Councllman Sheehan be excused, seeonded by Councllman Morgan and unanlmously carrled. MINUTES: The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of Aprll 4, 1955, as submltted to members of tho Council, were unanlmously approved and adopted on motlonof Councllman Morgan and seconded by Councllman Byrd. PROPOSED LIGI{TING IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT The followlng resolutions of procedure ln the establlshment of a streotllghtlng lmprovement distrlct No. I, were submltted by Cyrus McMll1an,attorney: RESOLUTION NO. 25-55 entltled trResolutlon Determinl ng That Owners of Le ss-ThEi A5{ot Trea of Proposed Assessment Dlstrlct Have DemandedInvestigatlon Under Speclal Assessmont Investlgatlon, Llmltatlon and&lajorlty Protest Act of 1951n was lntroduced by Cowrcl]man Byrd who moved 1ts adoptlon, seconded by Councllman Morgan and adopted unanlmous-1y on ro11 call of members present. RES0LUTI0N ll0. 26-55 entltled "Resolutlon of Intentlonft (orderlng cer- he assessmonttaln wo:rk Able Eone and lmprovement to be made wlthln tdlstrlct deslgnated nst::oet f,tgntlng Improvement Dlstrlct },lo. 1") waslntroducqd by Councllman Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded by Coun-cllman fttorgan and unanLmouely adopted on roll call of members present. RESOITUTfON NO JI=EB entltled trBesolutLon Deslgnating the BurllngameNewspapor1nWh1chthec1t'c1er[1s0rd'eredtoPub- 11sh Any Notlce, Resolutlon, Order or 0ther Matter Relatlng to StreetLlghtlng Improvement Dlstrlct No. Ir was lntroduced by Councllman Byrd who moved lts passage, seeondod by Councllman Morgan and unanlmously adopted on ro11 call of mernbers present. RESOLUTTON NO. 28-55 No, I Resolutlon FIx ment Proeeedlngs ln entltled rrqtreet Llghtlng Improvemont Dlstrlctlng Compensatlon for-Attorneyi Employed Fon Improve-Stneet Llghtlng Improvement Dlstrict No. In was 1n-troduced by Counellman Byrd who moved tts adoption, seeonded by Councll-man Morgan and adopted txranlmously on ro11 call of members presont. COMMUNICATTDNS: ]. A letter dated Aprll 14, 1955, was read fnom G. J. Manr, Dlrectorof Publlc Works, advlslng that the Colorado F*uel and Iron Company; Con-tractors, has completed the lnstallatlon of a 6-ft. ehaln ]lnk fenccbetween Carolan Avenue and the Southern Paclflc Rlght-of-way from Bur-Ilngame Avenue to Oak Grove Avenuer &rld the lnstaIIatlon of-a 6-ft.chain llnk fence at the dead end of tho northerly end of Cortez Avenue.As the work has been accompllshed accordlng to plans and speclflcatlbnsand found to be satlsfacto:ry, tbe Dlrector of Public Tcorks necomsrend.ed.that the contract be accepted as eomplete effecttve Aprll ?, lgb5.Councllman Byrd moved concumenee wlth the recormlendatlon ard instnuct-ed the Clty Clerk to dlrect an appropnlate communlcatlon to lr{r. ThomasReynolds, Supenlntendent of the San Mateo Unlon High School Dlstrlct,advlslng that the lnstsllatlon ls completed. The motlon was second.edby Councilman Morgan and unanlmously earrled. I --t266 2. A letter dated Aprll l-4, 1955, uas read from Dlrector of Pub1lc Works Marr, submlttlng for sxecutlon copies of a memorandum of Agree- m6nt for the Expondl tura of cas Tax Alfocatlon for MaJor Clty Streets and re c ornmendl ng the adoptlon of a rosolutlon whlch w1II 1n tu:rn adopt the submltted budget and approve the Agroement. Councllman }{orgsn lntroduced and moved the passag e of Resolutlon No. 29-55, rA len-dfture doptlng Budget and Approvlng Memorandr:m of Agibement for Ex-of Gas Tax Allocatlon for Major Ctty Streets, seconded by Councllmen Byrd end adopted unanlnously on roll call of membors prca- ent. 3. A letter dated Aprl1 14, 1955, vrss r6ad from G. J. Marr, Dlrectorof Publ1c Wonks, r"ecommontllng the adoptlon of a resoJ-utlon authorlzlngthe Clty Englneer to apply for an allotment of funds under Chapter 47for the acqulsltlon of sltes and rlght-of-way to be acqulr€d from the Southorn Paclflc Company and the San Fbanclsco Wat€r Department for the constructlon of a channel along Callfornla Drl,ve from Llncoln Averrue to G:rove Avenuo . Mrs. V. K. Parmelee, repre sar,.tatlve of the Burllngam€ Clvlc Improve - ment C1ub, Inc., expressed opposltlon to the relocatlon of the Easton Creek Channel from lts present slte to that proposed along CallforrtlaDrlve, by statlng that an open dltch would creete a hazardous condi-tlon, and may interfere wlth future plans to construct a roadway. Questloned by the CounclL, DLrector of Pub11c Works Marr advlsed thatthe relocatlon ls ln conformance wlth thq over-all storm dralnage plan and lt was determined that such proposal was economlcally practlcable. Mr. Marr further advlsed that approxlmately ten feot of the San Fran- clsco right-of-way would be requlred, leavlng a balance of forty feetfor :road pur3poses, end a slx-foot chaln llnk fence would be erocted. In further lresponse to Counci1 lnquiny, Dlrector of Publlc works Marr stated that the relocatlon would 1n no way create dralnage problerns along that sectlon of Callfornla Drlve. cllmen Bynd who moved 1ts passage, seconded by Councllman Morgan and adopted unanlmously on ro11 call of members present. 4. A letten dated Aprl1 14, 1965, was read from Dlnector of Pub11c Works Marr, requosting that Mn. Leonard Wlden, Asslstant Clty Englneen, be permltted to report for actlve tralnirg duty wlth th€ U. S. Naval Reserve for tho perlod from May 2 to May 13, 1955, lnc1uslve. CounclLman Morgan moved that ln conforuanco wlth the State of Callfor-nlars Ml]ltary and Veteranrs Code, Mr. Wldon be authorlzed a leave of ebsence for the deslgnated parlod, wlthout loss of pay, seconded by Councll-an Byrd and unanlmously carrlod. 5. A letter dated Aprl1 15, 1955, was read from G. J. llalrr, Dlrectorof Pub1lc ltllorks, roconmendlng that the first sectlon of Mllls Estate No. 1, unde r contract to E. T. Haas Co., by Trousdale Corporatlon, ^and located betrveen Dufferln At'enue on the south and Murchlson Drlve on the north and between EI Camino }toal and the Southern Paclflcrlght-of-way, bo accopted as completed. RESoLUTIoN I'I0. 31-55 [Acce ptlng Pub11c Improvements ln M1L1s Estate No. I; Bur11n[Erae", was read wlth the City Attorney advlslng that the subdlvidor has prevlously agroed to assumo any cost that may faIl to.the City for the lnstellatlon of tnafflc slgnal.s on EI Camlno Real at Murchlson and at Trousdalo Drlves and that ln lntnoduclng the abovereeoLutlon lt ls not the lntentlon of the Councll to excuao the pe:r- fonmance of that obll,gat1on. I{r. Robert I{. Gans, Improvement C}ub ropresentatlve, questloned whether the acceptance of the lmprovon€nts lncludod the elghteen-footpfantlng strlp on both sldes of E1 Camlno and the roplacement of troesthat may be removed, as previously agreed to by the subdlvlder. RESoLufloN I'10! 3o-q5 rrAppllcatlon for AlLotment Under Chapter.47,'ffiaciirtrineR1ghtofWayrlwas1ntroduc6dtyc6un- Councllman Byrd stated that 1t was h1s understandLng that an agreemonthad been made to provide for the planti.ng stnlp and such stlpu1atlonshould bo incorponated wlthln the resolutlon. r 267 FolLowlng funthen dlscussion and thene belng no objoctlons, actlon was wlthhreld unt1l the adJor:rned meeting of the Councllr Satunday, Apnl1 23, 1915. The Clty Englneen was lnstnucted to confen wlth the sub- di.vlder.ls representatlve, Mn. L. E. lrlolsenbeng, pnlon to the above date. 6, A letten dated Apntl 15, 1955, nas nead requestlng col.rectlve actlon be taken to e1 lng loose^wlthln Washlngton Pank. The subJChlef of lollce for" consultatlon wlth the S fnom the Pank Commlsslon, lmlnate anlmals from PUDn- ect was nefenned to the an Mateo Humane Society. 7. A letten dated Apn11 75, 1955, Has nead fnom the Pank Commlsslon Irequesting the adoptlon of an or.dlnanee pnohtbitlng vehicles from par.k- lng on dnlvlng thnough any noad ln Washlngton Pank, othen than thoseset aslde fon panklng. The communlcatlon was nefenr.ed for. investlga-tlon and nepont to the Pollce Depantment. B. A letten dated Aprl1 L5, 1955, was nead fnom the Pank Comrnlsslon, r€commending that th; tltle of "super"vison of Pankstt be changed tothat of ttsu[enlntendent of Parksff .- The subJect was held fon study. g. A letten dated Aprl1 15,1955, was nead. fnom the Clvll Senvlce Commisslon, requesting author.lzatlon to ettend the Clvll Scnvlce Assembly-t{estenn Reglonal Confenence, at Hobergsr in Lake Countyr or May 23, 24r 25, 1955. .Cou.ncllman Bynd moved that the nequest be gnantedr ssconded by Councllman Hongan and unanlmously cannled. 10. A letten dated Apnll J,2, 1955, lras nead fnom Chlef of Po11ce, R. C. Theuor, submittlng a progress nepont on & trafflc sunvey cunnently belng conducted at t[e fntenseetlons of EI Camlno Real, Bellevue Avenue and Oecldental Avenue, lnltlated at the r"equest of the Rector of St. Paulrs Chunch. ?he eommunlcatlon was recelved and ondened placod on fl1e. 11. A letten dated Apnl1 11, L955, wss nead fnom Bondents Dstry Ds- 1lveny Company, expnesslng appreclatlon to the Bunllngame Po1lce Depant- ment for. servlce nender:ed ln eseontlng bank deposlts dunlng the r"ecent anmoned ear str"lke. The Clty Clenk_was lnstnueted to forwand a copyof the communlcatlon to the Po1lce ljepantment. 12, A letten dated Apnl1 th, 1955, was nead from the Bunllngame Clvlc rmpnovement C1ub, expnesslng-oppositlon to (r) ttspott' zonlng fon 86'- llngame, wlth pantlcular nefenence to the prqpoqed nee-l-asslflcetlonor Irre Four-hlhbet Br"ake Senvlce pnopenty oi, Ei Camlno Real , (2) trre suggestedttspottt zonlng of an anea on Siryllne Boulevand ln the upper M1IIs Estate, and (:) commending the Councll fon obtalning a develop- ment the typ6 of the new Safewaf Stone at El Camlno Real and Howard- Avenue. In neply to the comrnr:nlcatlon, Councllman Byng stated. that (f ) the onlginal status of the pr"operty on EI Oamino Heal, per"mltted the oper-atlon of a ga.ragee and ln hls opinlon, the neclasslflcatlon 1s Just-tfledi Q) tne sevenal acres pnoposed fon smal] buslness entenpnlsesln the upper M1IIs Estate, fot the convenlence of nesldents of that araea, ls-irenely unden dlscussion, not yet ln the [plar:ningrt state;- and(:) the Safeway Stone Development was penmitted unden a 'variance" to the zoning ondinance. fn concludlng hls statement, Councllman Bynd stated that ln conformance wlth Iega1 pnovls 1ons, fuI1 and complete publ1e heartngs on all appllcatlons for" changes In zoning are scheduled. tlt 1be b1 1c Upon lnqulny by the Councilr Plarurlng Consultant Mann advlsed thals not anticlpated that the upper pontlon of the MlIIs Estate wi1 completed ln the lmmedlate futune and at the appr"opnlate tlme r pu heanlngs w111 be seheduled. The City C1er.k wae lnstnucted to aeknowledge the eommunLcatlon neceLv- ed fnom- the Bunllngame Clvlc fmpnovement Club. 13. A Resolutlon adopted by tbe Callfonnla Society of the Amenlcanfnstltute of Pank Executlves, lnc.e was r"ead notlfylrg the membens ofthe Councll that the Soclety has gnanted a 1lfe membenship to Fnank Andensonr netired Pank Supenlntendent of the Clty of Bunltngame. The Councll acknowledged the trlbute and the communlcatlon was necelved and ondered placed on fl1e. 268 PETITTON A petltton dated Aprl1 8, 1955, requesttng annexatlon to the Clty of Bunllngame of property wtthln the PSkyllne Manon' area, submitted byF. B. Ingersollr attonney nepresentlng the owners, Walten E. and'Sylvia Thompson, was read. RESOLUTION NO. ?2-5< nlntentlon to Annex to thg City g{ Bunllngame ytobeKnownas'Skyv1ewTennaLe'oandschedu1- lng a publ1e heaning on the 6th day of June, L955, was intnodueed by Councj.lman Byr:d, who moved lts passagor seconded by Councllman Mor- gan and adopted unanlmously on noLl call of membens. RESOLUTTONS A resolutlon t'Dedicatlon Bnodenlck Boad Extens ion as a Publlc Str:oetn was wlthdnawn for" actlon at a laten date. ORDiNANCES - PASSAGE oRDINANCE NO. 5A2, trAn Ondlnance Amendlng Sectlon 1997 of the Ordlnan- ce Tode-of Pnovldlng f and Recltln Upon lts Pa moved the p and adopted EEe-sltor the y of Bunllngame By Adding Subsectlon 1-a Theneto Installatlon of Flne Alanm Systems and Connectlons g the Emengency Requlring the Ondinance to be Effectlve Jsagetr was--given lfs second neadlng. Councllman fllorgan asslge of ondinance No. 582, seconded by Councilman Bynd rrnanimously by no11 call as follows: TNANCE NO.B rfAmending Section 1 90h,Article 50,Pant X of the nce o the City of Burling ame D lvlding the City Into Dlst- nicts by Reclass l.7,Map of Bunllng ame Gnove Sub- divls 1on From a llistnict to a Finst Commencialtlliven 1ts second neadi nej and Ordin on motion of CouncllrranDls tni ct was g Mongan, seconde d by Couricilman Bynd;ance No. IBJ was adopted unanlmously by ro11 call as follows: Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Morgan-Rooth Noes: Counci-1men: None Absent Councllmen: Atwaten-Sheehan Ayes I Councilmen: Bynd.-Morgan-Rooth Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Couneilmen: Atwaten-Sheehan ORDINANCE N0 . 585, ttAn Ordinance Amendlng the Ondinance Code of the @byAddingThenetoaNewSectionNumberedl22L-BLlnrlting the Speed of VehlcuLan Tnaffic on Californla Drlve Between Dufferin Avenue and Munchlson Drlve So As Not fo Exceed l! Miles Per Ilourtt was glven seeond nead.ing and on motion of Councilman Morgan, seconded Uy CounciLman Bynd, Ordinance No. !81 was adopted by the following vote: ORDINANCE NO. 5Bl+, ttA, Ondinance Amendlng the Ondinaneo Code of the @ebyAaaingTheretoaNewSection1221.6Prov1dingfon- Intensectlon STOPS fon Vehicles at the Intensectlon of El Camlno Real and Tpsursdale Dnlve, Callfonnla Dnlve and Tnousdale Dniver Ca11- fonnla Dnlve and Mupghison Dnive. Servlce Road and I'nousdale Drlve and Senvlce Road and Murchison Dnlveft was glven second neadlng. Counoil- man l{organ moved the passage of Ordinanee No. 5Bl+, seconded by Councilmsn Byrd and unanlmously adopted on no11 call as follotrs: Ayes: Counellmen: Noes: Councllmen: Absent Councllmen: Ayes:. Councilmen: Noes: Councllmen: Absent Counellmen: ifying Lot 2, Block Tfrina Res identlal Byrd-Mongan-Rooth None Atwaten-Shoehan Bynd-Mongan-Rooth None Atuaten-Sheehan r 269 qBpIN{NgE_ }l-O_._ 585, tfAmend.lng the Ondlnance Code of the Clty of Bur'- Drffenin Avenue and Addlng a New Sectlon L222.1 Pnohiblttng Panklng of vehleles on the Eastenly slde of callfonnla Dnlve Between Ilonth Lane and Mspohlson Dnlven was glven lts second neadlng. Councllman Mongan moved the passErge of Ondlnance No. 586, seconded by Councllman Bynd and adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: Counellmen: Bynd-Morgan-Rooth Noes: Counellmen: None Absent Councllmen: Atwaten-Sheehan ORDINANCE NO. 587, ttAmendlng the Ondinance Code.of the Clty of Bur- ffi-Thenetoa-NewSeetionL?29.2(c)Des1gnaL1ngServlee Road Fnom Duffenln Avenue North to Munchlson Dnlve as atOne-Way Stneetr Fo:: Vehlculan Tnafflcn was glve! 1ts second neading, and on motlon of Counellman Morgan, seconded by Counellman Bynd, Ondinance No. 587 was adopted by the followlng votei Bynd-Mongan-Rooth None Atrsaten-Sheehan Reports of the Pollce Depantmentr the Flne Depantment and the Depant- ment of Publlc Wonks fon the l'Ionth of Manchr 1955, were recelved, acl<r:owledged and ondened placed on fl1e. fn a memo to the Clty Councllr dated Apntl th, L995, the Dlnecton ofPublle Wonks advlsed that ln response to q r"equest fon the placement of addltlonal trash eans on Bunllngsme Avenue, addltlonal dlsposal cans have beon plaeed. At the nequest of Mr:s. V. K. Panmalee, the Dlnecton of Public Works was nequested to aseertain the need ofaddltlonal tnash cans ln the Bnoadway Business dlstr"lct. llngame By Repealtng on the Eastenly Slde Ayes: Councllmen: Noes: Councllmen: Absent Councllmen: BEPORTS OF OFFTCERS: UTVT'TNISHED BUSINESS CLAIMS PAYROLL Paynoll warnants, Nos. the month of Manch, L95 seconded by Councllman N81l, BUSfNESS: Sectlon 1"222.3 Pnohtbitlng Psr"klng of Vehlcles of Californla Dnive Between i\lonth Lane and 1211 to 1565, ln the amount of fi55r287.2t, fon 5, welae approved on motlon of Councllman Bfrd, Mongan and unanlmously cannled. 1. Upon lnqulny of--Mns. Fnilda Fneund, owner of pncpenty on Donnelly Avenue, Counellman mongan gave a proglaess nepont on the panklng pro- Ject plan and advlsed that a meetlng has been scheduled eaeh Satunday monnlng unt1l the progpam 1s completed. 2, Mr. Robent lI. Gans questloned the effeetlveness of the necent nodent er.adlcatlon pnognam. Dinecton of Publie Wonks Marr advlsedthat pnellmlnany lnvestlgatlon neveals satlsfactory nesults. Claims, Nos. 6785 to 6902, lncluslve, ln the amount of $l+7 rl+89.56,duly audlted, w6r.e approved and warrants ondened drawn on tire Clty Tneasury fon thein respective amounts on motion of Councilman Byndl seconded by Councilman Mongan and unanlmously carrled. 1. Councllman Bynd stated that 1n conformanee wlth the poIley of theCouncll ln pnevlous yeans to notate in the offlee of Mayor, he wouId. pr3opose the name of Councllman Mongan to serve as Chakman of the Boand and Mayon to the cltlzens of Bunlln€larne. A no11 eal1 vote was reques ted. 274 Ayes: Councilmen: Bynd-Morgan-Rooth Noes: Counellmen: None Absent Councilmen: Atwaten-Sheehan Vlce-Mayor Rooth was nequested to netain the gavel fon the balance of the meetlng and until the adJourned meeting Saturday monning, Apnl1 23, at which tlme the membens of tho Councll may pay appropnlate tnJ.bute to Couneilman Atwaten. Dan Love fff, addnessed the Chaln and on behalf of former Councilman and Mayon, Dan R. Love, Jr., eulogized Councilman Atwaten. Vlce-Mayon Rooth dellver.ed a message fnom Councilman Atwaten, express- lng hts gratltude and appneciatlon to the dopantment heads, the clty employees, the membens of the Commlsslons, the Chamben of Commerce, and othens, for thein cooienatlon during hls tenm of offlee. Mrs. V. I(. Parmelee extended congratulatlons to newly appolnted MayonL. B. Mongan. 2. Mr.. Hl111am C. Bunnsr 1611 Davls Dnlve, lnqulned whether Plannlng Consultant Manhr netainod by the clty, has elther dbectly on lndln- ectly, excluslve nlghts to seIl lots ln the MlIIs Estate, to whlch Mr. Mann replled negatlvely. 3. Councllman Byrd, Chalnman of the Councll Finance Commltteer moved that each department be notlfled to wlthhold punchases of Capital Ex- pendltune and that ln case of an emergency, authonlzatlon be obtalned i'nom the Clty Councll-. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Horgan and unanlmously eannled. Councllman Bynd necommended that Clty Commlssloner.s, together" wlth De- pantment Heads, schedule publle hear"lngs on proposed budgets withln theln respectlve depantments. Ehe Clty Clenk l.ras.lnstnucted to notify all depantment heads qo pre- pare anl submlt pnoposed t955-L956 budlets on on befone May 15, 1955. 4. Councllman Mongan moved that Councllman Rooth senve a.s- actlng VLee- Mayor untll the adjou:rned meetingr Satrrrday Apr11 2J, L955' seeonded by Councllmen Bynd and unanlmously cannied. ADJOURNMENT There belng no fu::ther businessr the meetlng was edJou:rned at 9a5Aprrrr to nreot Satunday, Apn1l ?3, 1955r at 1:30 P.M. on motlon of eouncllmgn tsynd, seconded by Co,.rncilman Morgan artd unanlmously oanrLed. ANNOUNCEMENT An announcement was made that a publle heanlng on the pnoposed Easton fndustnlal fmpnovements Assessment Dlstrict was seheduled for' 10:00 &.r1. Satunday, Apntl 23, 1955r &s pnovlded in Resolutlon of IntentLon No. 23-55. Respectfully submltted BERT WHTTE APPROVED: CHARLES W. ROOTH VICE-MAYOR CITY CLERK