HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.03.26259 Bun1lngame Callfonnla March 26, L955 A speclal meeti.ng of the hrrllngame 01ty Councll was hel-d. on the ah.ove glven date, all membens pnesent havlng congented to th9 schedul-lng of Itre meetini. ILre meetlng was call-ed. to order at 7:3! P.M. - by H. Kent Atwater-Mayon. Rol1 Call: Present - Councllmen: Atwater-Bynd,-Mongan-Sheohan Absent Councllmen: Rooth Mayon Atwater stated. that the meetlng had been soheduled to recelve the r:eport of the Cltlzensr Off Street Panking Comnlttee. Mr. Rlchand Mlnon, Chalrrnan, was nequested by the Chaln to present the report of the Off-Street Parking CommLttee. Mr. Mlnon ad.vLsed.,the Councll that he hed. a number of,lmatters on theparklng problem to pnesent for dlscusslon. He stated that lt was hle understanding that the meetlng this evening wouLd. be of a study natu::e natho:: than a regular meetlng lnasmrch as he had no f ormal nopont to submLt. Mr. Josoph 0tBnlen, President of the Bunllngame Chamber of Coronercor ad,d.nessed the Councll. He stated that ln his opinlon the Conmlttee had. prognessed sufflclently to present a plan on whlch Councll aetlon could be taken. Mr. OtBrlen presented a map of a proposed Parklng PLaza on Donnelly Avenue. fhe p::operty on Donnelly Avenue to be pur- chased. wouLd rrrn fnom Pnlmnose Road. Panking Lot to the propenty ownedby Patrlck E. Cosgrave and. from the Purlty Stores to the Dod.ge Plymouth Agency and accomod.ate 3l+5 cans. It 1s not pnoposed to close off Don- ne11y Avenue. Al,rangements would be mad.e to have an open thoroughfare from Pnlm::ose Road to Lonton Avenue. The cost of the Parklng Plaza wouLd be appnoxlmate1y $3501000.00 to be borne on a flfty-flity basis between pnopenty owners and. revenuo from parking meters. The anrrual netlrement cost of the bond,s would be approxlmately $19r250.OO, thepropenty o!{ners to be assessed. app::oxlmately $5r000.00, on-stroet meter fund.s to pnovlde approxLmately $5rOOO.OO. Mr. OtBrl.en stated.that the revenue fnom the Panklng Plaza would r.eallze about $101350.00anrrualJ.y less an appr3oximate 3Ofi for operation and. malntenance or anet revenus of $7 ,21+5.00 annually, He polnted out that the off-stneetparklng proJect woul,d pay lts own way and the only funds the taxpayers wouLd. be assessed wouLd be the appnoxlmate $61000.00 fnom ttre on-streetmeters. l[:r. OtBnlen frther pointed. out that a census taken of some of the menchants on Bunllngame Avenue as to the percentage of out-of-town buyers shopplng ln Bunllngame, the pe:rcentages varled. from [0 to 75percent. Illr. OtBnlen stated. funttrer that ln the event the on-street moters d.o not create sufflclent revenue to enty owners wou1d. make up tho d.ifference. ay thelr share, the prop- e polnted out that he had D E d.lsctrssed the proposed flnanclng wlth a maJonlty of the propenty oltn-ors affeeted. to whlch lt was agneod that the proposal- was falr. I{F. OtBnien nequested that the CouncLl express lts opinlon on the plan offened. as to location and flnanclng and the employment of Mr. EnnestWilson as the attorney to represent the pnopenty olrrrers. Mr. Mlnon add:ressed the CouncLl and stated that he was in d.lsagneement I^rlth the plan as outllned by Mn. 0f Brlen. He stated that he wished.to present a number of reasons why the flgures presented. appean to belncomect and urged that the Councll take no d,eflnlte actlon at thlsmeetlng. He t?eeommended that the neguJ.an meetLng be ad.jounned and.that a study meetlng be he1d.. Iullss Frleda Fneund, p:ropenty owtler, ad.dressed the Councll and request-ed that a deflnlte d.ecLsion be glven so that propenty olrners on Don-nel1y Avenue may pJ.an aocord.lngly Councllman By::d moved that the fonmal Councll meetlng be adJourned. and. the subJect be d.lscussed ln a stud,y sesslon. CouncLlman l{ongan emphaslzed that the Councll ls deslrous of cooper-atlng to the utmost, wlth the Charnber of Commerce and. lnterested per- f 260 sons, and lt was hls lrnp::ession that the Parklng Commlttee had madesufflclent progress to present a plan on rrtrlch the CounciL may take action at thls time. Upon lnqulry of the Councll, Ctty Attonney would. be lmpnoper fon the Councl.l to commlentatlon of a petitlon l-n d.etall. Kanmel advlsed that ttt ltseLf prlor to the pres- Councllman Byrdts motion wag seconded by Councllman Mongan. Atwater requested. Cor.rnclLman Morgan, Chalrman of the CounciL "?'furaH. KE}IT A MAYOR Mayor 0ff-Stne-et Panking Commltteel to prestd,e at the stufly meetlng. Ihe motlon was thereafter unanimously caruled. and. the meetlng ad.Journed at B:30 P. M. Bespectfully submlt ted. HERBERT K. WEITE CITY CLERK APPROVED: