HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.01.18_-lLt2 Burllngarn€ - Callfornla January 18, 1954 A regular meetlng of the Burllngame Ctty Council was held on the above8tve1 dete. Meetlng called to order at 8!15 P. M. - Mayon Slmonds lnthe Chalr. Ro11 Cal1l Present CouncLlmen: Atwater-Byrd-trove-Mongan-Slmonds Absent - Councllmen: None The mlnutes of. the previous meeting of January 4r 1984, as submlttedto members of the councll we::e unailmou_sly apfir"orea aol aaopt;A-;;motLon of Councllman Atwater and second.ed-by-Councilman LovL. A request for blds for" combined general Publlc Llabllt,.fy and Auto-mobile Liablllty Insurance, as adventlsed, were necelvLbr oponed anddeclared as follows: ftdel_lty and Casualty Companl New Yonk General Publlc Llability Burll Fbrmerfs Insurance Group245 Callfonnla Drive $IEr oos;69Representlng one yearrs premlum,effectlve Februany 1, 1gE4 $ ?r 44a.zg $ 7r'129.27 glrre Calt fornla General RlbLtc tlablllty and AutomobileLlabt11ty $lgg, ooo/.sgoro0o Bodtly rnJury)$ SOTOOO Property Damago )(Altennate Btd wlth Coltlsloi Inclu&ed) $rgg, ooo/3oo,ooo Bodlly rnJury$ Soroo0 property Damige Co1llslon (Pen exlsting poLtcy) S 5OO. Deductlble CoLllslon on eachfour R[ne EnglnesS 1oo. Deductlble cltftslon on alLps.ssenger cars, motor.cylestnucks, 1946 and newen I1: foregoLng bids were referred. to the clty Englneer and to the 91ty Attorney for study and recommendatlon Lo b6 submltted. at theLlouncll meetlng of Js.nuary Pb, 1984. A letter date-d_{*!"oy }5, }9s4, was read fnom the clty crerk, sub-mlttlng the_folLowlng e11$1b1e llst for the positlon oi tr'lre crpi"fn,as the result of a necent examlnatlon conducted by the Clvil ServlceCornmlsslon: 1. Earvey E. Johnson 112 Vtctonia Road, Burlingame, CaIif. 2. Slendel1 10. Mason J-l22 Cabnlllo Avenue, Burlingame, 6a11f. 3. O. Fled F?lcke 1Og Ar.undel Road, Bunlingame, Ca1if. 4. Ear"I M. iilgglns812 Fbirfleld Road, Bur.llngame, Calif . fn response to Councll lnqulny, the Clty Attonney advlsed that 1naccordance wLth the current Clvll Servlce Bules ind Regulati.ons, }f"!t prepaned and submitted by the Clvil Senvlce Commlsslon auiomat-lcaIly become e11glb3.e llsts for thelr respectlve posltlons and. thesubmlsslon of such 1lsts ls for Counctl lnformatLoit. The above l1stwas recelved as the ellglble llst for Flre captah;- ) ) ) ) ) 113 A letter dated January 15, 1954, wes read f?om thc Clly Clenk, sub-mlttlng the fol]owlng ellglb1e llst for the posltlon of Utlllty Man,as the result of a recent examlnatlon conducted by the'Clvl1 Senvlce Commlsslon: 1. Lloyd H. Otl{eaL 235 Anlta Boad, BurllngamerCa}[f. The llst was recelved as the ellglbre llst fon utirlty ilan. A Letter dated JanuerSr 15, L954, was read from G.J, Mar.r, Dlrectonof Publlc Wonks, requlstlirg the-appolntment of a Utl1lty-Man to theStreet Depantment. Havlng been advlsed tbat two cAndldites on theorlglnal llst have submltted walvens, CounclLman Mongan thereuponmoved that the noxt on the eLtglbLe 1Lst, Lloyd II. oiNeal, be irp-polnted UtlLtty $an ln the Stneet Depantment,-effectlve tr6Uruan! 1,19!+, and subJugt to the satlsfactory passag6 of a medleal examin-atlon. The motlon was seconded by C6uncllnin Byrd and unanfmousiycarnled. A letter dated January lS, 1954r was read from G. J. Maru, Dlnectorof Publlc Works, advlsl^ng that [{r. teonard A. WLden, AsslStant CltyEnglneer, has applled foi a two weeks leave of absence wlth p"y fnonder to nepont for actlve traLnlng duty wlth the Naval neJei.vl "rraLt was recommended that the 19ave 5e grlnted.. Councllnan nyrd-moveaconcurrence wlth the necownendatlon ahd Mr. WLden was grantla a two-week leave wlth PeYr seconded by Councllman Love and u;enlmouslycarrled. A Letten dated January 6r -1954, was read f?om E. L. tlncoln, Rec_neatlon Supenlntendent, advlslng that the Recneatlon Commlsslon hasappnoved a recommondatLon that Mns. Evelyn B1edsoe, Becneatlon Supen-vlson, be authorized to attend the Callfornla Recreatlon Conrenenleto be held ln Santa Rosa &:rlng the thlnd week of lFbb::u&ryr 1984.Councllman tove moved that the Councll concuxa with the necommendatlonyllh the provlslon that expenses not exceed the sum stlpulated in-theb,udget, seconded by_councllman Atwaten. - speaklng on the questl;;,tayor Slnonds stated. he vas opposed to devlatlng from prevLous Councilfrocedrre Ln penrnltttgg-Deparluaent Eeads on1y, [o atiend Conferences.0n the motl-on' the resuLt wes necorded as roiiows: Corrncilmen At-waten, Byrd, Love and Morgan, ln favor - Mayon simonas, oppor"a. A letter dated Januany 5_, 1954, wes reed. f?om E. C. Matroney, attorney,representlng li{r. clane Ketnp, offenlng to construet a bulLdi;g i;tflre protectlon punpolast-bi: a lot oilrea btffi:-.K;d on Rollfns Road,on a lease basls to the ctlXr ln order !o iroviae ahequate frre pno-tectlon to the-clty gast or lue nal]road. -Co,r""irra" Love moved thatthe conununLcatlon and the entlne subJect matter f"rtrfnfng to if." co.-structLon of an addltlonal flre station eagt of ine trackJ, ue suu-mltted to the Rlre commLsslon for study and reeommend,atlon to trrJ crtyCounc1l. The motion wes seconded by Cluncll-uan ny"a and wranlmouslycgrrled. A letter end' an accompanylng report dated January L4, Igs4, were readfnom the Clttzenst comnrlttee onMl11sdale ilo. lr"suuiltttfn! .orrrfr*-atlon on flndlngs neratlve F p." zoalng of the-"nu.l presented venb-a1Ly at prevlous-meetlngs of the -Ctty ClunclL. The communlcatlon andnepont were necelved and accepted foi ftllna. Mr. James l{lmmell, Pnesldent, Burllngame -CLvic fmpnovement Club, ln-QuLred as to lhe neason no d6slgnatlSrr of zonlnl [*r -u""o lndlcatedon the new zoning map of the- Clty for that *re*""a"i or trre rrieh-i"rr-sLon wlresl thg Bayshore Illqhwayland the present industnlal area. pran-nlng consultant Matn advl.sed trrit in lCs -cl.ellberations, the p1-annlngconmlsslon rrere of the oplnlon that the """*-i"-q""J;ro" should remalnunclasslfled untll such tlme as 1te deflnlte use 1s detemined. rnansser to fh:r'then Lnqutr:y, Mr. Mann stated thet th; *"u* may be assurnedto be ln the R-l zorLe (r6iraent1a1) untlL otl:enwlg" a""lgnated. A letten dated Janl{X- 18,. 1954, was nead I}om the Burllngame city plan-nlng Commisslon, edvlilng-lhat ifre Comnisston at--a neetlng held Jan-uary }a, 1994r- !ad- approied.Yrl"gy & Compaafts request that lot Jlpont-ages ln Ml11sda1e No.-1 subdlvlslln-be-rlcn6ased trom slxty feet toslxtv-etght f:gt, such approval o""o**"r,d;a-;;-;"6;ilsare fon the two_car garage ordlnance recently adopted by the couneil. euestloola uy l"L4 Mayor Slmonds, Clty Attonney Karmel advlsed that no action was requin- ed by the Councll. There belng no further polnts ralsed on the con- munlcatlon, Lt was accepted for tlltng. Beports from the Bunllngane Ftre pepartment, the Pollce Department, lhe Depa:rtment of Publlc llealth and Welfane and the Department of Pub11c Worksr fon the monttr of December, L955, were :read and acceptedfor flIlng. O:rdlnance No. 544, tAn 0::dlnance Amend,ing the 0rdinanee Code of theClty of Burllngame By Addlng Thereto a New Sectlon L222.8 Requlrlngall Vehlculan Tnafflc Travellng North and South on Coronado Way and Nonth and South on Quesada TIay to Stop at Davls DrLve Beforo Pnoceed-lng fnto the Intensectlonft was lntrodtced by Councllman Morgan andglven flrst readlng. Ordlnance No. 545, ItAppnovlng and Onderlng the Annexatlon of CertalnUnlnhabLted, Unlncorporated Temitory to the Clty of Burlingame'(Parcel No. 4 MtlLs Estete) was lntroduced by Couiecllman Mor[an andglven fL:rst readlng. Ordlnance No. 546, rrApprovlng and Ordering the AnnexatLon of Centalnuntnhabi!-"d, ^unllgonporated Terrltory to [he clty of Bu:rllngaren(Pancel No. 6 Ml11s Estate) was lntroduced by Coirnctlman toie andgiven flnst ::eadLng. A Letter dated Januany 14r_ 19b4, was nead. fbom G.J. Marr, Dlrectonof Publlc Works, recornmendlng that the Gasoline Contract-be ewarded,to the Low bldd-er, the Seaslde 011 Company. CouncL lu.an Byrd moved,concurrence wlth the necommendation and authorlzed the ex6cutlon ofa contnact vrlth the Seaslde O+1-Company for the furnlshlng of UtnyfGasoLLne at the bld pnice of $.zz+o- pei, gallon for: the peltod or-i'eb-ruary 1, 1954 to.Januany 51, fgSS, seconded by Councilmin trtongarl anaunanlmousLy camLed. ry?yltt Simonds requested Councllman Bynd to submlt a neport on hlsflndlngs relatlve to the constz.uctioir of a swLaralng pobl. Coqncil-man Byrd Ln turn, lntnoduced Mrs. R. G. Costa, apof"sm"n for a cLt-lzenst cormlttee. lfi3s. Costa"nead from a p::eparea OetatJ.ed repont,ltsting appn_o-xlmate costsr rocommended typls i,no other factual ln-formatlon. trb.- .Josqnh Peterson, Vlce-Pn6itaent of the gurfinga&;r,lonsr.ilub, advlsed- that the tionsr CIub voted. unanlmouJit--t3-;;-dorse the proposal. Couneilman_Byrrd uloved that tfr"-p*oposal toconstruct a Munlclpal Swimnlng fo61 be placeA on-tnu'Uailot at-theforthcomlng Apn1l Mr:nlcipal Electlon, sbconded by councilnan ltontan.speaklng on the qYe?tlon, Mayor stmonds stated, tfrat that trre sulieetshould be nefeffed to the Relreatlon Commisslonr--ln or:d,er that detall-ed lnformatlon- may be assombLed. for prruff " lnrormailon. The motloacarnied' wlth the Reeneatlon Comlsstbn to be so lnsiructed. M;i;;Sluonds su8Sested that lnteresteA pJrJons confer wlth the members ofthe Recreatlon Cornnrlsslon. counellman Love moved that up-on recelpt of a neport and recommendatlonflom the fi-ne commisslon on tn" propolitioo to ionstruct a ffu.e sta-tLon east of the rallroad. tracts]-ii"[-""tlon be taken to place theLssue on the baLlot at the rorth6omi"i ryrr.rrrr"tpal Electlon, second.edby Councllman BF:d and r.manfnouJty cainfea. Mayon strmonds advLsed that the Councll has recelved a report J?oulht Burllng-ame- city PJ.annlng cor*ission, subsequent to e counciL ne-queat, tn uilrich the Commlssfon has'-rucofr*"naea-trrat irre pnesent cltyHal1 be nemodeled. councf,lnan et*atun-ir,gqurpon moved that the lssuebe praerid, on the barrot at the Munlcrpal- ra;;ii;";"siconaea by coun-cllman Byrd and unanlmously -o.""i"a.--' The subJect od the establlshment of elther a clty Admlnlstnaton or aclty Manager ty?".of govenrment was "on"idu"ed for placenent on theApnll Ba1lot. -Actlon-was wlthheld-"rriii such tlne 'as a detailed re-pont ls submltted rn whlch ltr:-rpltic-ury u" lnfonmed as to the dlf_fenence between the r:esponslurrltr""-""i- duties-;f-;h" tpo types ofgovernment. A request llom James Hlmnel, L42l. EI canrlno Real, for the enectLon ofa stneet ltght on Laguna Avenue, between carmeLria ana sanchez Avenuo,wag referned to Dkecton of ruuirc-t;;i; Marr. 475 A claln a8?jnst the Ctty of Bunlllgane for pensonal dornageg ln the amount of $1O,0OO., presented by flalph Baker, 1117 Lyons Drlvo, Red- wood Clty, was reJected. and neferned to the Cltyts lnsurance carr:leron motLon of Coirncl lman Love, secondeal by Councl S.nan Morgan and unan- lmous ly ca::nled. Clalms, Nos. 4724 to 4872, Lncluslve, ln the amount of $B9'9S9.B?duly audlted, rvere authorlzed drarm on the Clty Treasury f6r thelrrespectlve amounts, on motlon of Councl lman Love, secondod by Councll- man Byrd and unanlmously canr!.ed. PayroiLl warrants, Nos. 6059 to 6401, ln the amount of $49196?.86 forthe month of Decembe:r, 1955, wel:€ approved on motlon oi CouncllnanLove, seconded by Councl lman Attrater and unanlmous 1y car.rled. lhere belng no f'u:rther buslness, the meeting vas regularly adJournedat I1:8O ?. M. to meet January 25, 1954. Respe ctfirlly submlt ted HERBERT I(. TEIIE CITY CLERK APPROVED! &a u. s. SIMoNDS, JR IIAYOR