HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.03.05412 Burllneame.Cal lfornl a March 5. 1956 CALL TO ORDI]R A :regulan meetlng of tho BulrL lngame Clty Councll was held on the given date. Meoting calIed to o:rder at 8!O0 potllo - Mayor Morgan Cha1r. SALUTE TO FLAG aboveln ths and were l edl byin the Pledge ofAt word from the Mayore all ln the Councll Chamber anose Rtchard IIl1t and Mlehaol IIh1, Cub Scouts, Troop No. 14, Alleglance to the !'1a9. INVOCATION Ihe Reverend Paul lluchthauson, Trlnlty Lutheran Churah, Save the Invo cat 1on. ROLL CAIL Pre s ent Ab s ent - Councllmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayer - Councllmen: None MINUTES PREVIOUS I\,IEETING PARKIN G DISTIIICT NO.]. . PANKI NG DISTRICT NO D The mlnutes of the prevlous meet!.ng of Fobnuary 20, 1956, es submltted to membors of the Cbunclll wero approved and adopted on motlon of Councll- man Byrd and seconaled by councllman Johnson, wLth a c@rection that tho motlon lnt:ro duced by Cortncllman Johns on durlng the -parklng dlstrlct hearlng lnclude thai she pleferred a contlnuance of the hearlng untl1 attfu11 CouncLl was pr"esent. rr HEANING tr[syor Morga:r In arurouncl ng th€ contl'nuance of tho hoarlngi on both the foimatlon-of Parklng Dlstrlct No. 1 and Parklng Dlstnlct No. 2 stated that tbe evidence presented at prevlous hearlngs had onabled the Councll to become well acqualntett wlth tho lssue and, to avoLd a repeti- t1on, lt was suggested that new evl.dence only be presonted at tbls t1me. tvtaio i. frlorgan urEu'a aft ln attendance to bea::'ln mind that each menber of th; Ctty dounctt ls slncere ln hls o? her effort to act ln the best Lnterest of the CltY. A letter dated Manch 1, 1956, from the Burllng anre ClvLc Impnov ement Club, Inc., was permltted to be read and placed wlthln the fl1es of the City. The- c onurnrirl c at 1on recommendod that the Planllng- Commlssl on be delLgated the responslbtllty of preparlng a:: overall- flexlble Clvlc Center plan for the Burllngame Avenue area. A supplementa)- protest of safeway stones 8]1d Ant on Heln:rlch -agaln_st _lts lnctiirlon ln the proposed panklng assossment dlstrlct, dated Ma:rch 21 1956, and a communlcallon of protest fi:om Donnell B. McCarthye repr"e- senting the Gray propertles, dated Mmch I, 1956, were lrscelved and placed on flle. The followlng tol68rams, dated March 5, 1956, wene :recelved ln suppont of the fa::ttng Dlstrlct proposal and placed on fl1e: Chanles E. St::eet, Jr., 1608 'Ilowar d Avonue; Joseph II. Lorenze Dm,r 1214 Burlingare Avenuei Ml1ler and llungl6r t 22O Prlmrose Road; Copnellus uufffnJ, L472 cabiL1J.o Avenuo; R. R. Hanna' 225o,Red1ngton-Roa4; . Carl Georger- 2O8 Stanley Road; C. til/tlson Earden, 6O0 EdinburS-r San Matoor presla6nt Natlonal. Federatlon of Independent Buslness; Mns. Helynn B:rodenlck, L6O8 Balboa Avenue; Bert CLtne Cleaners, 1519_ Eoward 'Avenuo; Jenkel-Dairl dson Optlcal Co.r Park Road; FloraLne Olsonl Levy Bros. Department Storer- Burllngan6 i Aylett B. Cotton, 251 Park Road; ende S. V. Rothschlld, 41 Sutter Streete San Francls co. 413 Mr. Adelbert G. Wescotl, 129 Lorton Avenue, unged the Cou-ncl1 to ex- clude that area south of Howard Avenue from the proposed Parklng Dlstrlct. The Chain lnvlted members of the Councll to speak. CounclLman Rooth expressed hls approval to a parklng plen but objectedto the or-u: r.ent proposal ln that lt would be too costly for the benefltto be de::lved. Councllman Booth stated that he was opposed to the ln-clusion of that aroa south of Eowar d Avenue for the reason that there ispresently adequat e panklng wlthln that aroa erd unged, lnstead, that the menchalt s negotlate for lots on a cooperatlve basls. As an altortrate proposal, Councllman Rooth :recommended that the Clty negotiate for th6 acqulsltJ.on of lots on Donnelly Avenue and a vacant 1ot acloss .the stneet fnom the Clty HaI1 on a trpay-as-yo[-gorr basls, and, together wtth the lots presently ovene d by the Clty, adequate parklng woulo be provlded. To support the latter proposal, Councllman Rooth subndtted flgures to indLcate that tho cost would be app::oxl mstely on€-half that estlmatod 1n the proposed par.klng dlstrlct p1an. CouncLlmaa Byrd exprossed hls approval to the proposed parklngdlstrlct formatl on by statlng that ln bLs oplnlon lt-ls the most satls-factory compromis e plan subnltted thr"oughout the many years of effort to.establlsh such a dlstrlct and arry delay rould place the Ctty of Burllngam€ ten yoars behlnd ths tlmes. Councllmaa Byrd stated that he would vote prlrnarlly and fundanrent al and, thereafter lntroduced for. adopt Iy for. the futurPo of thls communlon RESoLUIIoN NO. 2IL-56 rrorderl 1tv; ng the south lnclus l on Changes and Modlflcatlons, Parklng DlstnlcilNo. lrr(al1 cEanges lncludi.ngsouth of Ilowa:rd Avenue). The motLon was seconded by Councllmen Jobnson. For purposes of clar'lfleatlon, and ln reply to Cowrcll lnqufules,Ernest A. Wl}son, attg::ney for" tho Panklng Assessment Dlstrlct, advLsedthat Resolutlon No. 20-56 aletermlnes, for all- t1me, the boundarles as lncorponated wlthln the orlglnal petltion, the amended petltlon and thepetltlon to lnclude the area south of Eoward Avemre. Mr. Wilson advisedthat the Councll raay late:r, howeve::, d.etermlne and establlsh the locatlon,slzo and parklng 1ot procedure wlthln the boundarles. . S. F. tr'rancettL and Joseph Potorson, ovrnsrs of propertyslde of H6ward Avenue, venbally expnessed tLlek approval toof that dlstrlct wlthln the assessment dlstr:lct. Kenneth Ford, 126 Park Road, extrrossed his oppositlon. The Chaln called for a ro]"1 call vot€ on the motlon to adopt R es olut lon No.?A-56. The nesult was as f ol-ilows : on the Ayes: Councllmen: BJrrd-Johnson-MorganNoes: CouncLlmenl Rooth-Thayer Absent Corurcllmen: None A f\rther EESOLUTIOI{._-No:_-?X.-56.. trDetermLnlng Convenl ence andNecess1tyceor@drmprovemenfs,0ven:ru11ngPr'otests and DlrectLng Formatlon of Parklng Dlstr.lct No. ltr was lntnoduced by Councllnan Bynd, rho moved lts passage, seconded by Colrrcl lman Johnson. Speaklng on the quest!.on, Geonge Johnston, attorney repnesentlng Safeway Stones, Inc., urged the Councll to obtaln technlcal advlce pnlorto the adoption of the above resolutlon ancl statod that ln his oplnionth6 plan proposed ls not a s ound one. QuestLoned by Councllman Rooth, the Ctty Attor$ey concur.ned ln theprevlous statements of l,ilr. Ernest A. M.Ison concernlng bor:ndarles butcautloned the members of the Councll that 1t may be dlfficult to make'substanttal changes, ln the futrl:l6, once the plan is adopted. Donnell B. Mccanthy, attorney ropresentlng the Georglana GrayPropenties, in protestlng the LnclusLon of tParcel Frr Ln Parklng Dlstrlct No. 11 volced the oplnlon that nesldentlal areas would not beneflt fromthe pnoposed plan. 474 Luther A. Carn, Burllngame attorn€y, repnesentlng the menchant s of Bu::Ilngame, urgently appealed to the membors of the Councll to vote favorably and stated that fatture to approve the f o::mat ion of thecllstnlct would be detlLmental to tho best lntenest of the Clty. CouncLlrnan Johason spoke at length on her vlews of the par* 1ng p1anl statlng that ln hor opinlon tho proposed plan would be ono means of stimulatlng business and the progross of the Clty of Burlingame. CouncLlman Thayer expressed he:r approval of the alter:nat€ plan as recommended by Councltman Rooth and stated that ln her oplnlon the proposed proJect ls too costly. Mayor Morgan declared hls app::oval to the formatlon of the assess-dlstrlct as proposed. FollowLng further debate, the Chalr call€d a roLl call vote on the motlon to adop t Resolutlon No. 21156. The resu-lt as foLlows: l,yes: CouncLlmen: Byrd-Johnson-MorganNoes: Councl}men: Rooth-Thayer Absent Councllnen: None 5. REVOCABLE EASEMENT REQUESTM BY BUEL G. PROFFITT,1058 Morrell Ave. A communicatlon dated March 2; 1956, was received from Buel G. Proffltt, 1O38 Mornell Avenue, requestlng a revocable perrnlt Ln order to use a pontLon of clty-owred property on the Cerolan Avonue rlSht-of-way for the purpose of pnovldlng ingress End egress to hls proporty on 1058 Monrell Avenuo. The subJect was ::efenred to the City Attonney for consultatlon wlth Mn. Proffltt on the preparati.on of approprlate pormlts. REPORTS OF OFFICERS ment fon was 1.PARK COMMTSSION RE:TRTMMING EIG}TT LUCALYPTUS TREES A 1ett6n dated March 2, 1956, was rtecelved fr.om the Park Commlssion, advislng that the request of property owners on Bu:r llrrg ame Avenue, bo- tween Channlrrg and Stanley Roads, to have elght glant eucalyptqs trees remov€d, has been studled by the Commlssion, subsequent to which lt was ::ecommended that the trees be tnlmmed as funds are avallab1e and as the wonk may be progr.eruned. Park Supenlntendent lbancard, Ln nesponse to Councll lnqulry, advlsed that trees Ln other ar.eas requlre pr.lon consldoratlon but the l-atte:r proJect would be commenced as soon as 1t may convenlently be ptrogra$mod. o RECREATTON SURVET AND APPRAISAL AUTHORIZED A commr:nL c at lon dated Fobrua?y 28, 1956r was r€celved from the Br:rllngame Recieatlon Commlsslon, nequestS.ng that a survey and appralsal of lecroatlon ln Br::r1lngame be conducted r:nden the d.lrectlon of the State Rocreatlon Commls s ion. An 0rdinance No. 625, rrRelatlng to the Formatlon of Parklng Dlstrlet No. lrr Gt ab-ffimEToundaries, acqulsltlons, lmprov ement s ) wls intro- duced by CouncLlman Johns on and given first "eadlng. COMMI'NICATIONS CouncLlman Johns on moved that the Councll concul3 ln the r€questt seconded by Coqncllman Bynd. On the questlon and 1n repl-y to an lnqulry by Councllnan Hoothe Mayon Morgan advlsed that the survey would not rlquke the expendltune- of cltt funds, inasnnrch as lt was a rrCLtizensr Commlttee ProJectrt and a service pnovlded cltles by the State Recreatlon CommLsslon. Tho motlon carried unanlmously the::eaften. A neport fron the Burllngame Elr e De end Publlc Safety, for the nronth of placed on f1le. a:rtment, Bureau of Fl:re Preventlon anuerry 1956, was acknowledged and p J RESOLUTTONS Resolutlon No 25-56 ?rAuthorlzl ng !'acslmlle Slgnatune Stleet Ltghtlng Impr.ovement DLstrLct No. 1 tr wai lnt B5rrd, vrtr o moved Lts passage, seconded by CounclLman carrled on roll caII of member:s. 24-56 a Ca11lng for Bl ng A11 Ondlnances 1 ooth and glven lts 415 on Bond Coupons duced by Coun cL lman ooth end unani.mously X of the Es tabll shnentn C onfll etflr st read5.ng. !to H ResolutLon No us tr a1 ssessment Dlstrlct No. 2 who nov ed lts passage, lrecorded by Councllman Rooth and r.manlnously adopted on ,ro1l c€1I of nenbers. CONSIDERATION OF ONDTNANCES 0rdlnance No. 619 rrAn Ondl,nance Amendl ng SectS.ons 15OO and t3O1 And Ayes: Councllman: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayer Noes : Councilmen: ![oneAbsentCouncllmen: None 0rdlnance 1qe. 620 rAn Ordlnanco Amendln g Sectlon 17OB of the O:rdLnence Ayes : CorrncLlnen: Byrd-Johnson-Mongan-Rooth-Thaye:: Iiloes : Councl.lnen: None Absent Councl.Lmen: None ds On Sale of Improv oments Bonds was lntr:oduced by Councllman Byrd, Repeallng Sectlon 13O2 of the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame Relatlng to Flreworksr vas given 1ts second readlng srd on motlon of CounclLma:n Rooth, seconded by Councllman Byrd, sald ordinance passed lts second neadlng and was adopted by the fol1owlng vote: Code of th6 Clty of Brlrllngame By Revlslng !'ees Char.ged For Water Sorvlce fnst&llatlonstr was glven lfs second r"eadlng and on motlon of Councllman Bynd, seconded by Councllman Roothr sald ondlnanee passed Its second readlng and was aclopted by the followlng vote: Ondlnence No. 621 rrAn 0ndlnance AmendinE the ;irTu-r'IffiAeme by-Adding A1.trl"Ie 498, Part rxDlsplays AdJacent to Fneeways r was gl von ltsof Courrcllman Thayer, seconded by Councl1man1ts socond readlng and was adopted by the fo Ondlnance Code of the Clty , Regula tLng Adventlslng second readlng and on motlonByrd, sald ondlnance passed llowlng vote: Ayes : Corurcllmen: By:'d-Johnson-Morga.n-Rooth-ThayerNoos: Corlncllmeni None Absent Councllnen: None of Fl,re Zones Wlthln the Clty and Renealfi Thenewlthr was lntroduced by Councllman ' INTRODUCT I ON OF ORDINANCES O:c dLaen ce No. 622 ?rAn ondlnence Amend.l nB Antlcle 51 of Pa::t Ondlnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame To Provlde for the COUNC]L COMMITTM REPORTS C oun ellmq4_&IDCS11 advlsed of tho hazard exlstlng at V111ag9-er.eeE. -DiiEETor of PubLic Works Man:r stated thatbld has been::ocelved on approprLate fenclng of the anea w111 be roquested and subsequently awa:r.ded. CounclLman Johnson the Burllngame one lnf o::mal and that othe::s ::ecommonded. that permlsslon bo glven to the nequest llngame Avenue to use the electroliers for sumrnerof the menchant s ofdeooratlons. Ther.e belng no obJectlon, author:izat lon wes glven to tho merchant s. Mayo_! tr4o4gq11 ::ead a :rosolutLon p::oposed by the Penlnsula Chepter,Mtllta:ry O?der of Wonld lVars, and p:resent ed. by Colonel E. L. Norberg, Cha!,nman, ln which sal'd resolutlon urged the lmmedlate suppont 1n Launchlng a drlve tq lnfluence the locatlon of a Vetor.ans Eospltal ln San Mateo County. uouncllman Rooth lntrodrced and moved the passage of RESOLUTION No 25-56 endorsing ths resolutlon of appeal as presented by t e enlnsula hapte::, Ml1ltary Orden of World War"s, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlmously adopted on :ro11 ca1l. of members. 41.6 NE:1,iI B]STNESS Mavor Morcan proclalmed Mar ch 16 and March 1?, L956 as TTENCIIAI'ITE'D HIllffiIY:9tl-ilt-ui'gea the cltlzens of BurLlngame to recognlzo tho benefits pnovlded by the work of thls organlzatlon rrrl th the bllnd people of all ages,, naces and creedg. Mayor Monga:r edvlsed of the :recelpt of a communl cat lon fnom the IIot E6dTffi-Equestlng the perlodlc use of a portlon of the 01d Bay- shore Hlghway as a rr(lrig st:rlp. rr The ChalT advlsed that the subJoct -would be dlslussed at a meetlng wtth repr:esentat ives of the Eot Rod C1ub, Councllmen Byrd, PoJ-lce Cornnlttee Chalrman, and the Chlef 'of Po}lcee Wednesday, March 7, 1956, at 5:O0 or clock p.m. A Letter. dated March 1, 1956, from Robe::t Thompsonp Chalrrnan, San Mateo County Soclety fon Cr'lppled ChlLd::en and Adults, Arurual Easter Seal Campal8n, ,t" read by Mayor Morgan, urglng the cttlzens of the com- nunlty to contnlbute funds durlng March 10 and Aprll I of thls year. The Chalr announcod recelpt of a l.etter from M. P. Wa1she, l-117 Bayswaten Avanue, Br:r1-Lngame, expr"esslng appreclatlon fon the sLgns erlcted at the lntersectlon of Bayswater Avenue and Lorton Avenue. Jean Biscay, 26 Anlta Road, Burllngamo, addresse lng hls opi:osltlon to the fees lmposed at tho cl suggestlon that the openatlon of the clty dump b coiEnot of the Coirnty. The Chaln ackrowledged t CLAIM d the Councl1, expness-ty dump and offenlng a e p1a ced r:nder t he he suggestfon. A clalme ln the amount of $1OO.0O, pnesented by Josephlne W. Klntzleyr ].O52 Coitez Avenue, Bur]-lngame, for lnJurles sustalned as e result of a faLl upon a faulty sldewalk, was denled and :refe:rred to the lnsurance cerrler of the Ctty, on motlon of uotmcllman Byrd, seconded by Councll- rnan Rooth and unanLmously camled. ADJOURNMENT Thene bolng no furthor busS.ness, the neetlng ras negularly adJ ourrred at 11:55 p.m. Respectfully submltted, Henbent K. ltYhlt eClty Clenk AP L. B. MOR Mayor" Jd,/"*<-^,Ah