HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1954.01.04r 109 A regular meetlng of the BurLingane Ctty Councll was hold on the above glven date. M6eting called to order at B31O p.n. - MayorSlmonds ln the Chalr. Ro1l CaII: Pnesent - Corrncll,men: Atwater-B]Bd-Love-Morgan-SlmondsAbser$ - Councl.lmen! None The nlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of December 21, 1955, &s srrbmlt-ted to rembers of the CouneIJ., were unanlmously approved and adoptedon motLon of Councllman Morgan and seeonded by Councllnan Byrd. - S?yoo $lnonds announced that thls was the tLne set pursuant to pub-ltshed.,notlce for opentng blds receLved fol' the dlstnlbutlon oflgasollne to the Clty of Burllngame, fon the twelve-month penlod, con-nenclng Fbbruary 1, 1954, whereupon sal.d blds were opened. and declaredas follows: I{ame Slenal _.!Qtl Rlchfleld OtI G?ade Posted ?rlce exc.Fed Tax. . o191 . olqI Maximun Buyers Pr. $ .2OL9 .2?,39 $ .2058 .2279 $ .2055 .?,255 $ .198s .22?,5 $ .2O2O .2240 .zll- .233 RegularEthyl Add $.O05 200-399 Gals.Add .O1 40-199 Gals. s $. 22L .24$ $. ezt .?4A $ .221 .?45 .321 .243 .22L .24$ $ S.oroz . oL52 $ .or?5 .0175 Standard Otl ---E[u1an RegularEthyl Add $.OOSAdd .01 EthyI Add$.OO5 Add .01 2OO-599 GaLs 40-199 gaIs. 2OO-599 Gals. 40-199 GaIs 2OO-599 Gals 40-199 GaIg. Shell 011-----ReguLar EthyL Add .sy' Add 1,.oy' S.o .O $ .or.9 . o1g S .oI .01 2 2 26 25 Seaslde 011 ---EegularEthyltess than 4O gals. Texas Coa Regular Ethy1 4O gals and oven Unlon OlL Co s .22]- .246- posted pnlee s $ Regular $ .?zL $ .01 S .211,Fthyr .254 . 01 " '.244 Add- $, OOS 2OO-099 ca:-s.Add .01 40-1gg Ga1s. Resolutlon No..]-51t.Orderlng Reftrnd Chapln Avenue pnoJect No. b4_4g,and dlrectlng the clty Treasune:r to renrira tne anouni of the d.iffenencebetween the orlginal issessment and the assessment as reducea uy-nes-olutlon No. 75-53 to the ouniers of the land "po" "r.i"n tr." assessmentvvas levled, was lntroduced by councirnan ey"a';ti. ;;;;a iis;;;;;;;,seconded by counetlnan Iove and adoptea-'unanlmously on nol1 caLl ofmembers. Bur4Sflgmq - 9alrf.o{3ia January ,4r_ 19.54 DLsc.per gaI. I 110 .Prtor to the second readlng and adoptlon of the new zonlng ordlnance,No. 559, the City Clerk nead, letters suburittlng suggestlons end/or obJeetlons to several sectlone recelved f?om the followlng: Ja^mes fl. Wl1son, 15Og Burllngiame Avenue, a pnoperty ovrner 1n the Bunllngame fndustnlal Area, suggesting that there be lncludedwlttrln Dlvlslon 12, Sectlon 197L, Sub-sectl-on E, nfndustrlal Bul1d-lngsft a mlnlnum area of at least- two hundred square feet for eachparking space needed. FolLowlng consLderatlon and dLscusslon, CounclLman Morgan moved thatSectlon L971, sub-sectlon E1 trIndustrlal Bul1dlngsn be-amended, tonead as foLlows: nlndustnlal Bulld1ngs sha1l provlde'At least onepermanently malntalnod parklng space of two hundned, Bquare fee!, onthp same lot or on Bontlguous pnopenty fon each l.0OO square fe6t offLoor anea ln such bulldtngS. Bulldlngs designed for use o:r used asa wanehouse need_provide only one such parklng space fon eacb. SOOOsquare feet of floor area ln excess 6f the ftrst- bOO0 squere feet ofsuch arear, second.ed by Councllman Love and carrled by the followlngvote: 4yes: Counetlmen: Bynd-Love-trilorgan-Sl.mondsliloes: Councilman: Atwater E. P. wLlsey, L275 Rorllns Road, expressLng obJectLon to thepropoged sectlon L97J., sub-sectlon A nDwerlingi,. A slmil.arolJectlon was entered by tho Foninsula GenenaL=gontractons andtsulrddns assocLatlon, rnc. and the G. w. Trllrlams co. Subsequent to consLderation 6nd dlsbussl.on, Councllman Love movedthat sectlon 1971, sub-sectlon A ,Dwoulngir be mended to read. asfolLows! rfn eL1 dlstnlcts, thene sha1I 5e at least one permanentl.ymalntaLned panklps gnage l! " pn!.vate garage or covened c-arport onthe same Lot wlth the bulldl1S_ lon eae[ aw6tltng untt 1n thi bui].dlngand fon eaoh dwelllng qllt aaaea to the exLstfn[ uuifaiag, - fll;-*i"-lmurn dLmenslons.for 5y"I qar|€9 o1 garport sha3.i UJ io f6et Ln wi.dth,2o feet ln length, and ? I.eet-l1. heigfrt. Intslngte family awerifngsof three or more bednooms hereafter Ionstructedr*there sha11 be atwo-car galrage-oT carpont on the following nlnfuinrm dlmenslonsl wherecars ane qanked. Ln-tralelemr ten feet by thlrty-elgfrt feet; uhelre ""nsare panked ln para11eL, eighteen feet-by tweirty Ieet. rfre*J tfru"Jare separate garages or canponts, the unlntnun iLmensl.ons shaLl beten feet by twenty feet gach.tf the motlon was s"cohded-bt-c;unoir-man Mo:rgan and unanlmously carrled on noLl caLr of membeni. A lttl:t obJectlon subnltted by the PBninsula Gene:ral Contnactonsand Bullders Assoclatlg!, It-"., to Sectlon I9PB, suU-sectio" C:i; wasconsldered, Sectlon Lg28t sub-iectlon C-l re ou**ir, *" *riit"rr.-' fhe -hearlng thereafter conclud.ed,, Councllman Byrd moved. that thereadlng of the fqogtlry ordlnance Le dlspensed wlth lnasmuch as theCouncLl ls aoqualnted wlth lts entlre Lontents ard that tne Cfty Clerkreed the tltle a1d lls preamble, subs6quent to whlsh Councllm""" ny"alntroduced for adoptlon, Ondinance No, 55g as arnend,ed, seconded b!Counollman Morgan and ad.opted. unanimousLy oo "oii ""ii of rembers] Councllman Byrd Lntroduced and moved that pe,ssage of EesoLutlon $o. p-S4, :?T:l!lr$ _P_}?t*}te Consultant Mann and members-of the Burlfngame ifty ' Prannln8-Commlsslon, for theln servlce to the Clty of Bur16ga*r-ln thepreparatl-on and pnesentatlon of the newly adopted.- zontng o"ai"*rr"", No.559. ltre motLon was seoonded by Councllnan Atwater "rra"aaopi*J ""*"-lmously on ro11 call of menrbens". ordlnance No. .542r_rAnnexing to lhe City of Burltngame Certain UnLn-hablted Ter"rltony Designared as "The sc6ruera p;6E;iir-;;;-iiit""l'duced fon passege on motlon of Councfin* t_oyu;-."""""h,1d bt co""orr-man Byrd and unanlmously eannled on nol1 call or-menu"r.s. ordlnanee No. 6*, tranendLng the ondlnance code of the clty of Bunltn-gamg-Py *aarng-Theretg " I{ew sectton L22z.Z Requtnt"g A11-ir"rri""i;*"Tnaffle Tnavell-o-e-East oa ElIIslde Drive t9 stop-*t-f"rr"ouver Avenue;leQulning all. Vefilculan Trafflo -rraveLing 111rest-'on-nrilslde Dnlve tostop at BennaL Avenuer was lntnoduced ioo pas"ag" on motion of counelL-men-Bynd, secontled by Councllman tove ana unanf;;ilIy adopted-.o"-"offcall of members. I 7lL A letter dated. Deeemben 17, 1955, was nead. from the 1aw flrm ofKirkbnlde, llfllson, Ilarzfeld and Walla,ce, submlttlng an offer to rep-resent the Clty of Bul'Llngame tn the conduct of proceedlngs fon theacqulsltlon and constrtrctlon of a rmrnlclpal off-stneet parklng pro- Ject, at a reasonable 1egal fee, The letten stated that 1n th.e-event of an abandonment of sald proceedhgsr the lega1 fee would notexceed the sum of $1rOO0. Clty Attonney EaitieL recdinmended that theCouncil englge the flrm punsuairt to the- terms deslgnated tn the letter.CounclLman Morgan theneupon moved that the CouncLl*eoncur wlth thenecommendatlon and that the law flLrt of l(tnkbrlde, Wllson, Harzfel-dand I?aIlace be -engaled to conduct the legal pnoceedlngs, ""conded by 99""q1tr-+.Pfd and unanLmously camlgd. QuLstloned i5y-the Counclll I.hu gltr-{tto1ryy advlsed that-pnocoedlngs w111 be conhueted-undenlhq 'Panklng Dtstrlct Actsr fon the reason that there wl1L be nodeflnlte Llen upon the r"eaL estate that wlll- be subJect to assessment.blembens of the Councll urged the menchants and propErty oor.,"*" t;--endonse the pnoposed pankJ.ng proJect. A letter dated January 2, Lgs4, wag read fnom ttre Rry pank rmp:rove-Pe}! C1ub, 9n$ors-!19 Ih9 ngoommendatlorr subnitted by the Chief ofPoll'ce, that tnafflc nSTOPd sLgns be erected at the'intersectionsof Cononado SIay and Davls Dnlve and at Quesad.a rfiay and Davls Drlve.CoPncll*?"- Btrd moved concurrence wLth the recomm6ndatlon prevlouslysubmltted.by the Chief of Pollco and that the ci[y-aitorn"y ue-in-'stnucted to prepare an ondinance to affect the prlposea-;h;G;.--Th"motLon was seconded by CounciLman Atwater and unanimously cair.ied. A letter dated. Januany 4r- 19s4, addressed to members of the counollsubmLtted by Mayon slmonds, wai nead, suggeslrrs tiat tkre ropowrngproJects, sevenal of vtrlch_**y neeutne uSia rssies--;n the forthcomlngAprtl Muntct?a1 E).ectlon, be i.e-eir*i""ai- --(;i-;;irri"rtron or ".irrg"_ment of the 91ty H11L; (b) Appolntnent of_a'qity-*drr"r"t""too;---'(c) constnuetlon of a'minicfi?rf swfnrnfng fooij iai "oo"tructlon ofan eddltlonal.flnehods-e; (e)-w1yg-and Meqns to flnance the cover andf111 method at*t|1 rurlingame F111, ana igi ;;ilfi;atlon ro a pro-?lslon 1n the unlfonm nuriglng_caag *rrun"uy " nor"a- of Exa4lo""-"-rrybe appolnted to meet wlth th;"BuiiddE-insi""to"-io suggest cha'gespentaLnlng to buildlng constructlon. e In addltlon to th." fonegol.ngr-Mayo: slmonds stated that the Recne-.atlon conmisslon has neEomne-nded' trrat-eonstderatton-Le glven to theestabrlshnent gf a ppggial runa ror-recreattoa purposes, a neportof whloh will be submltted at the-""ii-counclr i,Ji[i"e. councllnan^By:pd advlsed that the cover and f111 method et the Br.rrlLn-88ne EI'II ls stllL belng consLdenea ana a r eport wouLd be ro"tr.corrnss oon. councl}man Love- s988ested that the pr"oposal to erect an addltlonaLfLrehouse be subntiled to member.s of t["-fi""-Coilissf on for studyand necomnendatlon. Councllman fiongan-lRr.re c;di;;ion conrer wirh the soa;e--riuH}:"riH3ff;ft3":n:l ;il:"subJect. Mayon Slmond's advlsed that tli" publlc w111 be aoqualnted wlth theneponts on the proJects es they ane suUntttea. councilman Mongan etated that whl,Ie he was Ln favon of the appolnt-ment of a Ctty Admtnlstnator ty a-tftn of tfr" ClW Counel1r 1t waahls oplnt on that if such pnopoi"i ;;;; itacea oo -trru balJ.ot, thatthe voters of Br.rrllngarne lre ilr"un iu9^"ingrtunity to determlne whethen1t shal.I be by-the afpolnAreit of a Ci6-Admfnislr.ioo of the estab-llshment of e- ciit MffiG;;'Io"r"ir'slr^Ji*enr. The:re belng no further business, the meetlng was neguilan1y adJounrcdat 11:2O p. M. Respe etf\r1l.y submlt ted, APPPIOVED: //d u. s. sIMoNDs, .rR UAYOR IIERBERT WHTTE .t CTTY CI,ERK