HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.03.21r 253 Bu:rllngame - Callfonnla Ivtranch 21, L955 A regulan meetlng of the Burllngann Cfly Councll was held, on the above etvei d.ate. Meellag called to onder at- 8:07 P. M. by H. Kent Atwator, Mayon. ROLL CALL: Present Councllmen: Atwater-Bynd-Morgan-Rooth Absent CouneLlmen: Sheehan On motlon of Councllman Bynd,, seconded. by Councllman Rooth and. unan- lmously carrled, Councllman Sheehan was excused,, due to F prevlous conmrltment. MT NT]IIES: The mLnutes of the pnevlous meetlng of Manch 3.[e L955, as submltted, to membens of the Counctll wer€ unanlmously approved. and, ad.opted on motlon of Councllman Byrd and second.ed. by Councllman Rooth. COMMIINICATIONS: L. A letter dated. March 18, L955, was read from the Burllngame FIre Commlsslon, recommendlng that an o::dlnance be pnepanod. and thereafter adopted,, nequlrlng developers of subdlvlslons to assume the cost and lnslalllt1on of firo a1arm boxes and that ln addltlon, an assessment of $10O.OO per" box be Lmposed to defray expenrtlture! for the exten- slon of the alarm boand.. The l-etten advlsed that the lnstallatlon of flre hydnants and. fLne alanm boxes has been assu.med by the developen of tho MtlLs Estate, and it was the oplnlon of the Conmlsslon that actlon be lnlttrated by the Cor:ncl1 to provld.e for an &ssessmont of SL00.00 per box to d.efr.ay costs lnvol-ved ln extendlng the present centraL alarm system. Flne Clrlef Moorby, Ln nesponse to Counctl 5.nquiry, advised that the Flne Department Las mad.e aruangements to accomod.ate the loIen pontlon of the l{ttfs Estate (lndustnlal arsa and portlon of Mllls Estate No. 3)to of but appnoxlmately fifty addltlonal alarm boxee wlII be requlned be lnstal}ed as tfre d.evelopment of the Mills Estate progresses west EL Camino Real- (Uttfs Estate No. 5\ toward the SkylLne Bou1evard.. Chlef Moonby advlsed that 1n addltlon to the lnstallatlon of aLarTn boxes, lt witt he necessaliy to further extend the presont alarm sys- tem, estfuraated at a cost of $51000.00. Followlng general d.lscussLon, CounclLman Byrd moved, concurrenee wlth the neconraendatlon of the Plannlng Commlsslon, seconded. by Councll- man Rooth and. unanlmously cannled. Councllman Mongan moved. that the Clty Attonney be lnstructed. to pre- pare a3 ordlnance requlnlng the developers of subdlvlslons to assume the cost of alarrn boxes, the oost of 'wlnlng to the near"est existlng alerzn system and. an assessnent change of $L00.00 pen box to defnay costs for the necessany extenslon of the central alarm system, soc- ond.ed by CounclLman Bynd and unenlmously carnled. 2. A Letten dated Manch 18, 1955, Has read from the BurLlngame Clty Plar:nlng Conmisslon, advlslng that upon nevlew and d.lscusslon of the flnal map of Mlllsd.ale Industrlal Park No. 3, as submltted by Wl1sey & Harn, englneens for the Atlantlc Llfe Insurance Company and the_ Ivtlllwood Development Company, 1t was ttre necommend.atlon of the PInn- ntng ComrLsslon that }4lllsda1e Ind.ustriaL Pank Noo J Map be approved fon ad.optlon. CouncLlman Byrd moved. that the Councll eoncur wlth the necoasnend.atlon of the Plannlng Cownlsslon, and Lntnod.uced ton pasllge Bosolutlon No. lB-55, rfAppnovlng Flnal lilap Eotltled tUnlt No. J lvll1lsdale Industnlal park- eurpLgamo San Mateo County Callfornlat and Dlnectlng Executlon of Agneemenl to Construct Publlc Impnovementsrl, se-cond.od by Councllman Mongan and. unanlmously oarrled, on roLL call of members. -'t254 3. A letter d.ated. Manch 18, 1955t was read fnom G. J. Marr, Dlrectorof PubLlc Works, recommendlng that James J. Roemer, Junior Beglneen, be granted. a two weekst leave of absence wlth paXr ln onden to reportfor actlve trainlng duty wlth the U. S, Aln Fonce Reserve. In aecordance wlth provlslons of the State of Callfonnla MlLltary Cod.e, CounclLman Bynd moved that the Council concur wlth the rocorr- mendatlon and that Mr. Roemen bo permitted to repont for actlve traln-ing duty wlth the U. S. A1n Force Reserve for the perlod. April 2, L955 to Aprll 16, L955t seconded, by Cotrncllman Mongan and unanlmously oamLed.. l+. A letter dated, March 18, 1955, was read. fnom G. J. Manne Dlrectorof Publlc Wonks, recommendlng that the request of Miss Hamlett Schuck, Bllltng Machlne Openaton in the Waten Department, for a leave of absence, without paXr of elght worklng days ln conJunctlonwlth hen regulan two weoks vacatlon, be authorlzed.. CounclLman Morgan moved that the Council concur wlth the recortnend.-atlon and Mlss Schuck be granted a leave of absence from August L0to August l9t 1955t wlthout payr as roquested.. The motlon was sec- ond.ed by Councllman By:rd and. unanlmously earuled. 5. A letter dated Manch l8th, L955, was read. from the Clty C1erk, sub-rnlttlng the foLlowlng ellglble list for Recond"5.ng Secr:etary, as thenesult of recent wnitten and. onal exanlnatlons: L. Mrs. Evelyn M. Hill 21! Armndel Road, Burllrrgame 2. Mrs. Ida Coopen L224 Vancouver Ave., Bunlingame 3. ivlrs. Jane E. Boyle 1532 Balboa Way, Blrrlingame l+. Mns. Lil1lan T. Gnlmes 3809 Edison Street, San Mateo 5. Mrs. Mildned H. Gould. 255 Park Roadr.Bunllngame Ihe for:egolng lLst was acknowledged and ordored. placed. on fl1e. 6, A letten dated Manch 18, 1955, was read. f::om the Boand of Flre ComLssloners, advlslng that the probLem of flre pnotoctlon for the MlI1e Estate ls cunnently unden d.lscusslon by mombers of the Fi:re Cormlsslon wlth a conferenee scheduled wlth repnesentatLves of the Boand of Flne Undemrnlters of the Paclfic and that a recommendatlon w111 be submitted. to the Clty Council at the concluslon of lts find- lngs. The City Clerk was instnucted to acknowledge neceipt of the cormun- lcatlon. 7. A letten dated. Mardr 18, 1955, was nead. from the Board of Flne Com- mlssionens, Iaequestlng that author"lzatlon be given to FLre persorrnel on duty at Statlon No. 2 bo attend a thtr.ty hour Flre Trainlng Progrannto be conducted by the Californla State Depantment of Educatlon at the Maln Statlon. Ihe corcrnrnlcatlon advlsed that all emergency caL1s would be recelved and dlspatched from Statlon No. L. Upon lnqulny of Counqllman Rooth, Ghlef Moonby advised, that thnee hours per day woul-d. be devoted, to the course and such request was made 1n order that each memben of the Flre Depantment may avall themselvesof the e&rcatlonaL lnstnuctl-on. fn furthen repl-y to lnqulries, Fine Chlef Moorby statod that overy precautlon rnrould be made avalLable to ellml.nate rlsk or hazard. CounclLman Rooth thoreupon movod. that the CouncLl concur wlth the p€c- ommendatlon of the Fil"e ComnissLon and. personnel on duty at Fir"e Sta-tion No. 2 ba authonlzed to attend the Flne Tna5.nlng Prognam as r6eues- ted., second.ed by Councllman By::d and unanlmousLy cannled.. 8. A letten dated. March.L7r 1955t r{as read. fnom the BrrLlngame Impnov- ment Clubs Councll, unglng that the Councll give every posslble con- sldenatlon to savlng the eucallrptus trees along EI CanrLno Real. The Clty CLenk was Lnstructed to aclmow}edge the communicatlon by advlslng the Improvement Clubs Council- that every effort w111 be expend.ed to ne-taln the trees. 'I F'PiDD g. A Lette:r dated. Manch L[, 1955t was r"ead. from Ffancls P. Foote, Recton, St. Paulrs on the Hlghway, appeallng for Counctl asslstanceln alLevlatlng the trafflc situatlon at the lntersectlon of Oceldent- a1 Avenue, Bellevue Avenue and El Camlno Real in Burllngarle, Tho sub- Ject matten was referred to the Chlef of PoLice. 10. A letter d.ated March 17, L955, was read fnom the Northern CaLlfor-nla Outdoon Ad,vertlslng Cor:nctL, expressLng opposltlon to the proposed zonlng plan adopted by the San Mateo County Pl-annlng Commission, de- slgned to pnohlblt outdoor adventlsing on the Bayshore Freeway and hlghways deslgnated. as a futune fneeway, ln the unlandscaped sectlons zoned for" manufacturing and. cornraerclal pur?osos. fhe commrnlcation urged. the support of the city ln appeaHng to the Boand of Supervlsonsthat ad.ventlslng structunes be penmltted in manufacturlng and commer-clal zones wlth adequate spaclng between slgns. The conmunlcatlon and. subJect matter was neferned to the Ctty Plannlng Consnlsslon. 1L. A letter dated March !, L955, was read. from Metcalf-Mayere #2Callfornia Dnlve, Burllngamor com'xendlng Chlef TLreuer:, Asslstant Chlef Funlo and offlcers of the Pollce Departrrcnt for the napld and splend.td mannen Ln whlch a recent robbeny was solved and. the case brorght to aconcluslon. Mayor Atwatenr oD behLf of the Councll, congratulated Chtef fheuen and. l-nstructed the Clty Clerk to d.lnect a eopy of the above letter to the PoLlce Department. L2. A letten d.ated March 9e 1955, was read from the Superlor: Bus and AmbuLance Sal-es Company, Burllngame, requestlng that the unslghtly con-dltlon existlng on the Old Bayshor"e Hlghway be nemoved. Clty hglneer Mann advlsed that improvements ar:e currently underway to correct thesltuatlon. Chlef Theuor advlsed. that the subJeet has also beon refer- red. to the San Mateo County Depantment of Publlc Heal-th. REPORTS OF'OF'FICERS: Reponts fnom the Par"k Department, the Publlc Llbnary, the D6partment of Publlc llealth and WeLfane and the Department of Publlc Wor.ks fon the month of February, 1955, were recelved, acknowledged and placed on f1Le. Mayon Atwaten announced that pr.lon to the next ond.er of buslness, scheduled, as a publlc.hearlng on the dlsousslon of a proposed rrlad.us- tnlaL Assessment Dlstnlcttr, there woul,d be a ten mlnute recess. ILre meetLng neconvened, at 9!00 P. M. UNFTNISIIED BUSINESS: 1. PROPOSED INDUSIRTAL ASSESSIUENT DISTRICT A letten dated Maneh J-8, 1955, kas read, fnom the Bunllngame Civle Im- px"ovement CIub, expresslng appneclatlon to the Councll fo:r the pubL1c senvlce rendered. ln cal1lng a publlc heanlng on thls d,ate on the sub- Ject of an assessment dlstnlct and drAlnage lmprovements of the 01d IndustnlaL Anea and. requestlng tho prlvll-ege of questlonlng the Clty Attorrrey, the City Englneen and. other Clty employees. A letten was also read fnom the Burllngarne Improvement Clubs Counell, d.ated. March 1fr 1955t commend.Lng the CorrnelL ln the schedullng of a'publlc heanlng on the abovementloned subJect Ln whlch vLews may be pnesented by both 6ldes to the Lssue. PnLor to dtscusslon, Cduncllman Rooth moved. that those speakLng on the subJect, speak once and that the tlme be l,lmlted to thnee mlnutes, seconded by CounclLman Mongan and unanimously canrled. At tho nequest of the Couneil, and for the beneflt of those ln attend- ance, Clty Englneer'Mann gave a brlef resutme of the proposed. improve- ment, statlng that the assessment d.lstrict formed last year, was theresult of over ten yeais of effont on the pant of both the Clty Coun-elI and the pnopenty or{ners to lnttlate proceedlngs to ellmlnste the und.esinable condltlons ln the lndustrlaL area, partlculaiLy durLng the wlnter monthg. Councllman Bynd, ln elabonatlng furlhgr. on the subJect, stated, that the anticlpated. expendltur:e totaLs'$h85r000.00 for the entlre proJect, 256 and wlth the State assumlng a portlon of the cltyts share, the costto the tax-payors of Burllngame, fon the Ro11lns Road. lmpnovement, wouLd appnoxlmate $33r000.00. Cor:ncllman Byrd. stated that ln hls oplnlon, the latten amount was not excesslve to ellrnlnate a so-calledItsLumtr axaee. Mp. Oscar Person, Presldent of ths Easton Industrlal AssoeLatLon, ad- vlsed that the pnoposed. lndrastnLal assessment dlstrict ls the nesuLtof estlmates prepared. by the englneerlng fLrm of Wl1sey & Ilam, surveys eonducted by Consultant Sanltary Englneers, Harry N. Jenks and PauI L. Ad,amson and addltlonal englneenlng detalls by Ctty Englneen Manr. Mr. Person stated. that the lntend,ed. lmpnovements lnclude the extensLon of Ro11lns Road. to a wldth of seventy-five feet, (requested. by the Coun- cl1)fnom Bnoadway thr.u.the Mlllsdale IndustriaL Park to Mll1brae Aven- ue; gradlng, ln accordance to englneenLng speclflcatlons and provls- lons fon an adequate d"ralnage system. In conclud.lng his statement, Mr. Person pnotested elalms by opponents, that the flnanclng of the pnoposed agsossment dlstnlct was ln excess and not to the best lnter- ests of the taxpayers of the City of Burllngame. At the nequest of representatlves of the Brrr1lngame Clvtc Improvement Clube permissLon wae gnanted, to Hugh Rosaaen, CLub Secretary, to nead. a letten bearlng thls dayrs d.ate, tabulatlng costs to the Ctty of Bur- llngame, the lmpnovement CLub all-eges shall be requlned on futune cltypnojecti. The letter fu:rther stated ln part!.... tflt ls the oonten- tfon of thls organlzation that howeven computed, the cost to Burllngame taxpayers w111 be approxi.mately on quanter of a mllIlon d.oJ-Iars, be- cause alL of these eosts wll-I be pald by the Clty from funds whlch can be used fon othen proJeets in the Clty of Bunllngame. Accordlnly, lt ls clean that any funds dlverted to the old lndustnlal anea rmrst be ne- pl.aced by addttl6nal taxes lf these othen proJects ane to be flnanced.n PIrs. V. K. Parrrrelee, representatlve of the Burllngame Clvlc Impnove- ment C1ub, expressed her obJection to what was Ln her -oplnlon lta m11- I1on d.ol-lir eipendlturett of-taxpayerst fi:nd.s and the rrapparent unwlll- lngnesstt of the lndustr"lal. propenty ownors_to supply a twenty foot pJ-antlng stnlp along the Southera Paclflc RalLroad. tr-acks. Mr. Anthun J. Barnett, legal nepresentatlve of the Easton Industnlal Assoclatlon, outllned a bntef htstony on the purpose fon which'the Easton Industrlal Assoclatlon was formed. and the numerous meetlngs sched.uled bti the pnopenty ownens to place the AssoclatLon ln a pos- ltlon to suLnlt its proposaL to the City CounclL. Ilr. Barnett advis- ed that at the reguest of the Ctty Councll, tho propenty o!,n:ers agreed. to the extensLon of Rollins Road. to a wldth of seventy-five feetr PaF- tlcuLarLy ln view of the proposed. development of the MLLLsdaLe Indus- trlaL Pank. PIr. Barnett I\rrther advised that the industrlal proponty otyret3s shaLl assume the cost of noad,s, grad.ing, sanltary sewers, streets, I.lghts and othen reLated costs and that th.e maxlmum amount the Clty srrltt ue requlned to eontnlbute approxlmated $33r000.00. Mr. James Elrmnel, representative of tho &rnllngame CLvlc Impnovement CLub, suggested. the selectlon of flve persons to serve as an Lmparttal bod.y to Jtudy the proposed p1ans. Councllman Mongan and. Cour,cllman Rooth each obJe cted., expressing the opinlon that lt remaln the p$nog- atlve of the Courrll to repnesent the cltlzens of Brrltngame ln deten- mlnlng the rnerLts of the lssue. Mr. Hanry Leer lndustrlal property owner, expressed hls appnoval to the asseisment proposed. against hls property and ltrged that effonts to lmped.e the progress of the proiect be aband'oned.. Followlng further dlsousslon, Cor.rncllman Bynd ad.vLsed. that the propos- aI 1s palt of an over-aLL plan to allevlate the cityr s fLood pnoblems on a tlpay-sg-yo[-gorf basls. CoqnclLman Sooth thereaften moved that the heaning be eoncluddd, soc- ond.ed. by Councllman Morgan and. unanimously carr:ied.. 2. Agreement ntth State - trMll1s Creek Channeltr. Resolutlon No. 17-55 ttAuthorlzlng Executlon of Agneement with the State of Callfonnla For the Constructlon and. MaLntenance of a Proposed Water Way to be Itromr as tMl11s Creek Channelt, {as lltroduced by Councllman Moi,gas t*ro moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Rooth and. ad.opted. unanimousJ-y on rolL call of members. 3. Proposal of Psul L. Ad.ams on, Consultlng Errglneer - Dralnage and Elood Control. Clty Engtneer Marr necorrnended that an agreement Paui L. Adamson, Consulting &rglneer, for enginee pr.epanatlon of pLans and speclflcatlons for tho c age and fIood. control works wlthln tho clty, as r vey conducteal by Earry N. JenksI Consultlng Sanlt years pr.evlous. Councllman Byrd. moved concur renc atlon of the Clty Englnear and the emplo;rment of Consultlng Englnoer, seconded by Counc llman Booth rled. be executed wlthnlng sor.vlces ln theonstructlon of drain- econmendod ln a sur3-ary Erglneen, seve::aI e wlth the racomnend- Paul L. Adams on as and unanlmously car- Resolutlon No. 19-55, rrAcceptLng 0ffer of Paul L. Ad.amsonr Consulting Englneer, to F\lnnl sh Englneening Services In the P:reparatl on of P1ans and Speclflcatlons for the ConstnuctLon of DraLnage and Flood Corrtrol ProJects Wlthln the City of Burllngamotr was lntroatuceq: by Councllman Byrd, who moved Lts adoptloa, second.ed by Councllman Morgan and aatopt- ed unanimously on I:o11 call of membens. Resol-utLon No. 20-55, rtAutho:rizlng Appllcation to the State Dlrector of Flnance for an allotment of the Statet s shane Defraylng Cost of Preparlng Plans anal Speeificatlons for the Constnrctlon of Drelnago and Flood Control ProJects Wtthln the Clty and DeslSnatlng G. J. Marrr Clty Engineer as Authorlzed Agentrr as j.ntroduced. by Councllman Byrdl, who moved. lts passage, seconaled by Councllman Morgan end unanlmously c anrl ed.. l,L. lntiustrlal Pl antlng St"lp. Mr. E. P. Etlenne, upon Council lnqulry, advlsed that he Ls unable, at this tlme to submlt a deflnlte report. Iul:n. Oscar Personr Presldent of the Easton IndustlriaL Assoctatlon, recorunend.ed that members of the Park Cormnlsslon confsn wi.th prope:rty owners withln tho Industrlal Dlstr'lct to dlscuss the subJect, to whlch the Council concurred.. A neport was nequested fon the next r.egular meeting of the Counci.1, AprJ-l la, a955. cLAIr',1S Clalms, Nos. 6652-678[, tncluslve, Ln the amount ot *35,595.86, dulyaudlted, were ordered d.rawn on the CLty Treasury ln,thek respectlve amounts, on rnotlon of CounclLman Bynd, seconded by 0ouncllman Morgan and unantmous 1y carrled. PAYROI,L APPROVAL Payro}l wat:rants fon the month of February, L955, Nos. 850-1210', ln the amorrnt of *51+,502,1!, wene approved on motlon of Counc Llman Byrd, second.ed by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously carrled. NEW BUSINESS! 1. C ouncllmerlr Mongan, Chalrlnan of the Councll Off-Street Pa::klng Com-mittoe, advlsecl that ths Cltl.zensr Off-Street Parklng Comnlttee is in a posltlon to subnlt lts pnoposal to the mernbers of the Councll fonactlon. Councllman Morgan the::eupon moved that a speclal Cotrncll meet- lng be scheduled for Saturd.ay, March 26, \9591 7:30 P. M. to recelve the roport of the Conrnlttee, seconded by Counc llman Bynd. Vote on the motlon was as fo1lows. Ayes: Councilmen: Atwater-Byrd-MorganNoes: Councilmen: Rooth Absent Councilmen: Sheehan 2. In concurrsnce wlth the r.ecorrmendatlon of Clty &rglneer Marr, CounciLman Byrd moved that the Clty frglneer be authorized to employ tr.ro lndependent app::aIsors, at hl"s dlscnetion, to submlt appnaisalsof prope:rty along the Southe::n Paclflc rlght-of-way from LlncoLn Avenueto Gnove Avenue, for funther proposed constructlon of dralnage faclL-1tles. The motlon was seconaled by Councllman Rooth and unanlrnous Iy cannl-etl. Mr. Wtl11an Roese was reappolnted as a representatlve of the City of Burl-l ngame on the Boar:d of Trustees of the San Mateo County Mosqulto Abatement Dlstrlct, on motlon of CounclLman Bynd, second.ed by Councll- man Morgan and unanlmously carrled. dc( 258 The Clty Clerk was lnstructod to furnlsh a llst of membens of the van- lous Commlsslons of the City and. thelr respectlve terms of offlce. l+. The next legaI proced.ure of the proposed, Industrlal Assessment Dls- tnlctr &s prepared and submltted by the J.egal representatlves of the indus'tnla1- ownens, was wLthheLd untlL the next negular meetlng 6f tfre Ctty Corrncl3., April l+r 1955. ADJOURN}MNT fLrene belng no.further buslness, the meetlng was regularly adjounned, at 10255 P. M. Re spectfully submltted. TE CTTY CLERK APPROVED: r.fu H. KENI ATIilA MAYOR