HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.02.20407 BurLlnEame. Ca1J.fornL a February 20, 1956 CALL TO ORDM A negulan moetlng of the E.t:r.Ilngame Clty Councll was held on the abovoglven d.ate. Meetlng calLed to onder at 8!O5 p.m. - Vlce-Mayon B3rr"d lnthe ChaLn. SALIITE TO FLAG At wond fnom Vico-Mayon Byn d alL enose and wore led by BlLl l(Lnzle and Lance Cox, Cub Scouts, Tnoop No. 1.4, Burlingame, ln the SaLlb to andthe Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Pnesent - Cor.rncllmen: qfrd-Johnson-Rooth-Thayer Absent - Counellmen: Morgan 0n motlon of Cor:ncLlman Rooth, seeonded by Cor.mcllman Johnson, and r:n- anlrnously earnled, Mayon Mongan was exeused, because of l11:ress. MINUTES PRE\rjOUS MEETING The rnlnutes of the pnevlous neetlng of Februany 6, 1956, e.s submltted.to members of the Councl1, were r.rnanLmously approved and adopted. on motion of Cor.mclLman Thayer and seconded by Cor:ncllman Rooth. IIEARING - PARKING DTSTRICT N_Or I Vlce-Mayon ffid announced that the contlnuatlon of the heari.rr,g on the orlglnaL "petltlon and modlflcatlons, changes on acquisitlons, lmpnovements and boundanLes to the onlglnal petitlon had been scheduLed on thls date, together wlth e hearLng on a recent petltLon of pnoperty owners on the southenly slde of Howard Avenue nequestlng t helr lnclusLon wlthln the proposed parklng d.lstrlct. CommunLcatLons ln pr.otest to tho lncluslon of property located on the southenLy sldo of Howard Avenuo lrere necelved from the pnopenty ownors and theneaften nead: 1. h{rso Er Curuelngham, L26 Pa::k Rdor comm:nication dated Januar;r 28, 1956; 2o illns. Eva M. Bntggsr L35 Lonton Avo.r 1e56; comrrurrLcatlon dated. January 2l-, 3. Mrs. Eva D. Drtrehle 1445 BeLlevue Ave., communlcatlon dated. January 25, 1956, In suppont of tho above protest of Mns. Eve M. Bnlggs; 4 J. B. Bouret, 156 Lorton Ave., communlcatLon dated Februany 20, 1956;a 5. Ilns. &tma Poterson, l% Lorton Ave., commlurleation dated. February 20e L956 i 6. John and HazeL Looman, L* Pank Rdor conrmmlcatlon d,ated. Febnrany 3., 1e56; 7. Edwerd. R. Thatchen Lonton Ave. and 60 Jmuary 18, 1-956; tt iilew Year llo1zmulLen, Lambert 'll1l. Horn, 55tx70l onx65t ovr Howard Ave., conmunLoatLon d.ated 8. I(srneth R. Fo:rd., L5O Park Rd.r oonrrunlcatlon dated Februany 18, 3-956; 9. Adelbert G. Westcott, L29 Park Rd.r oomnunlcatlon dated Febnrrany 17,1956; and 10. Samuel R. Davis, L24 Lorton Ave., 1956. comrn:nlcatlon d.ated. Febnuary L7, 408 Hoaring no further protestn, the Chal:: requasted conalents fron menbons of the CounclL. Councllman Rooth lI1ust:rated, by blackboard f lgu.:res r parklng meter ope::atlonal costs and the antlclpated revenue the City would be nequlned to budget ln the future. CouncLlman Rooth stateil that unden the p:resent Parklng Dlstn!.ct proposale the Clty would be requlred to contrlbute funds oven a thirty-on€ year per'lod that may doprlve areas faclngslmilsr pnoblems of City flnanclal assLstance. In o omment lng further, . CouncLlman Rooth stated that ntrlIe he.recognizes the need for off-str.eet parking, ln bls oplnlon, the p:roposocl.plan ls too costly for City partlolpatlon and ho the:refore wouLd voto no. C ounc llnran Rooth offerod the followlng alternate pnoposals: (L) to negotiate for the lease-purchase of property app:ttop:?l at € for off- street parktng; (2) :revert to .tho orlgtnal plan of c"eatlng a.panklng plaza on Donnelly Avenue; and/or (5) place tho lssuo befee the el€cto:rete of the Clty. RECESS A :recEsg was declaretl by the Chal:r at g:O5 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The rneet{ng was caLled to onden by Vlce-trIayon BJrrdl at 9:3O p.m. CONTINUATION OF PARKING DISTRTCT HEARTNG Tho Chal" lnvltod Ernest A. W5.1son, attorney for th€ proposed dlatnlot, to speak on the lssue. Mr. Wllson stressed the lmportance of approvlng the pa:rklng plan and that fallu:re to provide adequate parking would berrfar mon€ &trinental than any loss that the Clty may put to 1t." l[r. Ilt/llson suggested that the Clty nevise lts nethod of flnanotrng by having metened parklng on tho lots to obtaln addl tlonal tevenue. In reply to the latter suggestlone Cor:ncl1man Rooth advlsod M:r. ltrlIson that the Cor:ncl1 had prevlously s tlpuJ.atod that firee parklng shal1 be provlded for a t wo-hou:r penlod. John B. Cocbofte Ilowerd Avenuo property owner, cited the need for propor parklng facllltles and urged qproval to the proposed pJ.an. The followlng pr.operty ownols r present at tho hoarlrg, vorbelly opposed tho lnclusLon of thelr p::openty wlthln the dlstrlct: trl:rs. E. Cunningham, 126 Pank Rd..r Kqrureth Fordp 13O Park Rd.r A. G. [esteott, ].29 Pa:rk Rd., and, Charl€s s eymoui., 1209 Bu:rllngame Ave. Counellman Rooth assune cl the Chaln, to permlt Vlce-May o" Byncl to conment. Councllnan Bynd expnressed hls ppnoval of the pnoposed pJ.an, statlng that the Clty has an opportunlty, for the fl:rst tLne, to provlde a parkLng dlstrlct, wlth tha propenty owners agreelng to assume a po:rtlon of tho cost. Cor:nc11man Bynd stated he was note however', ln favon of. the acqulsltlon of resldentlaL property. Th€ Chalr] wes agaLn resumed by Vlce-Mayor Byr:d. Councllmerr Jobnson volced hen approval of the fonmatLon of a parklng dlstrlct but stated she was unable to vote on the lssue because of her uncertai.nty as to whether the propon proposal ls befone the Councll at thls tlme, Councllman Johns on th€I:oupon noved that actlon.be defenro4 for further dellberetlon. Tho motlon falIed for lack of "a second. The hearlng was continued. Donnol B. McCanthye attonney, reprosentlng urgeal the excluslon of rParcel Fr from the ths costs of condermat5.on would exceed the ln lts nolatlon to the dLstrlct. the Georglana Gray properties, dlstnlct and qtated that actual value of the property 409 Attorney Gecrgo Johnstone representlng Safoway Storos, Inc., stated thatlncLuslon wlthLn the dlstrict, rathen thm the plan ltself, is opposedby Safeway Stones, Inc., J.nasmuch es the latter provldes ample parklngspace. Mr. Johnston urged that conslderatlon be glven to a pl-an thatls othen than ItunfaJ'n, 11legal and. dl scrlmlnat ory. r Patrlck Maloney, attorrrey, :r.opresentLng th€ Bruno Ma:ri ana pnopentles, 242-244-24A Prlnrose Road, and l[:rs. bene Long, co-owne:r of the Encee Shop and adJolnlng propertles on Donnelly Avenue, both renewed. thelrprevious ploa fon an amended proposal. There bel.ng.no further discusslon, Councllman Thayen movett that thematter be eontLnued and a vetdLct nendered at the next regulan meetlngof the Clty Councll and secondetl by Councllnan Johns on. The vote was recor.ded as follows : Ayes: Coulxcllmen! Noos I Councllmen: Absent Counollmen: Bynd-Johnson-Thayer Rooth trtongan A letter dated February lO, 1956, was r6ad from G. J. Ma:rn, Dlrectonof Publlc Works e r e c omnendlng a revLslon ln the cumont cLty ondlnanceto adJust fees coLlected for. the lnstglLatlon of water servlces. 2. TIATER CONNECTION CHARGES A communlcatLon fnom tho Pub1lc UtlUtles CommLs slon, datedI'ebruary 15, 1956, concurr!.od ln the tr e c ommendat Lon. Or eNo 620 ll Anondlng Sectlon L7O8 of the Ord.lnerco Code of th6Clty of Bu::L1ngane By Revlslng Fees Char.ged Fo:: Water Service Insta].latlonsrl was thmeaf ter lntnoduced by Counci lman Rooth and given flrst.r'eading. 5. DRAfNAGE EASEI/IETT - R.P. ETIENNE PROPERTfES . INC. A letter datod February 10, 1956, was read from G. J. Msrr, Dfu:ecto:rof Publlc Wo::ks, submlttlng a deotl of d.edLcatlon for a-dnalnage easementfrom the B. P. EtLerme Proporties, Inc. The somnuni cat Lon advlsed thatthe easement w111 be used for the constructlon of a stonrn dnalnagechannol fo:: MlIIs Cl:e6k from the Paclflc Gas arrd ELoctrlo Company tr:ans- mLsslon llne rlght-of-wey to the newly-gqngtrructed dralnage structu::eacross the Bayshot 6 Froeway and ln 1lne wlth the Cltyrs pnoposed Re- sLl ghnmont of Mll-ls Creek Channel. Reso tlon No 14-55 trAccepllng Deed. of Dedlcatlon and Dralnage Easemontrl ssege, seconded bycall of member:s prnosent. was n I:O uce v ouncl lman Rooth who moved lts pa C ounci Lraan Johnson and unanLmous }y ca:rni ed on ro11 4. PROPINTY EAST OF RAILROAD TRACKS PLACED IN FIRE ZONE NO 2 A Latton d.at ed February 16, 1956, was :read fnom the FLre Commisslon,tn rep ly to a r.equost from property owners that the Fire Zono on the , east slde of Myrtle Road be changed from Zone 7- to Zone 2. It was the nocommondatl.on of the Flre Connis sL on that the entlr o area east of therallnoad t?acks, between Burllng ame Avonue and Peni.nsula Avenue,presently wlthln Flre Zone 1, be chaxrgod to Fl!:e Zone 2. Councllman Rooth moyed concur't:ence wlth the recommendatLon and that the CttyAttonrey be lnstructed to prnepare an o:rdinence effectlng the change fcorpnesentatlon at the next r.egular rneetlng of the CounclL. The motLon was gecond.ed. by Councllrnan Thaye:r and unanl.mously carrled. 5. SURVET IN PROGRESS-PROVTDE FIRE PROIECTION BURLINGVIHIlI AREA A letten dated !'ebnua::y 16, 1956, was read from the tr'lre Commls slon, advlslng that the Flre Dopartment 1s reurrently conductlng a su:rvey to ascentaln the flre protectl,on nequlrement s of the Burllngvlew subdlvlsion as roquested by the Br:rllngvlew Gar:den Club and upon completLon a rocon- mendatlon sha11 be f onwarded to the Clty Counc11. Tbe Clty CLenk was dLr.ected to achrowled.ge the conrarnLcatlon. COMMUNICATlONS 1. WATER COINECTION CHARGES 4LA 6.AME}IDMENT TO CODE PROVID]NG FOR DISCHARGE AND SALE OF SAFE AND SANE FIREIiIONKS A letter datod. Febnuary 16, L956, was read fnom the Flre Comu-lsslon, rocommendlng that the Flre Pneventlon Code be a.mended to a1low thodischarge and sale of safe and sane fLreworks ln r.rnlformtty wtth oodesof nelghbonlng clties. In response to Councll lnquLny, Fir"e Chlef Moonby advLsod that the pnoposed change would ln no way affect theflre ratlng of the Ctty of Bunltngamo.and. that the Offlce of the StateFlne Mar.shal pnovLdes a llstlng of those fineworks consldened nsafe and gane. tf Counellman Rooth theneupon lntroduced fonNo. 619 rtAmendlng SectLons 1500 and L5O1 and Rthe Ordlnance Code of the City of Br::rltngame R 7 . PR_0r0jiED_Etu{B_q4BD _oRDINANCIT epeallng Sectlon LSOP ofe}atlng to tr'lneworks. fl flr st neadinge 0rdlnance Ordinance No. 621ty of Bunllngame By Dlsplays AdJacent A letten d.ated Febnuary 15, 1956, was read from the Ctty Plannlng Cornmtsslon, recommendlng the adoptlon of a proposed Blllboard. Ondlnancepr"ohtbltlng the lnstallatLon of btllboards bordering the Fbeeway areas, sald OrdLnance havlng been r:nanlmousS.y approved at a meetlng ofthe Planning Commlslonr Febnuarly L5, 1956. Councilman Thayen lntroduced for flrst neadlng,rrAn Ond.Lnance AnendS.ng the Ordlnance Code of the Ct Addlng Antlole 49B, Part IX, Regulatlng Adventlslngto the Freeway. tl 8.FIRE CAPTAIN ELTGIBI,E LIST JOS. J. FENA APPOT}ITED A letten dated. Febnuary 16, L956, was nead. fnom the ClvlL Servlce CommlssLone submlttlng the foLlovrLng eltglble Llst for the posltlon of FIRE CAPTAIN: a1 3 4 5 o 7 Joseph J. Fena0. Fled Fnleke ffowaz.d J. Pear:son John I. Manston Eanl M. Hlgglns Rlchard A. Scaflne Edwand J. Ruegg L447 Alvarado Avenue 125 Anund,e1 Road 152 A::unde1 Road. 121 Antta Road 812 Falnfteld Road 51 toma Vlsta Dnlve 15 Vlsta Lano Burllngame Bu:rlingame Burllngame BurlLngame Burllngamo Bu:rlingame BunlLrrgame 2. a a a a a Counollmen Thayon moved that No. L on the eL1g1b1e Ilst, Joseph J. Fena, be appolnted to the posltlon of Fine Captain to ft11 anexlstlng d.epartment vacanoy, effectLvo March 1, L956. Ihe motion was seconded by Cor-rncl}nan Rooth and. unanlmously carnled. 9. PUBr,f C UIIIITIES Co],S{IsSI0l[ IESPONSE _T0_ 1{,0oD INQUIBY A Letten dated February 1O, L956e was nead fr"om the Prrblle Uttlltles Commlsslon, recommendlng that a copy of a comrmrnlcatlon addnessed tothe City Counoll by G. J. Marn, Directon of Publte Wonks, bo fonwandedto Mr. Rlchard Hoag ln neply to hls lnquiny relatlve to fLood poblems. The communicatlon was recelved and, pLaced on file. 10.COMMENDATION FROM BORAI'IVAY DEVELOPMENT ^A.SS 0crA TION A Letten dated February 14, 1956e rr&s read. fnom the Broadway Develop- ment Assocl.atlon commendlng the Counell and tho Pank Supenlntend.ent onthe flonaI dlspIay along Bnoadway. The Park Supenlntendent was requostedto achrowledge necelpt of the communlcatLono REPORTS .OF OFF'ICERS. Repcrts fnom tfro f,tUrapyr Poll.ee Department, Besneation Depantmente Department of hrbllc IIeaIth a"ad Welfane of San Mateo County, and tho Department of hrbIlo Wonks, fon the month of Januarye L956, were aclorowledged and pLaced. on fLLeo RESOLUTIONS None 411 ORDINANCES - ConsLdenatl.on of : Or"d.lnanc6 No. 6].7 ffDeclarln g Intentlon to Vacate and Abandon Pontlons @entShownonMapofUn1tNo.6,M111sda1eInd'ustn1a1Pa::k, Bunllngame, San Mateo Corrnty, CalLfonnlatr (Ma.nch 19, 1956 publtc hoa:ring) was glven lts second neadlnge and on motLon of Coun dlmanRooth, seconded by Corrncllman Johnson, sald ordlnance passed lts second neadlng and was adopted. by the foLlowlng vote: Ayos: Cor:ncllmen: ffid-Johnsou-Rooth-Thayer Noes : CouncLLrnen: Nono Absent Councllmen: Mongan Ondlnance No. 618 (Regulatl.on - Display Slgns ). Prlor to the secondreadlng of OrdLnance Noo 618, the Ctty Clerk nead a letten d,ated. Febntrany L7, L956, fnom Fosten and ffi.elsen Company, 1675 Eddy Stneet, San Frranciscol expnesslng obJection to sevenal of tbe sectlons lnconpora-ted wlthln the ord.lnance. It was the necorunrondatlon of the CounclLtheneaften that the obJeotlons outllned ln the communlcatlon were lnsuf-flctent to Justtfy a rnevlsion ln the ondLnanee as proposod. Ordlnanoe No. 618 rrRepeallng Artlcle 29t Part V, of the Ond.lnance Codeof the Ctty of Burllngeme; Adopting a New A:rtlcle 49L, Part fX, Regulatlngthe Constnuction, &ection, Malntenance, and. Use of Slgns Wlthtn the Ctty; and Ropeallng ALL Sectlons of tho Ondinance Code ln Confllct Thenewlthn !!ras glven lts second neadlng and on motlon of Cor:nctLmen Thayer, seeondedby Cor:ncllman Rooth, seld ordlnance passed lts gecond neadlng and wasadopted by the foLlowlng vote: Ayos: Councllmen: Bynd-Johnson-Rooth-ThayerNoes: Counellmen: None Absent Cor:neilmen: Morgan I]NFINTSEED BUSINESS. GasoLine ELds - 1956 RequLnements A corrumrnLcatlon d.ated, February 3.7, 1956, was received from the Ctty Clenkeadvlslng that a tabulatlon and a compa:rlson of gasollne bid.s d.eclared.s,t the Last regulan meetlng of the Clty CounoLle lndlcated the SeasLde 011 Company as the Low bldden. A motlon was lntnoduced by Cor:ncllman Rooth that the bld for the 1956 gasoLine noqulrements fon the Clty ofBu:rlingame be a wanded. to the low bidder, the Seaslde 011 Company, seconded by Corrncllman Thayen end unanlmously carrLed. NT]VII BUSTNESS Manch of Dlmes FoLk Danoe A communlcatlon d.ated. Febr:ua:r.y 2O, 1956, was read fnom E. L. LLncoln,Supenl.ntendent of Recneatlon, announclng a nMarch of DLmes Dancettevent at the Bunllngame fntermodlate School, Satwday, Febnuary 25th, unden _the sponsolrshlp of the FoIk Dance C1ubs of tho Ponlnsu}C. A Largeattondance was u:rged. CLAIMS - Februarry, L956 CLalms Nos.8183-835L ln the amount of $5*r45L.96r duly audited,, were au-thorlzed drarva on tbe Clty fFeasury ln thelr respectiv6 amourt s on motlonof Cotrncllman Rooth, seeonded by Counel.Lman Johnson end r:nanlmously car:rled. PAMOLL Paynoll wamants, month of JanuarXr, L956, lilos. 48LL-5858 ln the enorrnt of !57r196.56 qore appnoved on motlon of Cor:ncllman Roothr seconded by Corrncllman .Johnson and unanlmously crnled.. ADJOURNMN$T There belng no f\rther buslndss, the meetlng was negularly adJoum.ed atLZ:?E &otr1o Respectful1y subnlt ted, nbert K. L. B. IJIayon Clty CLenk A