HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1955.01.172ts1 Bunllngame Cal-lfonnia January lJ, 1955 A regulan meeting of the Burlingame Clty Council was he1d. on the above glven date. Meetlng ca11ed to onder at, Bt25 P. M. - Vice Mayon Rooth ln the Chaln. Ro11 CaI1: Present Councllmen: Bynd.-Morgan-Rooth-Sheehan Absent Counellmen: Atwaten Councilman Morgan moved that CouneLlman Atwaten be exeused due to l11ness, seconded by Councllmax Byrd artd carnled.. The mlnutes of the prevlous meeting of Janua?y 3t L959, as submlttedto members of the Councllr .wero unantmously appnoved and ad.opted. on motlon of CouncLlman Morgan and seconded by Councllman Byrd. HEARING: In conforrmance to pnovlslons of Ordlnance No. 573, ad.opted. on the 20th day of Decemben, L954, d.eclaring the lntentLon of the Councll to vacate, aband.on and close to pubIlc uso a publlc servi.ce easement located onrrunlt No. 1, Ml11sda1e Industrlal Parkrr, Vtce-Mayo:r Rooth advlsod. thatthls was the tLme and pLace scheduled for publlc heanlng on the sub- Ject. At the rgquest of the Council, Clty Englneen Marr, lllustrated on the map of Unlt No. 1, Ml11sd.q1e IndustrLal Park, the proposed. ne-locatlon of the Cltyts water Ilne to penmlt the Guittand Chocolate Com- pany to constnuct lts plant over the exlstlng easement. Ee ad.vlsedthat the relocati.on met with the approval of the offLce of the Clty En-glneer. A resolutLon, No. 3-55 rrOnd.erlng the Vacatlon and Abandonmentof a Certain Publlc Utllity Easement Shown on the Map Ertltled tUnlt No. 1, Mi11sd.ale Indust:rlal Park, Burlingante, San Mateo County, Callfor- nlarr rnras lnt::oduced by CouncLlman Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded.by Councllman Mongan and ad.opted. unanimously on ro11 call of members pnesent. COMMUNICATTOI{S: 1. A letten d.ated Januany 5, L955, was read from tho Burllngame Clty P1-annlng Commi.sslon, advlslng that a pub1lc hearlng had been conducted, on en app1lcation submLtted by l{ns. Many Hoonan, fon a Varlance Permltto Openate a Boardlng House at 901-907 Burllngame Avenue. The Cornmls-slon thereafter r:ecommend.ed. that the varLance be granted to Mns. Iloonan,the Lessee on1y, with the pnovlslons that anrruaL inspectlon be made bythe Fine and. Bulldlng Depantmonts and that no slgns be used. on the bu11d.lng. Luthen M. Carr, attorney for the Lessee, expressed. approval to thepnovlslons reconmended by the Plannlng Conmriss5.on, but suggested thatthe varlance be gnanted. on the basls of a use pertnlt, nathen than apersone.l vanlance, ln the event the propenty may be laten d.lsposed of.Ml:. Carr polnted. to the exlstence of only two lnadequacles of ordLnarxceprovislons ln the current operatlon of the preml-ses. Cyrus McMlLLan, attonney for the owner, advlsed of hls pneference thatthe var.lance bo gnanted as a real property use pennlt. Following funther dlscussion, ln whleh Colr:ect1 membors concurred thatan inJustlce wouId. be lmposed ripon both the ownor and the lessee, lfa personal varlance were granted., Councllman Byrd moved. that the Coun-cl1 concur l.dth the recomnend.atlon of the Planning Connnisslon that a vanlanee be grahted. as applled fon, upon alL of the eond.ltlons rocorl- mended by the Planning CommlssLon, except the cond.ltlon that the var-lance be personal to the applicant. The motlon was second.ed. by Coun-cllman Morgan and. unanlmously carcIed.. Councllman Sheehan lssued. a publlc statement refuting newspaper lnfer- ence that because of hls resldence in North Burllngamer hls lntenest would. prlmanlly beneflt that J.ocale. Ile gave assnrance that hls effonts,activltles and. movements as Cl.ty Councllman would. be fon the beneflt ofBurllngame as a whole. ?,32- Councllman Sheehan submlttefl. his nesignatLon as a member of the Cham- ber of Commerce Ind.ustrial Dovelopment Corralttee and. requested that the CouncLl sanctlon lnstead, hle appolntment as Council l-alsor ro6rt- ben to the Industrlal Cormnlttee. Mn. Fred. Lehman, Chainman of the Chanrber of Couonerce Ind.ustrial Development Commlttee, recommend.ed.that Councllman Sheehan be so appointed. Vlce-Mayor Roottr thereafter appolnted, CounclLman Sheehan as Cor:ncl1 representatlve on the above- mentloned conrnlttee. Each memben of the Councll expressed appnovalto glvlng encour's.gement to the Locatlon of lndustry in Burltrrganre and that the pnesent Councll augment arry actlon the Clramber of Comrnence may require in lntenestlng and. lnviting lndustnial plants to locate within the clty Ilmlts of Bun1lnga.me. A letter dated January 10, L955, hras nead from ttre Burlingame Chambenof Cornmence fndustrlal DeveLopment Conmrltteo, recomnendlng that a slm-pllfied procedr:re be established to perml-t the rapld. pnocesslng of s1mp1e Lot d.lvlslons, and nequestlng that the City Councll asslgn a hlgh prlorLty to: (1) Revlewlng the p::esent proceduro i"rlth the alm of-reduelng or ellmlnatlng the present nequlnements, and. (2) Indicat- lng Amendment of the existlng 0rdlnance No. 539, Divlsion 15. Fol- lol^rlng eonsldenable d.Lseussloa on the subJect, lt was determlned by members of the Counell, that the pnoposaL would. not necessarlly aLter the ordlnance baslcally, but wouLd. nequlre a change ln ad"ntnlstratlveproceduro. Ihe subJect was refenned. t o the Clty Attorney, the Clty Englneer and. to the Planntng Consultant for conference wlth the In-dustrlal Development CornmS.ttee, and resuLtant flndlngs be submlttod,at a later date to the CounciL. 3, A letten d.ated. Januany 72, L955, was read from the Burllngame Clty Plannlng Commlssion, advistng that a pub1lc heaning had been conduct- ed on an appllcation submltted. by Mr. Cyrus E. Matteson, represent-atlve of the Unlon 011 Comparrlr for a Use PermLt, to e::ect a gaso3.lne servlce statlon on Lot 1, Block 1, Ml11s Estate Subdivlsion No. L, and recormrendlng that as the app3-lcatlon eomplles wlth Secttons 1930 and 1973 of the Zonlng Ordinance, the Us6 Permlt be granted._, Coun- cllman Bynd moved. concurrence ralth the recommendatlon and a use Pen-mlt was gnanted to the Unlon 011 Company to erect a gasoJ-lne statlonat tho locatLon stated, seconded. by Councilman Morgan and unanlmous- Ly carnied. 4. A letter dated. Januany !, L955, was read. from the Burllngame Clty Plannlng Corumlsslon, notlfylng the Councll that a thorough stud.y and review had been gLvon to the tentatlve map of the Ml1ls Industnlal Pank and. subsequent to certaln changes and modtflcatlons, the Comnls- sion recormmended that the tentative map ba approved by Councll a6tion. *r,r*Se6 page.#235 Minute Book for continuation- of paragraph. OFF-STREET PARKING PROPOSAL: Counctlman Morgan, Chalrman of the Councll Off-Street Parklng Conrdt-teor reported that negotiatlons havo been successful ln acqulnlng anaddttlonal thlrty-two parklng spaces on the parking 1ot on Palorua Avenue, pantly reltevLng the pa::klng eongestlon on Broad.way. At the request of Cor:nclLrnan Morgan, the Clty Clerk read an agreement between the Ctty of Burltngame and Anna C. and Henpy fl. Park, for the use of 'Lot 27, Block 15, burlingame Grove Subd,lvlslon, f on off-stneet park- 1ng purposes. Resolutlon No. Y-55, rrAuthonl?tng the Mayor to E:cecute the Agreement with Anna C. and-Henry R. Pank[ orilners, and Roy R. Luccheslr lessee, was lntroduced by Counclhnan Morgan, who moved. its passage, second.ed by Councllman Bynd and unanlmously carnled. In re- sponse to Counctl lnqulry, Clty Englneer Mann ad.vl-sed that he has re- eelved lnformal blds and the fil":m of F. D. Sperry 0o., lo-cal contract- or3s, has submittod the 1ow bld.. Ho funther advised the uouncll that the total cost should. not exceea $21100.00, of whlch $Oy', wtl.L be borne by the Clty artd 50% by the or^rner". Councll-man Byrd moved that the Clty B:gineer be authorlzed to aceept the bid. of F. D. Spenry Co., seconded by Councllman Sheehan and. unanimously carried. COMMUNICATTOI{S: 5. A l-etter dated. January L11, L95r, was read fnom the clty Clerk, sub-mlttlng the foLlowlng 1lsts as tho result of exarrlnations conducted. by the Clvll Servlce Commlsslon: Malntenance Man - Flnst Class: 1. McKlnley Reed.60 Pacific Ave., San Bruno. r ')DD&da') a) Malntenance Man - Street: L. Anthony F. Clrelll l,292 Cr;,,s1*1 Spnlngs Road, San Bruno 2. William J. Selklrk 575 Vtetory Avenue, South San F'ranclsco 3. Charles J. Knen 1092 Jenevein Avenue, San Br.uno h. Robent G. Bannerot 5J.,2 Prtnroso Road, Burllngalne The llst was neceived and placed. on file for future neferenee. 6. A letter d.ated January [, 1955, was read f nom the Clvil Se::rrlce Commlsslon, requesting that the ellglbIe l-ist for Cspf,aln in tho Fire Department, establlshed January 18, L95l+, be renewed fon one year. Councllman Morgan moved that the llst for Captaln be penmltted tolapse, seconded by Councllmaa Byrd and. unanimously carrled.. As & means of clarlficatlon, the Fine Chlef was advised that an appolntmentof a Second Asslstant Fl::e Chlef, a Flre Captaln and a Deputy PollceChief, would be consldered by the Councll at a later date 7. A letten dated. Januar'5r Ll, 1955, was read. from the Board of Fl::e CormtLssloners, requestlng that the Councll grant permlsslon to the'Flre Department to trse the fifty-foot cLty-owned. lot on CallfornlaDrlve, ad.Jacent to the Flne Statlon"at Palm and Callfornia Drlves, f or drl11 and tralnl-ng purposes. CoutrclLman Byrd moved. that the Flre Depantment be glven Junlsdletion of the 1ot and that the Flre Chiefsubnlt for Councll dlscusslon ln the near future, plans for a dnaftplt pnoposed to be constructed on the Lot. The motlon was seeondedby Councllman Sheehan and unanlmousJ.y canrled. B. A letten dated January 11, L955, was rCIad fnom the Boand of Flre Conmrlssioners, notlfylng the Councll that the Connnlssl.on has thonough-Iy d.iseussed, an offer submltted. by ttr. C1a::e Kemp, to bulId. arrd. tolease to the Clty, a bullding to be used for a flre statlon ln the ln-dustrlal area and the Conrnlsslon eoncurred that It would not meet theCltyr s requlrements for a statLon ln that area. As a funther explan-atlon, Vlce-Mayor Rooth, Chal:raan of the Council Fire Conmlttee, ad-vlsed that as the off6r lncludes only the constnuctlon of the build-ing, the Clty would be nequi::ed to lnstall an al-aru system, equipment,provlde livlng quarters and to employ addltlonal persor,rel, thus mak-lng the proposal too costly. Councllman Sheehan moved. that the Coun-cl-I concur ln the recommend.ation of the FLre Commlssion, seconded by Councllman Morgan. Speaking on the questlorlr'Councllman Byrd submlt-ted an alternate suggestlon that the City obtain fnom the State PubllcUtllittes CommLsslon, the San Frarelsco Pub1lc Utl11tles Conrrrlsslon and the Southenn Paclfie Company, the necessary permlts to construct and. malntaln a pnlvato nallroad crosslng approxlmately ln front and opposlte of Flre Station lilo. 1, and that signals electronically con- trol-Ied. be installed to permlt fine apparatus to eross and serve thearea east of the nailnoad tnacks. The subJect was nefenred to Vico- Mayor Rooth fon consultatlon wlth the Flne Chlef, the Flne Conrndssion and, the Clty Englneer, and. the City Engineer was lnstructed. to submlt estLmates of cost. The motlon was theneafter unanlmously carrled.. 9. A letter d.ated. Jarruary $, L955, was read from the Bu:rlingame Pank Comrnlsslon, reeommend.lng that Park Supervlsor Francand be permLtted toattend. the Callfor.nla Soelety Amerlcan Tnstltute of Park Executlves,Inc. Conference Ln Carnrel, January 2J, 4, 25, 1955. It was the opln-lon of the Councll that the Pank Supenvlson be penmitted. to attend. one anrruaL Confenence at arx expense not to exceed. $75,00, the selectlon ofwhich Conferenee to be detennLned by the Pank Commisstorl and the ParkSupervLsopr A motlon to that effect was Lntnoduced by Councilman Sheehan, seeonded. by Councilman Byrrd and unanlmously caruled. LO. A letter dated Janua.ny 1J, 1955, was read from the Burllngame Ree-neatLon Conrnlsslon, reconsnendlng that permlsslon be granted to E. L.Llncbln, Rscneation Superlntendent, to attend the CaJ-lfonnia EeeneationConference ln Santa Cruz, Febrrrary 13 16, L955. CounclLman Bynd moved.that Recreatlon Supenl-ntendent tlncoLn be authorlzed. to attend, wlth an expense allowed 1n an amount not to exceed. $75.00, seconded. by- Councll- man Sheehan and unanlmousl.y cannled. Councl-Iman Byr.d requested. that an itemlzed. accor:nt of Conference expenses be submltted by all Depantment Head.s. 11. A letter dated. January 1[, L955, was read from G. J. Manr, Dlnect-or of Fub1lc Wonks, reque_sltpg_thqt appol4tments be made to the StreetDepantment fnom cuirent ellglble Ilsts. Couneilman Morgan moved that 234 McKlntrey Reed., be appolnted to the posltlon of Str.eet Maintenance Man, First Class, effectlve February 1, 1955, subject to Clvtl Ssr- vLce nules and negulatlons, second.ed by Councllman Byrd and unb.n- lmously carried. Anthony Cirelli was appointed to the posltlon of Str.eet Maintenance Man, effectiv6 !'ebruary 1, L955, subj,ect to the provLslons of the Civtl Senvlce Rules and. Regulatlonsr oo motion of Councllman Byrd and unanlmously canrled. Clty Ehgineer Marr clues- tloned. the Cor:ncl1 whethen medieal examinatlons wer6 nequired 1n c&ses of promotionaL examlnations and was advLsed that the Counei-l 1s givlng conslderation to the subject. 12. A letter d^ated January 1J, L955, was read. from G. J. Marr, Dlr-ector of Publlc Wonks, advising that a final inspection has been made on the contract awanded to the Lowrlo Pavlng Company for theconstruction of the northeasterly one-half of Callfornia Dr,lve Ex-tenslon, and. that said contract has been satisfaetorlly comp}eted. Counellman Morgan intnoduced and moved. the passage of ResolutLonNo. W55, rrAccepting St:reet Work As Perfonmed by Lowrie Pavlng Com-pany - Contract MCS 66rt, second.ed. by Councllman Byrrd and. r:nanlmously carrled. 13. A comblned. letter from G. J. Manr, Clty Englneen, and Burness Karmel, City Attorney, dated Janua::y lJ, 1955, wa,s r6ad, rocommend.-ing that the J.ow bidd.en, Joseph L. Castor Company, Rlo Grande Dls-tr:lbuton, be awarded the annual contract for the dlstributlon ofgasollne fon the perlod. February 1, L955 to Januany Jl, A956. Coun- cilman Byrd moved. eoncurrence with the recommendatlon and Joseph L. Castor Company was awarded the contract, seconded by CounclLman Sheehan and unanlmously carnled.. 1l+. A letten d.ated. January lge L955, was nead fnom the County of San Mateo Board of Supervlsori, sollcltlng the advisory ald. of Lhe Clty' Plannlng Commlssion, ln the proposed. development of a comprehonslve, long term, general pLan for the physlcal development of San Mateo County. The cornnunLcation was referned to the Clty Planntng Commls- slon and the Clty Clerk instnucted. to so notLfy the County Boa:rd of Supe nvi.sors . 15. A letton dated. January 1J, 1955, was read from Chtef of PolLce Theuer, submlttlng costs fon the replacement of a f.9b6 Mod.ol l.{oton- cycle and the pr:rchase of additlonal motorcycle equipment for the enforcement of unmetered. areas, panklng lotse etc.; as requosted byprevlous Councll actlon. Cor:ncllman Bynd, ChaLrman CounciL Poliee Commlttee, advlsed that the subJect matter has been thoroughly ex-plored. and Lt raas determLned that the purchase ls necessary. A mo-tion was thereafter lntrod.uced by Councllman Byrd, that the pu:rchaseof the two abovementloned ltoms ln the amount of $11875.00 be auth- onLzed, changeable to the Parklng Meter FL1nd., seconded. by Councllman Morgan and unanimously canrled.. REPORTS OF OFFTCERS: Readlng of the neports of the Llbnary for the month of November, 1954,the Fire Department, the Pollee Department, the R"creatlon Depantment and the Department of Publlc Works, for the month of December, L954, was walved and depantnrent head.s commend.od for the detalJ.ed. nepo::t ofactivitles. WARRAI{T APPROVAL: Clalms Nos. 6362 through 6l+ggr lncLuslve, ln the anount of $e3r593.O7,duly audlted, luere authonlzed dnawn on the Ctty tneasury Ln theL:: ne- spectlve amountsr or motloa of Councllman Byrd.e seeond.ed b;r CounclJ-- man Mongqn a.nd unanlmousJ.y carnled. PAYROLL APPROVAL! Councllman Morgan requested that Councllman Byrd, Chalrman Po1lce Com-mlttee of the Councl1, be instnucted to confen wlth the Chlef of Po1-lce, on the feaslbllity of convertlng tho tniangulan strlp of land atthe Lntersectlng stneets of Lorton Avenue, Bellevue Avenue and Callf- ornla Drlve, lnto a parklng area Paynoll fon the month of Decemben, Checks Nos. 1l+B thnougb. l+96, lnclu-slve, ln the anrount of $5hrl+6o.1+7, were approved'on motton of Councll- man By::d., second.ed by Cor:ncllman Florgan and unenLmous1y carnLed.. }iEW BUSINESS: r 235 the any adJ ounned Councll- Councilman Morgan requested the Clty Brglneer to lnvestlgate stneet condltlon at the entrance of the Smallcomb Motor Comp Servlce Department, on Bayswater Avenue at Callfornla Drlve. In clarlflcatl-on of an apparent mlsunderstandlng, Councllman Mo:rgan ad.vlsed that the Clty Hal1 front doon nemalned open last Satund.ay, at r,ltrlch tlme somb membdnil' ofithe,CdunctLindt 1n?6t'tna11y. ADJOURNMENT: There belng no further buslness, the meetlng was negulanlat 1L:J! P. M. on motlon of Councllman Bynd and seconded man Morgan. Respectfully subml tted vby I{ERBERT WIIITE CITT CLEHK APPROVED: IiI. RooTii VICE-MAYOR rffir&6ontlnued from page #232.Mr. Chanles Blalr, representlng W11sey and Co., engi-neens for the pno-ject, lllustrated. on the m&pr the designated parcels and stated that is prepared. the map accomplishes the potentlal sale of rrtailored.rr 1ot s. Mr.- James Himmel suggested that the slze of lots be increased to a maxlrmrm of at least L?.5AO square feet. In reply to Mr. I{imnelrs suggesttlon and ln response to Council lnquiry, flIr. Blalr advlsed that the proposed slze of lots is a curcent standard proced.ure ad.opt- ed by developers of mod.eI industrial developments. A motj-on was thereafter lntroduced by Councllman Byrd., seconded by Councllman , Morgan end unanimously cannled., that the Councll concur with the recommendatlon of the Plannlng Commlssion ln ad.optlng the tentative map of Unlt No, $ Ml11sd,a1e Industrial Park.