HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.12.1782 Burlingame - Callfornla December l7, 1956 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of the Bu:rllngame Clty given date. Meetlng cailed to order at Chair . Councll was held on the abov€ 8:00 p.m. - Mayor Rooth in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAI'iCE At word fnom Mayor Rooth all ln the Courrcll Chamber arose and gavethe Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Present : - Cou-ncll-men: Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayer Absent ! - Councllman: Bpd Councllman Thayer. moved that Cormcllman Byr:d. be etcused urrtll hls appearance at the meetlng, seconded by Courrcllman Morgan and unanirrous -ly carnied. MINUTES PREVIOUS II{EE|IING The mlnutes of the previous meeting of December 3, 1,a56, as submlttedto membe-s of the Cor:ncll were unanirnous ly approved and adopted on motlon of Councllman Thayen and seconded by Courrcllman Johnson. FEPOET FROM ROBERT W. HARRISON (Bur.l lngame Industrial Asses sment Dis trlct ) A rrRevier of Proceedlngs and Senvicesfndustrlal Assessment Distrlct, Unden dated December 12r 1955, was fl1ed by & Harkleroad, attorneys actlng 1n and Assessment Distnlct. Attorneys, Re: Burl-lngame neet Openlng Act of 19Olnbert W. Harrison and Barrettr the Burllngame fndus trlal ofst Ro fo ( Councll-man Byrd appeared at the meetlng at B:07 p.m.) At the request of the Chaln, the Clty Attorney stated that fnom the lnceptlon of the formation of the Burlingame Industrial AssessmentDlstrict, he has been kept advLsed and furnished r+lth appropriate papers on all proceedings. fn sumnarlzlng the trRevlew of Proceedlngs and Servlces of Attorneystr, the City Attorney advlsed the Councll of the following 1ega1 fees to be included 1n spreading the assessments for the Dlstrict: 1. $t,677.55, based on the customa?y ztr; of the final construc-tlon cost;2. $5,125.OO for servlces ln connectlon wlth the acqulsltlon qnd condenns.tlon of property and for whlch a basic fee of S2OO.OO per actjon f;r twenty-six actlons was charged; and 3. Sl+19.7 5 ion ttout of pocket c6ststt (publlcatlons, n6tlces, etc. ) fhe Ctty Attorney advlsed that tho sum of $l+19.75 is to be paid now from the general fr:nd of the Clty and relmbursed fnom the proceeds of the assessment lrhen funds are aval1ab1e thenefor'. RF,SOLUTI ON No. 102-56, rrResol-utlon F ixlng errd Conf fu'ming Compens- ation to be Paid Attor.neys Ernployed by the City Councif to Assist the Clty Attorney ln ProceedLngs Under Street Openlng Act of 1903for Improvements in Burllngafle Industrial Assessment Dlstnlct" was lntroduced by Councllman Byrd whc moved its passage, seconded by Cor:ncllman Johas on and r:aanimous ly adopted on ro11 call of members. Robert LI. Ha:rrison, attorney for the Distnictr thenked the Councll for its cooperatlon during the formatlon and near-conpletlon of the improvement to the distrlct and in turn iras commended by the Cou1cll for hls service to the CitY. 83 COMMUNICATIONS 1. UTILITY MAN EL]GIBLE LIST A cormunication dated December 1l+,Service Cormnlss lon, submltting theposltlon of UTILIrY MAN: 1955,. was r.eceived f::om thefollowing sllglble 1lst fon Clv11 the 1 2 3 l+( 6 ?I 9 Rlchard F. McKinnon Melvin Canpente:: Char'les E. Burn Francis D. Foley Freeman L-. Ealnos Henry F. Tadday Richar.d H. LeahyVletor J. Paulsen Stenley W. B:rorrn 2[6f Tana:,pals Street 507 Pntmrose Road 28 Anlta Road 627 Edlnburg StneetlIJl Ebener Stneet 635 Mayfain Avenue 200 Vlsta Grande Ave . 1008 Lagr:na Avenue [08 Penlnsula Avenue Mountai n Vler Burlingame Bur l lngarne San hancls co Redwood Ci ty So. San Francls coDaly Clty Burl lngame Burl ingame The comrnunlcation was recelved and placed on f11e. 2; GROUNDSIIAN ELIGTBLE LfST A communication dated December 14rService Conunlsslon, submitting theposltlon of GROUIIDSI{AN: 1!!5, was received fnom the Clvll followlng e1lgtb1e 1lst fo:: the . Francis D. Foley . Henr.y F. Tadday . Charles E. Bur:r . Vlctor J. Paulsen . Freeman L. ilalnes . Richard H. Leahy A communicatlon dated December 1l+r Ser"vlce Commlsslon, submlttlng thepositlon of PATROLI"IAN: 527 Edlnburg Stneet 535 Mayfair Avenue 28 Anlta Road 1008 Lagirna Avenue11ll Ebener Street 200 Vlsta Gr:ande Ave . 1 3 l+ 5 6 lJJ6, uas received frofollowlng e1lglble 1ls San Fralcls co So.San Fraroclsco Bur.f ingame BurJ ingame Redwood Clty Daly Clty C lvl1 the The comrnunicatlon was recelved and placed on fl}e. 3. PATRoLIAN ELIGTBLE LIST rn thet fon 1 Z 3 Jay A. Mcfiendry 1719 Van Buren Stroet San Mateo Jame s Howard llt Capuchlno Dnive Mlllbrae Carl G. Sterner* il+l+ I D?ake Avenue Burilngame(*Thls appolntnent contlngent upon the applicant negalning hLs normal neight to meet rrweight qual-lficatlonsrr established for the position.) Jame s Noble . 1711 Leavenworth Street San Fnanclsco Ennest Ha11 be22 - 24th Street San Fr.anclsco l+I The commuaication was received and fl1ed. UTILITyI',IEN APP0fNTMENTS - Rlchard F. MgKinnon - Melvin Car pent erl+. A communicatlon from the Clty Manager, dated December 12, 1955' rec- omnendlng the appo lntrnent of two utilitymen to fiU vacancies ln the Street and Seuen Deparhuent t as concurr.ed ln and on motlon of Councll- man Morgan, seconded by Councl lman Thayen and unanlrnous 1y ca1'ried, Richand F. McKlnnon, 2l+67 Tanalpais Street, Mountain Vlew; and Melvln Carpenter, !0J Prlmroso Road, Burlj,ngame r No. 1 arrd No. 2, rospective- 1y on the e11glb1e 11st were appoLnted, effective Jenua::y 1, f957r sub-ject to the customary Clv1l Service Rules and Regulatlons. (GROUNDSMAN APPOINTHBIT - Francis D. Fol-ey A communlcation dated Decenbe:r a3, 1956t was received from the City Manager ne cornmendLng that a pertranent appointment be made fr.om the e1lgib1e list to fill a vacancy ln the posLtLon of Grotmdsman inthe Park Depantment. Counc llrnan Morgan moved coneurrence ln the recommondation and effective December lB, L956, Francls D. Foleyr 527 Edlnburg Stneet, San Fr.anclscol N6. 1 on the eltglble 1ist, was appolnted, subJect to the cus tornary Clvil Servlce Rules and Regu-latlons. The motlon uas seconded by Councilman Thayer and unanlmously c arr:le d . a4 6. RECGMMENDATION RE: CONSTRUCTION OF DRAFT TEST PIT AND IITURN.AROI'ND'I A eommnnlcation dated December L2, 1956, was received from the City Manager advls ing that insufficlent funds remaLn ln the Flre Department Improvement Bond Furtd to construct both the Draft Test Pit arrd thettturn-aroundrr at Flre Station No. 1, and that the constnuctlon of thelatter 1s pnobably not within the pulspose of the Bond lssue. It ras the reconmendation of the City Manager that bids for thestructlon of a draft test plt be sought ln Manch of 1957 and afor sald constnuctlon thereafte:: be executed. o CORPORATE SIIREfY BOND FOR OFT'ICE OF CITY MANAGER c on- c ontnac t Councllraan Byrd moved that the Council concur ln the reconmendatlon, seeonded by Councilman Morgan and unanLmous 1y carried. 7. PROPOSED ACQUISIT]ON OF BURLINGA]I{E SHCRE IAND COMPA}.IY ACREAGE A commnnlcation dated December L2, 1956, was read from the City }danager refer.rlng to a letter from the GenenaL Counsel fot the Burllngame Shore Land Company, dated December l, 1956, ln which lt appeared that ths Proposal of negotiating for an exchange of th?6e and one-Lralf acresIn retr:rn for fllltng part of thei.n acreage has been abandoned. The communicatlon fipom the Clty Flanager stated that the aequlsition oftlre prope-ty by condennation pr.oceedings ls flnanclally impracticalat the present tlme ald any actlon on the land will have to be held ln abeyance. Reference was afso made to the letter fnom the Bunf ingame Shone Land. Company ln whlch lt was noted that no easement has been g:r.anted for"the use of the property for sewer purposes and lmmedlate compensatlon was requested. The Clty Manager advlsed that the mattex of the sewe:: easement w111 have to be settled. Councilman Byrd related prior hlstory and noted that prevlously three acres rere pirrchased f.r om the cornpary et S5O0.0O pe" """e and ilncethat tlne the se11lng prlce has nLsen in sums varying from $7O0 to $u,ooo.oo. Courtcllman Bynd contlnued by stating that the fand is becomlng de- sir.able for 1lght type lndustry and lt ras hls recommendatlon that negotLations be continued to acqulre the property for a park sltoand, lf necessary, condemnation proceedings be initlated. Following further diseusslon on the subJect, the Chair called fo:r a recess at B:[O p.m., and the Cor:ncl], adJourned to the confer.ence room to revieu an ap:ralsal of tho tldeland areas adJacent to theclty dump made several years ago by the clty. The meetlng was cal1ed to onder at B;55 p.m., at whl ch time Mayon Rooth announced that during the recess, the Councll had discussedtechnlcallties encountered during the past few years artd that the Courrcl-I had reached a deeision to refer. the subJect to the Clty Manager for an approprlate reply to the wrlter of the cotnmunlcatlon from the Burllngame Shore Land Comparqr. 8. SMLTER STATTON ACROSS T'ROM PENINSULA HOSPITAL A communlcatlon dated Decerntrer 12, L956, was read from the City Man- ager, raeconmending that the San Mateo County fnsurance Agents Assoc- latlon be granted permission to constnuct a bus shelter station on an unused strlp of clty property across from the Peninsula Hospltal .It vas noted that permlsslon has been obtelnod fron the State to cut an entrance through the existing fencing along the State Hlghuay. Councilrnan Byrd moved that a bulldlng permlt be lssued to the ap- pllcant wlth the stlpulation that ln cutting the fencing to provlde an ontrance lt be replaced and made flush wlth the shelter: statlon. The notlon was seconded by C ouncl lman Johns on and unanlmously ca?- r.led. A communlcatton dated December 73, L956, was read from the Clty Man- ager re commendlng that, in conformance wlth Section h21 of the Clty oi Burlingarne Coder a cor.porate surety falthful performarce bond be approved for the office of the Clty Manager. Councl lman Byrd moved concurrence and that a bond Ln the amountthe c ompany nor. furnishlng surety bonds to rugn ![spgs1 and unalimous 1y ca::nied. 85 of $2,500.00 be fu::nlsbed bythe city; seconded by Councll- 10. POLICE SEOOTING RANGE A report dated Decemben 111, 1955 fnon the Clty Managen, r"elatlve tothe Po1lce Shootlng Range and proposing several types of activltlesfor whlch the range may be used, was recelved and filed. 11. PFOPOSAL TO EXTEND CTTT LTMITS TO DEEP WATM CHANNEL A connunlcatlon dated December 13, a956, lras read from the City Manager:, offening the suggestion that the Chamber of Conmeree be r.equested to ascer:tain !f,h.e thex. fifty per cent of the o'"rnens of tLdeland proper"ty would nefr.ain fr.om f11ing objectlons to annexatj-on proceedings to extend the city 1lnlts to deep water. channel. Followlng a bnlef discusslon ln whlch the Clty Maaager stated that a poi.nt fon consideration would be whe ther" the value received Just-lfled an annexatlon of thls tJrpe, Councilman By:.d moved_that the subJect agaln be referred to the Chamber of Corroer.ce. tre motLon was seconded. by Councllman Johnson and unanJ.mously earried. l.2. PURCHASE OF SECOND SWEEPER WITI{HELD A communlcation dated December l\, 1956, was read f:ron the Ctty Managen, advlslng of hls actlvltles ln connection with the purchaseof a second sweepen and reconmendlng that lf, in the event lt lsnot feasible to contr:act for a sl eeper the requlred slze, that the purchase of a new si e6per be made by budgetlng the necessa::y moniesfor cash payment in the next fiscal yean. Tbe comm:aicatlon wasplaced on fl1e. 13.POLICY ESTABLISIiED FOR RTGHT-OF.W.q,Y WIDTH FOR BAYSHORE HIGHWAY A communlcation dated December" 13, 1956, was read from the Clty Man- ager, lreeonmending that the Clty affkm the e ighty-four foot rlght- of-way nequlnenents for that portion of the Bayshore Elghway acquinedby the Clty from the State Dlvlslon of Highways and that he be author-lzed to lnvestlgate and repont the posslble methods or. plans fon dls-positlon or use of the excess Iand. There belng no obJection, theClty Manager uas so authorlzed. 1l+.I,EA\TE OF ABSENCE GR.{NTED CITY PIANAGER A request fnom the City Manager, in a letter dated De cernb en tL,, 7956,fon per:mlsslon to be absent fnom the City for fou:: working days fr"orn Docemben 2)r,, 1"956 to December 28, a956, was gr:anted on motlon of Councllman Thayer; seconded by Councl1rnan Johns on and unanlmouslycarr.led. Upon recormrendation of the Clty Manager, Clty En8lneer" Ma:::: was appolnted actlng City Managen du::l ng the interim. 15,.PERMT? TO CONSTRUCT DRTLT TRACK ACROSS BRODERICK ROAD GRANTED A comrnunication $ras received from the Southern Pacific Company dated November 30, L956, requesting a perrnlt to constnuct a:rd ope::ate adrl1l track and a s pur: tr:ack across Bnoderlek Road 1n the City of Burllngame to service Lndustry ln that ar.ea. Councllman Bynd lntroduced and moved the passage of 103-56 rtAuthor.Lzlng the Execution and Issuarrce of a Southenn Paciflc Company, a Cor.por.ation, To Cons tr.uc a D::111 Tnack and Spur Tnack Acnoss Br"oderick Road. a seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmous ly carriof member.s . Resolution No. Penmlt to thet and Operate nd ElsewLEnetr; ed on ro11 call RESOLUTlONS RESOLUTI0N NO. 10l+-56 rrAuthonlzlng Executlon of Agr:eernent dated Dec- ember 18, L956, By and Betweon the Ctty of tsurl lngame and Roneo Joly for: Oper"at lon ald Supervislon of the Clty Dumpn was lntroduced fon adoptlon on motLon of Councllman Mo::gan; seconded by Councl1rnan Bln:d and unanlmously carried on nol-1 ca11. 86 RESOLUTION 10 6 ei'a f noperty was passage; seconded bycall of members . It was noted that the Federalits sunplus property to City, Authori-zlng Mayor to Sign Fon and Accept Surplus lntroduced by Councilman Byrd, who moved 1ts Counc ilman Morgan ald adopted ulanlmow 1y on ro11 sovernment has authorizedUoi:nty, State and School the sale of agencies on1y. ORDINANCES None UNFINISI.IED BUSTNESS ftems I, 2, ) on the Agenda - Street Lfghting Impro vement, Broadway Section, Unlfonm ordinance handllng of foods, and replacement of fence along Callfor:nla Drive, Here held ultl1 the next regular neetlng of the Councl1.. 1. Cotrnc l1man Johnson request for additlonal study meetlng: A request frorn Cor:ncilman Johnson that the Council consider the sched-uling of an addltional study meeting to become better lnformed on rnat- ter:s before the Cor:ncl1, was discussed and a declslon delayed untll af-ter the first of the year. PETITION FOR TWO.HOIIR PANKING LIMIT I'ROM BAYSWATER TO PEN]NSULAR A petltlon dated December 11, 1956, slgned by property orners on Park Road, and requestlng a two-Lrour parklng lirnit on both sldes of Park Road from Bayswater Avenue to Penlnsula:: Avenue, was received fon f iIing. NEW BUSINESS 1.Reappolntments to Commiss lons Clvl1 Senvice a nd l{eral tJr & Safe!1 Mayor Rooth announced the reappointment of Edwand Hevey and Emll Schu1zto the Civl-1 Servlee Commtsslon and Wll1iartr Fillppt ald Jacob H. Cond- sen to the Heatth & Safety Comtlssion. lhe appointments rer6 unenimous - 1y conflrmed by the Councl1. 2. C]VIL SERVICE RULES & REGULATIONS PROPOSEiD TO BE REVISED Councllman Mor.gan recornmended that the curr.ent Clvil Senvice Rules & Regulatlons be nevlewed by the Clty Attor:ney and the C11y ManaSen. Mayor Rooth advlsed that the City Attorney and members of the Clvt1 Servlce Commlsslon have expressed the need for. a revlslon and the sub- Ject ras thereafter referred to the Clty Attorney ard to the City Man- ager'. CL4,TMS 0n motlon of Councllmanl Byndl seconded by Cor:acilman Johns on and unan- imously carrled, elaims for the month of December 1956, Nos. 9605 - 97 63 , in the amount ot *hl+,232 .77 , uere appr:oved and warants ordered drawn on the Clty Treasury. PAYROLL Payroll fo amount of seconded b rt SoryC he month of November, 1955, Nos. 8l+52 to 8809 ln the ,l)2.77 t were approved on motion of Councll6an By::d e ouncllman Johns on and unanlmous ly carried. Tfuiie b€lng no funther buslness, the meeting Has regularly adJournedat 9:l+5 p.m. Respe ctfully submltted HERBERTClty WHITEerkK. l.,'L !d{YoR