HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.12.0375 A regular meeting of the Burlingame Clty Councll was held on the aboveglven date. Meetlng called to order at 8:05 p.m. - Mayor: Rooth ln the Chal r. Burllngame - Callfornia December 3, ].956 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from Mayor Rooth all Ln th€ Council Chpnber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1-ag. ROLL CALL Present - Couneilmen: Absent - Councllmen: MTIIUTES PREEOUS MEE?IT{G A bld, waf1 of t BurJ.l nga lras r6ce Byrd.- Johns on-Morgan- Rooth- Tlr.ayer None The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of Novanber L9, 1956, as submlttedto menbers of the Councll rer.e r:nanlmously approved end adopted onmotion of Councllman Byrd and seconded by Councl lman Thayer. BTDS (Sale of trnon-access rlghtrr - OId. Bayshore l{lglray Property) Mayo r Rooth announcod that thls was the tlae set, pursuant to publishednotlce, for the openlng of bids sel1lng the right, tlt1e, estate andlnte::cst of the Clty of Burllngame 1n a certaln parcel of real property descnlbed ln saLd notice. lth an accompanylng certLfled cheek ln the sum of $1O0.OO forhe rlght, tltle, estete and lnterest held by the Ctty ofrB ln a certeln par.ceJ- of real property owned by Dr. Bearlnt,lved fnom B. I. Beanlnt V.M.D., L2B8 Bayshore lllghway. Councl lman Byrd, moved that the bld ln the &nount of $100.00 be accepted., seconded by Councl lman Johnson and unenfuaously carrled. Eesolutlon No. 98-6 rtOrderlng SaIe to Beryl 1. ear n f All 0f The Rlght, Title, E Bearlnt ancl Teresastate and Interest of The Clty of Burl lngame In and To Certaln Real Propertyrrwas lntroducedby Councllman Byrd rho moved lts passage, seconded by Councilman John- son and unanlmously carrled on rol-I calJ. of members. COMMUNICATIONS The communlcatlon advlsed that no actloa ls required of the Counciluntl1 a petLtlon to inprove Hatch Lane ls completed and presented tothe C ouncl l . 1 POIJCE SHOOTING P.ANGE The Councll ras advl,sed that th6 Po11ce Shootlng Range proJect ls 75y'"completed and that flnanclng of the constructlon has been acconrpllshed by polico lnltlatlve wlth the asslstance of clvlc organlzatl,ons and clubs. The communlcatlon further advised that the Clty ls not ln con- dltlon to loan funds to complete the proJect and lt was therefore roc- Reporte on the followlng subJocts, neferred to the Clty Manager at thelast regular meetlng, uerc recelved by the Councll ln corumrnLcatl ong from the Clty Manager, under dates of Novoraber 2!, November 30, L9562 1. LIGHfiNG IMPROVEIMENT DISTffCT N0. 2 (Broadray sectlon) The cormunLc at lon advl-s6d that slgnatur.es for: the lfiprovement ofltghtlng facllltlEs on Broadray have not been obtalned and no Councllactlon 1s requlred untl1 ah approprlato petltlon ls submltted. 2. HATSH LANE TMPROIrE}IENTS 76 orsnonde d that the corrpletlon of the project be continued ln the nanne r 1n whlch lt has beon undertaken. Councllman Morgan expressed tho opinlon that lt may be to the advant- age of tho Clty to ascertaln the exect cost to complete the proJect. Counci lman Byrd referred to recent dlscusslons on the subJect of unden r,hose Jurlsdlctlon the shootlng range should be placed and recalledthat lt was Lntended orlglnally, to be lncluded as e part of a po1lcooffi.cerrs tralnlng. It was CouncLlmar Byrdts rec omnendatl on that theCouncll first determlne to what use the range shal.l be placed. Councl lman Thayer stated that 1t was hen understandlng th&t part of theorlglnal plan lnc1uded the traLnLng of young personE through the Po1lce Department and. that the Recreation Conmlsslon, at the tLme the subJect was refemed to that body, rras not interested Ln sponsorlng that actlv-1tv. Councllrasn Mongan concurued wlth tho ebove statem€nts and recommendedthat the Clty Manager ascertaln the cost to complete the proJect andthe manner ln whlch fulrds may be procured. Mayor Rooth referred the matter again to the City Marager rith lnstruc-tlons that he contemplate rhether the shootLng range shall be used ex-cluslvely for poIlce detal1 or lf lt ls tho lntentl-on of the Pollce Department to sponsor a youth traLnlng program in addltlon thereto. h.SISTMS OF MERCY RE ST THAT CITY PROWDE F]RE SERVICE The cornmunlcatlon advlsed that an explanetlon has be6n glven to author.-ltles ln charge of the Slsters of Mercyrs property that annexatlon tothe Clty nould assure edoquate flre protectlon and untll a petltlon 1s properly presonted no actlon can be taken by the Clty Council. The Chalr advlsed, that there is al understandlng betreEn the Clty of Burllngame and the Slsters of Mercy that the Fire Dopartmont shalI responal to their fLre elarms if the equlpment of the Clty is nototherrlse angagedt Councllman Morgan questioned the Clty Manager on the poss1bL11ty ofthe property belng annexed to the Clty, to rhlch the Ci tJr Managerpreillcteii that annexatlon w111 eventually be requosted ln order thatthe property may ava1l ltself of a lowen flre lnsuranee rat6. 5. PURCHASE OF SECOND SWEEPM PROPOSED. EDUCATIONAL PROGEAU In the nretter of the punchase of a second sre€per, lt ras the recom- nondatlon of the Clty Hanager that no actlon bo taken untl1 the next budget perlod. Councl lman Morgan noted that numerous corplaints have been recelved on the unslghtly appearancs of the clty stneets and. recornmended that serlous conslderatlon be glven to the lnnedla te purchase of an addlt-lonal str"eot sweeper on an lns tal-lmen t p1an. The Orair noted that tho Clty of Sal Carlos has recent1y purchaeed astreet srreop6" wlth payments to be dlstrlbuted over a flve-year perlod and recorsaended that the Clty Manager sxplore that posslblltty. Councl lman Byrd expressed the opinlon that lt would be more oconomlcalto malntaln two street sreepers end. rocommcrdod that the City Managen lnvestlgate and report further to the Councl1. In concludlng a dlscussLon on the subJect, the Clty tjlanager ralr re- quested to ascertaln the cost of (a) a ner syeeper and (b) the repLace- n6nt of the prosent syeoper on a trade-ln basLs to provlde a second stneet arr66pePo The Ctty Manager Has furthe r auttrorl zed to lnltlate a method whereby householders may be educated on the proper dlsposel of debrls, etc. 6.TRAFF]C HAZARD ON BAYSWATER AVBIUE RMUCED. The Councll was edvisod that the trafflc hezard clted by the WashlnS- ton Sehool P. T. A., duo to shrubbery on lslends on Bayswat€r Avonuct has be6n reduced by the trlnrolng of sald shrubbery. 77 7.REZOIIING SECTIONS OF CITY The c ommunlcatl on reported that the zonlng ental Avenue, Horard Avenue and E1 Camlno does not uarrant a change. POLICY RE: VIOLATIONS OF ORDINANCES of the Real- i s area bounded by Occid- correct and thereby In the matter of violations to the zonlng ordlnance, lt ras recommeniledby the City Manager that subsequent to proper complalnt, testlmony and evidenee, that tho Clty haLntain a contl-nued and announced pollcy lnthe prosectul,on of violators. Questioned by the Councl1, pfqnning Consultaat Mann stated that ho would. prefer to see tbat a complete suryey be maale of the clty tolocate violatlons but that the present system of policlng 1s fairly adequate. lilayor Rooth clted severaL lnstances of recent violations of sectlonsof the Cltyrs codes and noted that no offort had been expended toabate such violatlons. Referenee was further made bo a letter previously addressed by Plan-nlng Consultant Matu to the City t,qun.1I ln rrhl ch lt was stated thatrrlt ls a po1lcy of the clty to enforce the zonlng code.tt Followlng further discusslon ln whlch the Ctty Manager was apprLsedof the naturo of vlo)-atloDs occurlng throughout the Clty, the subjectmatten was referred to the Clty Manager, the Plannlng Consultant andthe Chlef of Police. B. PROPOSED WfDENING oF BROADWAY AvmiIE The Council wes advl,sed that the orlginal petitionei" requesting the wldenlng of Broadyay, having falled to obtain the necessary slgnaturesto properly petitlon the Counell, had proceeded with the remodeling ofhis property and no action of the Council lras necessary. Councllraan Morgan recalled that lt was the origlnal intention of theproperty owne rs on Broadway to widen ttre buslnoss area and to modern- 1ze the ].lghtlng facllltles. ft was reconrnended by Councl- lman Morgan thet the Clty Manager approach the property owne rs on the appropriate procedure to pursue to lmprove the distrlet. It was further recommend.- eti by Councllman Morgan that the polJ.co lnvestigate the matter oftruck parking on Broadrray. There belng no obJections on th6 pant of the Council, Mayor Rooth re-ferred the subJect agaln to the Clty Manager for a posslble promotlon of the p:roJect. 9. PURCHASE OF L]QIIDAMBER TREES RECOI!{I{ENDED It ras the recomnendation of the Clty Manager that due to llmLtedflnanc6s, the purchase of flfty tl o,gldanber Trees proposod for plantlng along CallforrrLa Drlve, be conslderod when more revenues are avallable. Questloned by the Councl1, approxLmate $50O. O0. the Clty Manager advised that the cost would Follolng a brlef discussion, Councl lman Byrd moved thet lf funds rithlnthe current budget are avallable, that the Ctty Manager be authorlzedto purehase the treos as reeo mended by the Park Commission and, faeklngthe necessary funds, that the ltem be consld.ered at the next budget per- lod.. The motlon was secondod by Councl lnran Morgan and unanlmous 1y car- rle d. 10. HAZARD REDUCED IN RE: EUCALYPT{IS TR:IES ON BURIINGA},IE AVENUE The Councll rras advised that the hazard. created by the overgrowttr of eight Eucalyptus Trees on Burlingame Avenue near Channln8 Road has been iedueed by trtnmlng and topplng sald trees. 11. EMPLOYMEIT OF IANDSCAPE ARCIIITECT DEF'ERRED A report from the Clty Manager on the proposod empJ.oyment of a land- scape archltect to !.nvestigate pl-ans for the development of canyon. ,roperty adJacent to Rey Par:k advlsed that fund.s are not aval1ab1e. ?8 It yas recommended that a auryeJr forthe base of the canyor be lnvestLgate Flrthe r actlon was he1d, pendlng th6Clty or Burllngame. l-2. CONTRACT DI]MP OPERAT]ON oadray lngress and 6gress intoor useg6 of the area. erdf Councllman Morgan reconmended that conslderatlon be glven to utL1lzlngthe remalnlng 191a9 Fl,re Protectl-on Bonds for the prrohase end lnstall-atlon of a drafting p1t and the eonstructlon of a nturn-aroundrr adJae-ent to Elre Statlon tro. 1. dedlcation of the pnoperty to the Referred unde:. rrUnfinl,shed Busine ss. tr 13.REI,ACEMENT OF FENCE ALONG CALTFORNIA DRIVE The Councll was advised that the fence along Cal-Lfornla Drlve uas re- moved because of lts deterlorated condltlon and 1ega1Iy, a property orrne r can not bo compelted to replace a fence on hls property. theClty Malager suggested that 1f the Councll so deslres, cost estlmates can be obtalned for conslderatlon. Courrcl lmar Morgan rec ornmended. that elthen the City Manager submlt an estlmate of cost to erect a redwood. fence or that the natter be he1d.unt11 a conferenco l-s scheduled wlth the San Frs,Dcl sco Uttlltles Com-mlsslon on the possiblo rl denlng of Callforrria Drl,v6. 1lr.COST ESTIMATE FOR PLACING NIUHN ABCU}ID'I ON CALIFOHI'IIA DRIYE The c ommunLc atl on aclvlsed that the constructLon of e rrturn ar:or:ad.' adJaeent to the Flre Statlon on Callfornla DrLve rould approxfucate $2, ooo. oo . In a discusslon that followed, 1t tras recommended by the Councll thatno action be taken untJ.l dlsposltlon Ls made on the posslb1e widenlngof Call-fornl,a Drlve. The Chai r thereafter dlrected the City Manager and the Clty Attorlreyto lnvestlgate the possiblllty of applylng tnexpended ELre Bond F\nd sas recornnended by Cou.acl lnan Morgan. l-5. A recommendatl on from the Clty Manager that the contract of Mr. CyrusJ. McMl11an, negotlator for acqul"sltlon of off-stroet parking s!-tes, be extonded to iune L7, 1957, was concurred ln on motlon of Councll- man Thayer, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanl-mous 1y carrled. DIRECTIONAL SIGN AT PENINSULA AVN'IUE A recommondatl on from the Ctty Manager that the deter.lorated slgn at Penlnsula Avenue be repainted and posslbly reflectorlzed at thls tlne, uas concurred 1n by menber:s of the CouncLl. 16. RETMBURSEMENT APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS A recommendatlon that an appllcation be fonrarded to the Stete D6part- nent of Flnance for. relmbunsement of funds for the preparatlon ofplans and speclflcatlons for pub1lc works projects ras coacurred ln Resolution No. 99-56 rrAuthorl zlng the F1,1lng of a Ptans Appllcatlon OEdei TEaptor 4-iEat. 19 44 ( l+tt E. S. ) waa lntroduaed for pessage on motlon of Councllman Johnson, secondsd by Councl lnan Byrd end unan- lmously adopted on ro11 calJ- of mernber.s. t7.APPOINTMENT OF JOHN B. BEN@ETTI AS HOSM.TAN The Councll was advlsed that the person prevlously deslgnated for ap- polntment to the positlon of llosema! 1n the Flre Department ls not avallabIe for duty and 1t was rlecortrnended that another appointment be made from the eltglbtlity 11st. Councllman Morgan moved that the next ellglb1e for appolntmont' John B. Bensitettl, be appolnted, subject to his avai1abl1lty to r€port for duty and hls satlsfactorily passl-ng a medlcel .examinatlon. Iho motlon rtas seconded by Councl }nan Johnson and unanlmously carrled. L8. EXTENSIoN oF CONTRACT - CYRUS J. MCMILLAN (off-stre6t Parkfu:g) 79 19. MARVII E. TAYTOR APPOINTMENT AS C]TY ELECTRICTAN A recommendatlon from the City Manager wss recelved, reconmendlngthat &n appolntment be made to f111 the position of City ElectrLcian and that the appointee esteblLsh resid.ence rrlthln approxlmately three ml-1es of the corporatlon yaral prlor to the termlnatLon of the oneyear probatlonary perlod. Councllman Byrd moved concurrence ln the reconmendation and that Marvln E. Taylor, actlng Clty ElectrlcJ.an, be appolnted, effectlve B ofclock a.m., Tuesd.ay, December lLn, L956, secondod by Councl lman Ttrayer and unanimously canrie d. 20. VALDIWA WAY IMPROVEMEI{TS ACCEPTED AS COMPLEIE Tbe Councll was advlsed that the subdlvision of Theo G. Heyer and Sons ln the upper portLon of Valdlvla Way ln Ray Park was completed on Novoriber 9, )-956, and lt was the recommendatlon of tho Dlrectorof Putllc Works and. the Clty Manager that the work be accepted as compie te . Councl lman Morgan lntroducod. and moved the passag e of Resolutlon No. 100-!6 rr Aceepting Pub11c Lq:rovements Wlthln tfre Resubdtivi slon Callf orrria, seconded by Councllnan Byrd anal unanlmously .adopted on rol-1 ca11. Councllman Morgan announc e d. that the tract offLce that has exlstedfor e consl,derable porlod of tLme ulthln the Ray Park Subdlvlslonls beLng razed and a ney home pr.oposed fon ttre sLte. A letter dated Novomber 28, 7956, from the Burltngame RecreatLon Com- mlsslon recommend.lng 'that an ordlnance be adopted outrul-lng all dogs from playgrounds and par.k areas, wag referned to the Clty Manager fon consultatlon rlth rpmbers of the Recneatlon ConnissLon. 22. EENEST CRAVALEO APPEAT FOR VARIANCE PEHMIT A letter dated Novernber 30, 1955, ras read from Ernest and Naoml M. Cravalho, 15OB Carol Aveaue, appeallng the declslon of the Plannlng Corunlsslon 1n denylng thel:e varlanco appllcatlon on set-backs to per-nlt the constructlon of an aparbnent on EI C amlno Heal and Sanchez Avenue . A publlc hearing befor.e the Clty Councll ras scheduled, January 7, L956. 23.PROPOSED WATERWAYS-SMALL CRAFT HARBOR PLAN Referred under the headlng of IUnflnished Business.rr REPORTS OF' OFFTCERS A roport from the Recr.eatlon Department for the month of octoberr 1p!5, was recelved and plrced on fl1e. RE.SOLUTIONS RESOLUTTOI NO. 101.5 rrPr opossd 'Inolus lon of the Clty of Burllngame in the ster PIan o Uaterreys and Smal1 Craft Ea:rbor f,ocatlon of County of San Matoo Plannl-ng Commisslon and Bldorsenrent of Clty of Burllngam6 Ther.eafter to Proposed Master PLanfl was lntroduced by Corm- cl1man Byrd who noveal lts passage, sacondod by Councllman Morgan. Councllman Byrd, Ln elaborating on the proposed resolutlon, expressed approval to the endorselnent of San Mateo Countyr s proposed waterways and smal1 craft harbor p1an, provlded, howovor, that the Clty of Bur- llngame ls LncLuded ln the Master PIan. Rosolutlon No. 1O1-!5 wasthereafter unenlnously adoptod on ro11 c alf oP-neffiers. UNFTNISHED BUSII{ESS 1. REVISION OF DUMP OPERATTON COTTNACT ( Comrmrnlc atl on No. 12 on Agenda) A letter dated Novemb er 29t 1!!6, was read fron the City Manager, rec- 2I. OFDINANCE PROPOSED TO OUTRULE DOGS FROM PLAYGNCI]IIDS AND PARKS EO ormlendlng that the contract rlth the Dump Operator be amendod to ln- clude: 1. Operator &ay Eako and retaln herelntofore speclfled charges; (canceJ-latlon of l-tom ttcn of present contract) 2. In the ev6nt of disputes, City }lanager"r s dEtermlnatlonto be flnal and conclusi-ve; 3. Rocords to be maLntalnod by Openator and subJect to tn- spe etl oa i ,+. Annual repor.t to be requlred on or prlon to March I of each year; and 5. Courteous and conslder.ate treatment of the publlc. CouncL lman Morgan spoke on the posslblllty of c!'eating a neu dultrp sltenorth of the existing one, early next year, and ln reply to a CouaclLlnquiry, Mr. Romeo Jo1y, the Dunp Operetor, advlsed that he ran eyaroof the plan to create a ner dunrp and would oporato the two dur{. ng theperlod of transl tlon. Mr. Joly requested that consldoratlon be glven to the contrect b61ng nenened for a perl,od longer than the one-year contract now ln effect. Questloned by the Council, the Clty Attorney re c ornmen ded that the ternof contract be for a period. of not 1.ess than two y6ars and that lt be contlnued thereafter until notlflcatlon ls rocolvod by elther party tothe c ontract. Councl I members concuffed snd the Clty Manager uas auttrorl zed to pre- pare a n6w contrect lncorporatlng tha proposod amendmen t s and detells as dl,scussed above. 2. WATERWAYS AND SMATL CRAFT HARBOR LOCATION (No. 23 on Agenda) Councl lrnan Byrd, Ln further reference to the Clty particlpatlng 1n the proposed Waterways snd SnaJ-1 Craft Harbor locatlon, requested that all corrtnurlcatlons, sketches and pertLnent lnf orruatl on on proyioua propoa- a1s of the Clty of Burllngame to estebllsh a sma]-l boat harbor on theCltyrs bay frontage, be assenbled for LrunedLate submisslon to the Cor:nty Plannlng Comnlsslon. ORDINANCES IiIonE NEli, BUSINESS I Appolntment of IUSSELL IffnPlry !o IALCQWIIqI_ON Mayor Rooth subml,tted the name of Russell Mr:rphy, 1128 Douglas Avenue,for appolntment as a member of the Pa-r.k Cormlsslon, to f111 a vacancy on tho Commisslon created by the resl-gnatlon of Mr. Aubt'ey G1alg. The appolntment of Mr. Irlurphy was unanLmous 1y coafimed by members of the Counc11. 2. Appolntmen t of J.R. EUARDS to LIBBARY BOARD May or Rooth subtttLttod the name of appointment to the Llbrary Boar:dt reslgnatlon of Raymond A. Burns. flrmed by menbers of the Councll. J. R. Edwards, 1[29 Palm Drlve, forto f111 a vecancy created by the The appolntmont ras unanimously con- The Ctty Cl-erk wes dLnected to rr:lt e letters of oonnendletlon to lb. Aubrey Glang and to Mr. Raymond A. Burns. 3. Invltqtlqq '1oppf!:EqqSel -Frlends of the Llbrar.y Mrs. Edl th Cohendet, rnenbor of the Library Board, extended an LnYl- tatlon to an ltopen-Houset sponsored by the Frlends of the Llbrary, December ll+, 15 and 16. I 81 Mayo:r' Rooth, on behalf of the Councll, expressed appreelatlon to Mrs. Cohendet on her. lnitl&tivs and. endeavor ln bohelf of the natlonal movoment of rrFrlends of the Llbrary. r AD]OIIRNMENT There belng no further buslness, the meetlng yas regularly adJ ournedat l-0:10 P.M. Respectfully subnitted, HERBERT K.rE C]TT CLERK PPROVED: CHA w. Roo MAYOR