HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.12.16I 205 Burllngame, Callfornla Decomber 16, 19 57 CALL TO ORDER A regular rneetlng of the BurlLngame Clty Councll was held above glven date. Meetlng called to order at B:05 p.m. -Rooth ln the Chalr. on the !,layor PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE At word from Mayor Rooth, all ln the Councll Chamber arose &nd gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROI,L CALL Present - Councllmen: Byrd- Johns on- Morgan- Rooth- Ttrayor Absent - Councl,lmen: None }ItrNUTES PREVIOUS MEETING The mlnutes of the previous meetLng of December 2, 1957, as sub-mitted to members of the Councll were unanimously approved and adopted upon rnotion of Councllman Ilrayer and seconded by Councilman Byrd. I{EARING - A:"{-ENDED ASSESSMTNT II.IDUSTRIAL DISTRICT NO. II2N l,layor Rooth announced that this was the tl,me and place scheduled,pursuant to provisLons set forth In Resolution of fntentlon No. 91-55, to conduct a publlc heanlng on the pr.oposed amended assessment to the Industrlal Assessment Dlstrlct No. 2. fhere beLng no protests oror verba11y, RESOLUTION N0.Industrlal Assessment DLstr octlons recelve -57 rt conf imLn either 1n wrl tlng, Amended Asses sment obJ Boict d, No. 2 was ntroduced for pas sege upon motion of Councllman Byrd, seconded by C ounc l1man Johnson and unanlmously adopted upon ro11 call. A]R POLLUTION CONTROL BOAR) REPORT The ChaLr invited Councll,man Byrd, a member of the Board of Dlrectors, Bay Area ALr Pollution Control Dlstrlct, to lntroduce the guest speaker. Councllman Byrd spoke brlefly on the legislatlon enacted tn 1955 toestabllsh a Bay Area Pol,lution ControL Dlstrlct, stating that lt had been hls pleasure to servo durlng the organization and effectuatlon of the dutles of the Control- Boand, pursuant to which,i.ir. BenJanin Llnsky, had been highly reconrnended and thereafter appolnted to serve as Alr Pollutlon Control Officer. i,{r. Benjamin Llnsky was lnvited to atldress the Councll- and those ln attendance. 1'.{r. Llnsky outJ.lned the highllghts on the functlons of hLs offl-ce and spoke on the omployment of hlghly skiLled professional personnel to assist ln the dlscovery and the remedy therefore of air polluti on. In renderLng his r.epont, l,fr'. Llnsky ailvised that a first Reglonal Regulatlon had been adopted last March, regulatlng the practlce of burnlng combustlbles ln the opon 1n the Bay Area Aln PollutionControl Dlstrlct and spoke on the splenalid cooperatlon belng recelved by the many cltles wlthln the Six County Control- Dlstrict. In concluding his report, l,Ir. Llnsky expressed appreciation forbelng granted the opportunlty to address the Councll- and statedthat hls s.ppea.rance on this occasion initlated a program wherebyvarlous City Counclls throughout the )istrlct would be acquainted wlth the actlvltles of the Control Board. 206 Cor;nc llman Byrd and i4ayor Rooth extendedtlon as wel-I as that of the Councilr s to ance and his enlightenlng report. their personal apprecla-Mr. Linsky for hl-s apoear- COI,I}.TI'NICATI ONS FTRE COWISSION PROPOS]NG BOND ISSUE AMOUNT OF !z o00 ]B RY BO RD PROPOSING BOND ISSUE OUNT OF B C 0 SOCI TIO RTNA D PI{ENT 1 2 3 ),Iayor Rooth noted that three coirununlcatlons recelved by the Council, from (1) the FLr.e Commisslon; (Z) trre Llbrary Board and (3) trrs Bur1lngarne Recreation Assoclation, pertained, to proposed bond lssues to be placed before the electorate ln Aprll, 1t!8, and recommend.ed that the proponents confer with the Clty Manager onthe details involved; namely; (a) costs (b) reason for the request(c) reason for the cost (d) possible alternatives and a report thereafter to be submitted to the Clty Council-. Councllman Byrd further recommended that members of the Councilpresent thelr indlvidual views to the Clty Manager and that th6 Clty l{anager comelate all data into a report for submlssion to the City Council. Walter Amstrup, Chaiflran of the Park Corrnlssion, present at the meetlng, lnvlted members of the Council to attend a meeting of the Park and Recreatlon Commlsslon, the Chamber of Cormnerce and the Improvement Clubsr CouncLl, Thursday, December a9, 1957, City Ha1l,at B:0O P.I,it., for the purpose of dlscusslng the pr"oposed marlna developrnent project. In response to Council lnqulries, the Cl Iega1 requlrements necessary to pLace a electorate and stated that a resolutlonto be intr"oduced not later than January whlch, an ordinance, incorporatlng the eprlnted upon the baflot Ls thereaften to Attorney advl-sed of the nd issue before thelntentlon ls requlred , L958, subsequent to ct language to be im-e Lntroduced and adopted. tv bo of 20 xa b Councllman Morgan stressed that aLL proponents of the proposed bond lssues should be suffLclently alerteil to the fact that January 20, t958, is the deadline and urged that requests, wLth supporting data be submitted not later than the Council meotingof January 6, 1958. Councilman Morgan recalled that a bond lssue for the completion of Storm Dralnage Improvements was seriously considered by the Councll durlng its budget dlscussj,ons and through inquiries dlrected by the Chaj.r and Council,man Morgan to the City Englneer., the Council was advised that to compl-ete on1y the maJor portlon of the Drainage Improvemont would approxlmate $8001000. The Clty Englnoer further advlsed that flrst consideration should be glven to the compl,etlon of the Oak Grove Interceptor, serving CallfornLa Dnive to the Bayshore Hlghway, said cost to approximate $600, ooo. In reply to Council- fur.ther lnquirles, the City Englneer conalented on the dlfficulty in successfully passlng a bond Lssue of the abovementloned nature and suggested, as an al-ternative, the adoptionof a city sales tax to flnance the proJect. L. COI,{YIENDATION ON PEOPOSED WATERFRONT PARK DEVELOPPTENT A conrnrrnicatlon dated December 2, 19 57 t was received from the San l,lateo County Cltlzens Corrmlttee f or Park Areas, cornmendlng the Councll on lts r.eeent actlons in behalf of a l{atenfront Park Development ln the City of Burllngame. The conrnunlcatLon was acknowledged and placed on fll-e. REPORTS FROM THE CITT I4ANAGER Reports from the Clty Manager, December 11, on the followlng: of December 12 and of Peninsula Hospltal under dates ( l- ) Answer 207 Board. of Directors Regardlng Rlght-of-llay; (2) Southerly Appnoach to Ray Drive and El CanLno; (3) Extenston of Carol-an Avenue from Toyon North; and (lf) Southern Paciflc Company Rail-road Crosslngat Penlnsular Avenue, were acknowledged and placed on flle.: RESOLIIfIONS RESoLUTION N0. B}-!J rlAcce pting Two Grant Deeds and Two Deeds ofDedication of Dralnage Easement from Atlantlc Life fnsurance Companyrr (i4111s Estate No. 7r Ml1l-s Estate No. 11) was lntr.oduced upon motion of Councilman Morgan, who moved 1ts passage, secondod by Councllman Johnson and unanimously carrled upon rol] cal]. RESoLUTION NO. 82-57 'rRe questlng the Board of Supervisors ofSealateo Tou-t y to Exclude Ter.ritory Annexed to the Ctty of Bur.llngame From the Burll,ngame Hl,Ils Sewer l'{aintenance Dlstrlct as ProvLded. by 5[926 of the Health and Safety Code'r was lntro- duced by Councllman Morgan, who moved lts passage, seconded by Councilman Thayer and unanlmously carrled upon ro11 call of members. oR)INANCES - Consideration of: oRDINANCS No. 666. CouncLlman Byrd moved that the ord.lnance be amended as rec oranendedby the Clty Attorney, seconded by Councllman Morgan and r:nanlmously c arrl e d. had been noted. ln th since lts lntroducti had been cor.rected. UNFINISHED BUSINESS the Clty Attorney advlsed that a discrepancy e wordlng of a section ln Ordinance No. 666, on at the last regular meeting and subsequently FINAL I,IAP - }trLLS GARDEN COURT NO. 2 he amount ralrn onnof ORDINANCE NO. 555, was scheduled for second reading and adoptlonat the next regular Councll meetlng, January 6, 1958. I The matter of the adoptlon of the Flnal Map, Ml11s Garden Court No. 2, was wlthdrawn from the Agenda, pending addltlonal Lnforma- tLon to be recelved from the owners. 2. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SECT]ON 1926 ZONING OR)INANCE Councllman Johnson lntroduced for f i.r.st reading, ORDINANCE NO. 667,rrAmending Section 1926 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlln- game Regulating Per.misslve Regulatlons, lot Llmitations and Lot Requlrements and Helght Llmltatlons 1n R-I (Flrst Resldentlal)Dlstrlctsrr. }IEW BUSINESS 1. VACANCIES FILLED ON PI]BLIC }IEALTH AND SAFETY COMMISSION tlayor Rooth submltted the names of i,{r. Joseph Aliamrs, 935 Park Avenue, to replace itlr. Wllber Smlth and Mr. Ft ank CLstul1l , 1611,[1 Lassen Way, to replace Mr. Jacob Cordsen, as members ofthe Publi.c Health and Safety Comds sl-on. The appol-ntments were unanlmously confirmed by members of the Councl-1 . CLAI]4S lJarrants, Month of December, 1957, Nos. 11310-11450, iot $3221922.8!, auly audlted, were approved and ord.eretho Clty Treasury in thelr respectlve amounts, upon mo Councl"lman itlor:gan and seconded by Councllman Thayer. nt dd tlo PAYROLL Payroll warrants, Month of Novembe:r, 1957, Nos. 2826-3799, ln the amount of $67r503.66, were approved upon motion of Councilman 208 Mor"gan, seconded by Counc I trman Thayen and unanimously camled. ADJOURN'{ENT The meetlng was negularly adJou:rned at 9:15 P.M. Fespectfully submltted, HERBERT K. WHITEClty Clerk Ch a les W. Rooth I'Iayor. --t APPROVED: