HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.11.18199 Bur]lng&no, Callfornla Novemben 18, 1957 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of the Bur.lingame Clty Councll was held on the aboveglven date. Meetlng ca11ed to order at B:O! p.m. - Mayor Rooth ln the Chal n. PRESENCE OF STTIDENTS ACKNOWLEDGED Mayor Rooth, ln behalf of the members of presence of a group of students from the Bunllngame Elementery Schools. the Council, acknowlodged the College of San Mateo and the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chs.lr,. aJ.l arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the FIag. ROLL CALL Pnesent - Councllmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayen Absent - Councllraen: None MINUTES PREVIOUS MEETING The mlnutes of the pnevLous meetlng of November 4, l-957, as submltted to members of the Councl1, were unanlmously appnoved and adopted, upon motion of Councllman Byrd and seconded by Councilman I'hayer. HEARING PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS MII,LS ESTATE NO. 13 l.layor Rooth arulounc e d that thls was the tlme and place scheduled, Ln accordance wlth the provlslons of Resolutlon No. 72-57, to conduct apubllc hearLng on the proposed changes and modifications wlthln l{111s Estate No. 13. Lawrence Becker, Attorney, representLng the 1ega1 flrm of Klrkbrlde, WLlson, Har.zfeld & Wa11ace, advlsed that the proped changes provldefor (1) the eliminatlon of on6 lot from the origlnal assessment and (2) unpaid assessments in Mills Estate No. 13 cal.labl-e at par. Thene belng no protests recelved, elther ln writlag or verbally, and the Clty Attorney having advlsed that the resolutions affecting the rnodlflcatlons are ln proper. order, CouncLLman Morgan lntroduced and movod the adoption of RESOLUTION No. 7[-57 ltoralering Changes and I'fodiftcatLons }4L11s Estate No. 1lI seconded by Councllman Byrd and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 call of membors. The hearlng ras theroafter declared concluded. CO}.{MUNICATIONS I TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTAIIATIONS FORMALLY ACCEPTED A letter dated Novemb er l$1 L957, vas read from the. Clty Manager, advlslng that the Safe Electric, havlng met the requlrements of theplans and speciflcatlons end completed the lnstallatLon of trafflcslgnals et Oak Grove Avenue and Callfornia Drlve and at Peninsula:r Avenue end Ca].lfornia Drlve, Lt was recommonded. that ln onder to meet the requlrements of State laws, the proJects be accepted, as complete. RESOLLTTION NO. 75-57 rrAcceptLng Completlon of Contract Performed b y the SaTe -Fl-ectriE' was Lntroduced by Councllman Johnson, who moved ltspassage, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlmously carried upon ro11 c al.1 of menbers . 200 Councllman Morgan suggested that the lnstallatlon of the two trafflcsignals, at the abovementloned lntersectJ.ons, be publlcized by the press. 2. POIJCE RIFLE NANGE OPETING A conmunlcation fnom the Clty Manager, dated Novembor 15, 1957,that the Po11ce Rlfle Range sha1l be avallable soon for servlce, turkey shoot scheduled by the Lionst Club for. November 2l+, 1957, CounclL approval. advLsed wlth a pendlng Ttre Clty Managep neconrnended, subsequent to a report from the developersof the proJect, that the Councll determlne a pollcy for lts operatlonln the future. Councllman l,lorgan moved that a temporary permlt be grantod to conduct a turkey shoot as proposed, prlor to whi,ch date, the City Itlanager shaII determlne the approprlate lnsurance to adequately protect the clty from all 1labt1ity in connectLon therewith. The motion was seconded by Councllrnan Johngon and unanlmously carrled. Actlon, deterrrlning a future policy on the operatlon of the proJect, was wlthheld, pendlng a roport to be submltted by the developers of the pnoJ ect. 3. LECISLATION LIMITING PARKING hEST SIDE CALIFORNIA DRIVE A letter dated Novemb er !5, !957, vas read from the Clt vising that a tnaffic c or:nt on Callfornla Drive at Oak lndlcates that a parkLng llmLtatlon should be Lmposed o of Callfornla Drlve fnom Palm Dr.Lve to Florlbunda Avenu hours of [:00 p.m. and 6:0O p.m. on week days. It was tlon of the City l,lanager and the Chlef of Pol-Lce that 1 enacted to affect the change. v Gr n e th eg Iilanager, ad- ove Avenue, the west s lde between the e recOnmenda- lslature be The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an approprlate ordinancefor lntroductLon at the next regular meeting of the Councl1. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 76-7 trDirectlng r ssessment D strlct No. 2 l,laklng of Amended Assessment, lndus-rr was lntroduced by Councl,lman Morgan who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unenLmously adopted upon ro11 call of members. (Hearing December 16, 1957.) RESOLUTION N9. 77-57 'rApprovlng Flnal Map Entltled rCreekslde BurlLngarne @1forniatandD1rectingExecut1onofA8reementtoconstruct Publlc Improvements'r was lntroduced for passage upon motlonof Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Thayer end unanlmously adopted upon ro11 call of members. RESOLUT]ON NO. 78.7 [Authorlzlng Execution of Agneement for Engl,neer- ng erv ces Dated November I l-957, B y and. Between the Clty of Burl- 1ng ame and Wilsey & Ham, A Corporation'l was lntroduced by Councllman Morgan, who moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanl,mously adopted upon ro11 ca1l" of members. ORDINANCES Consideratlon of: ORDINAILCII IIQ1 665 I'Amendlng Section 825 of th6 Ordlnence Code of the B elTt;f-Eutlingane by AcIdLng Thereto The Job classificetlon of Recr:e- atlon Leader and Providlng the Compensati-on Thereforrr was glven Lts second readLng and upon motLon of Councllman B5rrd, seconded by Councilman Johnson, said ordinance passed lts second readlng by the followlng vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Ihayer' Noes: Councllmen: Nono Absent CouncLfmen: None UNFIN]SHED BUSINESS 1. PARKING ]ISTRICT APPEAL The Chalr announced recelpt of a 1lst of property owners withln the Burllngame Parking Dlstrlct, dated November l-8, L957, D? ging that the Council take al-I necessary action to appeal or otherwise preserve and complete the Off-Street Parking Dlstrict. 201 Councilman Byrd moved that the Counc j.1 reverse its previous action not to appeal the decision of the courts in the matter of the Parking Dlstrict, seconded by Counci.lman Morgan and r:nanlmously camj-ed. A further motion was introduced by Councilman Byrd thet the City Attorney and the attorneys engaged as consultants, be authorized. to proceed irrnedlately wlth the filing of the appeal of the decisj-on of the courts affectlng the Gr.ay Properties and, ln the event of a reverse decision affecting the Safeway Propertles and the Ford Properties, the attorneys be authorized to fl1e an appeal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanlmously carrled. 2. SEWAGE PLANT ADDITIONS Counc ilman Morgal, in referrlng to the large expenditure of funds necessary to complete the proposed sewer plant add.itions, recommendedthat consl-deratl-on be glven to a transfer to the General F\rnd those funds all-ocated in the curr"ent budget under D-22, l'{-2BB (Off-Street Reserve, Bond, Prlnclpal & Interest. ) fhe Chair concurued with the statements of Councl-Lman Byrd and pre- dLcted that it may b6 1960 before the lssue may be placed before the electorate of the Clty. A brief discussion arose, following whlch the City Attonney advisedthat the Council may Iega1ly authorlze the transfer of funds as proposed and the Clty Exgineer reconmrending that lt would be moreadvlsable to first obtain an estLmate of cost to determine the cityr s obligatlon. 3. PROPOSED MARINA DEVELOPMENT Council-man Byrd, Chairman, Waterfr.ont Development Conrnlttee, expr:essodhis apprecS.ation to those persons responsible for subnd.ttlng plans fon the proposed marlna development. CouncLlman Byrd. advlsed, however,that the proposal ls, as yet, in a p::ellminary stage and no action therefore, may be taken untiL the Councll estabLishes somethlng more than a tentative p1an. NEW BUSINESS None AUDIENCE COMMENTS 1. CAROLAN AVENIIE EXTMSION Mr. William Roese, 9OB Toyon Drive, Burllngame, expressed. his objectlonto the expendlture of city funds on maJor proJects until a conclusionls reached on the long rrunflnlshed businesstr concerning the extensionof Carolan Avenue. Mr. Roese cited the serious transportation and traffic hazard on ToyonDrlve, created by the estab1ishment of an lndustrial area adjacent thereto and the use of Toyon DrLve as an lngress and egress to the lndustrl-el- property and urged. that the conditl-on be alleviated wlthlna reasonable perlod of tlme. In response to the Councills inquiries, concernlng the expenditure gas tax funds to complete the extensLon of Carolan Avenue, the Ctty Englneer advised that sufficient funds have not been accurin:.1ated to proceed wlth the construction work on the project. Also in reply to Councll lnquiry, the Plannlng Consultant advised that the subject was given considerable consideration durlng a hearlng conducted on an application for a use permlt to operate a Charter Bus Llne Servlce on Carofan Avenue and at which tlme, a delegation of resid,ents from that particular area appeared. of 202 The Pl,anning Consultant advLsed that a temporary road was however, at the request of the residents, actj.on ras hel-d pendlng a survey to be conducted by the Clvic Improvement Following further dLscusslon, the subJect was refer:red to Manager. i-!r.. Walter Amstruo, Chaiman, Park Commlsslon, urged that pnoceed as raplally as posslble in conductlng negotlatLons acquisitlon of slxteen acnes of shorelLne pr.opertles. Res p ectfull y subml i{I E, Clt CLerk APPRO\TED: les W. Rooth sugge s te d;ln abeyance, Clubs . the Ctty the Councllfor the 2. COI.{MENDATION RE: PARKING D]STRICT APPEAL John J. Broderlck, Pnesldent of the Burllngame Chamben of Conrnerce, speaking in behalf of the Chamber of Comnerce, the Broadway Develop- ment Assocletlon and the Better Bunllngame Associatlon, expresrsedgrateful appreclation to the members of the Councll for r:everslnga declslon 1n the matter of the Appeal of the Parklng Dlstrlct andalso to the Clty Manager and the Clty Attomey for thelr cooperatlon. In concluding hls remarks, M:r. Broderlck lntroduced Mr. Robent Baer, Pnesident, Broad.way Development AssoclatLon, Mr. Bruce Klrkbrlde, representLng the Better Burllngame Assoclatlon, Mr. John Cockroft, member of the BurlS.ngame Chamber of Comnerce and Mrs. Geo. K. Bo1t,Presldent, Burlingane Womanr s Club. CLA]MS Clalms, Nos. 11150 to 11109, inclusive, month of November, a957, 7n the amor:n t of $80,5$.94r duly audited, were approvod and warrants ordered drawn on the clty treasury in thelr respect!.ve anourts, upon motlon of Councilman Mongan, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unenimously canrled. PAYROLL Payroll wa?rants, Nos. zla$B to 2825, I\clusLve, month of October, 1957,ln the amount of $721548.86, were unanlmously appr"oved upon motlon of Councl].men Thayer and seconded by Councllman Byrd. DONATION COMI'IEMORATING UNITED NATIONS DAY Councllman Johnson, Chalr.tnan, Councll Corm"aLttee for Unlted Nations'Day, October 24, 19 57 r reported that tn conmemeratlon of the occaslonof Unlted Natlons Day, the sum of $25.00 has been donated to the Burllngame Public Litrary by Person and Wlk ($1O) Burllngame Newcomenst CIub (S10) and the Burlingame Womanrs Club ($5) toward the purchase of books on the subJect of 'rUnlted Natlonsrr. ADJOURNI{ENT TN MEMORY OF EARL P. WILSEY, CIVIC LEADER CouncLlman Mor"gan moved that the moetLng be adjourned ln memory of Earl- P. Wilsey, former outstanding publlc officlal , who passed in death, November L5, L9 57 , seconded by Councllrnan Byrd and unanl,mously camled. (Tlme of adJournment 9:05 p.m.). Cha Mayor