HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.07.0224 CALL TO ORDER A regular neetlng of the Burli.ngame Clty CounclJ- ras held on the aboveglven date wlth Mayor Rooth ln the Chair. The rrcetlng ras called to order at 8:OS p.m., the Councll havlng fLrst net on thls dat6 as e Board of Equallzatlon, as roqufued by'Iaw. PLEDGE OF ALI,EG]ANGE At word from Mayor: Rooth, all ln the Counci.l Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. BOLI CAII Pr:esont - Councllmen: B5rrd.-Johason-Rooth-They6r Abcent - CounclLmen: ongan Councllnan l{organ, absont because of a p:r'evlous com$ltment, xas oxcusod on motlon of Councl1nen Byrd and seconded by Councllman Jobnson. fITUTES The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of Jurxe 18, 1956, as submltted to menbors, wer6 unanlmously approved and adopted on motl- on of Councllnan Byrd and seeondod by Councllmsn Johnson, wlth the foJ.lowlng amondnontg notod: that the phrase itprlor to the next school termr be d.eloted fromthe motlon introduced by Councilman llorgan pertainLng to the"lnstalla- tlon of a four-wey stop et Davls Drive and Quesada Way and that under ftem {o. 4 rUnftni shed Buslness - i(lng Co}e Hones, fnc.r tlre pbrase Ur. Col,o has advised that he sha1l s51ect an agent to exclusively conduct tho sal-e of the propertyr be lncluded. COMUUNTCATIONS I. TANTATIVE UAP OF IIBURLIVAY TNDUSTRIAL PARIfl (Lorrle Paving Company) A letter dated June 26, 1956 ras read., from the Plannlng Conm5-s slon,edvlslng that a Tentatlve Map of "Burlway Industrlal Parkn, a proposed subdlvlslon of an elght ac::e parcel of the Lourrle Pavlng Companyr fnc.r lylng between the Bayshore !?eervay and the OId Bayshore Hlghway, has been subraltted and, subsequent to thorough r:evLew, an egreenant reacbed on the followlng stlpulatLons: (1) a flfteen foot firont setback forbulldings, rlttl ch wlll be made a matter of record on the flnal nap; ard(2) str.eet tree plantlng ln accordanco wlth the recomnrendation of the Park Commisslon, whlch will be a part of the speclflcatlons for ln-provenents. The Commlsslon called the atbentlon of the CouncLl to the exlstence of a drainage easement on the property that has boen recorded and 1s now an easenent of tho Clty of Burllngame. A letter dated. June 28, 1956 was al-so road, from the Burllngerc Fedoratlon of Clvlc Improvement Clubs, Incorporated., suggestlng the following polnts 1n conslderlng the Tentatl-ve Map of rBurlway Industrlal Parkn: (1) that ln keeplng sith Plannlng Commlss loner: Norbergrs pro- posal, offered et the PlaJrning ConmissLon moetlng, that I{r. Low:rle provLde a cu1-do-sac, the Councll Lnstead requost l[r. Lorrle to pro- vide a Bayshoz'e Freeway sorvlco road to nrrn pana11el to the Bayshore Freoway on the resterly end of his subdLvlslon, and (g) tfra t tne Councl]- adopt the suggestlon of Plannlng Consultant Mann, proposed durLng th6 Plennlng Commlsslon meeting, that a portlon of the o1d Bayshore be rrade avallab].e to hft.. Lon"rie. Bu:rllngame, CaLl,fornia July 2, 1956 25 Questloned by tho Councll, Plannlng Consultant ltrann advlsed that Conmlsslonen Nonber.gts pnoposel of a cul-ds-sac ras dlsnlssed rhen an agneenent ras reached on rldenlng tho stnoet to forty feet and th6 nat terl of an exchange of property ls a legal procedure. In commentlng on the pnoposal to provlde a servlce road, Plannlng Cqnsul lant ltrann advlsed thatlt rould serv6 to no advant age and, as the property ln questlon lslndustrlal land, Lt rould decrease the lend use. ltlr. Janes torrle, Vlce Presldont of the Lowrle PsvLng Cornpe.nYr conflrmed th6 statenEnts of PlannlnB Consultant Mann. li[r. Jamos II inme1, ropresentLng the Burllngame FedoratLon of Imppovsnent C1ubs, Inconporated, 1n at tenclanee, stated that therere offered ln th€ l-ntersst of lmproving trafflc circulatlon, appearance of the developnent and to serve to better advertlse lngs adJacent to the Bayshore !'reewaJr. Clvic sugge stl ons thethe bulld- In commen tl ng on the a bc,rB sugg6stlons, llr. Lorrrl.e ad.vLsed that 1t ls proposod to plent the area frontlng the Bayshore Hlghway, thereby reduclng the advertlslng value, and that both tho cu1-de-sac and servlce road. proposals rore consldered superfluous to tho overell development of theplan. l(n. Lonrle also polnted to the fact that hls flrm has donated S,OOO s quar:e feet of proportlr to the clty for e dralnage canaL. Sone dlscusslon arose on th€ sale of propo?ty adJoinlng the anoa deoded to the clty by the State and, ln response to Councll lnqulry,Clty Attonney Karne I advlsed that an lnvestlgatlon d,Lsclosed thst thesltuatlon 1s unL qu6 1n that there ls a quostlon as to rhether the State may legaIIy glve tltle to hl ghray rlthln the clty ltnlts. Councllnan Byrd ::ecommended that the Clty Attorney contlnue hLs in-vestlgatlon to deteralne ln whom ls vested legal t1t1e to the htghrayrlght-of-uay ln orden that an anB?err may be ava11ab1e when futur.e sub-dlvision proposals ane prosent ed. Councllnan Byrd theneafter moved that the Councll concur ln tho re- conmondet!.on of the Plannlng- CoomissLon and approval be gLvon to the acceptanco of the Tentatlve tap of nBurlway IndustrLal Parktr, seconded by Councllman Thayer and unanlmous Iy canrled. 3. HILLS ESTA.IE NO. 7 . PRESENTATION OF' FINAL MAP A letter dated Jr:ne 26, 1956, ras noad., from the Plannlng Commlsslon,advlslng that at l-ts regular Eoetlng of &rne 25, 1956, tho Conmlsslon voted unanlmously to recomrend the approval of the Flnal tap of MlI1sEstate o. 7 (soutlrerly fnom l{l-J-Is Estate {o. 5 and west€rly fromMlI}s Estate No. 5). questloned by the Councll, Clty Englneer I[arn concurred. ln the recon- nendatLon but advlsed that d.ocuments nelatlng to the Flnal lllap of Xl1IsEst8te l{o. 7 are as yet Lncomplete. Councllman Thayen- thereupon moved that actlon be defsrred untl1 thenext regular neeting of the Clty Councll, secondod by Councllman Byrd anat unanl mous ly carrled. 4. REPORT ON PROPOSED EXTENSTON OF' CAROLAN AVENUE A letter dat6d. June 5, 1956 ras read, fron the Plarrllng Commlsslon,advislng of the recelpt of a roport on the proposod ertenslon of Carolan Avenue as a result of a study nade by a commit toe composed of Clty Enginoer Mar::, Clty Attorney Karnel, Planning Consultant Marur and. Ilhs. l{1111am J. McKe on, 9O4 Larkspur Drlve, and subralttlng, for Councll approval,a proceduro for saLd extensLon. 5. A 16tter ras also nead., from the Bunllngamo Federetlon of Clvlc llp-provenent C1ubs, Incorporated, dated Jun€ 28, 1956, requestlng that th6Councll temponarlly wltbhold actlon on the proposed extension of CarolanAveme pendlng tho outcoms of a sunve]r to be conducted by nesLdents ]-lvlngon Toyon Dnive . Ther:e belng no obJect!.ons, the subJect ras treld for further study. 26 6.BURLINGAIIE CIVIL SERVICE ET{PLOEESI ASSN. RE: SALARY INCREAST]S A letter d.ated June 29, L956, fron the Bunl lngame Clvl1 Servlce Employees r Association, Inc., requestlng Councll conslderatLon of a seven percent Lncrease to the present salary schedule (1955-L956) ras referrod to the Councll Bud8et CoErtrlttee. 7. VOLUNTER SERVICES OFFERD BY BURLINGAITTE RECREATfoN ASSN. A letter dat6d Juno 26, l-956 ras nead, from the Bur'llngane Reorea-tlon AssoclatLon, requostlng a letter of approval from nembens of theClty Councll Ln recognLtLon of the voluntogr rocreatLonal s6nv1c6s porf orurd by that AssoclatLon. In conmenting on tho requ6st, llayor Rooth acknowl6 dged the servlcesof vohmteer groups but questloned rhetbsr the CouncLl rould be estab-llshlng a precedent ln thls lnstance by lndl catlng lts approval ln rnltlng. Mr'. Spencer llY. Porsr Presldent of the Burl lngarno Recreatlon Assoc- LatLon, ln attendance, spoke bnlefly on the actLvltles, alms and purposos of the Recr€atlon Assoclatlon and urged that a wrltten, rather than averbal corunitmont, be made. Follorlng I br16f dLscussLon ln wlrl ch Eember:s of the Councll concurrsdthat the servLees of the Assoclation Justlflect a lettor of appreclatlone the Chalr was authorlzed to conf6r' rlth Ur. Pors on the d.raf tlng of an approprlate coomunlcatlon to the Bur.llngame Recroatlon Asso clat lono RBPCRTS OF OFFICERS Reports from the Bu:rllngame FLre Departmont, the Recreatlon Departnant and tho Department of Pub11c Bealth & WoJ-fare, month of May 1956, rere received, acknowl edged and pla ced on fl1eo HEAR]IG AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 62.56 The Chalr arrrounced that thls was the tlme set pursuant to publ!.shednotlce to conduct a pubIlc hearlng on an aEended asgessment and dl.agtreEof the Industrlal Assossment Dlstrlct llo. 2. }{o obJ6ctlons r:alsed from those presont ln the audlenco, Councllnan Byrd lnt:roduced and moved the passage of Resolutlon No 62-56 rConflrm- lng Aruerded Assessment, Intlustrlal Assessment Dlstrict llo., seconded by Councllman Tbayer and urranlmously adopted on ro11 caill of nenbers. INTRODUCTION OF OHDINANCES 08DINANCE NO. 6SL rrAn Or.di nance Arnendl ng the Ordlnanee Code of the Cltyof Burllngame by Addlng Ther.e to a l{ew Seotl on L222.1.3 Llnttlng Pa:rkingof Veblcle s on Pnlmose Road Betroen Douglas Avenue and Florlbr:nda Avenue and Botween Bell-ovue Avenue and FlorLbunda Avonuert ras Lntraoduced by Councl lnan Byrd for flnst readlng. OnD INANCE NO. 632 trAn OrdLnance Amending the Ordlnance Cod.e of the Clty o?-Enrffigane-b-y Addlng The::eto a New Sectlon 1222.L4 Deslgnatlng the - Into:rsectlon of Davls Drive and Quesada Way a Stop Intersectlon and Requirlng A11 Vehlcles to Stop at A11 Entrances Thereto ras Lntnoduced by Councl lman BJrrd f or first roadl-ng. IJNF]NISHED BUSINESS I. (a) Yoar E:rtenslon on Agroemnt for Completlon XLl].s Estate #5 Clty Attonney Karre1 advls ed the At].artlc lLfe Insurance ard the Corqany have reque sted an extenslonth6 fmpr:overent of Mllls Estate l{o. on the extenslon, lt do so upon the requ6 st ls received, (2) rithln tenas to form by the City Attorney Councilman B3rrd thoreupon introduced ResolutLon No. 63-56tgranting the extenslon of tLmo, provlded a m:lt ten request 1s receLvedrlthl.n ten days and the appllcatlon form ls app::oved by the Clty Attorney, soconded by Councllnan Thaye r and ungnlmously atloptod on noll call of m.e dcers. that tho f,l11rood Developnent Coupany, -Unlted States Flde}lty errd. Guar:antyof one Jrear on the ARr.eeEnt for5, ard lf tbe Councll acts favorablycondlttons that (1) a rritten days, and (5) subJect to appr ova). 27 Plannlng Consul- tant l{ann advlsed that lVlJ-sey & Eam, englnoers for. the ilills Estate, have f or::ed lt dlfflcult to complete llllls Estete ilq. 5-1Ir,-Cllcondance rlth the orlglnal map and have thonefore submltted a'EEH*E**8 Xap for nesubdlvlsloi of.nlock 2?, i1ls Estate }{o. 5.l{r. fann advlsed that lnas nch as 1t'affects a revlslon ln the Flnal Map the rmttor Is a lega1 one and nd tlthln the Junlsdlction of the Plannlng C ommls sl on. Clty Attonney I(anmril'adYlsod that by actlon of the Councll ln grantlng an extensLon of one Jre ar on the Agreerrent for tho Improvo trent of l[ll1s Estato l{o. 5, th€ P],e44r|4g--Conmis slon may norv procoed ln gtvlng consideratlon to tho ffi&+++8 }lap pr:oposlng the Resubdlvlslon of Block 27, liH.l1s Estato tro.5. ",,^-*-*rTbere belng no obJectlons from ne&6rs of the CouncLl, the cE#t*fi*jE- fap ras referr6d to th6 Plannlng comml,sslon. l_. (b)re ap Resubdivlslon Brock No 27. Ml1ls Estato #5 llayor Rooth submltted th6 nere s of A. B. Carglll and litr"g Cohendet for roappointm€nt as menibers of tho tlbra:ry Board. m6nts rore unanlmously confirmod by the Counc11. Appolntlront of a Elre CeDtaln Action ras rlthb.eld on the appolntlDnt of a Ffu"e Captaln pendlng firr ther conslderatlon of porsomel Eatters ln general. 3.Relocatlon of BurllnAame Chaden of dommerce May o:: Rooth advlsed. that the appolntmant of a Clty [anager nocessr.tated requestLng the Cbenber of Cosmerce to vacate lts Clty HalI space and sugge'sted th&t the removal occur on or befcn:e August 15, 1956. Follorlng a br:lof dlscussi.on, Councllman Thayer nqr ed that the Chalt3 ln collabonatLon with th6 Clby Clerk be authorlzed to submit a formalnotlco to that effect, seconied by Councllman Byrd and unanlmously carrLeil. COUNCIL COMMTTTEE REPORTS I. l[ayor Rooth, Chalr:nan of the Cormcll Budget Conmlttee, spoke on thedlfficultleg oncountered Ln balanclng tho budget for the forthcoming fLscal year per lod. and advlsed that the Councl]. 1s faced wlth elther raLslng the taxos or reduclng the servlces. Councllnan Byrd stated that he ras of the oplnlon thet a portlon of tha revenue needed. by the clty sh oultl co rne 1n the fora of a sales tax, on ths besls of SS \o be retalned for capltal expendltu:ros ana SO4 to neduce the hore owners I taxes and urged that thought be gL-ven to- the proposed flgales tax.' 2. Llbrary Boand Appolntrmnts Edlth Tho appolnt- Wesley CII'd e Russ611, next o1lglb1e for appolntment to the positlonof Eosenan, was appolnted on motlon of Councllman Thayer, secondod byCouncllnan B5rrd and rlnanlmously carrlod., sub Ject to roqulred Clvll Servlce Rule s and Regulatlons, and effectlve JuJ-y 2, 1956. 3. AppoLntnent of Wesley Clyde Russel-l - Hosenan (Ftre Dept. ) Councllman Johnson moved that the actlon taken by the Councll at tho l ast neguJ.an neetlng ln declarlng the elLglbJ.e llst for tho posltlon of 'Ilosenan, ln the Flne Departrent, lnvalld, be nesclnded and the 11streactlvated, secordod by Councllnan Thayer and manlmously car.rled. NEW BUSTNESS 1. F. A. Quand t - Proposed trE]. Quanlto Acrosr CouncLlnan Byrd reLntroduced the subJect of the proposed constructLonof EI Quenlto Acnes, by F. A. Suandt, developer, the tentatlve plan ofntrlch was dlsapprovod at tbe last rogular rEotlng of the Councllr sndadvlsed that be has wlthdrawn his pnevlous obJoctlons to the proposed.thllrty-f oot street rldth. 2. 28 Upon advlce of the Clty Attorney ttnt lt yould be 1ega1 to do so, Councllman Johnson moved that the Councll reconslder: its actlor tako!at the last rogular reetlng on the subJect of thE proposed subdlvlslonriEl Quanlto Acresr, seconded by Councllraan Byrd and unanlmous1y carrled. RECESS A reeoss ras declared at 9:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER The rEl me6tlng was ca11ed to order at IO:OO pom. by Mayor Rooth. anlto Acre s rr - contlnued Lee Eam, Englneer for tho subdlvlslon of nEl Quanlto Acrosr speakingln behalf of F. A. Quandt, the developerr'descnlbod the contour: of theland proposed for the development and stated. that the four varl.encosrer6 requested to pernlt propon :resldentla] dsvelopnont of the land. Counollman Bynd nepe atod. hls p?evlous re comrrrndat lon that 8 sidewalk bE constructed on one sLdo of the street, prgferebly on the 1or sid.e,; Follorlng a b!:lef dLscusslon, lt was agreed that a four foot slde-valk be lnstalJ-ed on ono sLd.e of the streot, deslgnated by the Ctty Englnear as nost advantageous a The questlon agaln arose on the poss1blI1ty of lnstall-lng condult underground and the Counell ras ad.vlsed by the doveloper" that the sumof $40O or $50O por 1ot for such lnstallatlon rould be too costl]r. The Clty Englneer advlsed that tho or:allnance code aloos not requlre undergnound lnstallatLon and ed.Jacent resldentlal areas are served by overhead llne E. The dLscusslon ras conch.raled, rlth l[r:. Quandt advLsLnhls lntentlon to provlde and pay fon a through road fromto SunrnLt Drlve. that 1t 1s a Canede RoadL A motlon f,&s thereafter lntroduced by Councllman Bfral thet th6Councll concur Ln the rscomnenalatl-on of the PlarvIlng Commlsglon to approve the Tentatlve l{ap, wlth the exceptlon that (}) a sLalewal-k shall be pro- vlded on one slde of the street, not less than fou:r feet ,.n rld th on the sld.e deslgnatod by the Ctty Englneer and (2) that the annexatlon of theproperty be completod wlthln one hundred. t wenty days from June 28, 1956, soconded by Councllman Thayer ancl rmaninously carrLed. r. 0. A. Rieman, zl 05 Sunmlt Drlve, expressod hls opposltlon to the1nsta1latlon of overhead porrer: llnes and was advlsed by the Chalr that due to the topognaphy of tho area, the Counall has agneed to the ln-stallatlon of utl1lty poJ.es ln the street rlght-of-ray rathor: than at th6 rear: of the property. A vote on the motLon was thgneaftor called and declared unanlmous. 2.Ilandcourt Ta nnls Cha@lonshLps E. L. Lincoln, Recreatlon Supenintendent, cal-Ied attontLon to theNatlonal Eardcount TennLs Cbarrylonshlps, nor ln pnogress ln Br:r1lngam, and draf,lng the pantlclpatLon of youDg people throughout tho country. ADJOURNI&]NT th€re belng no fu.ther buslness, the rceting ras regulanJ-y adJ ou::ned at lot4O p. n. Respectfully subBLttod, CHARLES W. ROOTE fayon Clty Clerk MEenbert f,. IlhtteAPPROVED: