HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.10.07180 Burllngame, Callfornia October 7, L957 the Btrlingame Clty CounclL was held on the above caLled t o order: at 8: 10 p. m. - Itlayor Rooth ln the PLEDGE OF'ALI,EGIANCE At word fnom lrtayor Rooth, a1I ln tne Council Chanber arose and Savethe Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. ROLL CALL CALL TO ORDER A re:uIar meetlng of glven date. Meeting Cha 1r . Pn6 sent Abs ent MTNI':TES - Councllmen: Byrd- Johns on-Morgan-Roo th-Thayer - CouncLlmon: None PREVTOUS MEETTNG The rninutes of th€ prevlous meetlng of September 16, 1957, as submltted to members of the Council, rvero unanlmousl,y approved and adoptod upon motlon of Councllman Johnson and seconded by Councllman Byrd. C OMIIIIl.,ITCA TI ONS 1. PROPOSED REVISIONS SECTION 1926 ZONING NEGULATIONS - R.I DISTRICT A letter dated September f1, J-957, together wtth a copy of a proposeal ordlnance anrendi.ng Sectlon 1926, regulatlng zonlng regulations for a R-l- Dlstrict, was received from the Planning Commlsslon. The atten- tlon of the Council was dlrected to t:re proposed inclusion of two major addltLons to Sectlon 1926: (I) Storage of TraLlers and (2) a ninL mum frontage of twenty-five feet on alL lots or parceJ.s frontlng a publlc s treet. Councll inqulrles were dlr:ected to tho Planning Consultant concorning the proposed twenty-flve foot mlnimum frontage. The Plannlng Consultant advised that the increased demand for the developmont of hil-1slde proporty proroptod the Commlssion to consldera more equltable mi.nimum fi:ontage for lots or parcols faelng a pubIlc street or cu1-de -sac. The Councll was advised that ln the dovelopment of hll-Islde property or property faclng a cul-de-sac, the present flfty foot requirenent lmposed a hardshlp; however, no change was proposod for the flfty foot mLnlmurn avereqe wldths, the property set backs or the lot sLze requlre- ments. In reply to the Chalrrs lnvitatlon to comont on the subjoct, the Clty Manager stated that the pro:osa1 to lnc]ude a twenty-five foot rnlnlrnrm footage provlslon ln an ordinance was unlque and that 1n his oplnlon, when occasLon demanded a use contrary to that defined ln the ordlnanco,It may be eonsldored under appllcable veriances. A majorlty of the members of the CouncLl concurr€d and a moti.on l,asthereafter lntroduced by Councilman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Thayer, that the pt oposed revlslon to Sectlon 1926 of tho Zoning 0nd1-nalrce, be denLed. The motLon carried by a maJority vote, CouncLlman Byrd voting rno.rl 181 I PROPOSED ADDITION TO OBDINANCE IROVIDT}IG tr'OR .PUBLIC HOSPITAL.,I A letter dated September 11, 195?, transmlttlng a proposed addltlon to the zonlng ordlnance, Sectlon 1952.1 nRegulatlons for C-4 Dlstl:lcts (Pull-tc Hospltal)rr was recelved from the Plannlng Commlssion. The Councll was advlsed that the new sectlon was prepared subsequent to conslder.able do1lbe::ation and severaL publlc hearings conducted by the C om:nl ssl on. In responso to Councll lnqulrles, the Planning Consultant, ad.rlsed that ln 1ts deLlberatlon of an appropriate zone ln whleh to place a "publLc hospltal" the Commlsslon pnoposed a separate zoning classlfl- catlon, or a nC-4n Dlstnlct. Councllman Morgan questioned tho usos permitted under parag::aph rbtr wiLh reference to dresidontlal- buildlngs for employees'r and was advlsed by the PJ-annlng Consultr,nt that lt is antlcipated that an appllcation may be recel.red from the hospltal offlcials in the future, for a permit to construct a nursesr home or apartrnonts. The Planning Consultant stated that the sectlon does provlde, howeve:, that a permit must flrst be obtalnod from the Clty Council. Councllman Byrd stated that the pnoposed ordinance was th6 result of Councll lnrluiry concernlng a classlflcatlon for the lPeninsula Hospltal. " ORDINANCE NO. 665 "Ad.O ptlng a Sectlon 1932.1 of the O:.dLnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame Regulatlng Uses Wlthin Pub 11c Hospital Dlstrlcts' was thereafter lntroduced by Councllman Byrd for flrst readlng. Replytng to an lnoulry by Councllman Thayer conc6nnlng a rlght of way through hospltal property on Albemerle Road for lngross and egressprlvileges, the Plannlng Consultant advLsed that although no formal conference has been held wlth hospltal officials, the Superlntent has lndlcated hls wllllngness to aliscuss a Councll proposal . 3. IMPROVEI4ENTS TO HOV./ARD-VICTORIA PLAYGROUI{D AREA RECO}'IMENDM A letter dated Septerber 24, 1957, was read from the Burlingame Rec-reatlon Commlsslon, advlsing that a study committee composed of Com- mLsslon nembers had investlgated and thereafter had recomnended that a fence be lnstall-ed and that the present apparatus be repalred, replaced or recondltloned at the Howard and Vlctorla Playground ar.ea. Ihe Clty Mana4er was lnstructed to ascortain costs fon the lmprove- monts and to submLt a report at the next reguJ-a:r meetlng of the CltyCoulcil. 4 PROPOSID PUTTING GREEN FOR WASHINGTON PARK A comnunlcatlon fnom the Bur'Ilngame Recroatlon Commlsslon, dated September 23, 1957, was read., notlfying tho Council of the endorse- ment of a proposal subrnltted by the Burllngame Recreation Assoclatlonthat the clty provlde a puttlng green in Washlngton Ped(. A copy ofthe research, plans and estlnated costs ras placed on flfo ln theOlflce of the Clty Clerk. The subJect matter yvas referred to the Clty }lanager. Mrs. Suzanno Strauss, Recreatlon Commlssloner, directed the attentlonof the Councll to the nomlnal cost to provlde a puttlng green and to lmprove the Hovrard and Victorla P1a;r5pound areas. Councllman Morgan stated that lt is not the lntentlonto dlscourage proJects subnltted for Councl-1 approval-; appnoprlate time for presentation would be at the tlmels bein3 prepened. of the C ounc 1l- however, thethat the budge t lr1r. Spencer Pors, Presldent of the Bur Ilngame Recr"eatlon Associatlon, rel-ated the detal]-ed study glven to the putting green project 6ndurged favorable Councll c onslderatl on. aa? 5. RELOCATIO}I OF PLAYGROUND EQUTPMENT WASHINGTON PARK RECOMMENDED A coryrrullcation dated September 23, 1957, was read fronn the Recreatlon Comrnisslon, recommendLng that the playgr.ound equlpment ln Washlngton Park be rel-ocated. A copy of the research, plans, estlmated costs and recommend.ed locatlon was placea on flIe in the Office of the Clty C1erk. The subJect matter was referred. to trre City l{anager. 6. LITIGATfON CO}ICERNTNG OFF-STREET PARKING A Letter dat--d September 26, 1957, was read from a com.:iLttee represent- ing the Better Burlingame Association, the Broadvray Development Associ- ation and the Burlingame Chamber of Conmerce, yrith reference to the present litigation concerning off-street park lng in the City of Burlin- game. It was the oplnlon of the cottlnittee that the importance of off-street parking for the City Justified an Appeal- from the declslon of the Superlor Court in sald litlgation and fallure to file an Appeal wou1d. be a sacrifLce of tLme and effort expended in trre past. The committee advlsed that in antlclpatLon of the delay arlsing fnom the Appeal, lt was the lntentlon of the commLttee to commence lmmedlate studles for int':r1rn off-street parklng plans and further studles ofposslble alternate or modified parking plan s to the one created by the p?esont distrlct. ft was the r e co nn'nendatl on of theappraisal be made of the present an appralser. commLttee that a current up-to-datedistrlct and that the Councll procure The Chalr lnvlted members of the Councll to cornnent. Counelfman Morgan s tated. that the Councll has receivedto indlcato that there may be an lnterlm of eighteen to months before the Appeal 1s decided, durinq vihlch time continue to be the major problem. 1nf or rnat i on twenty-fourparking sha1l Councllman Morgan suggested that the entire matter be dismLssed andreferred to the Clty hlanager for hls study and rocomnEndatlon. Cor:ncilrnan Thayer, in recal11ng her prevLous vote against the proposed parkLng plan and the incl-uslon in said plan of the Georglanna crayproperties and city property houslnrr the engineering departrrent, con- curred wlth the suggestlon of Councilmsn Morgan. Co uncl l-man Thayer added to her staternent by exprossing the opinionthat the 'rcity would have to shou1der too much of the burden.f, Councilman Johnson expressed. her continued confldence ln the proposedparking plan and stated that she eoneumed with the comrnents of the comrnLttee that a failure to app al- would be sacriflcing tlme andeffort thus far expended. Councilman Byrd comnented briefly on the history prior to and the subsequent passape of an ordinaace, by a rna jority vote of the Council, d.eclarlnq the intentlon of the Councll to form e Parking Dlstrict andstated that in his opinion, the issue at this tlme was not the .tuestionof an Appeal- of the deci.slon of the courts, but a questi-on instead, of ways and means whereby the parking problem may be rectified.. Councllman Byrd recommended that the Cotmcl.l- assume the lnitlatlve Lnprovlding a new parking program for the City of Burli.ngame. Mayor Rooth directed the attention of the Co:rncil- to the issues cur-rently before the Council lor its d.ecl"slon: (1) the 1ega1 actlon to be pursued by the City Attorney and (2) the action to be taken on the recomrnendati on to App a1 from the decl-sion of the courts regardlng the inclusLon wlthin the Parir lng Dl,strict of the Ge orglanna Gray properties. CouncLlman Morgan moved that the Council accept the deelsLon of the Superior Court ln upholding the plea of the Georgianna Gray proportles 183 for excluslon fron the pro-cosed parking dlstrlct an<i that the Clty Attorney be instructed and dlrected that' no appoal is to be taken from a judgnent adverse to the Clty, r*ten entered' in the action entLtled, 'rGeorglanna Gray, Dorothy Gray Gunston, !'for:ence Gray i(napp and Henry Barrett Gray vs. Tire C5,ty of Burllnganr, A lvluniclpal Corporatlon.' The motLon was seconded by Councllnan Thayer and carried by a maJorlty vot€ of the Counc11, Counc iLaan Jokrnson votlng ono. " The Clty Manager was authorLzed to proceed wlth a study of a new plan for the lmprovement of parklng problenu withln the Clty. 7. COMI'Ib]NDATTON FOR DEVELOPMENT PARKIN3 AREA ON CALTFORNIA DRIVE A letter dated October 4, L957, was nead fnorn the Burl lngame Chamberof Connlerce, oxpresslng appreclatlon to the Council for the recent lmprovenent pr.ovldod for off-street parklng on Californla Drlve. The Clty Manager advlsed that plans ere curently belng consldered torender the area moro usable. B. SPEM LIIIIT RMUCM TO 25 I,/IILES ON CALIFORNTA DRIVE A letter dated Oetober 4, L957, was read from the Clty Llanager, rocom- mending that ordlnance No. 455 be repealed and the standard state lawprlma fecle 1lmlts be applled to Call-f ornLa Drive. Tho conmunlcatlon advLsed that the present J-aw establlshed three prlma facLo speed1lmlt zonos: (I) 25 MPH ln school zones; (2) 25 MPH ln buslness orresldentlal distrlcts and (5) 55 MPH ln all other places. The Councll ras fur.tiler advlsed that an enumoratlon of the dwelllng houses or buslness structures along Calllornia Drive reveaLed thatthe anea complles wlth the deflnl,tlon of a busLness or rosldentlal-district. CouncLlman Mongan expressed hls obJectlon to the proposed change fromthe present spoed 1lnlt of 35 MIH to that of 25 MPH and reconrnendedlnstead, that an addltlonaL pollce olflcer asslqned to patnol thearea on a motorcycle would be a mor.6 effectLve means to control tnafflc on Cal-l fornl a DrLve. A communlcation dated October 3, 1957, rvas read from the CLty Manager, recomrnendlng that salary rates for temporary employees be adjusted. Councllman i{organ questioned r*rethor the Civll- Service Commlsslon had approved the proposed ners rato for temporary (unclassifled) employees and was advlsed by the Clty ltranage!: that tho me&bers of the Clvl1Servlce Cornmlssi.on have j-ndlcated that thoir lnterest is soJ_ely wlthclty employoes withln the cLassifl.ed service. Councllman Byrd moved that the Councll concur v/i th tho recorn:nendatlonof the City l{anager and intnoduced for passage, RESoLUTIoN N0. 66-E?trResclndlngResoIut1onNo.57.53;Estab].lsh1ngan@or Casual tsbor ard Sonvlees; and Authorlzlng the Clty Manager to Enployor Contract for Casual Labor. and Senvlces{ seconded blr CouncLLrun Johnson and unanlmously adoptod upon ro11 caJ.I . LO. RULE fX, I, XI AND fII, CML SER!/ICE RUTES AhIENDm A letter dated October 4, 1957, was read. from theon a meetlng held as dlnected by the Councll wlth CLty Manag6r, reportlngthe menbers of the Councilman BJrrd stated. that 1t was hLs opLnlon that 25 MPII was a reasonable speod on Callfornia Drive between Broadway and Burllngarae. Following further dlscusslon, Councllman Byrd moved that the Councllconcur rlth the reconnendatlon of the Clty Manager and tLra t the CltyAttorney be Lnst,ructed to prepare an appropriate ordinanco. Themotlon was seconded by Councllman Thayer and carried by a majorlty voteof the Counc11, Councl l-man Morgan votLng "no. tt 9. ADOPTTON SALARY RATES FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 1'84 the C1'111 Servlce Conrnisslon and repre sentatl-\,o s of the Employees t Associatlon, concerning the proposod, amendments to RuIe IX, I, II and XIf of th6 Clvll Servlce Rules and Regulatlons. The letter advlsed that the Clvl} Sorvlce Connnlssion upheld lts pnevlous recorlrilendati on that the proposed r.evlsion in tbe Rules and Rernrlatl ons be adopted. Conslderable dlscussion arose on the subject, wherein th€ City Mansgor advised that the proposed revislon ls patterned from that proposed lnthe League of i{unicipalltles oMode} ClvlL Service Law" and 1f approved, lt shaLL ollmlnate the present cumbersome and Lnefflclent systom. John Drury, Chalrman, Board of Dlrectors of the Civll Servlce Em-ployeest Assoclati,on, expressed the obJectlon of clty employees tothat paragraph stlpulatin employee, wl thout right o days snd more partlcuJ-arl Clty Managen siral g that the Clty Manager nay suspond an f appeal for not more than fi.ve worklngy the stlpulation that nthe declsLon of the 1 be f lnal. tr IrIr. Drury advlsed furthen,that the employoes are of the oplnlon that all- orders of suspenslon,lf appealed, should be heard before the Civl1 Servlce Commissi.on. The CLty Manager dLrected attentlon to the nrJ-e stlpulatlng that suspenslon or"ders 1n excess of flvo days ntay be appealed and e heaning conducted by the Clvil Servlce Commlsslon. Itle rnbe rs of the Councl l spoke on the obllgation of the Clty Councll to eomply wLth the provi.slons of the or:dlnance ostablishlng the offlco and deflnlng the duties of a City.l'lanager and expressed confidencothat no dlscnlmlnatory actlon would be adminlstered by the Clty Manager. C ouncl lman Morgan recomrnended that as a compromlse, there be lncludedln the proposed provision, the phrase, Itf lna1 appeal- shal-J- be made tothe Clty Council. 'r There belng no further dlseusslon, Countd lman Byrd moved that theCivLl Servlce Ru1es and Regulatlons bs amended as recoanEnded by thoClty Manager and the CivLl Servlce Commlsslon and thoreafter lntro- duced for pas sage,RESoLUTIOi,I NO . 67 -57 nAnend ing Ctvll Servl ce Rules and Regulatlons Tilop tea Tuly-zo, 1955i (Rute IX, X xI and XII) secorded by Councllman Johnson. A ro11 cal-I ''rote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Coulcllmen: Byrd - Jolurson -Ro oth-ThayerNoes: Councilnen: MorganAbsent: CouncLlmen3 Nono 11. CO].I}'TRMATIO}I POS]TION RECREATIOII RECEPTIONIST.IfiADER RECOI,,I},IENDD A letter dated October 5, 1957, was read from the Clty Manager, re- commendLng that the classiflcation of Recreation Recepti onls t-Lead€n be conflrmed by the establlshment of an e1lglb1e l-lst for the posltlon. A copy of recomrnended qualiflcatLons was attachod to the commrnicatlon. In a dlscussion that fol1owed, members of tho Council recornmendedthat the qra]-lflcations be broadened to conform to a more general tltle classlflcati on. The subpct wes referred to the CLty Manager for study and roport tothe Cotrncll at lts next rogul-ar meetlng. l-2. DECTS]ON ON MORATORTUM ON PANKI]'IG RESTRIJT]ONS WTTHHELD A communLcatlon from the Clty Manager, dated October 4, 1957, sub- mLttlng a report on the request of the Chamber: of Comrnorco that the Councll declare a moratorium on the enfoncement of parking restrlct-lons durlng the nonth of Docember, L957, was wl thdrawn from the Agendaat the reguost of the Chambor of Commerce. 185 13.COM],IENDATION FOR TNSTALLATION TRAFFIC LT3HTS A communlcation from the McKlnley School P. T. A., dated September 17, 195?, thanking the Councll for lts cooperatlon by provldlng for the lnstallatlon of stop ltghts at the Oak Grove Avenue and CallfornLa Drlve lntersectl.on was recelved, acknorledged and placed on flIe. 14. APPRECIATION EXIEI{DSD TO CTTY DEPARTMM'ITS A letter ilated Septernber 25, 1957, from the Cratex Manufac tun lng Co., 1602 RoI1lns Road, expresslng appreclatlon to the varlous clty depart- ments for rec6nt servlces satlsfactonlly perfonnedr ras recelvedr acknowledged and placed on flIe. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTfON NO. 68-57 nDeed of Dedlcatlon , Dralna ge Easement, Atlantlc 'r ras introducod uponEimns urance Tornpany, dated September 24,I957 motlon of C ouncl l-man Byrd, who moved lts passage, seconded by Councll- man Johnson snd unanlmousJ-y adoptod upon rolL call- of members. ORDINAI'ICE]S None CiAIM A el-aIm agalnst tho City of Burl Lngame for automobLLe tlre ropaln, ln the amount of $5?.OO was presented by Roland W. Radder, L332 Balboa Avenuo, Bunllngame, was rejected erri referred to th6 Cltyts lnsu::aneecarrler, upon motlon of CouncLlman Byrd, seconded by Councllman Jobnson and unanlmously c arrled. UNFINISHIED BI.ISTNESS SOUTH 135 FEET . ATLAN?IC LTEE TNSURANCE CO. Councllman Mongan questloned the status of a deed from the Trousdale Constructlon Company proposlng the transfer of I35 feet of lts propertylylng botween the Bayshore Boulevard and the Bay to the Clty of Burlln- ganre and was advlsed by the Clty Englneor that there ls no record of the clty acqulrlng said deed. Acopyofal and slgped bytatLve, was r t ransferrlngthe Bay and Slnto the Bay, etter da T EI III ead by C the Sout outn I35 uPon be ted Septembor 13, 1955, sddr.essed to the Councl1 elsenberg, Tnousdale ConstructLon Company ropresen- ouncLJ-man Morgan, advlslng the Councll th;rt deods,h 5O feet of property lying between Bayshore andfeet of property extendlng fi:om the shorol-lneing revlewed by tne Clty Englneer e.nd tho CltyAttorney, shall be forryarded to the Atfantlc Llfe Insurance Conpany f or. e xe cu tlon. Councllman Mongan suggested that the subJect be further lnvestlgatod. 2. PROPOSAL T0 COMBINE RECREATION AND PARK Col,ll{ISSIONS In response to Recreation Commlssloner Straussts lnquLry concernlngthe pr.oposal to combine the Recreatlon and Park Conrnlsslons, the Chalr.advlsed that because of the dlvlded oplnlon on th6 proposal-, the sub- Ject was stll-1 under conslderatlon. Counellman Morgan referred to a com:nrnlcatl on addressed to tho CltyCouncll by the Clty Manager, ln rrhlch 1t was recoromended that sevenalof th6 Clty Cornnlsslons be abollshed. NE\3 BUSINESS 1. RESIGNATTONS A. B. CARGTLL EI{IL SCEULZ. APPOINT}M}ITS RATPH MOODY o The Chair announced the reslgnatlons of A. R. Cargl11, membor of tho 1. DEFD TRANS'FER - 186 tlbrary Board and Eneil Schulz, member of the Clvl1 Servlce Comrdsslon and offered for CounclL approval, the names of Mr. Ra1ph Moody, 1309 Castllfo Avonuo, Burllngame, authon and patnon of the Burllngane Llb- rary, as a member of the Llbr.ary Roard and Mr'. Edward C. Crarford, 822 Newhall Avenue, a membor of the State Public Utlllties Conmlsslon, as a member of the Clv11 Service Commlssloa. The foregolng appolntruents wore unanlnously eonflrnsd by nembers of the Councl1. 2. REAPPOINTiIENT VICTOR MANGINI, MILDRED GRENS, RiJCREATION COMI'IISSION The reappolnt[Bnts were unanLmously conf lrrrcd by members of the Councl].. 3. COMiJTUNTCATION FROM BEV. CORNELIUS EYLAND PASTOR LADY OF ANGELS The Chalr read a corumnlcatl,on recelved fron the Revenend Cornellus Hyland, Psstor, Our Lady of Angels Cathollc Church, ln grateful acknow-ledgrcnt to the trlbute pald to hln by the Clty Councll ln commemora-tlon of irls Tenth Annlversary as Pastor of Our Lsdy of Angels Cathollc Churc h. 4. ANNOIJNCE},IENT PENDII{G COIINCIT-COM}ISSION DTNNER Mayor Rooth announced that nembers of the Clty Councll and the Clty Iilanager wl1l soon schedule a trget trs-getherd dlnner wlth members of the varlous clty commlssLons. ADJOIMNMBIT There belng no further buslness, the nreotlng ras rogular).y adJogrnedat 11 :15 p.m. RespectfulLy submi t t€d, erbert K. WhlteClty Clork APPROVD: Char.Ies W. Rooth Mayor The Clty Clenk was lnstnucted to dlnect Iettors of appreclatlon to the retirlng Commisslonors. Mayor Rooth submitted the namos of Vlctor Menglnl and Mlldred Grensfor reappointrEnt as members of tho Recreation CommLsslon. CEL,ECH