HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1956.06.04l4 Br:rllneame. Cal1f ornia Jrgro 4, 1956 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on the above gLven date. Meeting ca]-led to orde:: et 8!l-O p.m. - lr/[ayor Pro Tompore Byrd in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ATLEGIANCE At word from Mayor Pro Tenpore Bynd, Clerk Herbert K. Whlte 1n the Pledge a1l- arose and w6re led by Ctty of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Pres6nt - Council-men: Byrd-Johnson-Thayer Absent -Courcilmon: trtrorgan-Rooth Illayor Rooth, absent because of l11ness, and Councllman ltlorgan, absent due to a prevlous commltment, were excused on motion of Councll"man Thayer, secorded by Councilman Johnson and unanlmously cemLod. MINUTES PREVIOUS IIEETING The minutes of the regular rroetlng of May 21, 1956, as submlttod prev- lously to members of the Councilr were unanimously approved on motLonof CouncLlman JoLrnson and. secondod by Councllman Thayer. CO}M/IUNICAT IONS 1. COMPLETIOI'I 0F II'IILLS ESTATE N0. 5 RESOLUTI0N No. 54-56 OF ACLEPTANCE A letter: datecl June 1, 1956, was nscelved from Director of Pub1lc Works Marn, advlslng that the lnrpr:ovements wlthln the subdivlsLon ofMllls Estate No. 5 have been completed 1n conformance with plens and specLflcatlons and an ag?eenent wlth the Trousdale Constructl-on Company. Councllman Johnson introduced and moved the passage of RESOLUTION No. 54-56 ?rAcce ptlng Publlc fmprov ement s Withln Dlllls Estete No. 3, Burllngarne, C al ifornla n secontled by Counellman Thayer. and rm- animously caried on roll- call of merobers present. 2. COMPIETToN OF SCHEDULE trBrr I}IDUSIRIAL ASSESSMEM DISTRICT NO. 2 A letter dated June 1, L956, was ::eceived from G. J. Marr, Dlrector of Publlc Wonks, advlslng thet the Lowrle Pavlng Company has conpleted the contract for the construction of the southerly born for the channel Im own as Storm Drainago fmprovemonts No. 2 - Reallgnment of ![111s Cr.eek Dralnage ChaJlnel and re comrnend Lng that the contraet be acc€pted as complete. Councllman Thayer moved that the CouncLl concur ln the rocontrpnda-tion and Schedule 'Btr of eontract be declared conrplote, secorded by Councllman Johnson and unanlmously carried. 5. REjIIEIT L0_ EREC! A 4lx!t $IGIL - ROLI2INS RD., ITILLSDALE lNDUqTIlIAIr A letter dated May 29, 1956, recelved from the Plannlng Commlssionl reoommending approval to the nequest of Alex Smith, Realtore for per- mlssLon to orect e 4lx8r slgn on Lndustrlal property on Ro]-llns Roadln Mlllsdale Industrlal Park No. 5 on a 120 atay temporary basls, rasheld for fwther conslderatlon. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT TO ERECT HOBBY ROOM (2OO? Clarlce Lane ) A letter dated May 29, L956, was recelved from the PlennlnB Con-misslon, ad.vising that subsequent to sovera1- pub]lc hoarings, lt was recommonded that approqal be glven to Mr. C. I,. Flgarl to erect a second struc tur€ on hls property at 2OO7 ClarLce Lane, for exclusLve use as aprLvate Eobby Room. Counc i-l-man Johnson moved that the CouncLl concur ln the r:6c ommondat lon to permlt the enectlon of the structur:e 1n con- formance with plans as subml.tted, seconded by Councllman Tha;er and uIlanlnous 1y carrled.. I A letter dated May 29, l-956, was received from the Planning Commission, advis1ng that, by a miJorlty vote of the Commlssion, it was recommended that the appllcation subritted by the Russell Realty Company for a varlance, to establlsh a prlvate parking 1ot at the southwest corner of Burllngame Avenue 8JI d El Camlno Rea1, be derried. -tD VARIANCE REQI]EST TO ESTABLISH PARKING LOT Rus se 1l- RealtY Corqoany) Cor.mcllman Johnson moved that the Councll concur ln the recommondatlon of the P]-annlng Commlsslon to cleny the variance appl-ication submltted by the Russell Realty Company, second.ed by Councllman Thayer and unanirnously carried. 6. IIEL QUANITO ACRESII TEMAT]YE MAP -PETITfON OF AINEXATION A letter dated. May 29, 1956, was necelved from the Plannlng Commlslonr advislng that at lts rreoting on May 28r 1956 the Commlssion had voted unanlmously to recommentl approval of a Tentatlve Map of the proposed subdivlslon rrEl- Quanlto Acresr submitted by the developer, F::ed Qualdt. Siad approval was reeommenaled with a provi,slon that the property (Canyon Road and Summitt Drfue, north of Kenmar Terrace) be annexed to the Clty of' Bu?1lngane wlthln lBO d.ays from thls date (May 28, 1956). - A rrPetltlon for Annexatton to the Clty of Burlingame of Contiguous Unlnhabl teil Terrlto::y rEf Quani to Acresrfl was received lYom QuandtEnterprlses, fnc. Action with withheld pendlng further Counclf study. PROCLAMATION . NATTONAL RECREAT]ON MONTH In c oncr:rrenc e with a c omrmrni. cat i.on receLved from E. t. Llncoln, Recreation Superlntendent, dated. May 51, 1956, Mayor Pro Tempore Byrd, pr.oclalmed the month of Jr:ne, 1956, as ''NATIOIIAL RECREATION I{ONTH. rr 8. PRODUCTS LIABTLTTY INSURANCE COVERAGE A l-etter dated. May 31, 1956, received from E. L. tincoln, Superln- tendent of Recreation, recomaendlng that the liabll-tty contract held by the City also incl-ude a cl-ause covering f,products llabilityrt was held. for ftu'ther s tudy. 9. PLANNTNG AND/OR ACTION AFFECTING RECREATTON REFERRM TO COMTtrSSTON A letter dated Jr:.ne 1, 1956, was received from the Recreatlon Com- rrisslon, recomlnend.lng that in the l\.rture the Recreation Commission benotified of any plans the Clty may have affectlng the program, pollcies, facllitles or plannlng for recreation. Councll members eoncurred. 10. REQiIEST FOR APPROVAL OF CE}ISUS TRACT MAP A letter dated May 51, l-956, was recelved from George A. Marln, Planning Consultant, submltting a census tract map for the Clty of Burllngame as prepared. by the Burlingarne Tractlng Commltteer and requestingthat the uouncil accept the tract map for submission to the County-wide Census Tracting Commlttee. Councllman Johnson moved that the C6r::1s11 officlally approvs the tract map for the City of Burlingame, seconded by Coulcllman Thayer and r.unanlmously carried. Ii. AMENDED ASSESS]I,IENT IITNDUSTRIAT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2II A letter dated Jun Klrkb:ride, Wllson, Harz ne nt Distrlct No. 2, toCoulcll, dlreetfu:g the Councllman Jotrason therea RESOLUTION No. 55-56 rDi:rectin 1956, was received from the law flnrn of & Walla ce, Attorneys for the Industrial Assess-er with a resolutl-on to be adopted by thearatlon of a ::eport and a publLc hearing on an fe ]d ge th prep amended &ssessment to the Dlstrict. QuestLoned by Councllman Thayer, the Ctty Attorney advisecl that apareel of land wlthln the Dlstnict has been so1d, thereby alterlng theorlglnal boundaries and requiring the adoptlon of a resolutlon schedutinga publie hearing on the reapporti. onment of the assessment. fter lntroduced and mov ed. the passage ofg Maklng of Amended Assessment Re Certaln Assessments Und.er ResolutLon of Intentlon No. 91-55 - Industrlal_ AssessmentDLstrict No. 2fl and schedullng July 2, 1956 for a hearing upon the amended a.ssessmentr_ seconcled by Councllman Thayer and adopted unanimously on r:o11calf of members pre sent. 16 12. FOURTII ANNUAL DREAM GIRL CONTEST A letter dated May 28, 1956, recelved from the San Matoo County Falr Assoclatlon, :requestLng the selectlon of a cendldate for the tltleof ItDream Girlrr to partlctpate ln the fourth Annuaf Dream GlrI baautycontest, July 1-9, 1956, was referred to the Charber of Conmerce. 15. CEMRAL LABOR COUNCIL OPPOSI}{G INSTITUTTNG A SALES TAX A lotter dated May 25, 1956, was receLvetl fron the Counclf of San Mateo County, nequestlng the City Counclllnstltutlng a sales tax wlthln the County. A letter dated May 25, 1956, from the Chamber of Commerce, mlttlng coples of the p?oposed contract between the Clty and the Chambbr of Comraerce, for the year JuIy 1, l-956 to Ju.ne 30, L957,for fur ther study. Central Laborto vote agalnst The Ctralr s tated that there ls no propos al cumently bef ore the Councll to lnstltute a sales tax and to clarlfy a prevLous statement, Mayor Pro Tempore Byrd. added that he ls ln favor of a sal.es tax only as a substitute moasure to reduce proporty taxes. The c onrunl catLon ras recelved for fi11ng. 14. PERL'rr nEqUESTm TO USE RAY P4ni(lT84qT oI',FrCE A letter dated May 29, 1956, from Klng CoJ.o IIorres, Inc., request-lng permlsslon to use tho exlstlng Tract Offlco located at the entrancoto Ray Pa?k, for the sale of homes to be constructed rlthin Ray Park, was hel-d for further studyo 15. TETITION FROM BURTINGAIIE VILLAGE RESIDENTS RE: FEi'ICE ERECTTON A petltlon dated lilay 29, 1956, was recelved from Burlingane V111age resLdents roquestlng that a ten foot fence on tho north end of the Vl11age playground and a slx foot fonce on the wost slde of the play- ground along Eastmoor Road be erected. The Park SuponLntendent was requestod to ascertaln the type and cost of fenclng requested and tosubmlt the lnf orratlon to the Councll Budget ConmLttee. 15. REqUEST FOR A ]OUR.WAY SIOP SIGN 4T DAVIS DR]VE & QUESADA WAI: & 17. Comnrnicatlons- from ths Burl-tngame Chamber of Comme?ce, dated June 1, 1956, and :residents wlthin the viclnity of the lntersectLon of Davls Drlvo and quesada Way, dated l6zy 27, 1956, requesting the ln-stalfatl-on of a four-way stop slgn at the abovementloned lntersectlon, vr6re referred to the Pollce Chlef for lnvestlgation and repor"t to theCity C ouncil. 18. AN}IUAL CHAMBER OF COMIIERCE AGREEIUENT sub- was heid REPORTS OF OFFICERS A report from the Health Dlvlslon of the County of San Mateol for the month of Apnll 1956, was received and plced on fL1e. RESOLUTIONS 0RDINANCES - Conslderatlon of: ORD INANCE No. 629 nAn Ordinance Amend lng RES0LIITION No. 56-56 rAuthorLzlng an Ame n{-ment to th€ Contract Provldlng@ of the Clty of Burlligame 1n the State Enployees r - Retfuement Systemrr was lntnoduced by Councllnan Johnson, wtro moved1ts p ssage, seconded by Coulcllman Thayer and. r.rranlmousfy ca:rrledo of Burllng ame by A of Vehicles on Car ddlng Thereto a New Sec olan Avenuefl was glven the Ordlnance Code of the Clty tTorr 1222.7 2 tlmlttng ParklngLts second readlng and on Councilman Johnson, sal,d ordln- opted by the following vote: motLon of Councllman Thayer, secorddd by ance passed. lts second neadlng and was ad Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Jotrnson-Thayerl{oes: Councl]men: Nono Absent Councll-men! Morgan-Rooth L7 OBDfNANCE No. 630 rAuthorL zl-ng an Amend.mont to the Contract Provldingfor the Partlcipatlon of the City of Burlingame ln the Ca1lfcrnLa Stete Employeesr Rotlr.enent Systom rvas lntroduced by Councllman Thayer forlts flrst readlngo UNFINISHED BUSTNESS OFDINANCES - fntroductlon of: 1. Revlsed proposal -!.n operatl on of clty dump. 2. Petltlon to alter parklng tr€t6rs to tn'e1ve nlnutes. The fo::egolng Ltems of ttunflnlshed Buslnessr were held fors cons lderatl on. NEW BUSINESS None COUNCIL COMMTTTEE REPoRTS None ADJOURNI\IENT further Mayor Pro Tempore Byrd Prinary Electlon, June ad journed at 8:55 p.m. urged a].l Ln attendance to vote 1n the State5, 1956. The neetlng was thereafter. regularly Respe ctfulf y submltted, r e rt K.teClty C1er.k APPROYM: CHABLES W. ROOTH Meyor