HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.08.19164 Burl3.ngame, Callfonnla Au3ust 19, 1957 CAIL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Bu::llngane Clty Councll ras held on th€ above glven date. Meoting callod to order at 8:O5 p.n. - Mayor Rooth 1n the Chalr . PIADGE 0F AL,LET.iIANCE At word from May or Rootir, a1] 1n the CounclL Chamben arose and Bavo th6 Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. Pre s ent C ounc 11men :Byrd - Johns on-Morgan-Rooth-Thayer NoneAb sent Counc l1men: Ther.e belng no protests submitted, elther ln wrlting on verballyr Councl]- nan Byrd lntroduced for flrst reading,ORDINA}ICE NO. 662 T'A pprovlng Annex - The mLnutes of the prevlous meetlng of August 5, 1957, as subrrlttod to members of th6 Councll were unanimously approved and adopted upon motlonof Councilnan Morgan and seconded by Councllman Johnson. ANNEXATlON 0F BRoWlfE PROPIIR?Y (Burllngame Ellls) Mayor Rooth announced. that this rvas ti:e tlme and place scbeduled ac-cordlng to legal requlrercnts, when and whoro aI1 porsons havlng obJec-tlons to the proposed annexetlon of unlnhablted terrltory (tsur1fingarre 8111s) deslgnated as the nBrorne Propertyi may appear boforo the Clty C ouncl1. atlon to th€ Clty of Burllngame of UninEEIted Contlguous Territory De- slgnated ss tho rBrownor Proporty.il tlon, and the Clt Slgnals Wlth the Drlve t seconded b call of members. A lettor dated August 16, 1957, was read from the Clty Managor, recom-. mendlng that a sewer 1ine, e.stlmated at a cost betweon $1r5OO.OO and $2rOOO.OO, bo lnstaLLed and made available to the nearly comploted pol1ce rlfle range and the future developmonts of tho area. I COIdI,'IUNICATJOi{S AGREEMdNT WITH S'T]THERN PACTFTC COMPANY TO SYI{CIiRON]ZE SIGNALS A cornrnunlcatlon dated August 16, 1957, nas read from the Clty ltlanager, r.ecomn€ndLng the adoptlon of a resolutlon to entor lnto an agreenent wlth the Southern Paclfic Conpany for the purposo of synchroni zln.g the proposedtrafflc llghts at Oak Grove Avenue and Callfornla Dnlve wlth the rallroadcrossing protectlon and rall noverrnts. Councllman Byrd lntroduced and moved the passag e of RESOLUT]ON N0. 54-57 Approvlng: the Aqreement Between the Southem Paciflc Courpany, E eorporE-f Bur.Ilnganne Providlng for Synch::onl zati on of TraffLc Iroad. Cross!.ng at Oak Grove Avonue and Callfonnla ouncilman Johnson and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 2. INSTALLATION SI]I/[!]R LINE AUT,IORIZED AT POLICE RIFI..E RANGB vo yC Councllnan Morgan morred that the Councll concur and that the sald connectlon be expended from the trUnbudgeted. Reserve.' w4s seconded by Counclkun Thayor and. unanlmously camled. funds for The motlon ROLi, CALL MIllr_lTES PREVror-rS I'.,'IEETING 165 NEON MOTEL SIG}I RURLINGAI{E MOTOR COURT I]ENTM A comrmrnlcatlon datetl August 16, 1957, fron the City Manager, advlsed that }!r. Wally Just, owner of the Burlln,rerr Motor Court, has agaln re- questod permisslon to erect a neon motel slgn et the Bu!:llngame Motor Court and as the proposed slgn confllcts wlth the slgn ordlnance of thecity, lt was recomrn€nded that per.mlsslon be denled. Councllman Morgan moved that the Councll concur and that the request be dented, seconded by Councllman Ttrayer and unanlmously car::ied. 4. I{ILLS SIIBDTVTSON NO. 9 ACCEPTED A communlcatlon dated August 16, 195?, was recelved from the Clty ltlanager, "dvlslni the-t the lmprovements 1n MllLs Subdivlslon No. t have satlsfactorlly been completed and it was thoreforo necomnended that the Counell formally p-c c ept sald Subdlvlsion. Counci l-man Bynd concurred and lntroduce d sJrd moved the passsage of Improverents Wlthln ]dllls dstateby Councl lman Johns on and adopted RESoLUTION l{O. 55-5? 'Acce ptlng Publlc No. 9, Burl lngame, Callfo:nla unanlmously upon ro11 call. n seconded 5. EI{PLOYEES APPRECIATION TO COUNCIL A letter datod August 16, 1957, was read from Jobn G. Prlce, Presldent, Bur'Ilngarre Clvl1 ServLce Employeest Assoclatlon, Inc., expresslng eppre-clatlon to the Councll ln the grantlng of salary adjustmonts. RESOLU'NTONS RESOLUTION NO. 56-5? 'rAuthorl zln g the Executlon of an Agroement wlth San Matoo County ScavonEer Compsrry, a Corporatlon, r'or Col-Iection, Removal andDlsposal of Garbage lVithtn the Clty of Burllnpame tr (September 1, 1957 to August 31, 196?) was Lntroduced upon motlon of Councllman Byrd who rnoved1ts passage, seconded by Councllman Morgan and unanimously carr'led uponro11 caI1. ORDINANCT.]S: Introduction of: ORDINANCE NO. 659 rRepeallng SectLon 825 of th€ Ordlnance Code of the Cltyof Burllngame crnd Adopting a New SectLon 825 of Sald Ordlnance Codo, Flxlng and Establlshlng the Classlflcatlon of Posltlons and. Employment and the CoBpensatlon and Salarles Therofor For toe Month of October, ]957n was lntroduced for flrst r.oadlng by Councllman Mo::gan. ORDINANCE NO. 66O rRe peallng Se 65EI oaT5e-Ond-Inance Code of t Sectlon 825 of said Ordlnance Ctlon of Posltlons end Employnen(becomlne effectlve Novomber 1, "nd glven flrst rer.-ding. ORDINANCE N0. 661 'rAn Ordlnance Arrend Burltngame By Addlng Sectlons 4L2.L t,the Clty Clerk to Sorve as Asslstant ctlon 825 (as established by Ordinance No.he Clty of Burllngane and Adoptlng a Newode, Fixlng and Establlshlng the Classlflca-t and the CompensatLon and Salanles Thsref or'l1957) was Lntroduced. by Councllman Morgan 1nB the Ondlnance Codo of the Clty ofo 4)-2.4, both lnclusive, Reoulrlng S6cretary To the Plannlnq Comrnlsslon,Prescriblng hls Dutles as Such Asslstant Secretany and Flxlng the Compen-satlon for Such Dutles{ was lntroducod by Counclloan Morgan and glvenflrst readlng. ORDINANCES Conslderatlon of: oRD INANCE NO. 658 rrAmendin g the Ordlnance Codo oby Ad nr:reto a Nevr Sectlon 1222.Lg ProhlbitSoutherly sldo of Broadway Betwoen E1 Camlno Rea was glveri lts second neadlng and upon motlon ofby Councl.lman Thay€r, said ordlnnnce passed lts adopted by the following voto: f the City of Burllngamelng Parking on the .l- and Vancouver Avonue tr CoulcLl"man Byrd, s6conded second readlng ard was Ayes: Noes: Abs 6nt C ouncl lnte n: Councllnon: Councl lmen: Byrd -Jobns on -Morgan-R ooth-Thayer None None 16G Purchase of EI 1n Street Swee er Councllman Thayer moved that the Clty ltlanagor be authorized to purchase an Elgln Street Sweeper, 1n the amount of $1Or991 .OO as quoted Ln the lnformal bld receivod. The motlon was seconded by Councllnan Mor"gan. Mr. Robert Spoer, a representatLvo of the WaJm6 Sweeper Company, ln questloninq the status of tho bld subnltted by hi.s company, was advlsed by the Chalr that on blds recelved lnformal.Iy, an award may bo nade at the dlscretion of the Councll. The motlon wrs thereafter r:nanlmous 1y carrLed. 2. Final Map, Etlenne lndustrLal Park A lettor dated Aui:ust 15, 1957, w..s recelved from Cyrus J. IdcMl1lan, Attorney, requostlnr; that actlon on tho acceptance of the Final Map of Etlonne Industrlal Park UnLt No. 1, be postponed until the regular meetlng of tho Clty Council on Septenber 5, 1957. The Councll c oncunred and the matter was continued as requested. 5. Proposed "rooming-house' ordLnanco. Actlon on tho proposeci nroomLng-house" ordlnance was wlthhel-d pendlng furthor study by mombers of the Counc11. 4. 1957-1958 Buds et adopted Auqust 5. 1957 Councllman Byrd, ln reforrlng to the 1957-1958 Budget, adopted at the last regular meetlng, upon wlrlch date he was excusod, voiced hls con- currence with the views as expressed by Counrjll-roan Johnson, wlth the exceptlon of that ltern pertaLnlng to tho erectLon of a draftlng plt. 5. Commendatlon from State D 11c lVorks Councllman Johnson referred to a lettor of c omrnenalatl on received fromthe State of Calllornla Departornt of Publlc VJorks and ln response toher lnqulry, was advlsed that the Offlce of the City L{ana r:er and tho)epartrent of Pub11c Vforks contrLbuted many man-hourg to complle statlstlcs hereby enabllns the Clty of BurlJ.ngame to apply ror and to receLve I'ederal ald . 6. Rules and Regulatlons of Sorvlce aff ectlnq Clty Dlanager An lnrulry by Councllnan Johnson on the stetus of tho proposed revlslonln the Clv1l Servlce Rules and Regulatlons to Lncorporate the Offlce ofthe Clty Manager. lnto said regulatlons, lnltlatod a brLef dlscusslon ontire advLsablllty of lncorporatlng addltlonal revlslons to oxtond thedutles of the Clty Manager. The subJect was referred to the Clty Attorney and to tho Clty Manal3enfor additlonal study andreport to toe Clty Council . 7. Prqposed Drqinage -Control P4olec! In response to Councllman lliorganr s lnqulry concerning bid,s for the proposed buslness dlstrict drainage -control proJect, tho City Englnoer advlsed thatplans and specifl,cationa are ln roadlness but the necessary rlght of waypermlts are not avallable. The Clty Engineer further advlsed that becauseof the }ateness of the season, 1t would be more advantageous to programthe proJect ln th6 early Sprlng. A b::lef dlscusslon onsued wlth membe::s of the Council volclng thelr ob- -1 Jectlon to the postponenent of tire proposed proJect. NEI.I zuSIN!]SS 1 . Appointmon t Robert Hl.qgin S-r-Fire Comml s s lon Mayor Rooth announced the resl.snatlon of }lr. ld. R. ]rIcMillan, momber ofthe l"lre Cor::mlssion and sublitted for Coun:ll approval-, the name of iltr. I1v11 UNFII'II Sl{llD BUS I}IiiS S I. 187 Robert Il1qgins, 1429 Balboa Avenue, Bu::llngame, replacLng ttre vacancy. Tho latter appointment rsas unanlBously conflrmed by members of the Counc 11. 2. Clty Comrnlssions survey quttrorlzed. l,{ayor Rooth, ln com'rontlng on the functlons perfcrmed by the varlous Commisslons within the Clty, recomnended that the City Manager conduct an ln\/estlgatLon to determlne ways and means whereby the commissions may more efflclently serve the lnterests of the city and to ther.eaftersubnlt such report at hls earl-lst con'onience. CLAII{S Claims, for the month of August 1957, Nos. 1O75O - 10875, ln the amorrntof $661994.11 , duIy audlted, were approved and warrant s orderod on theclty treasury ln thelr nespeetlvo a nounts, upon notJ.on of Councl lman Ivlorgan, soconded by Councllman Byrd and unanLmously carrled. IAYROLL Payroll warrants, Nos. 1289 - 1688, in the a mount of $6?1629.93, monthof JuIy, 1957, were approved upon motion of Cor:ncl1nan ldorgan, secondedby Councllman ?hayer and unanLmously carried. AD JOURI'trI{E}IIT The meetlnz was regularly ad Journed at B:45 p.m. Respectfully submltted, Hh]RB.dRT K.ITECity Clenk APPROV'II: CIIARLES Vi. ROOTH I{ayor