HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.07.1571D4 Burllngame - CallforrrLa JuLy 1,5t t957 CALL TO ORDER At wond from Mayor Rooth, all 1n the Councll Chamber arosethe Pledge of Allegianco to the F1ag. ROLL CALL A regular meetlng of the Burl lngarb Clty Councll ras held on the aboveglven dats. Meetlng caLled to ordsr at 8:0O p.m. - tilayor Rooth 1n th6Chalr. PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE and gave Pres ent - Counc l-1men: Absent - Councl-]-men: MI}IUTES PREVIOUS MEETING Byrd- Johns on- Mor.gan- Roo th- Thay en None Ttre nlnutes of ths pnovlous meeting of July L, 1957, as sutxnltted to members of the Councll wers un€rnlmou s ly approved and adopted on motlonof Councllman Morg&n and. seconded by Counc llmen Byrd. COMMUNICATIONS 1 SI,IALLCOMB INDUSTRIAL PARIT SUBDIVISION ACCEITED A corrmrnicatlon dated July 12, 1957, from the Clty l,lanager, advlsedthat Smallconb Industrlal Park Subdlvl-slon tras beon satlsfactorily completed and lt was reconunended that a resolutlon of acceptance beenacted. Councllman Morgan OLUTION N0. l+2-57 rrAcceptln lntrodrced and lroved the passage of IELI Publtc Impnovements Wlthln Sma1l, c ordbIniilsfri.ell TaiE Eurllnga-ne, San I'[ateo County, CalLforniarr second,Ed by Councllman Byrd end adopted. unanlmously upon ro11 call of membe:rs. 2. PROPOSED REVISIOI{ IN CIVIL SER\rICE RULES-NEGULATIONS TO INCLUDE OFETEE OF C]TY MNTGIR A corununlcatl-on d.atsd JuIy 10, 1957, recelverl fnom the Ctty Managet ,pnoposlng revlslons ln the Clvll Service Rules and RegulatLons to S,ncorporate the offlce of City l,Ianagen lnto sald regulations, washeld for study. 3.PROPOSFP CIVIL SINVICE RULE GOVERNING PERSONNEL A rec orwnendetl, on fr.om the Ctty Manager, dated July ll, 1957, propos- lng the addltlon of a new ru1e, Number 19, to the Rules and Regula-tions of Clvl1 Servlce, govennlng employees engagod ln outsLde dutleg or: employment for compensatlon, was held for stuily. 4.RESOLUflON SOLICITING RE.ROUTING GREYIIOUND BUSES TO SERIICE ROLLINS ROAD A communlcatlon dated.July J.2, 1957, wes rsad from the Clty Manag€r, recommendLng the passage of a resolutlon solicltlng the Western Grey- hound Llnes to re-route its service oven Rolll-ns Roed. CounclLnan Morgan lntroduced and moved the passag e of RESOTUTION NO. I-11-57 'ISOLICITING TEE RE'ROUTING OF GRETHOIN.ID BUSES TO SERVICE ROEtrtNS H6Tfr seconttett by Councllman Johns on a.nd ad.opted unanLmously upon ro11 call of m€mbers . t.REPORT ON COI,,TPLAINT AT OAK GROVE AND CAROLAN AVENUES RE: DEtsRIS A cormnrnlcatton dated July 10, 1957, was read. from the Ctty Manager,advlslnt thet the complalnt regard.ing weeds and debrls at Oak Grove Avenue and Car.o1an Avenue and the unsLghtly appearance of bulldlngs on Oak Grove Avenue and Llnden Averiue, has been referred to the ap-priate agencles and neasures takon should lmprove the sltuatlon. 155 6. REQUEST Fon TREE PI"A}ITING IN ],ILLSDALE INDUSTRTAT PARK NUUBER 1. A cotmrunlcatlon, dated July 12, 1957, wae receLved from the City Manage:r, advislng that a comnunlcatlon recelvod from the Burllngame Impr.ovement Clubs CounclJ., requests that trses be plalted in a twenty-flve footstrl-p para11eI to the Southern Paclflc rlg!.t-of-way ln Mll1sdale lrtdus-trlal P a::k Number 1, Ln accordance wlth a pr.evl,ous agreement rith the subdlv lder. The Clty Manager ad.vLsed. that the area upon whlch the trees are r.equest- ed, contalns an open dralnage dltch whereln waters dralned fr"om west of Ca].lfornla Dnlve are recelvedl. The Clty Managen advLsed further, thatthe publlc works alepantment ls requlred to c16ar the dltch of mrd, sand and sl1t at leest twlce a year to prevent Callfon:la Drlve anea fr.omfloodlng. The corurn-rnLcatl on ras acknowletlged and ordered flled. 7. PROPOSED RESURF'ACING OF'BROADWAY FROM EL CAMINO TO VANCOUVER A\TENIIE A corurnrnLcatlon dated July 12, 1957, was read from the Clty Managor ad-vislng that a surroy of deslgnated maJon streets ln the Ulty nevealsthat uroadway from El Canlno ReaI to Vancouver Avenue requir:es resur'- facl,ng and to comply wlth State Iltghway Department reguletlons, ltshall be necessary to prohlblt par{<lng on one slde of the thlrty foot s tr:.eet . ftre Clty Attorney was lnstructedaffectlng the change for lntnoduc meetlng. prepare an appr.op:rLate ordLnance on at the next regular Councll to t1 8. FIRE COM},IISSION REqUESTING CONSTRUCTION OF DEAFTI }[G PI? A cornrmrnlcatlon dat6d. JuIy 1I, 1957, was read. frorn the Board of Flre ConmLssloners, reconmendlng that the remalnJ.ng Flre Bond Issue funds be used fo:r the constmctlon of a draftlng plt fo:r the Flre Depart-ment. The cornrmnlcatlon was f lled. 9. FIRE CoMI'ESSION OPPOSING CoNIEMPLATm EL,IMINATION 0r' PoSIIIOII OF_SESFFTTRY-FTRE=TMRMOPtrRATOts A comrmrnlcatlon dated. July 1I, 1957, was read. from the Etne Comnls-slon, opposlng the c onterqplateal actlon ln ellmlnatlng the posltlonof Sec:retany-Flre Alann Operator Ln the Burllngame FLre Department. The connunl catlon was flIed. 10. PROGRESS REPORT ON ACqUISITION OF SEORE LAND ADJACB,IT TO DUMP PETITION ANNHGTION PROPERTT IN BURLINGAME EII.I.q NO. 2 A petltlon fon Annexatlon of Unlnhablted Terrltory to the Clty llngame (opposlte Burllngame Fire Statlon No. 2) datetl July 2,subnltted by Alal K. and Ellsabeth L. B::owne, was necelved. of 19 Bur- 57, RESoI,UTI0N N0. 4h-57 rrDlrectl ng the Glvtrg of Notlce of Pnoposed Anner- @ Burl lngame of Centaln Unlnhablted ?errt tory Des 1g- nated as the I Browno Pnopertyt and Flxlng the Tlme and. P1ace Where Any Person May Appeal and Sbow Carse I'lhy Such Terrltory Should Not be Annoxedrr was lntro&rced fon passage upon motlon of Councllnan Byr.d, seconded by Counc 11man Thayer and unanlmous Iy carrled.. (Hearlng sched.-uled August 19, 1957) RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION NO. l+5-57 rrDlrectlng l,laklrr8 of Arnende d Assessm6nt Re Certalnffiso1utionofIntentlonNo.91-55INDUSTRIALASSEss- MEIflI DISTRICT N0. 2rr was lntroducod for. passage upon motLon of Councll- man Byrd, seconded by Councllmsn Johnson and adopted unanlmously upon r.o11 call . Reference was mado to an oxchange of c omrunlcatl ons relatlve to theposslble acqul-si.t1-on of Shone Land Propertles adJacont to the Clty Dump, ln whlch the ownera have lndlcated that the falr market valueof the land to be punchased would be ln the anount of not less than $50,1+95.00, The subJect was held for fu::then conslderatlon. 156 (Dlvlslon ln the or5.glna1 pancel boundar.y, Assessment No. 8, owned by B. I. Beanlnt.) Councllman Byrd moved that lncldental oxpens€sln connectlon wlth the amended assessment be lncurred by the appIl-cant, secontted by Councllman Morgan and unenlmously carrled. RESOLUTIOI,i tlq. 16:l+? rrOnder.l ng Charges aad llod!-flcatl,ons Ml1ls e No. llrr was Lntroduced for passago onE-tatelo. llana Ells Estat motlon of Councl lman Byrd, secontletl by Counc Llraan Johnson and una!-lnously carrled upon r.o11 call of member.s. (To clar'lfy the utlllty compan!.es I tltle to the fac111ty to be acqulretl). CLAII,lS warrants folr the Month of July, 1957r Nos. 10623-1071+9, 1n the amountof $63310h5.97, duly audited were authorlzod drawn on the Clty Treas-ury ln thelr respectiva amounts, upon motlon of Counc llman Byrd, sac- ondsd by Councllman Johns on snd unanimous 1y carried. PAYROLL Payroll warrents, month of Junel 1957, Nos. 900-1288, ln the amount of $51+r76f .90, 11616 approved on motlon of Councllman Byrd, second.ed by Councl-lnan Johnson and unanlmously car:rled.. ADJOURN}IENT There being no furthor busJ.ness,at B:10 p.n.the meetlng was regularly adJ ou:rned. Respectfully submltted HERBERT Clty 'dHITE CLerk APPROVED: CHA w. RooTti MAYOR UNgtIIISEED BUSINESS None NEW BUSIIIESS