HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.06.17746 A regula? meetlng of the Burllngane Clty Councll was held on the above given date. Meeting catled to order at 8:00 p.m. - Flayor Rooth1n the Chalr. BURLINGAME - CALIFORNIA l.urre 17 t L957 CALL TO ORDER PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At wond from Mayo:r Roothr all ln the Cor:nc 11 Cherrber arose and gavethe Pledge of Alleglance to the Flag. ROLL CALL -] Presont - Counellmen: Absent - Councllmen: UINUTES PREVIOUS }EEf,ING Byrd- Johns on-I{ong an- Rooth- Thay etr None The mlnutes of the prevlous meeting of .Iune ), 1957 t as suhrnittedto members of the Council r ere unsnlnously approved and adopted uponmotlon of CouncLlrnan Johnson and seconded by C6ung 11rnan Byrd. PROPOSED EXTET{SION JT'NIPERO SERRA BOULEVARD Mayor Rooth advlsed that an alternate route westerly to the StateDlvislon of Hlghways I proposed Routes rtArr and trBrr for the extenslonof Junlpero Serra Boulevard ls to be glven ccnsideratlon by the Hlghway Departmont and the Clty of San Fralclsco. It was the necora- mendatlon of ttre Chalr that actlon be wlthheld pendlng atl announc 6-ment subsequent to the proposed confersncs. CouncLlman lulorgan and Councl lman Byrd concumed. Counci Iman Thayer noted thet lntenested porsons were ln attondanccto dlscr:ss the propoaitlon wlth the Councll. The Chalr recognlzed l',fr. ?. K. Green, representi.ng a cltlzensr com-mlttcee endorslng an alternate Route rrCtr who, ln tu::n, urged thatthe Councll concur: wlth the actlon taken by th6 Plannlng Comrnlsslon. Tho rocorrnendatl on of the Plann1.ng Cormlsslon was read as follows: L. That the Clty oppose entlrely the easterLy route deslgnated Routa lrArl . 2. That the Clty reguest the Hlghway Divtslon engiruers make a sor-lous study of a route parallelLng Skyllne Boulevard and west ofthat hlgtffay and that the present Skyllne Boulevartl then become a fnontage or servlce road for the a!.ea. Followlng a brlef dlscussLon, a motlon was unanLmously carried, 1-n- troduced. by Councllman Byrd and s6cond6d by Counc llman Morgan, thatthe Councll oppose both Route rrArr e.nd Route rrBrr as presently constl- tute d. A second motLon lntroduced by Counellman B5rrd., secondsd by Councll- man Mongan and unanlmously carnled, directed that e communlcatlon be forwaralod to the State Dlv1slon of Elghways, requestlng thet a study be made of establLshlng a route beyond that pnoposed in RouterrAtr and Route ttBtr ln the extenslon of JunlDero Serna Boulevard.. HEARINGS 1.VARTANCE GRANTED TO RECONSTRUCT THEATRE }IANQUEE ltre Chalr announced. that thls was the time scheduled to conslder an appllcatlon submitted by the Fox West Coast Agency Corporatlon, dated May 31, 1957, for a varlancE to peflnLt the erectlon of a mar.quee and slgn wlth a proJectlon distance gneate:r than thet poF pe:rrltted in the Slgn ordinance of the Clty of Bunllnga'ae. 147 Th6 pnescnce of Mr. Robert W. B:racken, Purchasing Agent for thc Fox West Coast Agency CorponatLon, was ackmwlefued by the Councll In responsc to Council- lnquhy, the Plannlng Consultant advlsed thatthe proposed marquee conforms to or:dlnance requlrement s rhllc thcproposed slgn extends beyon{ the four foot reguirement. C ouncl lnran Mongan moved that the varlance be granted es requostetl bythe Fox West Coast Agency, seconded by Councllnan Byrd and rzranlmous-1y carrled upon ro}l ca11. 2. REQtrEST REPEALIIEOURS FOR SALE ETC. MEATII ORDINANCE DE{ID Mayor Rooth announced tbat thls was the t lrne scheduled f on an appllcation recelved from Lee Bros., Inc., lesseas ma:rket located. ln the new shopplng conter tn the Mll1s Equostlng consLderatlon to the revocatlon of Sectton 1555 dLnanco Code of tha Clty provldlng for ttllou::s for Sale, Mayor Rooth lnvlted proponents to speak flnst. or a hearlngof a super- stateoft Etc. r P€- he Or-of lvleat. tr M::. Sam Whlttng, Jr., Attor:re y, r:epresentlng the app15.cants, cal1edattention to a commraicatLon recelved by the Councll, dated Apnl1 1/, L957, stattng nessons to support the request for sald nevocatlon. Mr. Whl tlng lnformed the Council that ordlnanceE of cltiee adJacentto the Clty of Burl lngnme do not restrlct the hours for the sale of meat and refenr:ed to a per:tlcuIa:r mar"kct located wlthln nlnE-tenthsof a mLle of Lee B::os. Supermarket, 1n l*rl ch m6ats ar.e permltted to be sold after the houn of slx p.n. and. on Sundays and llolldays. Petltlons bearlng the slgnatures of a numben of nesldents of the Cltyof Burllnganc, lndlcating thelr appr"oval to the repeal of sald Scotlonl$61, were submltted by ih. Whltlng and placed on filc ldth tho Ctty Clerk. In concluslon, Mr. Whltlng urg6d that the CouncLl revokc the rcstrlc-tlve Sectlon L565 ln order that the appllcant may coupetc equally andfakly wlth coupetltive bus Lnesaes. There belng no furthor pnopononts ln ettondance to speak on the sub- Jectl the Chal:r invited oppoaents to be heard. ![r. Ea:rI Scbmldt, speakLng ln behalf of the meribens of the Retall Meat Dealersl Associatlon, statsd that a rovocation of the exlstlng ondlnancc would 1r@oss a hardshlp on the owners of smalL l.ndopendent nankets and advlsecl that the ratc of compensation for after slx p.m.closlng, Sundays and UoJ-ldeys, establlshed by Unlon regulatlons would incneasc operatlonal exp€nses of lndependeat markets to the 6xt€ntthat cnnr e:rs would be unabL o to partlcipate ln falr competltlon. operators of lndependent mar{<ets e expresslng opposltlon to the r6pea1of thc ordlnancc ln questlon, lncludedi Henry SerL, Ralph Turaer, L. R. Ilarrls and Eubert T. Slns. Mn. Whltlug, ln refenr{ng to the obJectlons, stated that 1f a hard- shlp renc lnposed. upon tho ladepcnalent marke t because of the changc 1n houns, lt would be polntless to request a revocatlon of the ord.-lnancc. It ras the recomondstLon of Mr. Wht tfug that actlon bc tenrporarlly rrl thheltl pendtng a confercncc wlth those cltles cur:rent-ty oper:atlng und6r, an naf ter-hourrr ord.lnancc. Mr. Wl11lan S. Leel the appllcant, addnessed the Councll, apologlzlngfor creatlng dLstrese to the protestants and statlng that lt uas hlssole lntentlon, Ln requestlng a revocatton, so &s to be placed ln aposltlon to compete wlth competltorg falnly and equally. In the dl scusslon that folLowcdr raernbers of the Counc iI concu!.red that a revooatlon of the prosent ordlnancc would lryose a hardshlp on thc lndcpcndcnt rctail dealer. Councl}nan B5rrd thoreafte:r lntro&rcod a motlon that the appllcatlon for a revocatlon of SectLon 116$ of tho O!'dLnance Code bc denled, w i tlroutpreJudlce. The motlon was acconded by Counc llnan Johns on and a ro11call vote reconded as foll.ou8: I 74E^ Aycs: Counellmen: Byrd-Johnson-Rooth:Thaysn Noeg: CounciLmen: Nonc AbstalnlDg Counclhen: ltlo:lgm ( Councllnan Mongan ln abstalnlng, adnlsed thet h6 presently Ls a monber ofa Unlon. ) 3,DRAIXAGE EASE},TEIIT VACAIED WITEIN MILLSDALE INII'STRIAL PARK The Chafur announc ed. that thls was the tlme and pJ.ace scheduled. ln accordancs wlth the Iaw, fon a publlc hearlng on the proposod vaca-tlon snd abandoruaent of a pub15,c servLce easemsnt wlthln the Ml11s-dale Indrst:rlal Tract. Questloncd by the Council, Ctty Englnoer: Marr advLsed that the ab and orrnont of a dnaLnage easement ls proposed to pennJ.t the er6ct-lon of a warchousc and offlce bu11tl1ng on the slte and that tho owner shal1 provid,e for hLs owa prlvate alralnago. There belng no verbal nor w:rltten obJectlons, Councllmaa Byrd ln- tno&:ced qnd moved the passege of REsourIIoN NO. 1r-57 rtor:derl n8 tho Vecatlon and Abandoru!€nt of a Ecnta:ln Ebalc Serv.lcc Easemcnt as Shown on That Certaln Map Brtttlcd tunlt No. 5, Mll1sda1e In-dustrial Pank, Bu::I!.ng &no; San tlateo County, Califortrlarrr seconded by Councllnan Johrson and adopted unanlmously upon rD11 call of membens. l+. RECLASSIEICATION AREAS IN MILLS ESTAIB Ihe Chain armounc Ed that a conmunlc atl on, dated J ur:e 11, a957, }j'as been recelvod from the Tr.ousdalo Constr"uctlon Company, requestlngthat an appeal of the rocont denlal by the Plaruxlng Conrnls sl, on on an appllcatlon to reclasslfy certaln areas in the Mll1s Estatc Sub-dlvlsion, be wl thdreim. Therc b61n8 no obJectloas, the requostfor trl thdrawel of the appeal was gnantcd. COMMUIICATIONS: I CETORINATION IMPROVE},IENTS AT SEWAGE DISPOSAL PI,ANT (Appea1 wl ttrdrawn by appllcants ) A c omrn:nlc at lon, dated June U1, 1957, was read from the City Man- ager:, repor:tlng on the l-mprovod sanltary condltlons of ttre bay as the result of a pnocedu:re nou Ln operatlon renderlng proficlent use of clty equipment. Councllman Byrd observed that the Clty of Burll rg ame ls as sumlrrgl-ts shar.e 1n an obllgatl.on to overcome pollutlon. The c ornrunlc atl on was acheowledged and placed on flle. 2. CALIFORNIA DRIVE AND HIII,SIDE DRIVE RESURFACING COMPLETED A c ommunic atl on from the Clty Mane8er, detdd June t\, 1957, advl.sed that the lowrle Pavlng Coryany, Inc., has satlsfactorlly completedlts contract fon the rosurfaclng of Callfornla DrLve anal Hll1slclc Drlve nnder Gas Tax ProJect MCS 72-73. Councl lman Mo:rgan lntnoduced.rlAcceptlng Streot o4>onatecl, Unde:r Con- and novad the passag Work as Performed By e of RESOLUTIOtr NO. ePa ng ompaJry,nctracts MCS 72-73 Incluslvetr secondod by Counc l1nan Thayer and unan- lmousJ.y carrLed. upon roII caI1. 3 . CONTRACT CALIFORNIA STATE PERSONNEL BOARD CONTINU m A connnrnLcatlon dated June J.I.,r., 1957, from the Clty Manager, r.econ- Teldf nS the contlnuance of a contract for examinlng ser.vlces by thaCaf.lfornLa State Personnel Boand, was condu.nrod ln on motl on oiCouncllman Byr.d, who lntroduced.-for passage, RESOLIITION N0. 36-57trStatc Persoru:re1 Board Contracttt secondea ily @unanimous 1y camLed upon no11 ca1l. lI.OF'F]CIAL CENSUS COI]NT A connunLcat lon fron the City Manag6r, d.ated June Ll+, 1957, advleedthat the Offlclal Certlflcate of Populatlon of the Ctty of Burllngane 2 749 June, 1957 t Lndlcetes a total populatlon ot 2lr995. The conmunlcatlon rras acknonledged and placed on flle. 5. ELIGIBLE LIST FoR STEI{oGRAPHM.CI.ERK: TYPIST-oLERi( A comrmnlc atl on fi:on the Gtvll Servlco submltted the follonlng ellglbIe I1stslnatl ons ! CommS.s sion, dated June al+, a957, as the result of recsnt exarF STENOGRAFHER.CLERK Susan Jeanne Lledkle Peanl Nolte C ynth ia Kel-zer 1117 Paln Drlve, Bur'I1ngame Ll-16 Crescent Dr, Burllrgarne 1[10 Valcouv er Avenue , rl I 2 3 TYPIST-CLERK Loulse Clark Jackman Jean B. Cloud I ? 92 80 La Prenda, Mlllbrae I l{aplc Avenue, Burllngame Ttrc llsts wer.e receLved fon flllng. 6. uT{IFORM FooD ORDINANCE PROPOSED BY COUNTT HEAITE D]vIsIoN Mayon Rooth referred to a comrarrnlcatlon dated June 7, L957 , recei.ved from the llcalth Dlvlslon of the County of San Mateo, requestLng favorable appr.oval to the adoptlon of a proposed unlform food ordln- en cc. The Chalr lnvltsd Mr. Eugene Mason Howe1l ,ln attsndancs, to speak on the subJect. Iutr. Eorell outllneal thc lntent and purlpose ordlnance rras proposed and ref€rred to thetho county whereln an ordlnenc 6 rogulattng been adopted. Publ-Lc IIeaIth Englneer, for rhlch e standard food number. of cltles wlthln food establishments has Mr. Eowell advlsed that the ond1nance as proposed by the County, doesnot effcct prlvately operatod gathenlngs, such as P. T . A. groups, when food Ls serryetl to ra6mb6rs only; howeven, lfood open to thc pubIlc shoul.d bc opened for lnspectlon.n A nurrber of lnquirles by the Councll werc dl,rected to Mr. Hore1l, ln- cludlng an lngull'y concennlng the provlslon Ln the proposed or.dlnanocaffecting ttpern1.ts " and trfees.I The rnaJorlty members of the Councll expr:essed epproval to the standardlzatlon of a food establlshment or- dlnance but expressed obJectlon to th6 lnclus lon of a sectlon pnovld-lng for the collectlon of trf€es.tt Follordng further dl-scusslon, thc Clty Attorney, 1n response to Coun-c1I lnqul:ry, advlsed that he' ls curnently prepanlng an ordlnenco, pat-ternlng that proposed by the County ln whlch the ::equLromcnts of thcrpunlty of the food and the safety of the publicrr sha1l be met. Thc subJect was r:efenred to the Clty Attorn€y and to the Clty Managerfor furthen study. RESOLUTToN NO. 37-57 trRclating to the Cash Payment of Assessments ch Monlesn (tlttts Estate No. 11) was lntro-and Dlsbursements of su duced by Councl lmen Byrd, rrho moved lts passage, soconded by Councll- man Johns on and una.n imou s Iy cannled upon ro11 cal1. RESoT,LATON IO. _3jL-54 rtAcce ptlng Asslgnment of Contract For Sa).e of ) was lntrod"lcod by Councl- lman Morgan whoBondtrr (llfffs Estate No. 11 moved lts passage, seconded by Councllman Thay en and. unanLmously car-rlcd upon ro11 call. ORDI NANCES Conslderatlon of: ORDINANCE tro. 656 NAPPROVI}IG ANNEXATIOT TO TIIB CTTT OF BI'RLII{GAUE OF I'NI}IIIABITED CONTT(fi'OUS TERPJTORY DESIGNATED AS TEE I'}'IBARDI AND BARNES PRoPERIY was gLven lts seconal roedlng snd upon motion of Councllraan RESOLUTIONS t-150 Bynd, socondod by Councllman Johnson, saLd ordlnancc passed lts secondreadlng and wes adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: Councllnon:[ocg: Councllmen: Absent Ccuncllmen: Byrd- Johns on-Morgan-Thayer-Rooth IfoDr !{one Introduc tlon of: ORDINAIICE NO. 657 nAu Or:dlnance AttEt{DING fEE ORDINANCE CODE OF TEE CITY OF BURLINGAME BY AD)ING TIIEREIO A NEW SECTION 1222.1 B. LII,trTING WARRANTS June, 1957 wanrante, Nos. 1o[60-10622, 1n the anount of #L39r773.t]2,duly ar-r dltedl wer6 authorlzed drawn on the Clty Treasur.y Ln thek respoctlvo smounts r. on motlon of Counc 1lman Byrd, seconded by Coun- c11nan Johnson and unanlmousl-y carrled.. PAYROLL A clalm agalnst the Clty of Burllngame presonted by the Town of H111s- borough, for po1lce car damage ln the amount of $230.40, was reJected and :refer.ned to the C5.tyrs Lnsur.ance canrier on motion of Couacllman I'1,0 rgan, seconded by Counc Ll man Byrd and, unsnlmously carrled. Payroll Harrants, for th6 Month of Nlayrl9!7, ilos. 12\-89!, 1n the amount of $6215111.1$, vere approved on motlon of Counc laman Byrdl secondod by Councllna.n Johnson and unanLnous1y oanrLed. 4DJOI'RNME{T There belng no further, the meetlng was :regularly adJ ourneal at 9:p.m. ln rcspect to the momory of Charlcs P. Ehrrgess; former Pres-ldcnt of the Leaguc of Californla Cltlos and fonmer liileyor, Councl. men snd clvlc leadcr of thc Clty of Menlo Park, wb.o passed ln dea Sunday, Juru 15, 1957. Respectfully subnltted HERBENT K.TE CITY CLEBK S W. ROOT}I l+o t- tb CI{A i4AYOR PARKING OF VEIIICI,ES OI{ FLORIBI'I{DA AVEIII'E BETUEEI{ CATIFOET{IA DRIYE AND PRIMR0SE ROADrr was l-ntroduced by Councl l,man Morgan fo:r' fLrst readl ng. UIIFI}IISIIED BUSI NESS 1. Pncllmlnary outline plan of future hlghuaye (County Plannlng Con- m1 s t 10n, il*ffit""tlon fnom the Burl lngana Plann].ng comlssion concarnlng aprellnlnary outllac plan of future county hlghrrays, as presented bythe County Plannlng Cormlsslon, was placed on flle. }IEII{ BUSINESS nonc CLAIMS APPROYED: