HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.05.2013.2 Bunllngane , 'May 20, Callfonnl a L957 CALL TO ORDER A negular me€ting of the Bur"l l rgam€ Clty Councll ras held on ttre aboveg!.ven date. Meotlng call.ed to orden at 8:00 p.m. - Mayon Rooth lnthe Chah. PI,PGE OF ALI,EGIANCE At word from Mayon Rooth, all In the Councll Chamber a:rose and gevcthe Plodge of Alleglance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Ppesent - Councllmen: Byrqd-Johnson-Uorgan-Rooth-Thayer Absent - Councllmen: None MII{I'TES PREVIOUS I,{ETTNG The mlnutes of the prevlous meeting of May 6t 195? t as submltted to membe::s of the Councll, Lrero unanl.mous ly approved and adopted on motlon of Councllman Bynd and seconded by Coulcllman Thayar. PROPOSED APARIMEM.HCTEL ON EL CAMINO REAL Mayon Rooth announced that ln the natter of the appllcatlon of theappeal of the Amerlcan Standard Mote1s Corporatlon fon the use ofpnopenty at the nontheast corner. of Bellevue Avenue and El CamlnoReal as an apantment-hotel r 1t ras the decls:.on of the Councll thatthe plan, 1n lts revlsed stetus, be r. esubmitted to the Plannlhg CornoissLon for" study and reconmendatlon. BIDS PURCHASE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS . },ITLIS ESTATE NO. 11 The Chain annormced tbat sr n0ffer to Pu:rchase Inpnovement Bonds,MlIIs Estate No. 1I[ has been rsceLved, wheroupon the Clty C1enk nead a detalled pnoposal fnom Cnowe11, Weedon & Co., offerlng_to punchase sald bonds 1n the amount of $5571920.00, nepresentlng 9& ot th'e eEtlmated cost of acqulsltlons and lmpnovements and ttre experureslncldental thereto. !t!r. Ernest WLlson, Attorney, reppesentlng the Atlantlc tlfe fnsur:ance Company I s and the developenrs i-nterest ln the Ml11s Estate, 1n resporue to the Chahts lnvltatlon, explalned the pr.ocedune proposedln said offen to purchase and advlsed that the agreement fo:r the saleof tl.e bonds 1s so rordod that the Ctty of Br.rrl lngane shall as sum6 noobllgatlon and the f,cxponses lncldentai theretorr Jhau te borne by the deveLopens. RESOLUTION N0. 28-57 rtAwandt ng Sale of Bonds, Ml11s Estate No. 1ln rasffi on motlon of CouncLlmar llorgan, uho noved lts pagaage, geconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlmous }y ca:p:rled upon r.ollcall of rnomb6rns. IIEARINGS 1. A}I}IE;KATION BEZECNT PROPERTY The legaatlo Ther was ORDINANCE NO. 6I rT CheLr announced that thls rras the tlm6 scheduled, ln confonmance to 1 requfu:ements, to conduct a publlc hearlng on the proposgd enner-n of -uninhablt;al ter"ritory deilgnated as tf,e t'Bezecny ?noperty. tt e belng no one present to obJect to sald annexatlon, the hearlng declaned concluded. IIAPPROVING ANNEKATION TO TI{E CTTY OF BORLINGAME OF ORY DES]GNATED AS lHE rBEzEClfY PRoPERtYt'r rag Lntro- duced by Councllnan Byrd and glven flnst neadlng. 133 2. PROPOSED GASOLINE STATTON - MILLS ESTATE The ChaLn announced that this ras the tlme scheduled to conduct a publlc heanlng 6n sn Appeal to the City Coulcll Fnom Rultng of Plannlng Comnisslon, rolatlv€ to the appllcatlon of L. S. Tallen and Calypso B. Llde11 for a speclal pernlt to constttuct a gasollne statlon at thelntersectlon of thelt pt'openty on Magnolla Avenue aad Tr:ousdale Dnlve. Proponents xene lnvlted by the Chaln to speak flnst. Thomas F. Caaey, Attor.ney, repr.osentlng the formentloned appllcants, opened hls appeal with the observatlon that the dlssentLng votes castby the menbers of the Plannlng Cormlsslon rene based on the pnemlsethat the constr:uctlon of a gasolLne statlon on th€ propos6d slte wouldconfllct rrlth provls lons of the ordlnanco stlpulatLng that ther:edistance of l+90 feet betlteon the closest boundanles of gasoll.ne s and that sald constnuetlon would be contnary to the genenal type constructlon pnoposed fot' the Bur.llngame Plaza Shopplng Center. bee tatlons of Photographs of the Plaza wene dlstr:lbuted to m€mbers of the Cor:ncl1 a petltlon bea-r.lng the slgnatr::r.es of one hundned resldents adJacentthe pnoposed slte, s lgntfylng the . appr:oval to the constructlon ofgasollne statlon, ras f1Ied rlth the C 1ty Clenk by Mr. Casey. and to a Itt'. Casey etated that lns of atp as condltlons of the ordlnance are con- ce?ned, the locatlon does meet the r.equfu.ements, 1n that the pnoposedslte ls w lthln a cormrenclal dlstnlct and the property Ls pnoper"ly zoned and If the perzalt Hene granted, the plans and speclflcatlons would con-forrn to the anchitectrs r:endlti.on. fn eorrnentlng upon an obJectlon entened at the heanlng befone the P1an:r1ng Conmlsslon, that the operatlon of a servlce statLon rould be fonalgn tothat contemplated fon the anea, Hn. Casey ur.ged that the economlc featu:esnot be taken lnto consldenatlon. Mr. Casey referr€d to the ordLnanco pr.ovlslon nequlrlng l+90 fest dlstance betreen the boundan Les of serivlce statlons and noted that the EI Caralno Real .pr:ovldos e maJor s€pa:latlon from the servlce stetion proposed andthe exlstlng neanest statlon dlnectly east. It ras the contentLon of Mr. Casey that the pnoposed proJect was ln no wey more, detnlnental to the erea than that of the r:ear proper"tles ofbulldlngs on Magnolla Avenue. In coneluding hls appeal, Irt. Casoy advlsed that the proposed constr:uctlon would be ln keeplng wlth the suroundlng areas as the devel-opment pnog::esses,that 1t would not constltute a haza:rd, that the lange par.klng an6a as agneed upon rould be nalntalned and that the operatlon of a fIIIlngstatlon would p::ovlde a ser"vlce and convenience to the publIc. Ibere belng no funthen proponents, the Chaln lnvlted opponents to speak. Sam WhLtlng, Jr., Attonnoy, pepr:esentlng Lee Bnos., Inc., lessees of a s uper.narke t e located ln the Burllngamo Plaza Shopplng a:rea, advlsedthat Iee Br:os. had obtalned a twenty-yea:p leage on the property, confldent ln the fact that the area would be developed lnto a shopplngaroe. ttr. tfbl tlng contend6d that the constructlon of a service statlon uould be a detrlment to th€ lmpnoved pnoperty as well as to the pr.oper"tyyet to be lmpnoved. In nefenrlng to a point ralsod at the Plannlng Corunlsslon heanlng lhatthe lmpnovemonts ln the area have been developed ln a "hodge-podge" fashLon, Mn. l{hltlng qucstloned rrhothor the p:roposed senvlce statlonrould add to the attraetiveness of tho Plaze end stated that the logical uso of the propenty would be the establlshment of stores and shops. l{n. Iee of the Lee Bros., Inc., company, ln addresslng the Councllr statedthat a sorvlc€ station ln the anea ras not e necosslty and to lnsu:re the lruccosa of the shopplng center, effort should b e expended to attract more shops. In concluslon, I{r. Lee stated that the:re ls an abundance of statl,ong surnoundlng tbe area. LA4 Mr.. Antonlo Guedlo, Attor:ney, represontlng the M11ls Egtate Home Orners I Assoglatlon, advlsed that lt ls the concensrus of the honc orJner:s that "ther:e ls no necesslty lon pub1lc convenlence to begenved by granting thc appllcatlon." It was the oplnlon of Mn.Guadlo that lf crrors do exlst la the developnent, that a moreappr.oprlate us€ be made of the pr:operty. !,1r. FlaxrelL, rcpttessntlng the Callfor.nla Teacher:s t Assoclatlon, th€latte" organlzatlon olrnLng pnopenty wlthln the Ml tIs Estate, ungedthat ln the Lntere.st of malntalnlng a s tandard development and adhenl-ng to the orlglnal plan fon the shopplng centen, that the CouncLl neJect the appllcatlon. Mayon Rooth neferred to a consnmlcatlon received by the Councll fromthe Board of Dlrectors of the Mi1ls Inves tment Company, Inc., dated, May 20, 1957 and a petltlon bea:ring the elgnatures of pnoperty orrners, menchants. openators ef buslnesses and pnofessLonal offices ln thevlclnlty of "Burltngame Plezan fl1lng oLJectlons to the gr.aatlng ofthe appllcatlon. fn hls nebuttal, Iib. Casey, Attorney for the proponents (1) calledattentlon to the fact that the proposed senvlce stetlon ls located at an lntensectlon of a naJon thoroughfare that s111 channel a tnemendous amount of tnafflc fnon S[y]lne Boulevar.d; (2) challengedthe clalm that the enectlon of a servlce statlon rrould vlolate an agreement enter:ed lnto by the owners of property rlthln the P1aza area; and (3) statea that th€ appllcatlon ls not one r.equestlng a vanLance but a nequest fon a speclal permlt fon a permlsslvo use. A favorable vote was nequested by Mr. Casey. fn response to an lnqui.ry from the Chah, .Plannlng Consultant Mann edvlsed that the slte 1s on conmerclal property; however:, thene ls less than the requlned 490 feet betne€n the boundar'les of the proposed servlce statlon and the oxtstlng senvLce statlon. l[r. Rotrent Gqns, rep?esenting the Bunllngeme Gate Improvemeut C1ub, advlsed that hls organlzatlon had gone on r:econd as opposing thegrantlng of the appllcatlon fon a special perrnlt to constnuct agasollne stltlon on th€ slte proposed. It[r. Uar:ren Splbke:r, ornen of pnoperty lmmedlateLy to the north of the proposed lrervlce statlon and a bulLdlng contnactor, advLsed of theneu congtnuctlons planned fon the area ln the near future and expressed hls opposltlon to the lnclusloa of a a€rvlce statlon 1nthe anea. Mayor Rooth also expnessed h1s dlsappolnlment in the fallgne of the deieloper:s to devel'op the pr:openty iir a t'torn and country" manner and because mlstakes have occurred, he was opposed to votlng approval to the gr:antlng of the appllcatlon that would permlt a commer:clal ente?pr.1se as proposed. Councllman Morgan moved that the petltlon for a speclal pennlt be denied, statlng his neason as belng conslstent rlth hls pnevlous standto uph61a the pnovlslons of the ordinance r:equfu:lng a [e0 foot dlstanco between the boundarles of servlce statlons. The motlor ras scconded by Councllngn fhayen and the vote thereaften necordod as follorrs: Councllnan Byr.d stated that ln his oplnlon thene ls a need fon a ser:vlce statlon ln the arca end that he had no obJectlons to the pfoposed constructlon. It was the r:ecommendatlon of Councllman Byrd that the owner be permltted to develop hls property as ha so deslned. Clty Attor:ney Kanmol, upon lnquhy, advlsed that a condltLon of e C-I pnoperty nequl:red an appllcatlon for a speclal permlt end such penmlt ras so app116d fon ln thls lnstence. Councllman Thaysr expr:essod the oplnlon that the shopplBg centcr uas not des!.gned as oniglnally nepresented and that she concurned wlth tfr€ declsLon of the Plannlng Commlsslon to deny the appllcatlon. 135 Ayes: Councllmen: Johnson-Mongan-Rooth-IhayerNoes: Councllmen: Bynd Absent Councllnen: l{one 1. CLF]RICAL WORK FOR ADVISORY PLANNING COUNCIL ENDORSED A communlcatlon fnom the Clty Manager, datcd May l7, 1957, reconmendlngtbat the Clty endorse the Countyrs contlnuatl.on of pr.ovlding clerlcalasglstance to the Advisony County Plannlng CorunlssLon, wes concurnedln upon motlon of Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Johnson qnd unanLmously car:rled. The Ctty Manager ras nequested to so advlsethe County Boer:d of Supenvisons. 2. VACANCY IN POSITION OF ASSISTANT C]TY ELECTRICIAN A cormunlcatl,on fnom the Clty Manager, dated May L6, 1957, necommendlngthat consldoratlon be given to the establlshrnent of an ellg1b1e ltstfor the positlon of Asslstant Clty E1ect::lcian, ras resubmLtted tothe Clty Managen for furthen study. 3. REOI'EST TO RECLASSTFY AREAS MILIS ESTAIE SET FOR HEARING JI'NE 17 A corrntrnlcatLon dated May II+, 1957, ras recolv€d fr"om the Plannlng Corml.aslon, advls 1ng that subsequent to a publlc bearlng, an eppllcetlonof the Tnousdale Constructlon Company to rezone cortaln ar:eas Ln theMlIIs Estate Subdlvlslon from f l:r'st resldentlal to second resldentlal nas denled by a trnanimous vote. A coraunlcatlon fnom the Tr.ousdale Constnuctlon Corapany, dated May 15, 1957, nequesttng that the subJect of the proposod rezonlng of the Ml11s Estate be placed Defone the Councll at lts regular meetLng, June 17r L957, :yes concunned ln and tbe Ctty Clerk dlnectcd to place lt on the Councll agenda on thet date. 4.BLASTING PERMIT GRANTED TO WENRICI( AND ASSOCTATES A cormunlcatLon fnom lden:rlck and AssocLates, San Meteo, dated May 17; 1917, va,s recelved, ::equesting the Bnantlng of an appllcatlon fon apcr:mlt to do blastlng du:llng constnuctlon ronk ln the E1 Quanlto Acr.es Subdtvls lon. A comrnrnicatlon dated May 17r ].957, ftom the Clty Englneen, r:econmendedthat the permlt be granted. Councllman Bynd noved that the penmit be granted ln accordance wlth condltlons ?6oomtr6ndcd by the City Ehglneer, seconded by Counc l1man lilongan and unanl morx 1y carrled. 5. BRg?osED RlrvocA?roN 'rEoirRs FoE s4r,E !4 ME/E rNC.r' A coununlcatlon dated Apnl1 17r 1957, from the Lau Offlces of Crlnrunlns, Kent, D::p aen and Bnadley, rspnesentlng Lee Bnos., Inc., Iessees of a supar:marke t sltuated 1n the new shopplng center wlthln the MlIIs Estato ptroperty, ncquestlng conslderatlon to the r:evocatlon of Section 1!61 nEouns -fon SaIe, Etc. of lbattf of the Ondlnance Code, was necelved and the subject mattc:r. scheduled fon pubIlc hearlng on June 17, 1957. 6. PROPOSED BXIIENSION JI'MPERO SERRA IIIGEIdAY A comnunlcatlon dated May 8, 1957, !.as necelved from the Bu:rl lngarre Chemben of Commerce, offerlng lts coopenatlon 1n connectlon wtth the proposod €xtenston of Junlpeno Senna Hlghway. The comnunlcatlon Has acknowledged and pl.aced on fL1e. ?he hearlng sas doclancd coniluded. COMMIINICATIONS 7. FIFTH ANNUAL 'IDREAM GTRLII CONIEST 8. ENDORSEMENT oF PENDING I,EGISLAT]VE BTLLS (EIGEWAY TAJGS ) A consrunlcatlon florn the San Mateo County Faln Assoclatlon, datedMay -1!, 1957, nequestlng the selectlon oi a cendldate fon lhe ttDneam Gln1" tltLe for pantlclpatlon ln the flfth annual Sen Mateo CountyFaln and Floral Flesta beauty contest, July IB, 1957, :*as r.€c€lveaand nefenred to tbe Chamber of Commence. A reques Legl s 1at San Mate concurre Legls 1at Ine qult a Bus Open RESOTUTION NO.0- o I?ans er tf lve o-Bdl on a Resolutlon of Endorsement and Suppgpg of PendtngBl1ls Before the State Leglslatune, submitted by theurllngsme Tnanslt Company, datn and RESoLUTfON N0. 29-57 tttJred May L5, t957, r,asglng the Callfonnla State une to t Leglslatlon Reduclng or: Removln g Certaln b1e Hl g h hway and Sales Taxes Pnesently Agsess ed Urban Pas senger at l ons tlas lntroduced by Councllnan Mor.gan, rho moved ltspassege, seconded by Councllman Johns on and car.rled upon roll ca1I, CouncLlman Byrd abstalnlng from votlng. RESOLUTIOilS son rrAuthonizlng the Executlon of Ins tnument s Necessar:y Deposlt to the Cr"edlt of Burllngame Municlpal Waten hlonks at the Amerlcan Trust Cornpany, Head 0fflce, to the Accountof Burllngane Mun.,iclpal Depar:tment at the Amer"lcan Trust Company rBurllngame Offlce" ues lntroduced on motlon of Councllman Mongan who noved lts passage, seconded by Counclluan By:rd and unanlmous 1y canrled upon noJ-1 call of rnembens. ORDINANCES - Conslderatlon of: ORDINANCE NO. 5 O I'DE PARtr, BURLINGAIiIE, SAN MATEO COI]NTY, CALIF0RNfA'i xes glven lts gecond neadLng and upon motlon of Councllnpn Mongan, s€conded by Couhcllnan Byr.d, sald ondlnance passed lts second neadlng and was adoptcd bythe followlng vote: AYES : COIrI{CILMEN! Byr:d-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-ihayer NOES: COIINCILMEI{: None ABSENT COIINCfLMEN: None (Eearlng on above scheduled June 1?, 195?) IN ORDTNANCE NO A a C?ION STORY BUfLDINGn wa Thayer, seconded b readlng and was ad CLARTNG INIENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON PORTTONS SHOWN ON MAP OF UNII NO. 5, !{ILLSDALE INDI'SMIAL IIAMENDII{G THE ORDINANCE CODE OF TTIE CTTY OF BIIRLINGAME 2l+01.1 PR0VIDING FOR ALLOWABLE FL00R AREAS IN ONE-I glv6n 1ts second "eading and upon motlon of Councllmany Councllman Mor:gan, sald ordlnence passed lts gecord opted by tho follorlng vote: AYES : COUNC f LME}{ : B;a'd- Jotrnson-Uor'gan-Rooth-Thayer NOES: COI,NCILMEN: NoTE ABSENT C0UNCfIJ{EN: None oRpTNANCE N0. 5<2 nAtrENDTNG SECTToN L904, ARTICIfr 5O, PART X 0F TIIE bE'DixA-freET3'DilG rr{E crry oP BURTTNGA!,IE'DrwDrNc rIrE crrv rNro DrsrErcrs BY RECLASSIFYING tOTS 6,7, B,9, and 10, MAP 0I'WILLB0ROUGE PIACE FROM A ?HIRD RESIDENTIAL T0 A FTRST RESIDENTIAL DfSTRICT'r was gLven lts second roedlng and upon motlon of Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Thayen, sald ondlnance passed lts second "oadlng end was adopted by the folloulng vote: -l AES: COUNCILMBI: NOES: COI,NCILMEN: ABSENT COI'NCTLMEN' Byrd- Johns on-liforgan- Rooth-thayer None Iilone 186 raI: 737 ORDINANCE NO.593 rAMENDTNG SECrroN th39 0F lEE oRDINANCE CODE 0F Tr{E C-fry 3F ERf,INGmE: REGITLATII{G lm RA?ES oF FARE To BE CHARGED FoR TRANSPORTATTON BY TAXICAB! AI{D PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TIIE VTOI,ATTON OF ANY OF ?Itr PROVISIONS 0F THIS ORDINANCETT was given lts second neadlng, and upon motlon of Councllman Bynd, s econded by C ouncllman Jobnson, sald ondlnance passed its second readlng and was adopted by the followlng vote: AYES : COIINCILI'{EN : Byr.d- Johns on-Morgen-Rooth-Thayen }IOES: COIINCTLMEN: None ABSENT COI]NCTLMEN: None ORDI NANCES - fntnoductlon of: ORDINAI{CE NO. 556NAIE}IDII{G ?EE ORDINANCE CODE OF IIIE CITY OF BURLITGAUE AVEIIUE'' ras lntroduced by Councllman Thayer and glven flrst readlng. UNI'INISHED BUSINESS clerms, Nos. 10306 - 10458, ln the amount of $l+1161+9.21, duly audlted,for the month of 'l[ay, L957 t rrene authonlzed dr arn on the Clty T:rsssql.y tn theln respectlve amounts, on motl.on of Counctlman BJEd, seconded by Councllman Johnson and trnenl.mous 1y cannled. I. RECLA*SSIFTCATION TANDS OF PENINSULA HOSPITAL Mayor Rooth advlsed that conslderable study should be glven to the neconmendatlon that the lands of the Peninsula Hospital Distrlct ber"eclasslfled fnom Flrst Resldential to Professlonal Bus rness Dlstnlct. Councllrnan Morgan rno ved that no actlon be taken on the proposed r:e-classlflcatlon pendlng furthen study, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlraously ca:lnied. 2. PROPOSED UNIFORM ORDTNANCE REGULATTNG FOOD ESTABL]S}iMEMS Councllman Mongan moved that the subJect of a unlfor"m ondLnance negulating food establlshnents as proposod by the County Health Depantment be tabled lndefinltely, seconded by Councllman Byrd and canrled, Councllman Ihayen votl-ng no. RECOI'IMENDATION TO PURCHASE SHORELA}ID PROPERTIES Councllman Johnson, ln refenrlng to conmunlcatlons on fl1e necommendlngthe pu:rchase of acr.eage for. park ald ?ecreatLonal purposes, suggestedthat the conmurrlcatlons be acknowledged wlth sppr.eclatlon. The ChaLr. advlsed that the matter: ls pendlng and a neport shaI1 be nender:ed at afuture date. CLAI},LS. A clafun for: damages agalnst the Clty of Burllngame 9.s a nesult of a fa11 upon the Cltyrs sldewalks, pnesented by Lorene McKenns, 1112 Capuchlno Avenue, ln the amount of $800.00, was neJected and referred to the Cltyts lns urance canr16n, upoa motlon of C ounc l1man By:re, seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmously ca:r:rled. UASBA}ITS PAYROLL APPROVAL 19 e5cl P ,1t+ s ayroll wamants, Nos. 155-338, Apr:ll 1-1!, 30,897.97 and Nos. 339-523, Apr11 15-10, 1 301996.84, uere approved on motlon of Coun ounc l lnan Thayer and unanimously car.nled. 57 1n tne amount of 7, 1n the amount of lman Bynd, seconded by NEW BUSINESS PROPOSED Rd-ROUTTNG GREYIIOi,ND BUS LINES A comrunnlcatlon datod May 20, 1q57, vas nead fnom the Burllngame Chamben of Cormence, nequestlng that the Councll sollclt the asslstance of the Ml11bnaa Clty Coucnll Ln an endonsement of a pnoposal to be submitted to the Publlc Utllltles Comri.ss lon f or the re-routlng of the Gne yhor.rnd 1. 188 buses along Ro11lns Road to Ml11brae Avenue. C ounc ilman Morgan movedthat the Councll concur end a cormnunicatlon to that effect be dlnectedto the Chamben of Conmence, seconded by Councl'lnpn Johnson and unanlnous 1y cannled . REF'ERENCE TO UNFINISHED BUST}IESS 1. DRAFI PIT FIRE STATION NO. 1 fn reply to lnqulrles fnom E. J. Lels, retLnod Flre Chief of the Cltyof Bu:rllngane, Mayor: Rooth advlsed that the subJect of a dnaft pltfor Flre Statlon No. 1 ls currontly under study by the Clty Maneg6r. Folloulng a bnlef dlscusslon on the type of constructl.on to be glven consideretlon, the Clty Manager uas requestod to subnlt e necomnendatLonet the next negular neetlng of the Councll and, ln addlt!.on, to reconamendthe appropnlate locatlon for the dnaft ptt. 2. TRAFFIC DIRECTOR AND I}ISPECTOR.DETECTIYE, POTTCE DEPART}ENT Mayor Rooth advlsed that a neport shall be render€d by the Clty Manag6r: aDd the Chlef of Pollce, upon completlon of thelr study coneennlng thestatus of the posltloas of th6 Dlrecton of Traffic and the Pollce I ns pec tor . BLECTION OT' CHAIRMAN AND CIIATRMAN PRO TEMPORE FOR ENSUING TERM Mayon Rooth announced that the electlon of a Chalrman ard Chalnman Pr.o Tempore would be held at thls tlme and thoreupon called fon nomlnatlonsfor Chalnman of the Board fo:' the ensulng year. Councllman Johnson nomlnatod Co1. Chanles W. Rooth as Chahman fon a second term, ulth the statenent that as Mayon, Col. Booth has senvedwell and has the ava11able tlme to dev0t6 to the dutles end demandsof the pos ltlon. Thene belng no further nomlnatlons, the Chalr. called for a vote byroll cal1. The nesult uas tallled as follows: AYES! COUNCILMEN: NOES: COI,NC TLI'IEN: ABSTAINTNG 'I : Johns on-Mongan-Thayer Byrd Rooth Mayon Rooth was declared Chalrman of the Board fon a gecond one-yoan term. Nomlnatlons were nequested by the Chab for Chafu.man Pro Tempore. Councllman Thayen placed the name Chalnman Pr.o Tempore . of Andnew C. Byrd ln nomlnatlon for Thene were no further nominatl.ons: Councllmen Byr.d, ln a statement to the Councl1, advLsed of the many meotlnSs lncumbent upon a Chahman Pno Tenpore to attend and neferred to the numerous meetlngs of the Bay Anea A1I: Pollutlon ComEttse and Nonth County Councll of Clties meetings that he personally attended. Couac llman Byrrd further s tated tirat he had hoped to be Chabman &rd whlle he had no obJectlon to CouneLLnan Rooth eg Mayor: r Mayon Rooth she11 have seltved twlce in a four-yean t er:m whlle he has senved only one-terza ln his seven years as a member of the Clty Cowtcl1. A vote by ro11 call was taIlled as follows: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Jotrnson-Mongan-R6sttr-16*r"o NOES: COUNCfLMEI: l{oneABSTAfNIm: Byrd I 139 Thcr.e belng no fu:rthen buslness, the neetlng nas rogula:rly ad Jounnedat 9:55 p.m. Respectfully subrnltted, C ounc l Lman Byrd was declaned Chalmsn Pno Tempone for a second one-year tenn. ADJOURNMENT K.Ctty Clenk APPROVED: les U. Roo Mayor