HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.11.03Dil ( BurllngarE, CaLlfornia Novembor 3, 1958 CALL TO ORDER A regular nneting of the BurlingarE cl-ty Councll was held abwe gl-ven date. The rreetlng was c8L1ed to o!'der at 8:O5 Mayor BJrrd ln the Chalr. on the P.M. PI,EDGE OF AT.T,EGIANCE At reord fnom the Chalr all ln the Councll Charnber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Hresent - CouncllrEn: Byrd - Johns on -Morgan-Thayer:Absent - Councllmen: Rooth Counc llman Rooth, absent becauso of lllness, was excused on motlon of Councllman Jotueson and seconded by Councllman Mcrgan. MTIfi]ITES PREVIOUS I'EETING The mlnute s of October 20, 1958' correeted to delete tho paragraph under itExamlnatlon Authorized Second Bul1d 1ng Inspectortr that rrCouncil- msn Morgan stated hls opposltion to e mploynrnt of a second Building Inspeetor:a were theroaften unanLmously approved and adopted on motlon of Councl lroan Morgan and seconded by Councllman Johnson. HLIARIIIG SFECTAL IER},fIT Patrlck J. Mulllns, Golf Drlvlng Rsnge May or Byrd advised that a comrunlcatlon nocelved from the Paclfic Gas & Electrlc Company pentalnlng to the appllcation to erect a Golf Drlv- 1ng Range on the east slde of the Bsyshcs.e Eeeway, south of Broadway, Btr llngame, has created a hesltancy among the members of the Councllto contLnue the hearlng on the subJect on thls occaslon. At the request of the Chair, the Clty Clerk read the communlcatlon lnquestlon, dated October 24, !958, r*reneln the Courrcll was ad.vised that the proposed plans fon the developrEnt does not meet a 14O foot rlght- of-way restrlctlon snd the proposed fence would create a hazar.ci to the hl gh voltage system. Mayor By'::d, ln summarlzlng the posltlon of the Councl1, suggestod thatthe subJect be :refen::ed to the Clty Attorney for. funther explonatlon and that a report be submltted to Councll. There belng no objectlonsthe subJect was contlnued until the regu]-an neetlng, December 1, 1958. COI/IMU}IICAT IONS 1. SUMIVISION AGFtsEMENT MILIS ESTATE NO. 15 EXTENDED A commrnlcatl on from the Clty Manager:, dated Octobe? %, 1958, recom- mend lng that the subdivislon agr:oerent for Ml1Is Estate No. 13, be extended for & perlod of slx months as requested by the dubdlvld.en end approved by the bonding comparry, was concurred in upon motlon of CouncLlman Morgan, secorrded by Counc l].nan Johnson and unanimously car:rlod. 2. I4UNfCIPAL DIII{P CONTBACT RENEivED (Decernbor 196I) A corum]nicatlon ftrom the Clty Manager, dated Octob€r 5I, 1958, advLsedthat the dump operation contract has been amended to lncludo a pro-vLsion that the Clty shall rocelve a rebate fYom fees collected 1n 338 orden to establlsh a trdunrp lmpr: ovemert frmdff and re comrended that the contract, as anended, be renewed to extend to Decomber 1961. The CouncLl conculred and the Clty Manager: was authorlzed to process the appropnlate leglslation. 3. CURFEW ONDINANCE ENFORCE},,IENT PROPOSM BY SUPERVISORS A comnunlcatlon from the Clty lilanager, dated October 51, 1958, ad- vised that a commlnicatlon recelved from the Boand of Supervlsors,dated October 29, 1958, requests the cooperatlon of each city ln a r:igld enforcercnt of lts curfew laws. The Councll was advlsed by the Clty Managor that the Clty of Bur - llngame has an approprlate curfew ondlnanco rhlch Ls belng en- fonced . 4. CITY HALL LOBBY ]MTNOVEMENTS A communlcati on dated October 31, 1958, ras recelved fuom the Cl.ty Manager, submlttlng a tabulation of the blds roceLved for the lm- provement of the City HaI1 lobby. FoJ.lowlng a bnlef discussl,on, Councl lman Johnson moved that the bldbe awardod to the Wenasco Manufacturlng Company, 1543 Rollins Road,providlng for t r-te lnstallatlon of two countens ($1 130.OO) and a 115.OO) ln thehe height of the counters $O. The motlon was seconded by C ouncl lman arnled . formica wainscoting ttotal a mount of $1,24 Morgan and unanLnousl ot 5.Ovc The Clty Manager ras lnstructed to contract fon said Lmprovementsat the convenLenco of the Clty Clerk and the CLty Treasurer. offlces. 5. TRAFFTC SIGN REQUESIED PLYMOUTH WAY AND BLOOIIIFIELD ROAD A communlcatlon dated October 3I, 1958, from the City Manager, ad- vised that a !:equest has been rocelved from the Burllngables-Oak Grovo l{anor Improvement Club fon the enectLon of a stop-slgn at the lntersoctlon of Bloomfield Road and Plymouth Way. Tho Ctty Manager advlsed further that the Po1lce D€pantrBnt l-s cunrently conductLng a sur?vey wlthln the area i.n partlcular and a reportshall be submltted to CouncLl thereaftor. 6. ADDITTONAL FREEY'IAY TURN.OFFS PROPGED (Hoarlng January 5, 1959 ) A communlcatlon, dated October 27, 1958, was read. fr.om the E:rllngame Chariber of Comnrrce, requestlng the Councll to soLlcit the asslstanceof the State Hl, ghway DepartrEnt 1n d et ermlning wtre ther an addltlonal ramp lnto Ehrllngarne from the Bayshcre Freeway ls Justlfled. A communicatLon from the Burlingable s -Oak Grove Manon fmprovenent Club, dated November 2, 1958, was nead, in protest to the pnoposed tunn-off ani roquestlng that the Councll conduct pub1lc hearingsprlor to grant Lng approval. A suggestion by Mayor Byrd that the questlon be resolved at a public hearlng on January 5, 1959, was concurred ln by the Councl-I. 7. COMMENDATTON HE: COMPI,ETIOI DONNELLY AVNUE PARKING LOT A co mmicatlon dated 0ctober 29, 1958, was read from the Burllngame Chamber of Corunsrce, compllmentlng the CouncLl f or: lts cooperatlvo asslstance ln aldlng both the Chember of Commerce and the Betterl Burll n6amo Assoclation 1n conpletlng the Donnelly Avenue off-streetperklng pro je ct . e ac)u1) rJ 8. EMPLOYEES ACKNOVILD@X(E}III RAISE INCREASES A communicatLon from the Burllnganp Civil Servlco Employees t Assoclatl-on, dated October 50, 1958, expo:esslng 1ts appreclatlonfor the consldenatlon extended to the employees by grantlng salary increases and fringe benefits, was acloacnledge d ard placed on flIe. o CITY OF PACIFICA FIRST ANNIVMSABY CEIEBRATION A communlcatlon from the Clty of Paciflca, dated October 28, 1958, extendlng an lnvLtation to the Councll to particlpate ln that CltytsFlnst Annlversary Celebratlon, Sunday, November 16, 1958, at 12:3O P.M was acknowledged and the Clty Manago? lnstructed to ar:range f or: apollce car to accomrnod.ate those offlcials who may nlsh to attond. RESOLUT I ONS None OMTNANCES - Introduetlon of: ORDINANCE NO. 685 ?tAmendl ng the Ondl nance Code of the Clty of Bur- llneeme-Bt EeroETing Sectlon 1222.3 Prohtblttng Panklng of Vehlc1es on the Easterly Slde of Callfornia Drlve Betweon I'Iorth Lane and Mu::chlson Drlverr was lntroduced for first readlng by CounciLman lrorgan. OBDINANCE NO. 684 [Amendl ng the OrdLnance Code of the Clty of Bur-lfngarn fy Addlng Thereto a New Sectlon 1222.L5 Provldlng fcn theInstallation of tYleld Rlght of ltlay t 51*rr" at tlE Intersection of Ray Dr3iv€, DavLs Drive and DavLs Cour:t r was Lntroduced for flnst readlng by Councl lman Johnson. CITY MANAGER REPORTS 1. CALTFORNIA SEMINAR ON POLICE PIJANNING AND RESEARCH The Clty Manager 1n a rue mo to Councll, dated October 31, l-958, ad- vised that the Unlverslty of Callfornla is conducting a seminar on Po1lce Pl annlng and Research on Novembe? 17-19-1958 and sev e::al ofthe Cltyts hlgher. nanklng offlcers shalI be authorized to attend. The report was acknowledged and placed on flfe. I'NFINISHED BUSINESS Nono NEW BUSTNESS 1. USE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATI'RES At the reqLrest of lrIay or Byrd, the City Attorney was lnstructed to ascentaln whethor the use of faeslmlle slgnatures of the Mayor on wanrsnt s lssued by the Clty is 1ega1. 2. }.{ODERNIZATION OF CURRENT TREE PLANTING ORDINANCE PROPOSM May or B)rrd advised that many requests nave been received concernlng tLre Cltyts tree plantLng or replacenEnt program and questloned whetlEr the current ordlnance ls effectlve cr lnadoquate. The City Manager advised that ln response to numetrous Lnquirles, l-nformatl on ls belng eonplled arrd. mlmeognaphed coplos sha1l be submlttod to Councll upon completlon of a report. A brlef discusslon arose, at the concluslon of whl- ch lt was the consensus of councll that tho cr:rrent ordinance nerlts lnvestlgatLon 340 and mod erni zati on . ADJOURNMENT Therat9 ob :05 olng no further business, the reeting was regulanly ad Journed. P. M. Re spe ctflrlly subnri tted HERBMT K.ITECity Clerk lr**t* 6)d4vd. APPROVM: ANDREW C. BYRD Mayo:3