HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.10.20331 BurllngarE, call,fornla october 20, 1958 CAIL TO ORDER A regufar:' Eetlng of the BurJ-lngarm City Councll ras held abov6 date. The meetlng ras caJ. Ied to order at 8:O5 P.M. Byrd ln the Chalr. on the - Mayor PLDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the ChaLr all ln the Councll Chamber arose and Save the Pledg6 of Alleg1ance to the Flag. ROLL CALL hes6nt - Councllmen: Byrd -Johns on-Morgan-Rooth-ThayerAbsent - Councllmen: Nono The minutes of the prevlous reetlng of October 6, 1958, wero correc-ted (refer: to page 525 paragraph 9) to record and the r.e ques tfor a change in Job tltles ln the FlI.e Department mlght docrease thototal deflcloncy points. The mlnutes uere thereafter unanlmously appnoved and adoptod upon motion of CouncLlman Rooth, s e conded. by Counclliian Johnson. BIDS - CONSTRUCTION GROVE AVENIIE AND CALIFORNIA DRIVE STORM DRAIN Bids for the proposed Constructlon of Gro ve Avenue and Callf(rniaDrlv6 Storr0 Dnaln, publ1c1y opened at 4 orclock P.M. Ln accordancewlth publlshed notlce rlnvltatlon to Bldders,tr were announced asfollors : 6 , 846 .30 Lorrle Pavlng Conpany South San I'nenclsco, Cal Lf.9, 974 . OO R. B. McNalr Sons Berkeley, Ca1tf. 11 ,446.90 The_Englneerts estlrnate for ths above descrlbed proJect wag announcedas iio, goo. oo In reply to Cormcl} lnqulry, Clty Englneer Ma!.r advlsed that theconstr:uctlon proposes to rectlfy an unsatLsfactory dralnage sltuatLon on Grove Avenue, one block West of Callfornla Drlve. A recomruondatLon from the City Manapr that ihe bid be awarded toE. T. Heas Company (one-half of the a.mount to be pald from Gas Tax Furd ) was concr:mod ln on motion of Councilman Mcrgan, ntro lntno-duced for passage RESOLUTION N0. 60-58 trArardl ng Contract for Con-structlon of Gnove Avenuo ard Callfornla Drl ve Storm Draln to E. T.Haas Company 1n amount of $61565.50. The motlon was seconded by PRESENgE OF STUDENTS A6:KNOWI,EDGD tilayor Blrrd, on bohalf of the membols of the Councllr acknoxledged the pl.osence of a gro up of students fron Ou-r Lady d Angels School. III}{UTES PREVIOUS }EETING E. T. _Haas C ompany Bol mont, Caltf. Bsyslde Pavlng (Rocelved aften 4:OO P.M. Ml11brae, Calif. not accepted $6, s6s. so Councllman Thayer and adopted unanlBously on ro11 call of rembers. COMMUNICATIONS 1.IIYI-EI,D RIGHT-OF-Y'AYII SIGNS DAVIS A}{D RAY DRIVE INTMSECTION AIITHOHIreD A conmunlcetlon from the Clty Manager, dated Octoben 17, 1958, advised that an lnvestlgatlon at tho c ornor of Ray Drive and Davls Drlve revealed exlstence of a bllnd lntersectlon, but trafflc condl-tlons, speed of vehl-cles and volurp of tnaffic did not sarrant ln- staLlatlon of z-f,ay or 4-way boulevard stop slgns. ft ras the r:ec omnrondat lon of the Pollce ChLef and the Clty }tangger ttrat nYleld Rlgbt-of -Wayrr slgns be lnstalled at the southeast and northeast corners of the lntersecti on as a rmasure of trafflc control. The membors of the Councl-1 c oncurred and dfu.ected that the slgns be 1nstallod as r.ec ommended. 2. COST ESTIMATE CAROTAN AVENUE CONSTRUCTION A letter dated october L7, 1958, from tbe Clty Managen subml.tteda pretlmlnary estimate of $111rOOO.OO to construct Canolan Avenue between Toyon Drlve and Broadway. Councll wes advlsed that to lmpnove tho eastenly one-ha1f of thestreet appnoxlmated $65rooo.oo and lt was suggested that flnanclng be accompllshed t hrough formatlon of an assessEEnt dlstrict of p:roperty ovners. Tho remalning expendltur.e of $46'000.00 to lm- pnove the westenly one-hal-f (whlch paral1e1s the Southern Paclflc Rlght of Way) would appoar to be an obllgatlon to be assumed by the C1ty, flnanced fnom gas tax monles. Mayor Byni obsenved that a proposed expenditure of $46,OOO.OO bythe Clty doserves careful study and lnvlted corBments from Councll mernb€rs. Councilman Rooth reca].led that the orlginal area of plaru-red J.mproveraent extended f}om Oak Grove Avenue to Broadway and questloned rhether the pr.6sent proposaL, rlth rosultant actl-vlty 1n the lndustrlal area, rould not brl,ng increased commerclaltrafflc to the resldentl-al- sectl,ons surroundlng Toyon Drlve. In rop1y, the Clty Manager advlsod that lmprovoments as or:lginallyplanned would prove costly to the Clty and, in additlon, lnvolveformatlon of an assessrcnt dLstnlct by resldential property owners. At pnesent, the need appears to Ile wLtbln the lndustrLal area. Councllman Morgan suggested that the Clty Mansge:r consult wlth theproperty o$ners to determlne thelr vlews on the pr.oposed nslurerof flnenclng and the value of the pnoJect to the c orunrnlty. Councllmsn Johnson expnessod concurr€nce ln the suggostlon of Councllman Morgan and nomarkod. that the lmprovements, to boeffectlve, should offer rellef froB the trucklrg dlstu::bance rrtrlch has been the source of annoyanc e to !:esldents ln th€ area. In reply to an lnqrlny from Councllman Rooth, the City Engtrneer advlsed that the paved aroa fron curb to curb will be 60 feet, whlch appears to be empIe. After sor@ further discusslon concornLng the extent of the proposed lmpnovements and the posslblllty of enactlng legislatlon at afuture date to control truck trafflc 1n the resldentlal ateas south of Toyon Drlvo, there beLng no obJectlons from Councll mem-bers, the Clty Managen was instnucted to met with propenty owners and to submit a neport to the Clty Council wlthln elxty days . 5E'C).) 1) C-) !>D5.)t)t)e) 3. POLICE VEHTCLE BIDS AUTHCRTZ@ In a letter dated Octoben 16, 1958, the Clty Manager advlsed that subsequent to a s ur"vey of moblle equlpment ln the Pollce Departmont,lt was tho neconmerdatton of the Pollco Chief and the Offlce of the Clty Manager that the followlng be purchesed: Three Pollce Crulsers,tro 3-wheel Motoncycles; one Gushman Truckster. The corarm-rnl cati on advlsed that there would be turn-ln allorance on presont equlpment, wlth the exceptlon of one 3-v;hee1 Motorcycle, rvtrlch ruould be used for parklng neten servlce and financed from such funds. Councll concurred. ln the recommendatL on and authorlzed the Clty Manager to securo blds to cover purchase of tho descrlbed equlpment, sald blds schodul-ed for openlng on November 3' 1958. 4. COUNTY OF' SAN MATEO UNIFORM FOOD ORD]NANCE REJECIED A communlcatlon from the Clty l,lanager, urdor date of Octoben 17, 1958, transmltted a request from E. R. Stal1lngs, County ldanage r, County of San Mateo, that th€ Clty of Bunllrgame reconsLder the standard food ordinance, as adopted by tho County Board of Supe:r-vlsors 1n 1955. Councllrnan Morgan referned to prevlous dlscusslon on the subJe ct,at whlch tLme ce?taln provLsLons of the ondLnance were held to be obJoctlonable, a rxl repeated hls opposltlon. Councllman Thayer refenr:ed to tbe communlcatLon from llr. Stalllngs and not ed that Burllngamo lvas one of 5 cltles thnoughout the Countyr*rlch had not complled wlth the request to adopt a food ordlnanceto the standands set by the County Health Departrnent. Counc llrBn Thayen stated hor posltlon 1n favon of the ordlnanee as ln the bestlntsrests of ths clty and essential to the health and well-belngof 1ts cltlzens. lday or Byrd nentloned speclflcally the sectlons providlng for ipermitsrr and rfeesr, regulatlons affectlng the sales of thorc-bakedi foods by P.T.A., Church, and lLke groups, and the loss of soverelgnty by theClty 1n the mettsr of health standards and food sanltatlon . Councllman Jotrnson and Councllman Rooth concuned and a motlon was lntroduced. by Councllman Johnson authorizlng a lettor to County Manager E. R. Stallings to advlse that upon reconslderatlon of the standard food ordLnanee pr.oposed by the County Health Depantment,the Ctty of Burllngarne roJected sald ordLnance preferrlng contnolof such &atters to remaln wlthln the powens of the City Govennnnnt,and, ln addltion, restrlctlons on sale of food at prlvatgly oporatedgathenlngs; as well as llcenses and fees inposed upon buslness os-tabllshments rero found to be obJectlonable. Motlon seconded by Councllman Rooth and carrLed on the following ro11 call vote: Ayes: Councllman: Byrd - Johns on-Morgan-R oot hNoes: Councllmen: Thayen 5. REFERRAL CLAIMS FOR ERSONAL TNJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE A communleatlon dated October 17, 1958, fr:om the Clty Maneger re- commendlng that e claln for $5OrO0O.Oo fon lnJurles a11egedIy caussd by rra dangeroug and dofect!.verr ploc6 of playground. equipmentat Ray Park pleyground, submltted by Joseph Trlzuto on betralf of Andrew Joseph Illzuto, be reJected and refemed to the Cltytg 1.-surance carrLor ryas concurred ln on motlon of Councl]-man Rooth, seconded by Councilnan Johnson and unaI}lDously carrLed. A second r"ocommendatlon, c ontalned mentloned, that a clalm for $6,000.Constnuctlon Company to Paclflc Te1 he comnnrnlcatlon aborre -or damage by the Stockton ne Ec Telegraph C ompany lntoof epho 334, underground proporty be reJected and nefenred to the Cltytg lnsurance caEion was concured ln on motlon of CouncLltran Rooth, seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmously carrlod. 6. CREEKSIDE SUBDIVTSION ACCEPTED A communlcatlon flom the Clty Manag€r, dated October 20, 1958, advlsed that the Creekslde SubdlvLslon has beon satisfactorlly completed and necommendod that lt be formally accepted. On a motlon of Councllman l{organ, seconded by Councllnan Rooth and unanlmously carrled, Councll concurred ln the recommendatlon. RESOLUTIONS RESOLIITION NO. 61-58 rAdo pted Pursuant To The Provislons of S€ctlon 35304 of the Government Code and Consentlng to the Annexat lon bythe Toi/n of Hlllsboroughf was lntroduced by Councl,Iman Rooth who noved lts adoptlon, seconded by Counc llman Johnson and unanlmously carrled on nol-1 call of npmbers. A me norandum dated October 17, 1958, from the Clty Managsr advlsed.that a reetlng was held wlth May o!: Douglas Morgan of Mlllbnae to dlscuss ways and means of allevlatlng parking problems 1n the areaof the Southern Paciflc Depot, Mlllbrae, ,here a nunber of Bunllngarrcar owners are parklng to oscape on-street parklng rastrlctlons rlth-ln the Clty of Burllngamo. Subseqnent to the reetLng, lt f,as th6 oplnlon of the Chlef of Pollceard tho Clty Manager that the Cltyts parklrg rest:rLctLons alongCallfornla Drive could be wlthdrawn a dLstanco of approxlnately 1OO feet south of MunchLson Drlve rLthout adverse nesults. Councll expressed concurrence and the Clty Attorne]r yea s thereupon requested to prepare the nocessary ordlnance for lntnoductlon atthe nsetlng on November 5, 1958. 2. Belngdefing City HaIl Lobby A momorandum dated October 1?, 1958, transnltted from tho Clty Manager sketch€s of r:emodel-led countens and paneJ-lng propossd for th€ Clty Hal-1 Lobby, at an approxlmate cost of $1,50O.OO. Councll revlewod th€ proJect wlth the City Manager and discussedat some length the extent of the proposed work. Councllman Rooth mentioned that a sum of $2,ooo.oO was approprlatedfor the expross purpose of refurblshlng the Clty HaJ.1 Lobby and. suggestod ed.di ti onal panellng from floctr' to ceillng on the west walL. There belng no objections from the Councll, the Chair lnstructedthe Clty Manege r to socu.ro blds for altornate proposals as follors:(1) New counter:s and panellng, as suggested, plus floor to celllngpaneling on the west wall; (2) Same as above and., ln addltlon, sholvlng requested by the froasur:er. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. BErli4gqrne Shqre r,anil C o nipqry Acreap Mayor Byrd rep or.te d that th6 Burllngame Shore Land Conpeny has be6n ORDINANCES None CITY MANAGER REPORTS 1. Arended parking restni c t lons -portl.on CallfonnLa Drlve 335 contacted concernLng dlsposltlon of 2. Ecarninatlon Authorlzod Secord its wat erfront property. Building Insp ector CouncLlman Thayer expressed the oplnlon that the matter of er@Ioy- ing a second Building Inspector should be resolved ard lntroduced a motlon dlrectlng the City Manage r to proceed accordingly wlth the Civl1 Servlc€ Commisslon. Motion seconded by Counc ilnan Johnson. On the questlon, Councllman Morgan stated his opposltLon to employ- rEnt of a sesond Bulldlng lnspector. Mayor Byrd questloned the City Manager concernlng the advantages of securlng a Building Inspector nather than an Assi.stant Inspector and was advlsed that in vlew of the appnoaching retlrement of thepresent Inspeetor, lt was hls recommendatlon that an eligible re- placonsnt be avall-able to assume the duties at the proper tlne and,prior to that, lf possibJ-e, assist ln the Department. Motion as above stated was thereafter carrled unanimously on rol-1call vote. 3. Committee Report Zonlns Violat j.ons Councilman Rooth presented to Council members a detail-ed report of findings of the Committee lnvestigatlng zonlng violations, and, at the request of Councilman Rooth, the matter was referred. to the next CounciL study meetlng. 4 Municipal Dump Contraet Mayor BJrrd not ed that the contract wlth Romeo Jo1y, Munlclpal Dump Operator, expines llthln the next slx to eight weeks ard requestedthe Ctty Manager to ascertaLn l,lr. Jolyr s views concerning renewalof said contract. 5. Munlclpal Dump Inprovenonts 1. Aclnqrylodgment }{rs. Joseph Fena May or Byrd advised that acknotrlodgrns nt was receivod fnorn !,Fs. Joseph Fena of Councll action in ad J ournl-ng the meeting of Septenber 15,1958, in me mory of former Flre Captain Joseph Fene. 2. City of Pacifica Annlversar y Observance A letten d.ated october L7, 1958, recelved fnom the Clty of Pacificaextendlng an lnvitation to the City of Bunlingane to partlcLps.teln a flrst annlversary obsorvance to be hel-d on November L4, 1958,was acknowledged and referred to the Clty Clerk fon reply. 3. RoslgnatLon Park Commissloner HlaL ter Anlst rup A letter dated. October J-0, 1958, fron Park CommLssloner Walter Anrs tr.up notlfled the City Council that due to the pressure ofpersonal affairs, Mr. Amstrup has found Lt necessaty to submlthis r.eslgnati on from the Clty Park Conmlsslon. Councllman Thayer spoke of Mr. Anrstruprs untiring efforts in theinterests of City affalrs and expressed regret at his retirement. Councll- rembers concurred, dlnecting the Ctty Clerk to so advlsel{r. Ams trup. Upon advlce froro C ouncL lnan Morgan thet there were approxirately 15O trees, l-n tubs, available at the Park Departnent for pLanting, Mayor Byrd volunteered, and was authorlzed by the City Councl1, to dLscuss wlth the Clty Brglneer and the City Manager the f6as1bt1ltyof placing sald tr€es along the boundary llnes of Clty owned pro-perty at the dump slte. NEW BUSINESS 336 4. Boys t CLub of San Mateo C€rellonies A letter dated October 14, l-958, extendlng an invitation to cenemonles observing bulldlng completion of the Boyst Club of San l{ateo was acknowl-edged altd rof emed to t he City Clerk f orroply. 5. Clty of BUrflngqqe Unlteq I{C!1949 Celebratlon Councllman Johnson, Chalrman City of Burllngane United Natlons Week Observance, reported that a program to finaflzo tho weektsactirrltlesr on Frlday, october 24th, sl one orclock P.irl. Bun- llngame Clty Ha}I, Ls open to the pubI1c and urged attendance. 6. Commend.atlon Cltlr Park Ent South San Francls co Parade Councllnoan Johnson eommended the efforts of the City Park D€part- ment es dlsplayed ln the float entered ln tlr e South San F"rancls co Annlvensary parade on Sunday, October 19, 1958. 7 Clty Conmlsslons CorurcLlman Morgan expressed concer:n at the necord of non-attendance and absence of quorums at scheduled meetlngs of certaln of the Cltyt g Commlsslons . In dlscusslng the problem, Councll concurred thst the rosponsl-bl11ty of assu::lng actLve pantlclpatlon among the varlous Comnl.s- sLons rests withln tho Commlsslons. Mayor Blrrd advj.sed that ho would pensonally contact by mall the lndlvidual membens and reportto the Councll at a later date. CLAIMS Clalms for the month of Octob€r', 1958, Nos. 357 -542 1n the amountof $28O,9O0.O2, wene approved for payrre nt on motLon of Counc llman Thayer, seconded by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously carrled. PAYROLL Payroll warrants, month of September, 1958, Nos. 673A-7L26 ln the amount of $691721.9?, were approved fe payment on motlon of Coun- cllman Thayer", seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanimously carr:1ed. ADJOTIRNMENT Tho meetlng was thoreafter regularly adJ ourned at 9:5O P.M. Respe ctf ul-1y submltted HICity Clerk APPROVED: ANDREW C. BYM Mayor