HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1957.03.04103 A regular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Council wag held on the aboveglven date. Meetlng ca1led to order at 8 orclock p.rn. - Mayor Rooth in the Chalr. BurlS,ngame - Cellf ol{Ila Itarch 4, 1957 - CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALIEGTANCE At word from Mayor Rooth, afl 1n the Council Chamb er arose and gave.the Pledge of Alleglanee to the F1ag. ROLL CAI,L Present - Abs ent Counci lmen: Counci lmen I Byrd-Johns on-Morgan- Rqoth- Thaye r None MINUTES PREVIOUS MEEIING The mlnutes of the previ.ous m6eti.ng of F ebruary AB, 1957, as submlttedto members of tle Councll, were unanlmously approved and adopted on moti.on of Councllman Johnson and seconded by Councl Iman Thaye::. qEART NG Mayon Rooth announced that thls was the tlme set, pursuant to publlsh- ed notlce, to conduct a public ho ar,lng on written obJectlons that have been received on the cost of acqulsltlon of propertles for lm- provements on Ro11lns Road, Marsten Road and North Carolan Avenue 1nthe Burllngame fndust:'LaI Assessment Dlstrlct. Letters from Person & Wlk, Inc., l!12 lndustrial Way, dated March 1, March 1, 1957 (a dupllcate of the foregolng)k Grove Avenuer dated February 28, 79 5'1 , re-set for hearlng, were read, protestlng thavled agalnst theLn propertles ln the Indus- cquLsltlon of Marsten Road. 1957, M. J. Henry, dated anC John Boblck, th59 Oa celved prior to the dateaddltlonal assessment letrlal Dlstrlct for the a Ileferonce was made to a conmunl-catlon recelved in protest from Cabe11 Carrlngton, dated February 11, 1957, and a further cornrmrnlc atl on from Mr. Carrlngton, dated l,Iarch [, 1957, wtthdrawing hls comrmrnlcatlon of pr.otest. Robert W. Ilarrlson, Attorney for the Improvement Dlstrlct, at the request of the Chair, advlsed that protests received were not va11d.,ln that the protestants fa11ed. to record thelr. objection to the amount of thelr respoctlve assessment. It was the recormendatlon of I'tr'. Harrlson tnat the. Council conflrm the Assessments by the adoptlon of a resolutlon. Resolutlon No. n r a thereafter lntroduced by Councl lrnan Morgen, seeondeal by Councilman Byrd and adopted unanlrrously on ro11 call of members. Councllman Morgan noted that ln concurrLng wlth the recommendatlon of the Attorney for the Dlstrlct and the actlon taken by the Councll in adoptlng the foregolng resolutlon, was a procedure establlshed by 1aw. Councllman Byrd. moved that the hearlng be declared concl-uded, second- ed by Councilmal Morgan and unallmously carrled. COMMUNICATlONS 1. IIABILITY INSURANCE AWARDED FARI{MS INSURANCE GROUP A letter dated February 21 , 1957, vas read. from the City I"Ianager, recoturendlng that the bid for IlabL1lty insurance of Flsher anal Ohleon, Dlstrlct Agents for Farners Insu:r'ance Group, ln the sum of $51091+.71+, be anarde d. as the lowest and best bld. Councllman Byrtl mov6d that the Councll concup ln the recommendation, seconded by ttconflrmlng Proceedlngs arr d Assessment Burllngame nt Dlstrlct Clty of Burllngame, Californiatt was --'l 104 Councllman Johnson and unanimously carrled. 2. YIELD RIGIIT.OF-WAY S]GNS AUIHORTZED LORTON AND BELLEVUE AVENUES A letter dated March l, A957, was read from the Clty Manager, advislngthat an lnvestlgatlon of the lntersectlon of Lorton and Beflevue Aven- ues revealed the existence of e hazardous conditlon and Lt was the rec- ommendatl on of the Chief of Pollce and the Offlce of the City t{anagerthat authorlzatlon be approved for the er.ectlon of rrYiefd Riglrt-Of-Waynslgns at the northwest corner and et the southwest corner of Lorton Averue at Bellevue Avenue. The re belng no objectlons, tho Clty Man- ag6r was authorlzed to procure the apnroprlate slgns. 3. CALITORNIA DRIVE TRAF'FIC PROBLEM A roport dated February 28, 1957, was read from the Clty Manager, con-cernlng the trafflc problem on CaI lforrrta Drlve and recommending thatprlorlty be glven to first installing a trafflc signal at Cellfor:nlaDrlve and Oak Grove Avenue. The advisablllty of installing a trafflc slgnal, ln vlew of the poss- ible future wldenlng of Califcrnla Drive, was questioned and followlng a dlscusslon, lt was recorn:nended that for emergency purposes, lt be ascerielned whether the Clty of San Franclsco may have surplus over- head slgnal llghts available for purchase. The Ctty Managor ras dL-rected to so lnvestLgate. l+.ELIGIBIE LIST FOR ASS]STANT CITY ELECTRIC]AN REqUESTED A letter dated February 28, f957, was read from the Clty Manager, rec- ommend lng thst the Clvll Servlce Commlsslon be requested to c ond.uct an examlnatlon for the creation of an e1lglb1e 1lst for the posltlon ofAsslstant Clty EleetrLcian. The subJect wes referreil back to the Clty Manager for conslderatlon during the perlod of budget preparatlon. 5. SALARY FOR IIFIRE INSPECTORII . ACTION WITTIHEID A letter dated February 28, L957, was reed from the Clty Manager, ad- vlslng that ln accordanee with Council lnstruction, &n ordinance hag been preparod establishlng tho salery for the posltlon of rrFlre In- spector.lt fhe subJect was tableti for furthe r conslderatlon. 6. PBoPOSED CREATION CF A BAY AREA PLANNTNG BOARD A communlcation dated February 26, 1957, was recelved from th6 Plannlr€ Consultant, advlsing of the lntroductlon of leglslature to create a Bay Area P1annl-ng Board. The Consuftant advlsed that the Plannlng Con- mlsslon favors the leglslatl-on and hag reconmended that the Clty Coun- clI expr.ess 1ts approval to the proposed biII. The roport was held for further study. RESOLUTIONS None ORDINANCES -Introductlon of: ORDINANCE NO. 5l+7 trAn Crdinance of the Clty of Burl lngame, CallfoInla, DtdTaifng -I lEantfon to Vacate a Portlon of certeln Pub1lc Streets Withln The uity of Burlingame, To-Wltr Toledo Avenue and Galvez Court, Referrl,ng to a Map or Plan on Fl1e In the Olflce of the CltyClerk for Partlculars as to the Proposed Vacationi Flxing the Tlme arrd Place for Hearlng af1 Persons Interested ln 0r ObJectlng to the Proposed Vacationrr was introduced by Cor:ncl1man Morgan for flrst readlng. oRDINANCE N0. 5l+B nAn Ordinance of the Clt y of Burllngame Declarlngthe Intentlon to Vacate Certain Pub1lc Servlce Easerent Shown on That Certaln Map Eatltled rMills Estate No. 5 Burllngame San Mateo County,Californler r Belng a Real Property Subdlvlsion Lying Wtthin the City of Burl lngame; Descrlblng the Easement to be Vacated; arrd Flxlng the Tlme and Place For Eearlng A11 Persons Interested Ln the Proposed Vacatlonrr was i,ntroduced by Councllman Byrd for flrst reading. UNF'INISHED BUS]NESS 1. Final Iulap ttM11ls Estate No. 1l.rt At the request of the Ctty Attorrrey, the matter of aceeptance of theFinal Map of rrMl11s Estate No. llrr was contlnued untl l- the regularCouncil meeting of May 6, 1957. 2. F1na1 Map ttEl quanl-to Acres. rr The Clty Attorney advised that appropriate documents are in proper order for the acceptsnce of the Flnal I'Iap of rrEl Quanlto Acresrr uhe roupon Councllman Morgal introduced and moved the passage of Resolution No. 5-57 rrApproving Final I'tap Entltled tEl Quantto Acres, Burltngarne, San l"lCteo County, Californlat and Directing D(ecuti-onof Agre--ment to Construct Publlc Improvementsrr seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanLmously adopted on ro11 cal-1 of members. 3 . Coro Foundatl on Study of Consolidation of Cit y Servlces authorlzed.. Councl lman Byrd, rnembe r of the North San Mateo County Council of Citles Committee on the study of Consolidation of Clty Servlces, recommended that the servlces of the Coro Foundation be employed to conduct a study on the consolidatlon of city services at an expense not to exceed $l+o. 00 . Resolutlrcn No. 61ll trAuttror{ zlng Mayor and Clty Clerk to Stgn Agree- m6nt on Behalf of the Clty of Burlingame for Coro Foundatlon Study wss thereafter lntroduced by Councllman Byrd, who moved its passag seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanimously carried on ro11 ca11. ;NEH BUSINESS: 1. Request to ascertain costs for special @nsus. lt o, Councl lman Byrd, ln eornnenting on City of Burlingame, obsorved that'Vehicle and Gas Tax tr\:nd revenues Byrd recommended that the Counclla special census for the clty. the increased populatlon of the a proportionate increase from Motor may be due the City, Counci lmanglve eonsideratlon to authori,zlng The Clty Manager was requested by the to conduct a special cenaug count for PROCI,AI,IATION Chair to Lnvestlgate the costthe City of Burlingame. In recognltlon of the modern Llbraryr s servl-ce to the public Rooth proclalmed the week of March l-0-16, A9 57 as ITCALIFoRNI WEEK.II ,MAL ayor ]BRARY ADJOURNEMH$T There belng no further buslnoss, the meeting was regularly adJourneda't 8:[! p.m. Respe ctfully submit ted LES W. ROOTiI,CHA MAYOR CITT CLERK fTE 105 APPBOVED: ,/.\W