HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.10.06321 Blallnga@ , callfornLa Oetoben 6, 1958 CALL TO CRDER A negulan ne eting of the BrrlingatrB Clty Councll was held on the above glven date. The metlng was called to o?den at 8:OO P.M. Mayon Byrd ln the Chal". PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIAI{CE At vond from the Chalr a1.l ln the Counc 11 Chamber ar:oso ard gave the Pledge of Alleglance to tho F1ag. ROLL CALL hosent - Councilmen:Absent - Councllmen: Byrd - Johns on-Morgan -R o o th-Theyer None INTRODUCTION CARL M. LOLLIN CHIT]F OF POLICE Newly appolntod, Chlef of Pollce CarI M. Lollln and Illrs. Lollln wene intnoduced and welcormil wlth an appropnlate ressage by lvlayor Byr.d onbehalf of the offlcials of tho CLty of Bur.lingame. MINUTES PREVIOUS MEET]NG The mlnute s of the pr:evlous neetlng of Soptenber 15, 1958, as sub-nltted to rB mber:s of the Councll, were unanl rpusly approved and adopted on motLon of Councllnan Rooth and seconded by Councllman Thayotr. 3IDS . CONSTRUCTION OP SKYLINE RESERVOIR WATtsR TRANSMISSION LINE BLds fon the pr.oposed. Constnuetlon of, Skyltne Reservoln water I?ans -mlsslon Llne, publicly opened at 4 otclock P.M. Ln accordance rrl thpubtlshod notLce rllnvitatlon to Blddersr were announced as f oIl-ors: $ Bs,g8s.oo Mcculre & Hestor Oakland, Callfornla 94,194 . O0 Und orground Constructlon Co. Oaklard, Cafifornia 96 , 74 O.50 MGM Constructlon Company Concord., Cal.lf cnni.a 97,A4L.2O Val1ey Engineors, fnc. Fresno, Californla 99, O84.50 Lowr16 Pav lng Compan y South San Fnanclsco, Callfornla 110,75?. O0 Englneerlng Llnlted PlpellnoE} Cerri.to, Csllf orrrla 118,755. 50 The.Englneenrs estlneto for the above descrlbed pr.oJect was announcedas $a1,9so.oo. The Councll havlng been advl.sed by the City Attonney ttrat the CltyIega1ly Eay onter Lnto a contnact on a bld Ln excess of the Engineents E. T. Haas Conpany Belmont, CallfoIrlla estlmate, the Clty &rglne€r was requested to rendon hls oplnlon on the advlsablllty of acceptlng the low bld. Clty Englneen lderr advlsed that blds ln excess of the ton percent of the Englneenrs estl.mate are not generally acceptable; horever,ln thls 5.nstance, the lowest bld oxceeds only 4.9 percent of theestlrmte and lt was his rec orunendatlon that tho bld be accepted. In r:esponse to furtller lnqulry, the Clty Engi neer advised that theproJoct sball be financed tlrough ths Wator System Sinklng nrrdwlth a relmburserent from the Trousdale Construction Company ln tho amount of S5rooo.o0 or $6,000.00 at the tlme that company sha1l corrunence wo rk on lts next subdlvlsLon. Counc Llran Rooth moved that the Councll concur in tbe rocommend.atl on and lntroduced for passage,RESOLUTION NO. 56-58 oArandln g Contractfor Constructlon of Skyline Reseivolr WCter Transmission Llne toE. T. Haas Company, ln the Amount of S85,985.OO. The notLon ras se conded by CourE llman Johnson and adopted unanLmous1y on ro11 callof membens. 1. A}I]IEf,{!ION STRIP OF IGRI{IT WILLIAMS PROIERTYTO TOIYN OF IIILLSBOROUGE A comraunl catl on from the Ctty Manager, dated October 5, 1958, ad- vlsed that the Planning Commlsslon has given conslderatlon to anappllcatlon submitted by Kermlt Willlams, ::equesting permlsslon to annex a parcel of property wlthln the corponate 1ltrlts of tbe Cltyof Brnllngare to the Tolvn of illllsbor.ough. The Councll was advlsedthat th6 parce] is a strlp approxinately 60 feet rlde and. 11 2OOfeet ln length extending firom JacklLng D?Lve to Carmellta Avonue and a pontlon of a lange Hlllsborough estate. It ras the recommondat lon of the P]-armlng CommLsslon end the Clty Managor that approval be glven to the detachment of the p:roperty. Councllman Rooth moved that the Councll concur 1n tho reconnsndation and that the subJect be roferred to the Clty Attorney fon the pre- paratlon of the approprlate leglslatlon. The lrot ion ras secondedby Councllrnan Johnson and unanlmously carried. 2. REQUEST PMSON & SIII( TO PURCHASE EXCESS CITY IRO"I',RLY DEFERRED 3. REqUEST TO REZql'E EOV4ND AVH{IJE. EL CLMINO REAL TO CRESCENTIVEMDEI-M A communlcatlon f :rom the Clty Maneg6r", dated october 3, 1958, tr:ans- m1ttlng a comio:nj-cation from the Plannlng ComrnS.sslon datod Septom-ber 24, 1958, advised the Councll that an appllcatlon submltted by twonty-one property ownors nequestlng a rezoni,ng of thel-r property on the block of Hosard Avonue fron EI Catrlno ReaI to Crescent Avenue from an R-I (Finst ResldentLal) to an R-4 (ttultlpl e FanL$ ) ElqDrJ L/ C. COlrll,'IUNICATf ONS A corarnrnlcatlon from the Ctty Manager, dated October 3, 1958, ne- fe::red to a comrnunicatlon recelved flom th€ Plannlng Commisslon, whereln Lt was neconmendod that no actlon be taken by the Councll on the roquost of Psrson & Wlk for title to excess clty landabuttlng Lts pnopenty at the corner of Broadray and tho Bayshono Servlce Road unt 11 tho pnoblen of the disposltlon of storm ratons fuon the koadrray overpass rray be resolved. Quostloned by the Couacll, the Ctty Manager advlsed that ln add.l tlonto the storm [aters problom, ther.e ls a questlon of the l6ga1 statusto be nesolved. Thelro belng no obJectlons, the subJect was roferred to the City Manager for. c onsultatl on wlth the Clty Attonney and the City EngLnsen rlth a conp).ete ,report to be flled wlth the Clty Councllwithln thlrty days. EC)DL) ia) had baen :regularly consideled at both study srtd regBlar sesslons of the Plannlng Commlsslon. ft las the oplnlon of the Commlsslon that c ont lnulng studles be rnade of the area and any actlon on the block Ln questLon on thls occaslon, wo uld create a na Jor effoct on su nr:oundl ng propertles. As polnted out by the opponents a nezonlng would trlegallze lllegal conver:slons and fur.then harn the orn€rs of attractlve single -famlly nesldonces.rr The Comrnlsslon,at the concluslon of lts dell.beratlons, unanlmously voted to noconrnend that the appllcatlon to reclassLfy be denLed. Councllnen Rooth, member of a Commltteo sppolnted by tho Councll, advlsed that conferences- are currently belng held on exLstent vlolatlons, nays and neans to ellmlnate sald vlolatLons and the :re zonlng of vltal areas withln the City' subsequ.ent to whlch a complete report shall be ftled wtth the Council. Corrncl lnan Rooth moved that the Councll concur wlth the necomrrrn- datlon ard ttrat the appllcatLon be denled. The motlon $as soconded by CouncLlrnan Joturs on and unanlmously carr:Lsd. 4. SIGN VARTAIiICE GRANT@ 10 EYATT HOUSE A communlcatlon lras r.ead fnom tb6 Plannlng Comnlssion, dated Sopten- ber 24, 1958, tr:ansnlltted to Council by tho Clty ldarragor under datoof Octobet 2, 1958, advlslng that an appllcatlon from Hyatt Housefon a vanLance to pertnlt a slgn to be erecteal ftfty-throe feet lnhelght on lts prcper:ty houslng a notel and other facllltles now belng er.ected be tween the Bay shore Hlghray and the Bayshore Free- way nonth of Broadray had b€ en glven conslderatlon. ft ras the r6c onirrndatl on of the P]-annlng Comrnisslon that the va::iance beapproved. Tho CommLssL on exprossed tho followLng reasons to support1ts recomnendati on of approval: (1) The freeway is a high speedarterlal and prospectlve cllents rust be rade ara:re Ln advancs of the locatlon of the motel; (2) the Broadway overpass, the Keystonbullcllng antl hl gfrray plantlng render 1t dlfftcult to obssrve the motel ln advance of the only access to the faclllty; and (3) the lnv€stm€nt of tb6 developer ls a laqge one 1n whl ch the City has an lntorest Ln the success of the ope::atlon. Cyrus J. McM111an, ettornoy, ):epresentlng the appllcant, subnLtted skotches to Councll ard spoke furthen on the rerlts of pennlttlng the erectLon of the sLgn. Councllnsn Thayer moved that the sign permit be granted as rpecom- mended, seconded by Councl l.rmn Morgan and unanLmously carried. 5. PROPOSED CHANGES IN JOB TTTI.ES DENIED A coemmlcatlon dated October 5, 1958, was read fron th6 Clty ManaEar, advlslng that deflclency polnts may be ellndnated, according to the r:ocent BGrd of Ft:re Underrrl tons survey, by changln8 c6r.tal.n job tltles ln the Flne Depantrnant; narely, PlroInspector to Second AssLstant Chlef, the B]'ectrlclan ard the Mechanlc to Captalns. It ras furtbr requestsd that the Job tltle of Secretary be addedto Dlvlslon A, Clty Adninlstra tlve Offlcos.r For the lnf orrEtlonof the Councll, the Clty Uanager advlsed that there are tro posit!.ons thoso dutles and re sponslblllt le s Justtfy the Job tltle of Socrotany. Tbe chango ln tltles as outllned by the Clty llhnage:r requlnod no lncrnease ln the rete of corryensatlon. The r.eco nrandatl ons wsre dlscussed at sone length, wlth the Clty Menager: advl,sLng that deflclency polnts wer.e noted by the Boald.of FLre Undertrriters as a result of a :rocent re-evaluation of theClty and the :request for a change 1n Job tltles in the Fire Depa::t-rBnt, rould decrease the total deflclency by twenty-throe polnts. Councilman Rooth obse:rved that thlnty-thnee porcent of the personnelof the Fl:re Depantnent would be corrposed of officelps and ln h1soplnlon lt did not appear feaslblo that the Board of Ffue Underrnl ter.s srq AaJ L/'a: yrould requlro a hLgher percentage of officers for the sLze force the clty now msLntalns . Questloned by the Chak on the numbor of deflcLency polnts noported by the FLre UndenrrLte rs, the Clty Manage r advlsed that the Clty mrst nalntaln 1r5OO polnts or less to nemaln In a Class 1Phreo Zone and pnesontly, the Ctty is 1n danger of exceedlng the 1r5OO. The Ctty Manager also called attentlon to deficlencles in theCityt" Wator dLstrlbutlon system (ftem No. 1I Agenda) lncludedln the Boand of Fire Underf,rlters sunvoy and teport and u:rged that the CouncLL serlously conslder acceptlng the reco mmrriatl ons as precaut5.onarJr fflasures agalnst loslng the cunnent Class ThroeFlre Zono natlng. Councllman Morgan stat6d that he wo u.ld vote agalnst acceptlng ttre rocommondatlons untll the entlre survey Ls revlered. The second portLon of the Clty Uanaggnrs cotrmrnlcatlon concernlng the Lncluslon of the Job tltle of Secnetary was d!.scussed at sorp l ength. Councllraan Johnson expnessed the oplnlon that th6 dutles assumod by tho personnel Ln question warrant the chalge ln tltle and as no lncnease ln the cost Ls requosted, sh6 fav@od the neconrrendatl onof tho Clty Manager. Councllman Rooth recalled that the creatl- on of the posltion of Secrotany has been befone the Councll on numerous oceasLons andln hls oplnlon, thene are sufflclent Job tltles rlthln the Classl-fled son/1c6. Councllnan Mor.gan concluded the dlscusslon by observlng that thereare presently thirteen romen anong the personnel of the CltytgAdninlstratlve offlces and statlng that Ln h1s oplnlon, ton Jobtitleg rs re unnecessarT. Councllnen Roottr theneafter mc,v ed that the recoEraendations of thsClty Menago:r concer"ning the change 1n Job titles be disapproved. The motlon was socondod by Councl lnan Morgan and the vote recor.riedas follows: Ayes: Noes: Councllmen : C ounc llmen ! BJrrd -Mor: gan-Roo th Johns on-Thay6!l 6. ACCEPTANCE IMTROI/EMENTS ]NGOID II{DUSTRTAI CEI{TER A l-etter dated Octob€n 3, 1958, firo m the Clty lt[anagen, advlsed thatall reqrlremonts have beon rpt accordlng to the subdlvislon agnee- nent ard the plans and speci.flcatlons for the Ingold IndustrlalCenter. It was, thenefone, the neoonrandatl on of the Ctty Engl neer and the Offlce of the Clty Managetr that Ingold Industrial Conter be acc6pted. Counc llnan Mcrgan moved concunnence wlth the reconmon-datlon, s€conded by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously carrled. 7. MILLBRAE REQUEST RE! ON-STRET PARKING UNDffi CONSIDERATION A communlcatlon from the Clty l{anager, dated October 3, 1958, ad-vlslng that hls offlce rLl-L confer rlth the Clty of Mi1lb?ae repre-sentatlves concernlng the request of the latter that parklng res-t::ictions be e}Lmlnated on CallfornLa Drlve near tho Clty of M111brae, was acknowledged and placed on flIe. 8. PETITION FOUR-T,IAY STOP SIGNS AT RAY AiID DAVIS DRIVES UNDER CON- SIDEMTTOT The Councll was advlsed by tho Clty Manager, ln a comrunlcatLon dated October 5, 1958, that a petitlon for e fow-way stop slgrrat Ray Drlve and Davls Dnlve has been rocsLved and subsequent to 325 an lnv6stigatlon and lndlcatlon that the roquest ls warnantod, approprlatE leglslatlon shall be prepared. The Clty ManaSor ras authori zed to conduct the lnvestlgatlon. 9. REQUE ST PERIIIT FbR GOLF DRIVING RAN@ SET FoR PUBTIC HEARINC A commrml catl on fnom the Ctty Man&ger, dated. octobon 5, 1958, was road, notLfylng the Councll that an appeal from the Plannlng Comnlsslonts declslon to grant a use penmlt for a golf drlvlng range on land located betseen the Bayshore Hlghway and the clty owred lard at the foot of Broadway, submltted by Mr. Patrlck J. lrhrlllns , has boen r ecelved . The CLty lileneger advlsed that the obJectlons ralsed ln the appeal we?e stated as follorrs: (1) a fence to be constnucted along tho heeway rould be unslghtly and not adequato protectlon to those uslng the d ump faclllty and (2) th6 property 1n quostlon should be contnolled by the Clty for potentlal recreatLon facllities. Councllnan Thayer recommended that further conslderatlon be glvenprlor to taklng actlon on the Plannlng Coumlsslonrs ro co mrlsndatl on,stating ttrat ther.e ls a posslblllty that the Clty nay acqulro theproperty Ln guestl on. Consl.derable discusslon was lnltlated thereafter wlth sorre membersof the CouncLl expcesslng d.oubts that the appllcatlon for tbe des- cribed rbuslness' oay be legal\r reJected. In rep Iy to quostlons on thls lssue, the Clty Attorney advl.sed. that tho Councll IegalIy may deslgnate a partlcufar dlstrlct upon rftrlch an onterprlse nay be conducted but cannot prohlblt a logltlnate entorpnlse locatlngwlthin the City. Councllmsn Rooth recalled ttBt the BurllngarE Shore Iand Conpany has prevlously ::efused to negotlete with the City on the posslble purchase of tb€ propent]i adJacent to th€ City alump facillty andnoted that lt ls posslble that the Shore Land Cortpany may constructa rarehouse or factory ln elther case of whlch the Ctty lega11y cannot prohibit. In concludlng hls statement, Councl Iman Roothstated that he ras of the opLnlon that the Councll canxot legaIlyreject the appllcatlon and as long as safety procautlons sre npt end the drlving nange confor.ms to tbe Cltyts zonlng ordlnance, he would not ob Je ct. Councllman Mongan recommended, because the proposal ls contnoverslal,that lt be s ctredulod for pubJ-lc hear'ln9. Councllman Thayer and Mayo)3 BJrrd concu?red, wlth Mayor Byrd statlngthat perklng problems, the type of developncnt, water 1inos, d.nalnage,health facllltles, ln addltlon to othen featuros, should be glven conslderstlon prior to taklng actlon on a [use penmlt.n [fr.. Ensklne, an attorney, representlng the appllcant, questloned r*rether the appeal necelved constltutes a nlegal appealtr lnasmuch as the devoloprrent pnoposed is a larful enterprlse wittrln an rrM-l Ltghtlng IndustrLaftr Zone. I{r. Ensklne a-l so stated that a factoryor warohouge nay be constructed, ln whlch caso tho City xould bedeprlved entlrely of a recres.tlon anea. I!r. Russ Engle, momber of the Rocneatlon Associ.atlon, stated. thatthere is no obJectlon to a drlvlng range, but there are obJectlonsto rirere lt 1s proposed to be located. Mr. EngI6 fulther polntedto the fact that the proposed drivlng nange sha1l lnterfene wlthths Hyatt House slgn. The Chalr thereafter polleal the CounclL srrd th6ro beLng no obJectlons,tho request fon a ruge permlt' ras scheduled fon publlc hearlng, November 5, 1958. 326 10. PETTTION REQI]ESTING IMINOVE}IE}STS EAST UTLLSDAIE PARK A commrnicatlon datcd Octoben 3, 1958, was read from the Clty Manager, advislng that a petltion for lmprovements Ln the East M111sda1e Industr.lal Park has been received togother with theprellmlnary legislatlon required to establish an assessment dls tri ct . Ernest A. 1'[i1son, Attorne]- affiliated wlth the 1aw flrm of Klrk-bride, Ty'i.lson, Harzfold & Wallaco, and representlng the ownors ofproperty of the East MiUsdsle Industrlal P*.k, appoarod beforethe Councl}, advlsing that the petitlon subEitted lnclr]des thefirst unlt of the Esst Mll1sda1e fnd.ustrLal Park, comrrenclng atthe northerly point of tID O1d Bayshore Highway ard the Bayshore Hlgbway betreen the City of Mlllbrae and tho Clty of Elr::llngam. Ttre Ctty Attorney and the City Englneetp having lndisatod theirapproval upon CouncLl lnqulry, the followlag lresolutlons uore submltted for CouncLl actl on: RESOLIITION NO. 57-58 I'Detenmini ng to Undertake Proceedings Pur-suant to Special Assessmnt arid AssossrEnt Bond Acts for the Con-structlon of Improvements Wlthout P::oceedlngs Under Divlslon 4of the Streets and Hlghways Code, East Mlllsdel-e fndustrlal Parkrt was lntr:oduced for passage on motlon of Councllnan Morgan, secondedby Councllnan Rooth and. unanLmously carrled on ro11 call of membens. RESOLUT]oN NO. 58-58 a er Park iAppolntlng Brglneer and Attorneys East MlI1s- was lntroduced by Councl lman Morgan who movedIts adoptl-on, second.ed by Councllnan Johnson and unanimously carried on ro11 call of nembers. RECESS The Chalr called for a recess at 9:5O P.M. CALL TO ONDER The meetlng res called to mder by May I Byrct at 9!45 P.il. COMMIINICATTO}IS 11. LEQ@SI TO SI'R]TEY T{ATER SY lEM DEF'ICIENCIES WITHHEID A letter dated October 5, 1958, was read from the City lilanager,notlfying the Councll that the Board of Fire Underwrito::s pointed out deflcLencies in tbe Cltyts water dlstributlon systen for flroflghtlng, particularly Ln the Burlingarr Avenue area. ft ras re- commended as an lnitl.a1 stop, that the eng lneeni ng flnm of lll.lsey end Hartr be engaged to coniuct a prellmlna?y sut:vey to determLne the distrlbutLon system requlrements and to subrlt an estlmate ofcosts to brlng the system up to standerd. Questlons ralsed by the Councll rere answered by the City Englneer, nho advLsed that the waten mains ln the d orntowr buslness sectlonof Burl l-ngame ero not adegrato and an investigatlon rculd detormLne the oxtent of installatlon ?equired to EEet standards. The Clty &eglneer stated that the Board of Flro Underwr.i ters reqrLre a rflow of 4r5OO gallons per mlnute r and cunrently the flow ln the buslnessdistnict produces only 2r5OO to S'OOO gallons per mlnute. The Councll was advLsed further by tbe Elglneer tlrat eight, ten or twelve lnch mains and. addltlonal- hydnants shall have to be instal-led.eventually. In reply to Counci]-man Roothrs lnqulry concernlng th6 threat of theClty belng dropped from a trCle,ss Three Flre Zon.ett t,o a nFourtb Class FLre Zone' when the bulldings arid helght of bulldlngs have redaLned unchangsd slrce 1950, the City t[ar1ag6 r. referned to a 327 cornmunl catl on from the Board of Flr:e Underurl ters a nsr suryey lndlcatad ideflclency polnts.i advlslng that Consider.able dLscusslon arose on the alleged ndeflclency polnts,t at the concluslon of whlch Councl lnan Mongan obsorved tbat the lssue ls that of na marglnal flfty potnt defLclency.n A spoclal study noetlng f,as thereafter scheduled for Monday, October 13, 1958, to revLer a 1lst of the proposed lmprovements recommended by the Bosrd of Flr.e Und erwrl tens as the resul-t of a necant sunvey. l-2. GAS TAX FUIID EXPEi{DTTUHES A commrnl catl on dated October 2, 1958, was read flom the Clty l[anager, advlslng that the follorlng proJects are proposed for Gas Tax Furd Expondltures: $ 25,#/Do. ooOverall maLntenance Clty Streets ResuJ:.f aclng Penlnsula AvonueI\rafflc Slgna]. E] Camlno & T:rousdale Storm DraLnage fnstallatlon (State 5OS) Island Channellng - Broadway - Rollins Rd. nesurfaclng Oak G?ove Avenue 20,511 . OO 9,7OO.OO 5,8OO.OO 3,45O.OO 14 , OOO. OO (9,7OO by State ) The City Manager advlsed that the proJects have had the prevlous endonsercnt of Councll and at thls tl rE a resolutlon LE r.eqrlred toadopt th6 budget and to approve the flrst supplemental mernorandum of agreem rt for said expenditure. Councllman Rooth questloned rhether lt was not lncunbent upon thecontractor performl.ng storm draLnage lnstallatLons on Oak Grove Avenue to resurface that sectlon. The Clty Englneer replLed thattho portlon of oak Grove Avenue referred to ln the abovo-mentl onedproJect ls f:rom Cellfornla Dr.lve to EI Camlno Rea1. Counc l1man Rooth lntroduced ard nrov ed the passag e of RESOLUTION }{o. 59-59 tt Adopt lng Bralge t and Approvlng Flrst Supplenental Menoran- dun-o?-Igreement for Erpendlture of cas Tax Allocatlon for MajorClty Stre6tsrt seconded by Councllrnan Jolunson and unanlmously adopted on ro11 call of nembers. I5. DEUOLISffMENT OF 906 BURLINGAME AVEI{IIE HOUSE AUTIIORIM A communl catL on flon the Ctty Ma:lager, dated Octoben 2, 1958, advlsedthat the Dolan lYrscklng & Buildlng Supply Compsny has submitted theIowest bld for the proposed razlng of the houso at 906 Burllr€ame Avenue and it was hls reconrpndatl on that the bld fcr nlure ckl,ng arld No Salvagerr be accopted. The closlng panagraph of the cofirnrrllcatl onadvlsed that the Recreation Comnisslon has ,reqrested that the area be convented lnto a park area upon removal of the stnucture. councllman Rooth inltlatod a brLef dlseusslon on the posslbLllty ofclty foncos perfornlng the ,ork. fhe Clty Managen advlsed that thelack of approprLate equlptrEnt srd the fact that the proJect 1s of aspeclallzed rE.ture, lt ras hls necommerdatl on that a professlonal co npany ponform the serrlce. Councllnan Rooth thereupon moved that the 1ow bid of thr Dolan Wrecking & Bulldlng Supply Co., ln tho amorxrt of $615.00 be accoptod, second€d by Councl lman Thayer and unanlmously carnied. L4. PROPOSM BROADWAY LIGHTING DISTRTC'I A ,:eport from the Clty }ranager, dated October 2, 1958, advLsed thate recent postcelrd survey of property ornors wlthln the proposed Bnoedway Ltghtlng Dlstr:l ct lndlcated that firnther !.nvestigation Lsreqrlred prlor to proceedlng with the ass€asment proceedlngs. TheClty l{anagen advlsed thet fects have been p!:esented to the Bnoadway Deve lopment AssocLatlon and upon recelpt of lts wLshes, a reportshal1 be nade to Councll. The Comunlcatl. on was acknowlodgod and placed on fl1e. 15. MUNICIPAT DUMP FUIID A memorandum to CouncLl, dated Octobe? 2, 1958 from the CLty }rtrsrt ager 328 requested that the $11363.59 collected as the Cltyrs shale ofthe dump fees be expended to improve the roadray. The Chalr suggested that the subJect be dlscussed at th6 Study Meotlng of the Counc1l, October 13th. Fcr purposes of lnfornatl on,the Chafu: advlsed tirat Councllman RootLr and Civll Defens€ DoputyDl,r€ctor John K. T[right are currontly trylng to secure surplusalrplane nattln8 to lmprove the noad. ilayor Byrd also statedthat conslderation should be glven to the constructlon of a per- manent road leadLng to the Sowage Treatrcnt Plant ln order thatrefuse to be deposlted at the Munlcipal Dunp may be so routed. RESOLUTIONS None UNFTNISHD BUSINESS 1 PROGNESS REPORT ON CAROLAN AVENUE PROJECT A memo to the Clty Councll fnom the City Dlanager, dated October 3, 1958, advised that a fLnal compllatlon of the cost estlmetes on the Carolan Avenue ProJect ls ava11able. The report wss acknof,- ledged and tho City Manager lnstructed to forward a copy of the estlmatos of cost to members of the Councl,1. 2. REPORT ON STI'DY OF ZONING VIOLATIONS Councllnan Rooth submLtted a progress repcrt on the wrdertaklngof hLs Commlttee currently lnvestlgatlng zonlng lrregularltles and stated that a detailed report sha]-l bo submittod ln tho vory near futuro. 3. OAK GROVE STORM DRAII{AGE INSTALIJATION 4. RAY PAEK STREET S19EEPING Councllnan l,longan reported on co mplalnts necelved on stroet sf,eep-lng 1n Ray Park. The Clty Englnoer advlsed that he rould lnvestl-gate. 5. REFURBISHTNG CITY HALL The Clty Menager advised that blds have been advertlsed. fon therefurblshlng of the Lobby 1n the Clty HaI1. Mayor B)rrd requesrtedthat sketchos be subrdtted to the Councll,. 6. COMPLATNI RE: SIAI'IDAND WRECKING COMPANY The Clty Manager ras requested to lnvestlgate condltl.ons existlngat tbe Standard lYrecklng Companyr s proper:ty aLleged to be openating a buslness contrary to an or:der lssued by the Council sono yeara pnevlous. 7. HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMISSION The Clty Manager was instructed to comrmurlcato wlth the membors of the Hea1th and Safety Conmlsslon wlth a roquest that a rDetlng ofth6 Corunlssion be sehedulod to dlscuss ways and neans to allevlatehealth problems at the Munl clpal Dump and at tlle Standard Wtreoklng Companyrs property on the OJ-d Bayshore Hlghsay. Uayor Byrd requested that an lnvestlgatlon be Eade on rays and means to allovl"ate dust condltLons on Oak Gnove Avenue cneatod bythe lnstallatlon of a sto?m sewer. 329 8. STATUS MUNICIPAL DUI,IIP CONTRACT fn reply to the Chalrrs lnqulry, the City Manager advlsed that the pres€nt contract with Roneo Joly, Dump Operator, hes been a mendedto lnclude the ten cent fee co11e cted lbom aI1 doposLtors at thefacl1-lty, to be deposlted with the Clty Troasurer. 9. CTTY UANAGER TO CONTACT BURLINGA!,E SHCRE IA}ID COMPANY A dlscusslon arose l.nLtlated by I'ilay or Byrd, on the subJect of agaln contactlng the Burl ingame Shore Land Company on the dlsposltlon oflts proporty. It ras the necommendati on of the Chair that th6 Clty Manager ascertain whe tl:er the Burllngarre Shor€ Land Company would be receptivo to frtr ther negotlatlons and if so, whethe!. 1t would berllllng to soll its ac)reage to the Clty on a long tlme basis; and,ln the antlclpatlon of a reply that the subJoct then be :ref enred tothe Clty Attortrery. Questloned by Counc l]-uan thaye:r, on the legality of the Council to obllgate the City on a long-torm contract, the City Attorney advlsedthat the Clty may not limlt the expendl ture of future tax monles; howover, thene ls a devlco rheneln the Clty nay lease the proper:ty on e y6ar to year basls ard the rentaf monLeg thereafter applledto the punchase price. Followlng funther dlscusslon, a motlon was lntroducod by Councl,lnan Thayen that the Ci.ty Manager be authonlzed to procoed ln accordancerlth the recommendatl ons exprossed on the subJect. Ths motlon was seconded by Councilman Booth and unanLmously carrled. 10. REQI'EST FOB HTLISBOROUGH PARTTC TPATION IN CITY FACILITIES Cotrncllman Thaya:r questi oned wh€ th6r the Town of HllLsborough 1s belng rogrestod to particlpate flnanclally 1n the cl eaning ofdebrls fnom the Clty of BurllngarE ts storn sewers, a conslderableportlon of drich ls orlglnatlng from lllllsborough. City Brglneer Maru :replled to the inqu tr7 stetlng that very llttle r"esponse has been recel.ved fr:om the offlcials of Hll1s borough on hts suggestlonthat thet Clty shane ln the cost and stated that in hls oplnlon, because the debrls ls fron prlvate proporty, lt was d oubtful thatthe Clty nray legally demancl paynnnt. Councllman Thayer ln c ommentlng on tho use of the Cityrs Recneatlonfacllltles by chlldnen resldlng ln Hlllsborough, suggested. that thematter of the To$n of Hi I1s bor.ougb sharlng In the eost of oporatlon and rnalntonance of the faclIlty should be lnvestigated. 1I. ASSTSTANT BUII,DING INSPECTOR POSITIOI{ In neply to Councilman Thayer t s lnquby, the City lila.nagen advlsedthat the posslb].s employrnent of an Asslstant Buil-ding Inspecto:?shall be consldered by the Conrnittee lnvestlgatlng zonLng probLem,Erlthtn the Clty of Burllngare. L2. NOTICE OF iiIEETINGS Cotrncll gn Tbayor ealled attentlon to a notice of a rEotlng of theLeglslatlve Councll received too lato for clty patrtlclpatlon. TheClty Clerk was thenoafter lnstructeil by the CouncLl to lmrnodlately pnocess all nalI rocelved by the Councl1, pa:rtlculanly notLces of neotlngs and of a sindlar nature. NETI BUSINESS 1. IROCLAMATION FIRE PREVENT fON YIEEK Octobe:r 6, 1958, ras arurouncedby the Chatr and the cltlzons urged to observe the occaslon. 330 2. PRoCLAMATION DRIUER mUCATIoN DAY, October 18, 1958, was announced by Mayon Bynd. NCNICE RE: SOUTTI SAN FRAN CISCO FIFTY YEAR CELEBRATION Mayor Qynd stated that plans are progr€ssilg on the Cltyrs parti- clpatlon ln the Ctty of South San Franclscofs connemor.atlon ofits Flftieth Yean Celebratlon and u::ged the resldents of Burllngeme.to attend the festlvitles, Saturday, octoben 18, 1958. ADJOURN}ANT The meeting was re gularly edj ourned at 11:05 P.M. Respe ctfully subnitted I{ERBERT City Clerk APIROVED: AI{DREII' C. BYRD Mayor ITE