HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.09.15318 Burlingaro, Callfornia September 15, 1958 CALL TO ORDER A regul-ar meeting of the Burllngame City Council was hel-d. on the above given d.ate. Meeting c a-L l-ed to order at 8:O5 P.i.{. - Mayor Byrd in the Ctrair. PLDL:E OF ALI,EGTAi,ICE At word f?om Mayor Byrd, all in the Councll Chamber ar.ose and gave the P1e dge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen:Absent - Cor-uecilmen: Byrd -ldorgan-Roo th -Thaye:: Johns on Councilman Johnson, absent fron the City, rvas excused upon motionof Councll-man Rooth, seconded by Councilman Thayer and r:lanl"mous -1y carnled. I{INUTES PREVIOUS I,{EETING The minutes of the previous neeting of September 2, 1958, as sub-mitted to rE mber:s of tlie Council were unanlmous ly approved and adopted upon motion of Cormcilrnan Thayer ard. seconded by Councll- man Rooth. HEARI]'IG ]-958.1959 INIEM AND RUBBISH ABATEUENT PROGRAM The Chair announced that thls was the tino and place scheduled ln co nf crmance to 1aw, to conduct a hearlng on the proposed 1958-1959 lveed and Rubblsh Abatement Program and at which tlme all pensons who obJected to the proposed assessments may bo heard. There being no objections entorod, elthor verbally or ln wrltlng, RESOLI]1ITOII N0. 55-58 [Fixi ng Assessment fon t1'eed and Rubblsh Abatement 1958rr was lntrod.uced by Councllman Rooth who moved ltsadoption, seconded by Councllman Thayor and adopted unanlmously upon ro11 caLl of remb6rs. CO I,fi'IIfiT CAT T O}IS 1. REPORT ON RAY PARK BASEBATL DIA}{O}ID A neport subnritted by the City lJanager, dated Septenber 11, l-958, advised that no actlon has b6en taken as yet by the Recreatlon Cor.lnisslon on the suggestlon of Council that fencing and benches,in lieu of bleachers, be Lnstalled. at the Ray Park Basebal]- Dia- nond aroa and as the season is over and safoty facilities are unnecessary at this tinre, a final report shall be submitled at alater date. The communication was acknowledged and placed onfile. 2. NE!I' POL]CE EQUIPXENT RECOMME}IDI]D IN PIACE OF LEASING }IIOTOR EQUTPIvTENT A comnunlcation from the Ctty Mana.gor, dated. Septembor 12, 1958, 319 advlsed that an investlgatlon indlcates that the leaslng of mot oI3 eq.rlpment to senve the Police Dopartrent ls not practical sral lt was rtecommended. instead, that bltls be obtalned on the purcira se of thnee new crtlsers, a new thnee -whoe1 motorcycle and one truckster. The Chain necommended that actlon be withheld untll such t l-n€ as the nelr Chief of Police assumes his dutles and may be consulted. A motlon was Lntroduced by Councilnan Rooth that the Council con- cun' and that the subJect be referned back to the Clty L{anager, seconded by Councllman Thayer and unerimously carr.led. 3. REPORT ON C]IY DU},{P A memorandum, dated Septenber 12, 1958, from the Clty idanager:, ad- vised that withln ninety days a decision must determlne the mostappropriate manner in which to place rubbLsh at the Clty Dump,durlng the lnte::im of which, cost figures shall be complled and a definite plan submltted for CounciJ- conslderation. The report was acknowledged and placed on flle. RESOLUT]ONS RESOLUTION NO. 54-58 nRe quillng the City Tr€asurer to Perform the @rk, Prescrlblng Hts Dutles as Such Payroll Clerk ard Flxlng the Compensatlon fcae Such Dutlesn was lntr.oducedfor passage on motion of Councllman Rooth, seconded by Councllman Thayer and adopted unanlmously up on ro11 ca11. RESOIUTfOI{ NO. 55-58 Itlayor B)Bd, on behalf of the Councll, lntroduced for passage anesolution acknowledglng the many years servLce and dlstingulshed caroer of retfued Po11ce Chiof, R. C. Theuer, second.ed by Council- man Thayer. The Clty Attorney was lnstructed to prepare an appro-prlately wonded resolutlon to be s igneti by each rnember of the Coun-cIl and fonwarded. to f orner Chief Theuer. The motion ther.eafte:: was unanlmously carried. on ro11 ca1I. nc2/4L/ Z-31-.rg ORDINANCES None UNFII.ITSEED BUSI}IESS 1. Carolan Avenue Extensi on The ratter on the prcposed extension of Carolan Avenue w&s con-tlnued untll the roeting of Octoben 6, 1958. NEW BUSINESS l. Par.tlclpatLon in the City of South San Franelsco Ftftieth Year Parade Mayor BJrrd stated the lntention of the Councll to asslst the Cltyof South San F?arclsco, by panticlpation ln its Fiftleth Year. Go1den Jubllee Parade, October" 19, 1958. The City Clerk sas 1n-structed to notify Wl1llan A. Borba, Parade Chair.man that the Coun-cil sha1l actlvely take part and that the Ffu:e Department and. the Park Departnent shall provlde an approprlate entry. The Clty Cl-e rk was further lnstructed to so notlfy the two departments. CtAIifls Clalnrs, Nos. 209-355, ln the amount of $1941300.65, for the l,{onthof Septomber, duly audited wore approved, and warrants ordered drawn on the Clty Troasur:y in their respective amor.lnts on motLon 320 of Councilman Rooth seconded by Councilman Morgan ancl unanL - mously carrled. PAYROLL Payroll warrant s, Nos. 6553-6737, 1\ the amount of $?5,258.45,for the }lonth of August, 1958, were approved on mot ion of Coun- cilman Rooth, seconded by Councllman Thayer" and unanimously carrled. BIDS AUTHOR]ZD NRI' PUMP LINE TO SKYLT}IE RESERVO]R City Englneer },{arr advi.sed that plans and specifications have been pr"epared for the pnoposed lnstallation of a larger pump capaclty and transmission line to the Skyllne Reservoir and upon his request, the Council authorized the Clty Engineer to advertise f o:: bids fon the constructlon thereof, said bids scheduled for openlng October 6, 1958. ANNOUTICEl'{EI{TS Mayor Byrd annourrced the following: (a) a rrFiftieth Yearrr con-gnatulatory telegram message had been forwarded to tle San ldateo Lod.ge of Elks on behalf of the Clty Council; (b) neceipt of an invitation from the Bay Counties Peace offlcersr Assoelatlon to attend lts Annual Banbecue, Thur.sday, September 25, 1958, BorelEstate, San Mateo; and roceipt of a notice that October 24, 1958, has been procf alred rrunited Nations Day.rr The City Clenk was i.nstructed to advlse Danlel J. Manaco, Chair- man, Penlnsula United l{ations Day Com,'oittee of the appolntnEntof Couxrcllman Charl-otto Johnson as tho representative of a Coun-cil Coruntttee to observe that day. COLtiiISSrON APPOINTIIE]ITS - PARK AND RECREATION COTIMISSIONERS Mayor Bynd submitted the followlng nare s and recommended confir- matLon of the reappolntment of: irfos. Dorothea Ha::rl,son, Library Board; fps. Genevelvo Phelan, Recreatlon CommLsslon; Elbert Huntley and Otto Meitz, Health and Safety Corunlsslon; and 1iJa1t er Ams trup and Robert E. Itcoann, Park Comnlssion. The reappolntments wene unanimously confirned by the Councll and the City Clerk instnucted to so notlfy the Commissioners and to expr:e ss the appneclatlon of the Councll to each fcn his or her ser.vice to the clty and. comrmrnity. ADJ0URNI\,IENT B ..25 Iytayor Rooth mov ed that the CounclJ- ad journ J-n respect to the memory of Joseph J. Fena, Captain, Burlinganr Fire Department, who passed in death Sunday, Septomber 14, 1958. The motLon was seconded by Counclln'an Mcn gan ard uranimously carniod. The Clty Clerk was instructod to fmwand. a copy of the mLnutesto the family of the 1at6 Captaln Frena, acknowlodging the yea::sof falthful servlce to the Clty of Burlingame. Re spe c tfu11y submitted. HERBERT K WH]TEcity CLerk APPROVED: A}IDREW C. BYED I,i{ay or fr'Ml