HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.09.02312 Burllngame, Sep tenber CaI if orni a 2, 1958 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetLng of the Burlingame City Councll was held on the above given dat6. Meeting called. to onder at 8:1O P.M. - Mayon BFrd ln the Chair. PI,EDGE OF ALL}1G]AI.ICE At word f rora the Chalr all in the Councll Chambertho Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. arose and gave ROLL CALI Pne s ent Absent - C ounc i Imen : Byrd - Johns on -1,{or gan-Rooth-T hayer - Councllmen: I{one IIIINUTES PREVIOUS TEETTNG The minutes of the previous nrceting of August 18, 1958, as sub-mitted to menbers of the Council, corrected to r:ecord that Mayor BJmd and Councl-lman Thayer voted rrnotr on a ro11 call vote adopt-lng RESOTUTION NO. 51-58 ItEnte?ing fnto Contract for Advertl singard Promotion wlth Chamber of Comne::cer Fiscal- Year 1958-1959rrr were thoreafter: unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councifman Thayer and seconded by Councilman Rooth. C OT.TI,ff}IICATI ONS 1. TNSTALLAT]O}I SIGNAL AT EL CAI TNO EEAI A}JD TROUSDAIE DR]VE A communication from the City l{anager, dated Augus t 26, 1958, ad- vised that the State Dlvision of Hlghways has approved a tnaffic sLgnal installation at the intersection of EI Camino Real and Trousdale Drive. The Councll v/as fhrther advised that the State and the City, through the Subdivider, shall- share tho cost of said.instal-1ation. The communication was acknowledged and placed onfi1e. 2. IERSON & 1VIK, INC. REQI'EST TO PiIRCHASE CTTY I,AND A comnr.rni cation flom the City lilanager, dated August 26, l-958, r'e- commending that the request of Person & Wik, Inc. to purchase a,strip of city land abuttlng l-ts property at Broadv/ay ard Bayshore Boulevard, be referred to the Planning Corunlssion was concuredln by the Councll. 3. PERMANENT SIGN REqUESTED BY IryATT I{OUSE HOTEL ARCHITECT A c ommunl cati on dated August 26, 1958, was read f?om the City Idanager:, advising that the architect for Hyatt House Hotel, thenewly proposed hotel--mote1 to be erected between the Bayshore tr?eeway and the Old Bayshore Highway, has requested permLssion toeroct a perrnanent sign 4Ot wlde by 7t high antl re comrnendi ng thatthe request be submitted to the Planning Comnlssion for r"ep ort and re c omnendati. on. The Counci 1 dlrocted that the subject be ?eferredto the Planning CommissLon as recommend.ed. 4. FTRST PRESBYTERIAN CHIIRCH OFFER TO PURCHASE SMALL STRIP OF CTTY IAI{D A communieation dated August 29, 1958, was read from the Clty l{anage r,advislng that the First Presbyterlan Church of Burlingame hai offered 313 the sum of $2o0.oo plus as surning the cost of the rolocation of water and/or sewer llnes for tho purchase of a small strlp of land between two tracts owned by the church properrties. ft was the recommendatLon of the Clty Manager that the Councll approve the sale. CounclJ-nan Morgan moved ttrat the recommendatl on bo concurred Ln, soconded by Councl J.rnan Rooth and unanl,mously camled . The Clty Attorney advl,sed ttlat the approp::late 1egal procedure would ensue upon consultatlon wltl. the tltle company' the chtrch rep::e sen tatlves and the Offlco of the City Attorney. 5. REPORT ON REHABILIIATION WASH]NGTON PARK GATE HOUSE A report fnom the city lilanager, dated August 29, 1958, advlsed the Council that the cost to rehabllltate the Washlngton Park Gate House would approxlmate $5,OO0.OO. fhe report further advlsed that the need fon park quarters warrantod authonlzatlon of an a mount not to exceed the $5rO0O.oO, sald funds to be expended flom tlro unbudgeted re se::ve f rrnd . Mayor Byrd suggested that the CounclI conslder several- factors: the razlng of the structure to allevlate the lnadequacy of the parklng faclllties of the Recreation Departntsnt and the posslble erectlon of a new structure to house Park DepartnErt Offlces nearer the WashS,ng- ton Park Grandstand at an approximate expendlture of S6'ooo.0O. Councllman Rooth advlsed that following a personal tour of the pre- rtlses, Lt was hLs recomrrendatl on that the structuro be removed toprovide an off-str.eet parking facllity for the convenLence of nelgh- bonhood and the rBterlals that can be salvaged. be re-wed for park headquartens at a slte sefect6d. elsewhere. fn the dlscusslon that followed, Councilman Morgan clted the nany sub-standard bulldlngs cunrently housing clty personnel and urgedthat the Councll glve pnlority to those lmprovements previously br.ought to its attentl on. Councllman By::d contlnued the subJoct, statlng that the [Clty lsdoficlent in many thLngsrr and. reco mmendLng that the Coulcll, theClty Manager and the Clty Plannlng Commlsslon give serlous con- sideration to a long r:ange plan, ln wNch cl ty ownod real estate may be sold and the funds derlved used to construct a cLvic center wher"eby all depa::tments may be rlhoused under one roof. tr Councl-lman }rlorga.n recommended that the flnst step ln the prog?am beinitlated by dlrecting that the Washlngton Park Gate llouse be razedto pr ovide an off-street carklng Iot and thereafter lntroduced a motlon to that effect. The motlon was soconded by Councilman Rooth. 0n th6 questlon, a nd. in neply to Councllman .Iohnsonrs questioning,the Clty Managen stated that the proposal to creat€ an off-streetparklng facillty is a s ound one ard lf Councll so d.lr.ects, hlsofflce shal1 lnvestigate th6 r'a tter of salvage to provLde materlalfor a Park DepartrBnt offlce structure. The Clty Manager rras so instructed. Tho motlon was thoreafte r votod upon and cannled,abstalnlng.Councllman Thayer 6. RULE ADOPIED GOVERNING WAGES OITIER THAN PROVIDM FIRST Y}:AR STEP A letter dated August 28, 1958, was r.ead lbom the City Manager, ad-vl.sing that upon oecaslon the salary schedule establlshed by Councllis not compatlble wtth the trainlng and expenlence of an e11glbloappolntee and. lt ras thoreforo recommend.ed that the Council adopta nesolution, based upon the Loague of California Citles ldodol Rulesand Regulatlons governing wage ard salary admlnisttatlon, gnantlng r 314 authorlty to the City Manager to appolnt at other than the rat€ fon the flrst year when training, experience or other relevant cfu:cums tances may so warrant. Iilay on Byrd stated that the proposed rosolution has a bear!.ng onthe enployment of a nerc PolLce Chlef and in his opinlon, the subject mer.l,ted discussion. Read5.ng &om a prepared statoment, Mayor BJrrd expressed hls objection to the omploymont of a Pollce Chlef from outslde the ranks of the Cltyts Police DepartrBnt,par"ticularly when a candldate on the eltglble list has dedtcatedhls careen to the City of Br:rllngame. It was tho oplnlon of the Chaln that lt was a matter of pr.otectlng the Clvil Servlce statusof aII clty employees and to appolnt a candldate outslds the ranks of tho departnnnt would rreaken the morale of not only the PoIice Departrrcnt but othsn Clty departments as we1I. fn concludlng hls statements, the Chalr ::e c ommended that the ordinance establlshing the Clty Menagerts right to 'rhlne and flnerr should be amended to alter or to modlfy the powers allo- cated to the Clty ]{anager. CouncLlman Morgan c oncurred wlth the statoments of the Chalr ardln further support, called attention to a recent newspaper ar.tl -c1e, confi::me d by the Chalnman of the Civl1 Servico Commisslon, wherein the Chairman was quoted as saylng that the Clvll Servlce Commlsslon [has perfornred lts duty ln the best interests of the CLty ..... ard any one of the candldates on the llst would makea good Chlef of Poli.ce.rr Cor-urcl l man Morgan stated that he was opposed from the stant on the type of examination conducted but bocauso of a restrictivelaw, the Counci.l vras powerless to act ard that he was f\Irt he:: opposed to the adoption of the proposed resolution whoreln theCity Manager is granted author"ity he1d, in effect, by the Clty Counci]-. Cor:ncllman Morgan, in concludlng hls statements, stated thathis pollcy ln the past has been to vote fop the l{o. I carrdldate on an elLgible list and that ln hLs opinlon, the No. 1 candldate on the e1lglb1e list for the positlon of Chlef of Pollce, was fnom tho local- departnrent, namoly, Lleutenant John G. ltice. In response to Courcl lman Roothrs lnquirles, the Clty Manager advised. that the parti cula:r type of leglslation proposed is lneffect ln nrarry citLes to pr.ovLde an rrad.minL stratlve toolrt Lnhlrlng erployoes arrtl whlle it pnovldes a flexiblllty withln thesalary range, it does not perm:lt a raise Ln wage above the maxl- mum establlshed by the Council. The Clty Manager further advised that the sole objective Ln con-ductlng an open conpetitive examlnation nas to obtain the best man avalla.ble fon the clty. The Chalr lnvlted City CommlssLonens and other lnterested partlesln attendance to commont. Dan R. Love, Jr3. formor Councllman and llayor of the Ctty of Burllngane, stated that he had opposed a CLty l{anager fo::m of governnEnt, but lnasnuch as lt ls establlshed, the CouncLl should heed the necommendations of that offlce. L{r. Ken West, 714 Palorm Avenue, TJl1l-lam M. LoncionL, Chalnmanof the Ffuo Corunisslon, Frank Clstu111, member of the lioalth and Safety Commlssion, W. Gondon Turbltt, 1510 Ray Drlve, F?ed Lehman, 335 Occldental Avenue, Wllbur Smlth, 1811 Davls Dri.ve, Edward J.Leis, f orrer tr'ire Chlef, lr1rs. i{ark S. Salomon, l-5O1 Bernal Avenue and Rlcha::d F. McKinnon, Presldent of tlE BurlLrgame Clvil Sorrrice Employeesr Associatlon, each spoke ln support of the appointnnntof a loca1 candLdate. 315 A lengthy debate continued both on tho issue of the appolntrent of a 1ocaI candidate and the lssue before the Council for con- slderatlon, namely, the proposed nesolutlon authorlzlng the Clty Manager dlscretionary powors relatlve to salaries withln the cl-ass if leal s ervlce . Councilman Johnson stated that she recognizod the sentiments. ex- Fressod ln behalf of the BurlLngarne Po1lce Departnent, but ln her oplnion the Civil Service Commisslon had acted ln the best lnterests of the clty and the Councll obllgated to abide by es- tabtished ru1es. Councllman Johns on expressed corifidence that the declsion of the City Manager would be also ln the best in- terest of the City of Bur1lngar,e. Counc llman Rooth thereupon lntnoduced f or: passage RESOLUT]ON No. 5 2-58 rrAuthoriz tng clty I{ana8er to I{ake Appolntnents Wit t-he Classified Senvice At a lvage Other Than Prov id.ed For the Flrst Year lYhen Circumstances Warrantrr seconded by Councilnan Johnson. A rol]- call vote was ::ecorded as f oIlolrs: Ayes: Cotrncllmen: Johnson-Rooth-Thayer Noes: Councllmen: Byrd-lIegan Absent CouncLlmen: None RESOLUTIONS None ONDINANCES - Consideration of: oRDI NANCE NO. 680 rrAn Or.dlnance Re peallng Section 825 of the Ordl- nance Code of the Clty of Burlln8arE and Adopt lng a New Soct ion 825 of Sald ordlnance Code, Flxlng and Establishlng the Classlfl-catlon of Posltions and Employment and the Compensatlon and Salarles Thsrefor for the Month of October, 1958n was gi.ven its second read-lng and upon motLon of Councl,lman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Rooth, saLd or.dinance passed lts second reading and was adopted by the foJ.lowlng vote : Ayes: Councilman: Byrd-Johnson-ldorgan-Rooth-ThayerNo€s: CouncLl-men: None Absent Councllmen: None onDINANCE No. 681 rAn ordl nanc e Re peallng Sectlon 825 of the Ordl- nance C eof e City of Burllnganp and Ad.opt ing a New SectLon 825 of the ordlnanco Code, Fixtng and Establishing tho Classlflcatlonof Posltions ani Empl oyre nt and the CompensatLon and Salaries Thone- fonrr was given its second readlng arrd upon motion of Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councl Iman Rooth, sald ond,inance passed. lts second reading a.rd. was adopted by the following vote: Ayes ! Councllmen: Byr d- Johns on-l,Iorgan-Roo th -ThayerNo6s: Councllmsri None Absent Councllmen: None OFDfNANCE NO. 682 rAn Ordlnance Amendi ng Section 4).2.4 of tYro OriLnance Code of the Clty of Burllnganr Flxing the Compensationof the Clty Cler:k for His Senvlces as AssLstant Secr'otary of tle Plannlng Commlsslonrr was glven its second reading and upon motlonof Councllman ldorgan, seconded by Councilrnan Rooth, said ordlnsrce passed lts second. readlng and was ad.opted by the fo].l-owlng vote: Ayes: CouncLlren: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-ThayerNoes: Cou.ncllmen: None Absent Councllmsr: None ORDI NANCES - Introductl on of: Councilman Morgan pr.oposed sn Or:dlnanc e for Council conslderatlon,the tltlo of which ho nead as f oll-ows: rrAn Ordinanco Amendlng 3tr6 Section 506 of tho Ordi nance Codo of the Ci.t Pr.oviding that Appointments in the Classifie Made by the Clty Council-.tr yodS f Burfingame byervice shall be CITY MANAGER REPORTS 1. THREE-V;AY RADIO EQU]PIUENT A memorandum to the City Council dated August 29, 1958, from theCity l{anager, in r.eply to a pnevious Counei} request, ad.vised against the purchase of tJrree -way rad.ios for police cars. Councilman 1,[or gan advised of tJre apparen t mlsunderstanding in his original- r6quest that the matter of transferring three-way rad.ios fi:om public works departnent vehicles to police cars be investi-gated. The Clty Engineer ard the City l,{anager were requested to conduct a further investlgation for Councll report. Councilman Morgan recomrnended ttiat the sub ject, matter be al.soreferred to the Eealth ard Safety Commission. U}IF]NTSITD BUSTNESS 1. CAROTAN AVM{UE ]I{PROYEI,,{E}IT A comr,unication from the City L{anager, dated Augr:st 28, 1958, ad- vised. that cost f igu::es are belng compiled by the City Engineer: on the construction of a wider street for Carolan Avenue and a meeting with the property owners is anticipatod within the nextthirty days, subseqrent to vrhich, a report sha1l be submittedto Council. 2. BUII]D]NG AI.ID ZON]NG VIOLAT]ONS Cor:lcl1man Rooth rendered a progre ss report on an l-nvestigatlon currently being conducted on butJ-d.tng and zonlng vlolations wlthin the Clty. RAY PARK II{PR0VE}IIE]'ITS Council-man Rooth referred to a report subrrltted to Council- from the Rocreatlon Commission, dated July 28, 1958, proposing the erection of bl-eachers ln the Ray Park playground area and the request of the Cowrcll instead., that fences and benches be pro- vided. The Clty Manager was instructed to submit a report tothe Cou.rlcil - 4. U]'IITED NATIONS DAY CormcLlman Johnson reported briefly on plans curently r:nder way commemorating United Natlons Day. 5. S}{ALL CRAFT HARBORS Councilman Llo::gan reported on a neeting held on August 27, L958,in South San trnrancis co Clty Hal- I on the petltlons for l-ocal asslstance from the State in tho creatLon of Srql-1 Craft Harbors and. that a favorable vote j-s urgod on Propositton Number Four on tho forthc onring November General El-ectlon Bal1ot. NEIV BUSIMSS }. ACT]NG POLICE CHIEF I'URIO COI{PENSATION fn response to Councilnan Johnsonts inquiry conce::ning compen- sation to Actlng Pollce CLlief tauren ce Furio, lrlayor BJrrd advisod. that in consistency with previous Cor.rncil- policy, the Actlng Chief vroufd be compensated maximum Police Chiefrs salary wh1le serving as ChLef of the Department. The Clty Manager concurred. 31,7 ADJOURNI\TENT The m6etl ng was regularly adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respe ctfully subnrltted IIERBERT I(. WHITE City CIerk APPROVED: ANDREI'V C. BYRD I',{ay or 1"2^rz": Z/3'+{"/