HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.08.0430G Burllngame, Callforrda Augus t 4, 1958 CALL TO ORDER A r:sgular rneetlng of the Burllngaro City Councll ras held on the above glven date. Meetlng ca11ed to ordsn at 8:O5 P.M. Mayor BJrrd in the Chalr. PIEDGE OF AT.I.EGIANCE At rond from ltrayor Byrd all ln the Councll Chamber anose and gave the Plodge of Alleglanco to tho FIag. ROLL CALL Pr.esent - Coulcllmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-ThayenAbsent - Counci].mon: None MI}IUTES PRE\IIOUS UEETING The nlnutes of the pr.evlous metlng of July A' 1958, as sub- mltted to rE mbers of tbe Councll rere unanlmously approved and adopted upon motlon of C ouncl Iman Thaye::. and seconded by Coun- cllnan Rooth. BUDGET HEARING Mayor BJrrd announ ced that by the Councl} to conduct 1958-1959 Budget. UlLs ras the tlrre and place s cheduleda pub}l,c hearlng on the pnoposed e added to salarles,f-1lvlng; that thealizatlon lnsuranced to author.l ze tlne loyees back afterl Amendments to the pnoposed budget as submLtted to Counc11, Juno 16, 1958, were re commended and sumnarlzed es follows by the C Ity lilaneger : 1. CIVTL SERVICE EIIIPLOYEES: ThAt 5.5 %ato conforrw:lth the increase ln the cost-oClty pay one-hal( of the employeest hospl.t and that a new pdtsonnel rule bo fornnrlate and one -ha1f compensatory tlme off fon emp 1O:OO P.M. on hazardous work. 2. TEN CENT TAX IEVy INCREASE FoR LfBRARY: In roferyln gto the request of the Llbrary Boancl fon the addlt lonal inc::oase ln the Llbrary levy to construct an addltlon to the lfaln Llbrary,it was recorurpnded that the valldlty to use tax monoy for such purpose bo deterndned flrst. The Clty Managor advlsed that a re -examlnatl on of the cu*ont LLbrary Lsws has lndlcatod to outside attorneys that a Court test of the pnesent laws may nonder a clarificatLon and lt was hls recomrnendatlon that cormsel be retaLned to advlse the Councll properly. 3. RECREATION CAPITAL EXPENDITURES:$?,ooo.oo 1s proposed for Capltal Expendl turo s at Ray Park for bleachers, lmprove - ments and eq.rlpment; Burllngarre Vlllage Park lmpnovements and wsshlngton Park for house renovatlon for admlnlstratlon pur-poses. Tho $2rooo.oo rernslnlng 1n the Recroatlon Bond Fund may also be used for capltal lmprovements. No provlslon hes been lncluded for the employment of an addltlonaL suporvlsor. 301 4. CIIAMBER oF coMIrtERcE REQTEST FcR coNTXAcT I{$$aEE: Theqrest@ shoula enten lnto a contract rlth a local Chambon of Co merco as well as the amor:nt of fund s to be allocated, Ls a leglslatlve ftrnctLon. ft ras the oplnlonof the Clty Manager that the cltyts exlstlng tax structure renders the ablllty to pay for such senvlce dlfflcult, there- fore, no lncrease ras placed ln the budgot. 5. MfSCELLAMoUS: $5rooo.Oo for rocodlficatlon was e1lml- nat edffie-n-E-6iEno1 appnopr"lat 1 on lncre as ed $3oo. 0o ; .. and, the Water Fund Transfen to the General Fund lncreased $I5'0OO.OO. fn concluslon, the Clty Manager recomraend.ed that tho total tax nate noroaln sare as the pnevlous year, or $t.gt per hund:red dolIa:: assessed valuatlon. Counc11raan Morgan initlated Councll dlscusslon by renderlnghls oplnlon on the several polnts under considenatlon arr:I suggest lng the f o1low1ng: (1) the sum allocated und6r Fll:e Dopartnpnt Capltal Expendl- tures be deleted to provlde an addltlonal one-half percent salary lncroase and artlcJ-os ltemlzed thereln be purchased l}om funds romalning ln the 1949 Flre Bond allocatlon; (2) forego the punchase of the hrnrought s SenslmatLc Bookl{eeping Machlne ln the Clerkrs Offlce; (3) delete the sum of $2r5O0.OOfor tradar: equlpment proposed to be allocated from parklng meten funds and Lncl-ude Lnstead, the purchase of a new punsuit motorcycle; (4) appnoprlate a sum to palnt the lnterlor and exterlotr of the Pollce Departnent i (5) tnansfer $lorooo.oobudgeted for water. front lmprovemonts to the Municlpal Dump Fund; (6) a ten cont special Llbrary tax be lmposod fon aperlod of one year; (Ln response to Councll lnqulry on the forogolng sugges tl on, the Clty Attorney advlsed that thespeclal tax may be levled and he1d ln r:eserve, pendlng a determLnatlon as to the vaLldlty of 1ts use) and (7) support the Chamber of Comnrerce and allocate the fi:nd s requosted. Councllnan Rooth stated that 1n seoklng the means to provlde fturds fon the various senvlces of the clty, conslderatlon should be glven also to the request of the Flre Chlef for more pensonnel and vhile he ras Ln favor of the purchaso of a pur- suLt motorcycJ-e, cognlzance shouid be glven to the need forthe neplacemont of counters ln the Pollce DepartnEnt and theClty EalI Offlces. In c ommentlng on tho $7rOOO.OO proposed ln the RecreatLon Departrent CapitaL Expendlture allocatlon, Councllman Roothadvlsed, that lYon all reports, the erectLon of bleachers 1nthe Ray Park playground would lncrease the hazard e,nd Ln hls oplnlon, an expendit uro ln tlre ma:d murn a mount of $25O.OO wouldsufflce for bonches. Councllrnal Rooth also suggested that thegnass area be retalnod in tho Burllngarre Vil]-age Playground. Councllman Johnson expnessed concunlonce 1n the rage incneasebut obJected to the means proposecl. On the Llbnany and Re-creatlon issuss, it ras the oplnlon of Councllman Johns on thata llbrary ntest caser Eay be approprLato but more informatlon should b6 obtalned on the necneatlon capltal expendl tu:res tolnsure adequate safety pnecautlons. Councllman Jolrns on also concurred that the request of the Chamber of Connerce for anaddltlonal appnoprlatlon s hould be gLven every consLderatlon. CouncLlman Thayor stated that on pnevlous occasion, she was as reconufflnded by the Clty l,,lan e c onsr.stent with hen po1lcy avor of adopting the budget to blnf ager3 The Chalr l-nvlted corunents f:rom those in attend,ance. 302 Robert Bozecny, Chairmsn of the Board of Dlrectors of the Clvl1 Service Enployeest Assoclatlon, speaklng in behalf ofthe employees, urgod that the Councll adJust salarles to com- pare with c omponsati.on pald enployees 1n the City of San Uat6o. Ir&s. Eallth Cohendet, Chal rnan of the Llbrary Board, Mr. Ralph Moody arvl llp. Jack Edwards, m€mber:s of the Llbrary Board,sollclted Councll approval on tlre levylng of a speclal ten cent LlbrarXr tax, caIIlng attontlon to the htgh :ratlng estab- l-lshed by the Library ln the commrnlty arrl the necesslty forsprovldlng additlonal Llbrary space. Recreatlon CommLssloners John Mackesey ard Mrs. Suzanne Strauss unged the Councl l to retaln the $?TOOO.OO ln the Recr€etlon Capltal Expendlturos cltlng the rany Lmprovenonts needed Ln the playgnotrnd ar€as. ReSldents fnom the Ray Park Playgnound vlclnlty, ln attendance, volced tholr objectlon to the constructlon of bleachers, both from the standpolnt of trafflc and parklng problems and theunslghtly appearance that would tend to detract from homes 1nthat area. fn concluslon, Mr. John Mack, Presldent of the Burllngame Chanber of Comrerce, speaklng 1n behalf of the Chamber of Cor norce, advised that incrgased costs necossltated the re-qlrest for additional funds, and, wlth the allocatlon of such funds a better advertlsement program may be lnltlated. RECESS A r.ecoss was called by ttre Chalr at 9:35 P.M. CALL ?O ORDER The Chalr called the meting to order at 9:55 P.M. BI'DGET HEARING CONTTI{UED In calllng the reetlng to onder, Mayor. Byrd announced ttrat an lnformal pol1 of the Councll nesulted ln the declslon to con-tlnue the budget hea::1ng to lts concluslon. Councllman Rooth thereupon moved that a tsn eent addltlonalLlbrary tax be levled, wlth the stlpulatlon that the funds derlved therefrom be hel-d untll the 'test case' has been appnovedl that a four po:lcent salary lncrease be granted;thet th6 chember of comm€rce allocatlon be lncnoased $2rooo.ooper ysar; that the $4,747.oo budgeted for an accountlng machlneln the Clty C].erkts Offlce be deletod; that the FLre Depa"trBnt proposed budget be reduced in the amount of $2,389.OOi that th€ $2r5OO.O0 proposed for r:adar oqulptEnt be deleted, and that the Clty assunE one-ha1f the cost of the employeesr Eospltallzatlon costs. Councllman Morgan recommended that ln addltlon to the above, an Lnclusl"on ln the budget provlde (1) fon the purchase of a pur-sult motorcycfe; (Z) S1,0OO.OO fon paLnting and improvlng ttr appearance of the Pollce Statlon; (3) $2,OOO.OO fon refurblshlngthe front offlces of the Ctty IIa1I and (4) that the $LOTOOO.OObudgeted ln the Water Front Inprovement Account b6 transferredto tbe Munl clpal Dump Fund. Cor:ncllman Rooth expressed hls c oncunnence and the motLon wasthenesfter seconded by Councllman Uongan. 303 On the questlon, Councllrmn Johnson voLceil her objectlon to the deletlon of the $2,5OO.OO for radar egrlpnent and. decreas- lng the recomnended a].loeatlon for recreatlon capltal expen-dltures, stating that safety 1s the prl me c oncern ard the stlpulated sum originally recomrcnded, would lnsure add€d safety lmprovements. Councllman Rooth replied to the letter, statlng that the t2r50o.OO proposed deletlon world ellminate the enectl.on of bleacher:s but sufflclont funds wero allocated to provlde fcr the lnstallatlon of a chal-n Ilnk fencing along tho baselj.nes. Mayor Byrd advlsed that he was not ln concurrence wlth the declslon to lnerease the allocatlon to tho Chamber of Comnerceln excess of $1r2oo.o0 ln one cal.enda:r year. Corxrcl].man Thayer ln quostlonlng the Clty Manage r on the pro- posed a rEndmen ts to the orlglnal budget sumltted to Councll ,advlsed on each polnt, statlng t hat 1f Councll so doslres, the amendmonts may be convenlently rror:kedn lnto the 1958-1959 Budget . Mayor Byrd cafled for a vote on the motlon. The result ras recortled as follws: Ayes: Councl]-men: Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-ThaJrerNoes! CounellrEn! NorE The heanlng was aleclarod concluded. Actlon on the ad.optlon of the 1958-1959 tax rate res wl thheld untll the next regular meetlng, August 18, 1958. 1. RENEGOTTATION DI]MP OPERATTON CONTRACT A commrnLcetlon from the Clty llanager, d.ated July 5L, 1958, advlsed the Counell that the Operatcr of the Dump has slgnlfledhls app:rova]- to t Lre use of the new schedule of fees at the durp, under whlch scheduLe the clty shall recelve ten cents for eachvehlcle utlllzing the faclllty. Ttr Clty Manager recommendedthat approximately two weers advance notlce be given pnlon tothe adoptlon of sald schedul-e. Questloned by Councllman Rooth concel{llng the postlng of a bond,the Clty Attorney advised that the agr.eement may stlpulate thatthe operator shall be reqrllned to furnl sh a bond. RESLUTION NO. 45-58 trrescLndL ng Resolutlon No. 98-55 and Flxlng Scheldule of Fees for nrtry Upon and For Dumplng at tho trttrnlcl-pal Dump and Establlshlng the Munlclpal Durp Fundrr ras Lntroducedby Councllman Johns on who moved 1ts adoptlon, secondod by Coun-sllman Thayen and unanlmously canrled upon rol-1 call of member:s. RESoLUTION NO. 46-58 rrAuthorlzin g ard DlrectLng ExecutLon of MoaITIAeIl on-ofEre e rE nt wlth Romeo Joly for the operatlon, Malntenence end Supervlsl,on of the Clty Dunpn was i.ntroducedfor passage on motlon of Councllman Thayer, seconded by Coun- cl1nan Johnson and unanLmously adoptod on noI1 cal1. 2. TEIIIPORARY SIGN PffiMITTED AND AUTHORTED TO TROUSDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPTITY A c onmunl cat lon from the Clty Manap,er, dated .ru1y 31 , 1958, recommendlng that the requsst of the Trousdale Constructlon Compsny for per.ml,s s Lon to erect an advertls!.ng slgn to assistln the sale of the lmproved lots ln 1ts development of land betweon Bayshore F?eeway and the Old Bayshore Highway be approved, was concured ln on motlon of Councilman Thay6r, wlth a pnovlsothat the permlt be lssued for a perlod of one year, wJ. th posslble optlon for r.enowal. Tho motlon was socond.ed by Councllnran Rooth and unanlmously carrled. 3. SPECIAL PERItrIT TO CONSTRUCT SIGN GRANIED CHRIST LUT}IERAN CIIIIRCH A comnmnlcatl on from the City lrtana8e r, d.ated July 3I, 1958, C0Ml,tllNI CATI ONS 304. advlsed that the Chrlst Lut heran Church has applled for aspeclal permlt to erect a temporarJr 4t x 4, slgn annoulc5.ngthoir lntentl on to build a chur ch on its lots at the cornerof Trousdale Boulevard arrl Sabastian Dri.ve. CouncLlman Rooth moved that the permlt be grante d for a period of one year, seconded by Councllnen Johnson and unanimously carrled. 4. TNJURY CLAIM KATIIY CHRTSTTAN RE}ERRED TO INSIIHANCE CARRIER A communLcation dated July 31, 1958, from the Clty Manager, necommend ing that a claim for $25O.OO fon lnjurles allegedly caused by a defective storm drain cover, submitted by lfrs.R. J. Chrlstla:r on behalf of Kathy Christlan, be rejected and refer:red to the Cltyts insurance carrler, was concurred in on motlon of Councilman Rooth, seconded by Councilman Thayer and unanimously carried. 5. ABANDONX,IENT OF SOUTIIERN PACIFIC FRE]GI{I HOUSE ANNOUNCED A comrmnicatlon from the City ldanager, dated July 5I , L958, advised that a communicatlon has been recelved from the StatePubllc Utilities Comnission, announclng that the SouthernPaciflc Company has flled notlee of intentLon to abandon itsfneight house at Earlingare, effectlvo Augus t n, L958. Granville hownlng, Executive Seenetary Err3.ingame Chambor of Commerce, spoke at s ome length on the deslrablflty of retaln-lng the freight house and urged that the CounelL enter a pro-test to the Publlc Utilities Commisslon. Followlng a brLef dlscusslon, the Ctty Clerk was instructed toaddress a conmunicatlon to the State PublLc Utllities Coeml.sslon, advlsi.ng of the protost enter:ed by the Chamber of Comxnerce and requesting that final actlon be doferred untll evldence and in-forration nay be submltted to support a plea that the freight house be retained. 6. LEGISTATION IN RE: BROADWAY LIGHTING DISTRTCT A comrmnl cat ion was read from the City Manage?, alated August 1, 1958, advising of the appropriate Counc 1l- actlon requLred towardthe establishnent of a hpoadway Llghting Dlstrlct. RESOTUTION NO. 47-58 {Maklng CertaLn Detormlnations and F}ndings anil Directing the Giving of Notlce Thereof And of Pnoposed Action Rel-ative to Proposed Street Lighttng fmpnovement Dlstrict No. 2,City of Burllngame, Californ j,atr was lntroduced by Councilman Booth who moved lts adoptlon, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanlmously adopted on rol-L cal1 of rrembers. 7. EL QUANITO ACRES SUMIVISION ACCEPTED A communication from tho Clty Managor, dated August I, L958, advlsed that the E1 Quanl t o Acres Subdivi, sl.on has been satis-factorlly completed and may be accepted formaI1y. RESOLUTION N0. 48-58 iAccepting PubJ.lc Improvements in El" Quantffiuced by Counctlrnan Rooth, who movedi.ts passa5"e, secondeal by CouncS,lman Johnson and adopted rmanl -mously on ro11 c all. 8. ACCEPTANCE RECOMME}IDED RESURFACING PROJECTS A comrmni catlon alated August 1, 1958, from tho Clty Manager, advised that the resurfacing of portions of Broadway, Burlingare Avenue, Occidental Avenue and Grove Avenue, has passed flnalinspectlon satlsfactorlly and it was reconmended that saldprojects be accepted. as complete 305 by F. D. Spe rry ComPanY, Inclusl.verr was lntroduced passage, seconded by Councllman Johnson and adopted on ro11 caLl. 9. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO RE! EIiDORSEMENT PROPOSITIOI{ I (VETERANqI AID) A commr:nLcatlon, datod July 28, 1958, recelved from Floyd D. Granger, Veterans Service offlcer, San l6ateo County, sollcltlng Councll endorsement of ProposltLon No. I on the Novembon Ballot, concennlng the lssuance of a $SOOTOOOTOOO bond lssue fon tho contlnuat lon of a veterans home loan program, was acknowledged and placed on f1le. 10. IYIEMO NE: UNSATE EQUIPIIE}I'I AT RAY PARK A memo to Councll, dated July 51, 1958, advlsed of an lnvestl- gatLon conducted at the Ray Park playground and a concluslon reached that for safety reasons, the hlgh sllde should be removed. Que st loned by Councllman Jobnson as to whether the tleletlon ofa portlon of the Capltal Expendl tures fnom the Recreatlon Budgot would forestall the safety program proposed for the area, theClty Manager advLsed to the contrery. RESOLI]TIONS RESOLUTION NO. 45.58 rrExtendlng Best Wishes and Appreclatlonto Capta Jamas W. rnent[ was lntroducedadoptlon, seconded by on rolL cal]- of membe ORDINANCES ORD INANCE NO. 6?8 nAn Ord lnance Amendi ng Sectlon 1417 of tho Ordlnance Coaio of the Clty of Burllngame Regulat lrlg the Quan-tltles of Stored fnflammablo Llquldsr was gLven lts second readlng and on motion of Councl lnan Rooth, secondod by Cotrn- cl1man Johnson, sald Ordlnance was adoptod by the followlng vote ! Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Johnson-I{organ-Rooth-ThayenNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllrpn: None ORDINANCE NO. 679 rrAmendl ng Ondlnance Code of the Ctty of RESoIUTIoN N0. 44-58 Aece ptlng Street work as under Contracts MCS 75, 77 by Councllman Rooth, who Porformed, 78 and 79, moved lts unanLmously av by t3s 1or., Flre DopartrBnt, Upon Hls Retine- Counc ilman Johnson who moved lts ouncllman Rooth and unanlmously carrled Bur ngame By A Areas Between and on motlon Johnson, sald lng Soctlon 1599.10 Prohlblting Paving ofb and Sldewalksrr was glv6n lts second readlngCurof Councilrnan Thayer, seconded by Councllman ord.lnance was adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: Councilnen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-fhayerNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Counc lLrren: None CITY MANAGER REPORTS 1. SOth Year Golden Jubllee Clty of South San Fnrancl s co In response to the lnvltatlon extended by the Clty of South SanFranclsco to partl clpate ln that Cltyts Flfty Year Goldon Jublleeparade, the Clty Managen f,as directed to forward an appropriatereply and to advlse ths Perade Chalnman of the Cltyts lntentlonto send a paradg entry. None UNFINTSIID BUSINESS 306 2. Unlted Natlons Day Councl lman Johnson was appolnted Chairman of the Councll Corunlttee commemoratLng Unlted Natlons Day, October 24, 1958. 3. Parklng Facllltlos on San FnancLsco Water Departmnt prope!:ty Councllman Rooth advlsed that no further actlon tras been taken on the proposition offer:ed by the San Francisco Water Depart- ment to ut1lize lts proporty for off-street parking purposes ard to shane ln the proflts derlved therefrom. NETll BUSINESS None ADJOUR}N,IENT - l-1:35 P.l,{. Councllman Thayer moved that the Councl l ad j ourn ln momory ofMr. Jack Harrlson, husband of Library Commissioner Dorothea Harrison, who passed in death Sunday, August 3, 1958, soconded by Coulcllman Johnson and unanimously carri.ed. Respectfully s ubml tted HERBMT K.ITECtty Cle rk APPROVED: BltltDAI,IDRETW C vIl1a or An/4a"