HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.07.16?89 Br:r.llngane , July 16, Callf crnla 1958 CALL TO ORDER A speclal meetlng of the BlrlLnga@ Clty Councll was held on the above glven date, alL members having been ptevlously notlfled andconsenting. The meotlng ras caIled to crdor dt 7a3O P.M. - Mayor Byrd ln the Cbafu. PURPOSE OFI CAI.T.F:r' MEEf,ING Mayon Byrd announced. that tho speclal reeting bad been calLed forthe speclflc purposa of glvtng conslderatlon to the aLlocatlon ofaddltlonal clty funds to asslst ln the flnanclng of th6 Bur1lngare Hlgh School strlng or:cbegtna Ln a trlp to and partlclpetLng ln the Brussels World Fafu. ROLL CAI,L Fresen t - Councilmen: B]rrd-Jobnson-Iro!.Ban-Rooth-Thayen Absent - Councllmen: None MOTION APPROVING ALLOCATION CITY FUI{DS Courecllman Thayer nroved that an addltLonal $9OO.OO to be lncludednlth the councLlrs origlnal offen to donate $10o.o0 be allocatedto asslst Ln flnanclng the Bu.nl lngane High School Orchestrars trlpto Br.ussels. The motlon rvas seconded by Councll Johnson and. unanlnously carrlod. AD JOIIRNI\IENT There belng no further buslness before tbe Councll on thls occaslon,the meetlng was regularly adjou::ned at 7:55 P.M. Rospectfully submltted HERBERT K. TIHITE CLty CJ-enk APPRC'\TM: ANDREW C. BYRD Mayon fr.!r"-teurk /^rtr",Afi,r./