HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.06.16277 Bunlingame, CalifornLa June 16, 1958 CALL TO ORDER At word fnom ldayor Byrd all ln th6 Council Chamber arose and gave the Pleclge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROtt CALL Pre sent - Counc l1men: Byr:d-Johnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayer Absent - Councllren: None FBESENTATION TROPEY AWAMS Mayor3 Byrd announced that the regular o::der of busi.ness would be tenponarlly dispensed with ln cnder to present awards to wirurers who participated ln the re cont Cornmemorative Parade celeb::atlng the Cltyrs Fiftieth Annl,vorsary of lncorporatlon. Mayor BJrr:d, on bebalf of the nrembe!: s of the Clty CounclJ., co mne nded, R. C. Theue:r, Chlef of Pollce and Parade Chalrman, l,trs. Suzanne Strauss, member of the Recreatlon Commlsslon and Panade Secnetany arti Wl11lam lJenclonl, Parad.o ivlarshal, for thelr servlces in pr.oJectlng the htghly successful panade and lauded the many units that marched ln novier. It!::s. Suzanne Strauss lntroduced ard Chlef R. C. Theuer presented af,ard-rlnnLng trophles to representatlves of the followlng units: Sweopstakes winnen: Capuchlno Hlgh School Band and MaJorettesof Sen Bruno; Fltlst p1ace, Bard Dlvlslon: South San Fnancisco IIlgh School; Second place, Band Dlvlslon: Burllnganb Htgh School; Royalettes Drll1. Team of South San Pr.ancl sco; iloose todge No. 26 D?un Corps and MaJorettes of San Franclscol Twenty-slx cups yore pn€sonted to the f ollowlng pa.rticlpants: Polly M11ler, Grand llarshal; Post offlce Unlt; Llonsr Club; St. Gnegoryts Dri1l Team; Pollce Depart rent; San l,{ateo order of EIks; Sixth Arrny Plpe Bard; San Funo Iv[ari ne Bard; Natlonal Guard; Paclflc Reserve Honor Guar:d; San Mateo Donettes; AnBrican Leglon, Post No. l-63 of Burllngane; Penlnsula Shr:rlne Clubi Bur- lingame Flre Departnsnt; Burllngano Elementary School Dlstnlct; Borel School Band arrd Majorettes of San llat6o; San Mateo UnlonHlgh School Band; Bur.llnganr -Advance Star Green Sheet! RlccltsSport Shop; San Francl sco Weten DepartrBnt; Bu:rllngame NewconErsr Club; Charle s A. Buck; Otto Schmldtrs Gernan Band; Frlscllla W1l1lamsr Q,larten-Hor se entryi San lilateo County Juni or Sherlff?s D.r111 Toam and the Paclflc Telephone and Tolegraph Company. The regular or.der of busLness was thereafter resumed,. A regular neeting of tho Bu:rllnganr Clty CounclL was held on the above given date. Meotlng called to order: at 8!OO P.M. - Mayon Endrew C. Byrd ln the Chah. PISGE OF ALTJEGIANCE 278' I{INUTES InEVf oUS I'IEETTI,IG The minute s of the previous rneeting of June 2, 1958, as sub- mitted to members of the Council were unanl mousl y approved ard acloptod upon motlon of Councilman Rooth and soconded by Cour-cilman Johnson, followlng a cerection that the first name ofrotiring Park Commlssioner Plath be changed from trHermanrr totrHerbert. It BIDS - DRATNAGE BONDS OT' 1958 - FIRST DTV]SIOI,I - $695,000. Mayor. BJrrd announced that this was the tlule and, place schoduledfor opening blds on the Bonds of the First Division of Drain- age Bonds of 1958, in the prlnci.pal amount of S6951000. Thebids were publ1cIy openod and declared as follows: ArErican Trust Company Par Valuo 462 Ca1ifornit StraeE San Franc1 sco, Cal-if . + Net Interestor 2.7434/. cost #22o,762.5O First 1',16 s tern Bank 4O5 MontgomerT St. San }?ancl sco, Callf. Net Intenest Cost 2.7534% Blyth & Co. Ine. , Russ eultaing San Francisco, Ca1lf. Net Intorost Cost 2.6%L% Bank of Arpnlca San Franci s co, Ca l-i f onnia lEo;ooo.oo 25, OOO. OO 65, OOO. OO 128,OOO.OO 58, OOO. OO 355, OOO. OO Year7/tFd=i/t/64 Maturing 1965 1966 - 1967 1968 - 1969 Jul-y 1, 1970 1971 - 19?6 Intere st 3-t/ 2-1/ o. t / 4% 4% 4% 2% zi/4 y'. zi/4 flz-t/z y'" 2-3/4 /" 4% 2%z-t/z %24/4 % 7/ 7/. $Bo 40 2l_8 355 1/t/se-7/t/64 4%7/t/6s-7h/66 z f,,t/t/6s-7h/68 2-L/4 %7/r/6e-7/t/1L z-t/z % t /t/zz-t/t/ta zi/4 /" 1959 1965 r966 1971_ - t964 - 1970 - 1976 , ooo. oo , ooo, o0 , ooo. oo , ooo. oo $120, ooo. oo 55, OOO. OO 70, ooo. oo 155, OOO. OO 295 , OOO. OO L/s9 1:/63 t/95 t/7L - 1962 - 1964 - 1970 - L976 1 Net fnterestcost $214,9II.oo or 2.6743y', Certlfied Checks accompanied the above At the request of the Councll, the bids were referred to theCity Attorney, the City Englneer and to Mr. Ernest liri1son, Attorney lor the project, for examlnatlon and recommendatlonprior to the meetlngts adjournment. COM]WNICATIONS EASEI,/IENT GRANTM TO CROSS SOUTHENN PACIFIC COI,{PANY PROPMTY A communication dated Jure l-3, 1958, from the City i,lanager re- commending tirat an agreement between the Southern Pacific Com-pany and the City of Burlingame be executed to perrnit the Cityto cr:oss the Southern Paclfic Companyrs property in the vicinityof California Drive and oak Grove Avenue for the purpos e ofinstalllng storm drainage facilitles was concurued 1n and RESOLUIiON NO. 35-58 [Authorizi ng and Directing Executlon of Agr€erEnt with Southern Paciflc Company Fo:r ConstructLon and Malntonance of Conduits for Conveying Storm Water Across theProperties of the Southern Pecific Companytr was introduced by Councilman Rooth, who moved its passage, seconded by Council- man Johnson and adopted unanimously on ro11 cal-l. 279 2. ONDINANCE AUTHORIED TO PROHIBIT PAVING OF PARKING STRIPS A request fpom the Perk Commlsslon that an ordlnance be enacted to prohlblt ttre pavlng of panklng strlps tn the Clty' wlth speclal roqrests to be reviewed for varlance by the Park Commlssion,the Plannlng ComrllssLon and the Clty Engineor and recommerded by the City Manager, ln a c omrornlcatlon to the Councll, dated Jurre 11, 1958, was concumed 1n and the City Attorney authorl,zedto prepare an ordlnanco for flrst read.ing at tho next regulan meetlng of the Councll upon motlon of CouncLlman Thayer' seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanlmously car::led. 3. EXTEI'ISTON PARKING FACItlTIES ON CALIFORNIA DRIVE REQUESTED A communlcatlon dated JurE 15, 1958, f}om the Clty Manager", ad- vised that a petitlon has been r:ocelved from seventeen proprletons along CallfornLa Drlve requesting tho extenslon of parklng facl-lltles south of Ca::mellta Avenue on the ploperty of the Ssn F?an-clsco ll/ater: Depantmont . Councllnan Rooth lnltlated a dlscussion on the subJect of a newpollcy dlsclosed to havo been lnstltuted by the San Francis co Water Department, to share ln the revenuo derlved fnom the ln-stallatLon of parklng meters on pnoperty owned by the San Fran- cLsco Water Depar.tment ard ilrproved for off-street parklng pulr -poses. Mayon Bynd advlsed that the new po11cy has been placed lntooffect ln the Clty of San Bruno rvhereln both the Sarl Flancl,sco Water Department and the Clty of San Bruno share ln proflts denlved from parking fees and the matter ls curently undernegotlatlon with the Clty of l,ll11bnae and the Clty of San trban- cls co. Councllmsrt Mongan stated that ln hls oplnlon, lf the San Fran- cLsco Water: Department desir:os to utlllze lts propertles for monetar:y galns 1t should aJ. so assume one half the cost to Lmpr:ovethe facllltles. It was the genoral consensus of the Council that the subject rnerl ted furtter expLoratLon and that the CouncLl, through con-ferenc6, determlne the policy of the San FrancLsco Water Depart- ment ln regard to 1ts land usages. Councllman Rooth was requestrd by the ChaLr to consult wlthoffLclals of the San Francisco Water Departrnnt on behalf ofthe Clty Councll. The Clty Manager was roquest€d to acknowledge and to relay the fonegolng Lnformatl on regarcllng Councll actlon on the subJectto the petltLoners. 4. I{ILI,S GARDEN COIMT NO. 2 APPRC|\IM AND ACCEF]ED A comrmrnLcation dated June Manager, re commendlng t hat Court No. 2 be accepted.. 15, 1958, was read fr.om the Cltythe subdivlsion of Mllls Garden The recomnendatlon vcas concumed ln and RESOLUfIoN N0. 36-58 "Appnovlng Flnal Map Ent lt}.ed tl,lllls Garden Court No. 2,Burllngar,€, San Mat6o County, Callfcnnla Belng a Rssubdlvislonof Lots 8 and 9, M1lIs Garden Courtt and DhectLng Exeeutlonof Agreoment to Constnuct Publlc Inprovernontsrr was introd.ueedby Councllman Johnson, who moved lts passage, soconded by Councllman Rooth and unanLmously carrled upon noll ca1l. 5 BROADTJAY AND ROLLINS ROAD INTERSECTION PR0PoSED TIIIPROVEL{ENII A conmunlcatlon dated June J"3, 1958, firom th6 Clty Manag6r3, re- commendlng the reconstnuctlon of the trafflc ls1and at the lnter-sectlon of koadsay and Rolllns Road, was held for diseussion undor the heading of runflnished Buslness.rr r 280 7 6. ACCEPIANCB OF CONTRACTUAL WORK O.C.HOLI(ES COMPANY (Sewer P1ant ) A c ommuni cat ion dated June 15, 1958, from the City l,{anager recomrnending that the contractual- work porforrrcd by the O. C. Holmes Conrpany fon Sewage Disposal Plant Additions, satlsfac- tor.ily conpleted in aecord.ance with the Cityts plans and specifications, was concurred in on motion of Counc l1man Rooth, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carnied. C Oi''0,IEI,IDATT Olf FR0i','l BURLINGAI,,{E ART SOC IETY A comm&ication, dated June 11, 1958, was read from the Bur- llngame Art Society, expressing appreciatlon for the outstand- lng cooperatlon and encouragement extended by the Council to the Society during the recent display of artistic talent to thecltlzens of Burl-lngame and to the surroundl,ng commrnitios. The Chair acknowledgod. the comrmrnication, stating that the d.is-play was one of the highlights of the Fiftieth Year colnmemora- ti on. At this time, L{ayor Byrd further acknowledgod congnatulatory corun:nications received from the Southern Paclfic Compa.ny, Emmett Firzpatrick, James $Jood, Publlsher of the Burlingame Advance-Star Green Sheet, Ivlr. Percy Vlodehouse and tho several departments withi.n the City of Burlingamo. RESOLUT]ONS RESOLUTION N0. 37-58 rlAuthori zi ng the Execution of a Grant of Easerrent to the Paclfic Gas and Electric Comparry, a California Corporation, To Erect and ldaintain a LLne of Poles Across Property 0wned by the City of Burllngame rr was introduced by Councilman Rooth, who noved its passage, second.ed by Council- man Johnson and adopted unanlmously on ro11 cal1. RESOI,UTfON PROPOSED BY CHAIIBER OF C OlUhtsRCE (Annua] Contract) Mayor Byrd announced reeeipt of a commi.rni cation fron the Chamber of Commerce, datod Jurle 11, 1958, accompanied by a resolution and a contract for renewal with the City for the forthcomlng fiscal year. ft was cafled to the attention of the Council that the contract proposes an lncrease from $5,600.oo to $6,ooo.oo annual1y. A memo from the City T{anager, d ber"s of the Corlncil advi sed. tha Councll with the Agenda, June I incnease as reque s ted r ed June 13, 1958, to the mem- the budget, presented to the 1958, did not provide for an at L 3, Idrs. Edith Cohendet and l{rs. Dorothea Harrison, members of the Llbrany Board, noted that the proposed budget does not include an additional- tax levy of ten cents for one year to provide for a LLbrary Sinking Fund to finance additional library con- struction and r.equested that an audlenco be granted to repre- sentatives of the Library Board to further confer on the sub-ject. l'{r. Vlctor ldanginl, Chalrman of the Recreatlon ComnrissLon, urged that the Council reconsider the placenent of the pro- posed lmprovements at the Ray Park ard Burlingane Vi.11age Playgrounds within the budget, stating that both improvements are necessary for publlc safety. i'{r. l,{anglnl also requested. that representatives of the Recroation CommissLon be gnanted the privilege of further confe?ence. Colncl lman Hooth expressed hls approval to the proposed trhold the liner? on taxes budget, as submitted by the City }lanager and stated that in his opinion the questions raLsed by theprevlous speakers should be referred to the Clty ldanager for reconsideration prlor to Council action. r ?81_ CouncLl-rian illorgan concurred, add.ing that he was opposed to being subjected to u.n just criticLsm by altering the budget subsequent to lts submlssion to Council by the City }lanager. A brief di.scussion followed, at the concl-usion of which the Clty Ithnager was request€d to confer with departments concerned and to submit a revlsed budget at the regular: Council moeting, July 21, 1958, ORDINAJICE ORDINANCE NO. 6?7 I'R6 gulat lng Vehlcle Parking Upon Pub1lc andprlvate ProperfyT schedule d for second reading, was continued until the next regular treeting JuIy 7, 1958. A$,ARD - SAr,E CF DRATNAGE BOI'rDS 0F 1959 - FIRST DIVISION - $695,000 Bids for the Sale of Bonds for the First Divlslon of Dralnage Bonds of 1958, ln the prlncipal amount of $693,000, referred to the City Attorney, tho City Englneer and the Attorney for the Improvement, were examlned and a recommendation thereafter sub-mltted that the sale of the bonds be awarded to the Bank of Ame?ica - Counclfman Rooth introduced and moved the passag e of RESOLII'|ION N0. 38-58 fiAwardLng Sa]e.. of Bonds - $ 1E5E - eilrst Division - $695,000rr sec 725,OOO DRAINAGE BONDS 0F ond.ed by Cotrrcilman Johns on and. adopted. unanimously on ro11 call of members. CITY MA}IAGM REPORTS Purchase of Duflp Truck The City Manager advlsed that the bid. of the Doane-Llinto Ford Sal-es Company, Burlingame, in the amount of {}3,468.00 has beenselected as the most approprlate to supply tho requirements ofthe Clty for a Public Vlorks DepartnEnt d.ump truck. CouncLlman Thayer r6quested the priviJ-ege of introducing amotion that the City contribute the sum of $1OO toward theexpendlture, seconded. by Councilman Johnson and unanimouslycarried. CITY COilIIdTSSION STATUS L[ayor B)rrd expx.essed hls displeasure at the recent unfavorab]-epublicity directed at the Council by the Publlc Health and Safety Commission and stated that the criticlsrn was not Justifled. At the request of the Chair', the City L{anager read. a report sub-nltted. previously to the Councl1, under date of October 2, l-957, and his recommendatlon as to those commlssions not essential togovernmental functlons of the City. Followlng a brief d,i scussi.on, the members of the City Coi:ncil were urged to give serious consid.eration to the question ofcontinuing or abol-ishl-ng three of the Cityts commisslons durlngthe interim prlor to the next Cor.mcll meeting. AMERICAN FI,AG PRESE{TATIOI{ TO LIBRARY Coulcilman Johnson reported that ttre Burlingame American tegion, Post No. 163, presented a new American Fl-ag to the Burlirtgame Publ-l c tibrary on FlaB Day, June l-4, 1958. DONATTON TOWABD F]NANCING BIIELINGAI{E HIGH SCHOOL ORCIIESTRA The Chair refe::red, to an lnvitatlon extended to tho BurllngameHlgh School O?chestra to perform at the Worldts Fair in Brussel_snext year and the proposal to finance the trip. 282 UNFINISHED BUSTNESS BROADVJAY AI'ID R OLLTNS ROAD TNTERSECTI ON T},{PROVEITENT A corunmicatlon datod June 13, 1958, was read from the City Manager, advlslng that the State DlvLsLon of Highways has announced 1ts lntention to asslst the Ctty 1n lmpnovlng trafflc condltlons at the intersectlon of B::oadway and Rollins Road. The commrni cation f r.rthor advlsed that the Divisi.on of lltgh- ways has submitted a deslgn to imp::ove the intersectlon 1s1and and lt was rec onmonded that the clty roconstruct tholsland as proposed. ?he subj€ct was referred to the PubLlc Heal-th ard Safety CommL s s 1on. REPORTS OF COUNCIL l_Councilman Johnson Councllman JoLrnson rondered a brlef report on the necont meet-lng of the North County Councils, at whlch tirp the subJectof establ-ishing a urified salar:y scafe was dlscussed. Councllman Thayer, offlclel representatlve of the Clty Councllto the Nonth County Counclls study on the subject, was r.equestedby the Chair to attend the next meetlng of the Counc11, Fnld.ay, June 20, 1958, 8:OO P.M. at the San Bruno Clty H411. 2. ldavor Byrd Mayor Byrd announced. recelpt of communlcations lauding Lt. Lorln Todd ard mombers of the Pollce Departnrnt and G. Paul Lechlch,Llbrarlan and. mombers of the Llbnary Staff. ayor BJrrd. also annouaced that the Councif has recei.ved a communlcetlon from Albert J. Hall-, 1429 Bellevue Avenue, offerlng Lrl s servlces as a membon of the Park Commisslon. COIO'E SSION APPOINTI'{ENTS 1. Plannlng Commi.ssion Mayor Byrd submltted the nanre s of R. D. Martln and L. R. Hen- derson for reappol,ntment as mombens of the Planning Commlsslon. The roappointments were unanl.mously conflrned. 2. Park C omml s si on Mayor Byrd submitt€d the nanp of Earl Broim, Avenuo, as a member of the Park Commisslon. was unanlmously confl:rnnd. 1650 Barrlolhet The appolntmont TABUI,ATION OF E](PEIISES RETF;TFIFTIETH YEAR ANNWERSARY Mayor Byrdplete tabu aut honl zed br.ation of r 1a bt equested the Charnber of Comrnence to rondor a com- tion of the expenditures included in the amount y the City Council in conlection with the cele- he Cltyt s 50th Annlvensary. Ivtr. Louls Colagiovanni, Chalrman of th6 Flnance Commlttee, Flfty Year Golden Annlvensarlr, advS.sed that a detalLed report on both the rocelpts and the expenditures for the entlre cele- bretion would be subrdtted for Cotrncif lnforrnatlon. 283 NEIIS BUSINESS POLICE DEPARTI{ENT RE! EXAI{INATION FOR POTICE CHIEF. A commturl catl on was read from Ealward L. Kerrlgan, Chahrnan ofthe Pollce Club, dated June 13, 1958, appeal lng to the Councllto lnfluence the Clv1l Servlce Commlsslon to neverse its declsLon to conduct an open competltlve examinatlon for thepositlon of Pollce Chlef. The Clty Manager was requested ber:s of the Pollce DepartrEntlegalIy lntercede. the Councll to advlse the mem- b that the Council cannot by CIu Payroll warrants, f on the iv{onth of I\{ay, 1958, Nos. 512O - 5OO5,inc., 1n the amount of $68,256.A2, wers a.pproved on motlon of Counc llman Rooth, soconded by Councl lman Thayer and unanlmouslycarnled. CI,AIIv[S Warrants, for the Month of June, 1958, Nos. 12243-124L4, 7tc.,in the amount of .1L29 1743.21 , duly audltod, wer"e authorlzed dl'awn on the Clty Tneasury 1n their" respectlve amounts, on motlon of Councllman Rooth, soconded by Councllman Johnson and unanlmously car.r.led.. PAYROLL ADJOIIRN},IENT Thero belng no funthen busLness, the ad Journed. at IO:50 P.M. nEetlng was regular"ly Respectfu]-ly submltted IIERBEHT K. V,'HIIEClty C1e::k APPROVED U AI{DREW C. B]MD I{ayor M il"er*-