HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.05.26269 Burllngame, Callfornla May 26, 1958 CALL TO ORDEN The Clty Councll of the City of Bunllngame met in special session on the above given date, at the houl: of 7:OO olclock p.m. pursuant to a speclal call of tho Mayor duly given in writlng by hlm to the members of said Councll at least twenty-four houns prior to the tlme sched.uled for the meetlng ln the manner provided by law and ln the fo11ollng form, to-wlt: 'INoTICE oF SPECIAL MEETINGII rTO: The }lembens of the Clty Councl l- of the Cl ty of Bur.lj-ngarne, Calif ornla II{OTfCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a specLal nre etlngof the City Councll of the City of Burlingamels heneby called and ord.ered to be hold ln the Councll Charnbers at ?:OO orclock P.M. onthe 26tb day of May, 1958, for the pu:r.pos e of rescindlng RESOLUTION NO. 25-58 'A Resolutlon ReJectlng Construction Blds, Reapprovlng Plans and Speciflcatlons, Appr.ovlng Modl ficat l ons Thoreof and. Ca.l ling for Now Sealed Proposals, adopted by thls Councll on May 19, 1958, consldenlng and actlng upon a revision and amendment to the bi.d of Stockton Construction Company, Inc. for saLd work, of amending theSpeciflcattons fon sald work and awardlng a contract to Stockton Constructlon Company, fnc.for d.olng sald work Ln accordance wlth its revlsed bld.Dated: May 23, 1958 Andrerv C. Byrd, MayorClty of Burl lngaro ROLL CAIL Present - Council-mon: Byrd -Mo::gan-R ooth-Thayen Absent - Councllmon: Johnson CounclJ-nan Johnson, absent because of 1llrcss, ras excwed onmotion of Councllnan Mongs.n, seconded by Courcilnan Rooth and unanlmously carried,. OTHERS PRESEM Cha::le s F. Schwalm, Clty Manager:, Ge orge J. Marr, Clty Englneer, Bu?ress Ka::mel, Clty Attorney, Pau]- Adarnson, Consulting Engineer and Ernest tlVllson, Attorney for the proposed Stonm Dralnage Imp::overont iloJect, wene slso in attendance. REVISED }ROPOSAL FTLED A written revl-sed pr.oposal, subnitted by the Stockton Construction Company, Inc. dated 'ltay 22, 1958, and &r 1y slgned by sald con-tractlng firm, whl ch h.ad boen negotiated by the r:epresentative ofthe Clty, was fLled with the City Clerk. 270 The City Englneen presentod fitr th6r evidence to the effect thatthe credlts proposed to be grante d for the change s and modlfi- catLons ln the Spoclflcatlons uero ttre falr. and. reasonable valuethereof ard r.eprosented the fair and neasonable cost to the con-tractor of otherwlse fuIIy co mplylng wtth tho Speclflcatlonswlthout revlslon. RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT ADOHTED The Clty h{anager, the Clty Englneer ard the Clty Attcrney eachhavlng recorunended the acceptance of the rovlsed proposal datod May 22, 1958,RESoLI,IIIoN N0. 30-58 nA Resolutlon Resclndl ng Resolutlon No. 25-58, Appr:ovlng Modlflcatlons of Plans and Speclflcations and Awariling Contract, was lntroduced on mot lonof Councllman Rooth, who morred lts passage, seconded by Councll- man Morgan end thereafter unanlmously adopted by all members ofthe Councll present. ADJOI'RNI\,IE}.IIT there being no fi.r rther buslness the metlng was ::egulanly ad Journeilat 7a2O p.m. on motlon of Counc llman Rooth and seconded by Councll- man Morgan. Respectfully submitted -n44b4z?44qHERBERT K.. WHITECtty C}€nk APMOVD Andnew C. layor Byrd