HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.04.15241 A meetlng of the Burllngane Clty Councll was held on the above glvendate. Mayon Rooth cal1ed the rneetlng to onder at 8:00 p.m. and announced that the meetlng was scheduled 1n conformanee wlth thoState Electlon Larrr fon the purpose of canvasslng electlon r.etur.nsof the Municlpal Electlon held and conducted ln the Clty of BunlLngame, Apr.l1 8, 19!8. The Chalr. also announced that accordlng to tbeElectlon Coder the Councll may re-organlze by electlng a r{ayon anda Vl ce-i'Iayor and, fal1lng to r:each an agreement, the matter may be c ont inued . CALL TO ORDER ROIL CALL Present - Councilmen: Absent - Council-men: oANVASS 0F VoItsS BurlLngame, CallfonnlaAprl1 151 1958 Byrd- Johns on-l.tor gan-Rooth- lhayen None onsolldated electlon pneclncts rrArr through and ainlng electlon ta1Iy sheets and the envelopes entee ballots necelved, w ere opened and declaned The envelopes lncrudlng ''Rtt contalnlng the as follows: ofc cont abs FOR COUNCTL}(EN: MUNICIPAL ELECTTON PRECINCT Chanles W. Melvyn J.ROOTH COBEN Andnew C. BYRD WRTTE- INS A B C D E F (, H r J K L M N o P q R 128 OR 186 79 BO 1l+l+ 72 96 88 91 to5 tzl 101 111+ 725 112 r68 209 17 116 78 18U 79 87 L62 58 9l+ 81 83 89 168 110 105 120 111 L62 2l+7 t7 2t5r 93 90 98 105 70 77 31 62 77 69 63 91 7l+ 68 A< 76 93 53 2 123 91 131 t23 100 t29 58 83 78 70 78 a57 78 100 91 L27 L73 9? \ 1B87 Bn own 1 Absentee ball ots 2L3l+7357 l,lount L Ralph D. MARTIN 245 Pr"oposltlon No. I (Stonm Dralnage fmprovements ) MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECTNCT YES a\2 130 228 1l+1 121 169 79 a26 1l.t0 119 113 2L5 t2, th6 t53 tL2 201 205 L2 NO 98 94 67 6'+ 52 98 3l+ 5z 30 l+l+ 63 67 63 58 56 b7 109 99 11 1165 A B D E t, L' E I J r L M l{ 0 P e R Absentee ballots ProposltLoh No. 2 2677 (Acqulsltlon Recreatlon Slte ) 74 85 L67 loL 72 L26 58 77 79 79 B5 138 A B D D E P H I J K L 156 103 r55 100 101 116 LO2 B6 Bl+ 91 1l+1 246 M N o P q R Absentee Ballots B6 89 92 101+ lhz Ulr t2 1818 105 109 111 tL7 15h t66 11 zto6 Andnew C. Byrd and Charles W. iooth were eLected Councllmen ofClty of Burllngame fo:" the f uII term of four yeer.s. ProposltLon I'Io. 1, pnovldlng for" a bonded lndebtedness ln thepnlncipal amount of S725r000, fon Storm Drainage fmprovements, successfully passed a maJonlty ttyes" vote. the Pnoposltlon No. 2, provldlng for a bonded lndebtedness in theprinclpal amount of +7OrO00 for the acqubition and lmprovementsfor a mrnlclpal recneatlon slte, fa11ed to pass and was declaned defeated. EEsoLUrroN N0. 19-58 rfDeclarlng Result of 1958 Munlclpal ElectLon'r was lntroducGd Ey feuncilmsn Byrdl who moved lts passage, secondedby Councllman Jotrns on and unanlmously adopted upon ro11 cal1. OATH OF OFFiCE ADMINT.STERED Ctty Clerk Herbert K. Whtte admlnlstened the Oath of Off1ce to newly elected Councllrnan Bynd arrd Councllman Rooth. ELECTION OF CHATRMAN.MAYOR Councllman Thayer: placed the name of Andnew C. Byrd ln nomlnatlonfor the posltlon of Chalrrren of the Counctl. Mayor Rooth requested the pnlvllege of c onunent lng on his stand ln the matter, s tatlng that he was not a candldate for the positlon andin vlew of past clrcumstances whereln he was ob]lged to cast the decldlng vote, he rrould prefer that asplrants to offlce resolvethe lssue among themselves. Councllman Mor.gan stated that the women members of the be penmltted the prlvllege of senvlng as Chalr.man andtheln vi.ews be expres s ed . Councll should sugges ted tha t Councllman thayer:, ln conmentlng on he:: appolntment as the first woman to serve the City of Bu:rlingarae as a Councll memben, expnessed hen lnterest in becomlng the finst noman to ser:ve as its Chainman. Councllman Johnson expr.essed her objectLon to partlclpatlng ln an Lsstr6 nhich, ln--hen oplnion, would nesult, fnom all lndlcatlons, ln a trdeadl6ck.It Follorrlng a br.ief discusslon, the Chalr r:e-oponed the nomlnatlon for the posltlon of Chalnman by placlng the name of Charlotte f. Johns on 1n nomlnation. Councllman Morgan placed the name of Josephlne M. Thayer' ln nomlna- tlon fon Chalrman of the CouncLf. Ther.e belng no funthen nomlnations, a vote byrr:ltten ba11ot was selected es the appropriete procedu:'e. 247 The r.esult of the vote was r"econded as follows: Councllman Andrew C. Byrd .... Cotmcllman Chanlotte Johnson . Abs tainlng votes 2 2 1 A second po11 by bal1ot was r"equested eld declaned as follows: CouncLlman Byrd Councllman Johns onAbstaining votes Councllman Byrd was declaned duly elected Chalnman of the C6unc11 fon the ensulng yean. Retfu:lng Mayon Rooth rellnqulshed the Chalr to the newly olected Mayor. ELECTION VICE-CHAIRMAN NornLnatlons wene declaned ln order. for the posltlon of Yice Chalrman. 3 1 1 Councllraan Rooth placed the name of CounciLman Char.lotte 1n nomlnatLon fon the posltlon of Vlce-Chairman. Johns on Mayor. Bynd placed the nomlnat ion . narne of Councilman Josephlne Thayen ln Thene belng no further nomLnations, ballots were dlstributed bythe Clty Cler"k a nd the vote recorded as follows: Councllnan Johns on. Councllman f haver:Abstalnlng votes A second ballot was dlstr"lbuted and the vote announced as follows: CouncLlman Johns on 2 1 Counci].man Thayer Abstalning Votes I 2 1 A b::ief dl-scussion a'"ose following the second pol1, whereln CouncLlman Mor.gan stated that he had no pnefenence fon elther candldate and thenefone pnefenned to a bstain from votlng. Councllman R ooth advlsed that he had revensed hlsto abstaln fnon votlng and urged all members of thehis or. hen ba1Iot. orlglnal lntentionCouncll to cast A thbd ba11ot resulted in the follouing vote: Cormcllnan Johns on Councllman Thayen Abstalning votes . Fallure to r"each the nequfued maJor.lty vote on the third ballot, a four.th bal1ot was taken and announced: Councllman Johns on Councllman Tha.ver. Abstaining votes A fifth poll- by ba11ot was announced: Councl ]-man Johns on Counctlman Ehaye:: Abstainlng votes a 1 2 2 1 t 1 1 3 248 A s kth bal1ot r.ecorded the followlng vote: Conncllman Johns on .... 2 CounclLman Thayen ..... 2 Abs talnlng votes ...... 1 A seventh baIlot was announced as follows: Counc llman Johns on .... 2 Councllman Thayer ... .. 1Abstalnlng votes . ..... 2 FECESS A recess uas declar:ed by the Chair" at g:!0 p.m. CALL TO ORDEX A rnotlon was intr.oduced by Councllman Thayer', seconded by Councllmen Johnson, that further actlon be wlthheld and the lssue be made thefirst order of buslness at the next negular.ly scheduled meetlng ofthe Clty Councll. The motlon failed by a ttu.ee to one vote. BALLOTING CCNTTNUED The Ctty ilenk was requested to dlstnlbute ba11ot numbor eight andthe vote itas r.ecorded es follorls: The meetlng ras called to onder by Mayon B;a'd at 10:00 p.rn. In nesponse to the Chalnrs lnqulry, the Ctty Attorney advlsed thatthe issue nay be resolved either by (1) contlnulng the bgllottng until a maJority vote l-s cast or. a nomlnee may rlthdnaw or by (2) contln-ulng the matter unt 1.1 the nert regular rneetlng of the Counc11. MOTION Conncllman Johns on .... 2 Cor.rncllman Thayer ..... 1Abstatning votes . ..... 2 CounclLman Rooth offened the suggestlon that those abstalning from votlng rlthdrawn themselves from the meetlng ln order that the lssue may be resolved mor:e expedltlously. Councllman l,ler.gan requested and was granted permlssl-on by the Chatrto be €xcus ed. Councllman l6ayen announced her uithdrawal as a candldate for theposltlon of Vlce Chalrman and requested penmisslon to be excused fnom the meetlng. PenmLssion was granted by the Chain. Mayon B5n:d requested a dlstrlbutlon of ballots for a nlnth polI end the nesult ras ennounced as follows: Councllman Johnson Councllman ThayenAbstalnlng votes 2 1 1 1 1 Councllmen Rooth neminded the remalnlng Csuncll members that Councllman Thayen had withdrawn her candldacy and the Ctty Attorney rulod that a vote may be taken only on those nemes placed ln nomlna t 1on. A tenth ba11ot taken was annotrnced as follows: Councll-man JohnsonAbstalning votes Councllman Jobnson was thereupon declaned duly elected to theposltlon of Vlce ChaLnman. ADJCURNI{ENT The rneetlng was negulanly ad Journed at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully s ubnl tted , K.rTEClty Cler:k ?49 the APPROVED: Andrew C. Mayon *+nCouncllman Byr:d placed the name of Courrcllrnan M6ngan ln nomlnatlon for the oositlon of Vice-Chalrmar, whc declined irominatlon. (Cor. APn. 21 , 1958) Byrd L1-drt *h