HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.04.07244 CALL TO ORDER A r egular meeting abcve given dato.in the Chah". Burllngare, Ca11f ornla Apr11 7, I95B of tho BturJ' Lngarm Clty Council was heLd on the Irleetlng called to orde at 8:00 p.m. - Lrtayor Rooth }'IUI.IICIPAL EI,ECTION DATE REUT]IDER Mayor Rooth nemlnded ttre electorate that Tuesday, Aprl1 B, 1958, wasthe date scheduled for t}lo Municlpal Electlon ln the Clty of Burllngame and urged all to exencLse thelr Anerlcan prLvllege by golngto the po1J-s ard t o cast thelr votes for two of the candldatos seeklngposJ,tlons on the Clty Councll ard the two munlclpaL bond Lssues. PIEDGE OF'ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chalr the Flag. all arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to ROLL CALL Present - Councllmen: Byrd.-Johnson-1,{organ-Rooth-ThayerAbsent - Councilmen: ltrone }{INUTES PRET/TOUS MMTING The mLnutos of the prevlous meetlng of Iilarch 17, 1958, as submltted to nrenbers of the Councl1, wono unanlmously approved and adopted upon motlon of Councilnsn BJrrd, seconded by CounclLnan Thayer and unanimously carrled. BIDS Mayor Rooth anriounc ed thst seai-ed proposals for resurfaclng portLons of Broadway r Burllngame Avenue, OccLdental Avenue and Grove Av€nue, scheduled to be recelvod by four p.m. on thls date and as stlpulatedln publlshed rrliotlce to Contractors' were pub1l c1y op6led and d.eclared as foIlov.'s: F. D. Sper!.y Co. Bu:r1lngarre, CalifornLa $55,r29.oo Douglass & Woodhouse Redwood ClQr, Callfornla 45,406. 80 L. C. Srnith Co. San I ateo, Call fonnla 41, O9l. 60 Fisk-Firenze -I,fclean, Inc . Burllngane, Californla 41r695.58 0. C. Jones & Sons 451559.40 Berkeley, California The Englneerts ostlnate for the abovementioned pro ject r.'as in the sum of $49,532.00. The r:ecomrendatLon of the clty l{anagerP thet tire 1ow bid of tho F. i. Sperry Co., be aecepted, was concurred ln upon mot lon of Councllman Bynd, nho lnbodrred snd moved adoptlon of RESOLUIION NO. 1?-58,rrAwardlng to F. D. Sporry Company, contract for ResurfacLng csrtaln Streots ln the Clty of Burllngaterr seconded by Councllnan Johnson 8nd r:nanimously carried upon roll cal-l of trembers. Councllman ltforgan, not5.ng the dlffenence betwoen the englneerlng estimste of cost and tbe cost stlpuleted l-n the bids, questloned whethor I 24L the funds ln excess thereof may be applled to resurface additional city streets. The City Englneer advl.sed thst the f\rnds ln question are derived from gas tax morries and should the storm sewen bondj.ssue fai1, the ftrnd s Ln oxcess of the Eng'j.n€ er I s estlrrate sha1l be reserved for the r.e sunfacLng of Oak Grove Avenue. CO},O.{IIN]CATIOl{S 1.IAT.NMI CE SORENSEN A PPOTNTM ENGI}IEM ]}iG AS SI STAilT A communi cat lon dat ed Ap::11 3, 1958, was read from the City llanager' advislng that Mr. George llechette, Englneerirlg Asslstant, has been summoned lnto Federal servlce. It was the ::ecommendatlon of the City I{anager that I'lr. Lan!:e nce Sorensen, the next eligibJ.e candidate on the Clvil Ser:vice 1lst, be appointed, effectlve Aprll B, 1958. Questloned by the ChaLr on the status of the posLtion of the former Englneerlng Assistant, the Clty l,lanag er advLsed that lt{r. Frechette re-talns the rlght to return to hls posltion and the ners csndidate sha1l be employed on a condL tional basls. CouncLhBn BJrrd moved thst the Council concur ln the recomnendatLon of the Clty liianager arrd that Mr. Lavre nce Sorensen be appolnted and not-lfled of the status of hls employment. The motlon was seconded by Councl lre'n Johnson ard unanlmously carried. 2. E. E. HIJ}MLET PROPOSAL TO ALTEVIATE DRAINACE PROBLEI,,I A letter dated Aprl1 4, 1958, from the Clty Manager, advlsed the Councllof a co mrnrnl catl on neceived frorn lIr. E. E. Huntley, proposlng a remedyto ease the dratna6o problera on Californla Drlve. ft was the.recommenda- tion d ttre Ctty I'Tanager that action be wlthheld pendlng the nesult ofthe storm sewer bond Lssue vote. There being no objectlons, ttre srbJect was held untLl the next regular' meetlng of the City Councl1. 3. CI{ANGE ANGLE OF PARKING ON BROADWAY AUTEONIZM A comnnrnl cat ion dated April 4, 1958, f rom the City Malag er, advlsed that followlng a study and revlew by both hls office arrd the Ilealth and Safe ty Comnisslon, Lt Tas_r€commended that the angl e of parking Broadway be changed from a 29u angle to a 25o angIe. on Questloned by the Chalr on the appropriate procedure to create the change, the Clty ldanager advl sed that subsequent to CouncLl appnoval,the projoct shal1 be scheduLed as soon as convenlent, by the Depar.tmentof Pub1lc Works. The City Englneer replled to Counc l1man B;rrd t s lnqul-rles concernlng ttr e proposed change ln relatlon to State traffic standards, by advls-lng the Council that the State wlll- not approve the e:rperditure ofgas tax funds on major clty streets unless the angle of panking lspara1le1. Councilnan ldorgan suggested tbatbasls Lna.srmeh as the merchants the proposed change. the matter be resolved on a compromise on Broadway have urgeatly requested Follorvlng a bnlef dLscusslon, CouncL lrnar B5rrd moved that the concur and that the angle of parking be changed as proposed, by Councilnan l{organ and ulanlmously carried. 4. SA}I ]'IIATEO COUNTY FIESTA EDITTON PUBLICITY Councl l s e c ondec] A communication from the City L{ana ger, d ated April 1, !958, concernlngthe cltyrg partic5-pation 1n the San ldateo County Fiesta Edition, to bepublished by the Advance-Star and the Redwood Clty Triburi€ e eras r€-ferred to the Burl lngame Chamber of Cornmerce for action. OADtiZ.Lr 5. CIAII,IS - CIiABLES R. GARNIN: ANN NORBERG A comnunlcatlon dated Aprl1 3, 1958, firom the Ctty L1ana€er, r'ecomnsnd-ing a clalm from }1r. Charles R. Garnln ln tho amount of $95.59 for an alleged broken water main and a claLm from l&.s. Ann Norberg for" $765.00 for a1 1-oged danages caused by a santtary sower 1lne, be re Jectedand ref err"ed to the cl ty r s lnsurerce canler, was c oncurred ln upon motLon of Councllnan lliorgan r seconded by Counellnan Johnson and unan- Lnously carrl,ed. fn response to CouncLl 1,nqu1rLes, the Clty }laneger advlsed that the abovementLoned cfalms have no boarlng on ttre :recent floods. 6. GOLDEN ANNMRSARY COIIi'ITTXE iETITIo]'i FoR FU]DS A comnnrnl catlon dated March 31 , 1958, recolved frolc the Burllngame Golden Annlversary Finance Con-nittee, petltlonlng the Council for an allowance of $5rooo to be applled t oward funds to commemorate the cltytg Golden Annlversary yoar, vras held for study, wlth actlon to be takenat the next regular meetlng of the Council. 7. PABK C0]'D;IISSION APPOINIDIENT RECOMI'4ENDATI0N A comrm:ni cat ion dated March 25r-1958, uas road fron the Park Commls-slon, advlslng of the reslgnatl,on of ldr.s. Ethel Baseh and re commendlng the appointment of ltrs. Vlncent korn, 2671 Sumdt D:r.1ve, Burllngane. The Clty Clerk was lnstructed tc r€quest ttre secretary of the Park Commlsslon to dlrect the reslgnatlon to t'}.e attentlon of the City Counc11. RSSOLUTlONS RESOLUTION NO. 18-58 rAcce ptlng Proposal of Wl1sey & Ham for Englneer-lng Servlces for the DesLgn of a Twelve Inch ltlater Transmlssion Llne fuom the Mll1s Estate Boundary to the Exlstlng Skyllne Resorvoirrr(Froposal presented lIarch 1?, 1958 Councl,l rneetlng) nas introduced by Councllnan Mor:gan rrho noved its passage, seoonded by Councllr,an Johns on and Unenlmously adopted upon ro11 ca}1. oRDII{ANCES - Consl-deratlon of oEDIli'AliCE li0. 671 nAmendlng Section gO4, Artlcle 5O, Part X of the OidinanCe Corie- bf th6 Clty of Br:rllngarne Dlvldlng the Clty lnto Dls-tricts By Reclasslfying Lots lt 2, 3, 4, 5, 6t 7, 8r 9t 1Or If, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Block 3 and Lots 3r 4,5, 61 7, B,9, 10, 1"1, L2,l-3, 14, Block 1, Ray Park Subdivlslon from a Thlrd Resldential (I[u1t1-Fanl1y ) olstrlct to a Second Resldential Distrfctt was glvenLts second re adLng ard on motLon of Councllman Byrd, s econded. by Councilman Johnson, sald ordlnance passed Lts second reedLng and was adopted by the follovlng voto: Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd - Johnso n-l,iiorgan -Rooth-TbayerNoes: Cou:rcl1men: IIoneAbsent: CouncLlnen: None oFDI NANCE NO. 676 rAnnexln gto the Ctty of Burl lngame CertaLn Un-as tThe Norberg Propertyrrr was glveninhablted Terrltory DesLgnatedlts second readlng and on motlon of CouncLlmsn Byrd, seconded by C ouncl lrman Thayer, sald ordLnance passed lts second readlng and iras adopted by tho folloulng vote: AJres: Councllmen: Byrd-Johnson-I,{organ-Rooth-ThayerNoes: CouncLfmen: IloneAbsent: Councll-men: lione ORDII'IAI{CE NO. 674 IAmendi.ng SectLon 1999.1- of tho ErrJ. lngame Ordlnanc e 243 Qode Establlshlng Flre Zono If Wlthin the City Ry V/lthdrawing Lots 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 1I, 12, l-3, l-4 and 15, Block 10 and Lotsl, 2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, !2,43, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block 7,Mtlls Estate No. 3, From Flre Zone IIlrr was glven Lts second readlng and on motlon of Councllmerr Joturson, seconded by Councllman Byrd, sald ordlnance passed lts second readlng errd Gas adopted by th€ followlng vote:Ayes: Councllmon: Byrd-Johnson-llcr8an-Rcoth-ThayerNoesl Councllmen: NoneAbsent: Councllmen: None CIIY I,IAI{AGER NEPORTS City Malager Reports, under dates of Aprll 3 and Aprll 4, 1958 tr€re read and acknowledged as follows: (a) Commendati on to clty departments on coondlnated efforts durlngrecent flood emergency recelved fnom Llerchants Corudttee of the Burl ingare Chamber of Commerce; (b) llotlflcatlon fnon State Dlvlslon of Illghway sasslst the Clty ln the ro-deslgnlng of the lslandof Bnoadway and Ro11lns Road; of at fts ti:e agreement to lnter"sectlon (.) Notlflcation from State Dlvislon of Hlghways that a trafflc sur- vey lndlcated lnsufflclent rarrant s to justlfy trafflc signal ln-stallatLon at elther of the Lntersectlons of E1 Camlno and lbousdaleor E1 Camlno and ldurchlson Drlves; and (d) Study Sess5,on Items: (1) Change ln angle of parklng on &oadway;(2) Broadway Ltghtlng Assessrent Dlstrlct; (3) Dog Controt Contract; anC (4 ) 1..{1s ce}l aneous l,{atters. UIIFIJ.I]SHD BUSINESS None NEII' BUSINESS None COMIIENTS FROIII AUDIENCE At the request of E. E. Huntley, Chalrman, Pub1lc Health ard Safb ty Cornmis sl on, the City Manager read the follovrrlng re c om:end,atL ors sub-mltted by the Commlsslon, ln addltlon to that proposlng a change lnthe angle of part<lng on Br oailway: (1) that trucks and buses be con-flned to loading zones ancl (2) tnat trucks be permltteal to park for3a mlnlmrm of flfteen nlnutes. The clty Manager advlsed t hat the necommend.atlons sha1l be referredto the Pollce Department. ADJOIIRNI.,MIT The neetlng was thereafter regulerly adjourned at B:50 p.m. Respe ctfully submlt ted, Herbert K. WhlteCity Clerk s W. RoothChar Idayor M