HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.03.17ta<t4eta) Burlingame, Californla Mar ch l-7 1958 qALI, TO ORDER A regular meeting of the BurlLngame City Council was held on the above given date. M6eting ca11ed to o:rder at 8:OO p.m. - Mayor Rooth in the Cha ir. PLMGE OF ALLEGIA].{CE At word from the Chair, all Pledge of Al-legiance to the NOLL CALL Present - Councllmen: Absent - Councll-men: ACKNOWLEDGE},'ENTS the Councll Chambor arose and gave the 48. in F1 Byr:d -Johnson-Idorgan -R ooth-Thaye r None Mayor Rooth and nembers of the Council took cognizance of the date, I{arch l-7, and acknowledged. the commernoration of St. Patrickt s Day, hon- oring the Patron Saint ol freland. Students from the Burl lngame Intermediate School and Burllngame High School- were welcomed by Mayor Rooth on behaff of the Clty Council. BTDS CI.ORTNATION & SLI]DGE HEATING FACILTTfES SEI''.IAGE DISPOSAL PLANT l,{ayor Rooth announced tLrat thls was the tlme and place scheduled in ccnfornance wltir Advertlsement to Bidders, to receive blds for the con-struction of Chlorinatlon and Sludge Heating Facil!-ties, whereupon saidblds were opened. and decl-ared as f oll-ows: Schedul e {A rr Sciredule trBrr Items I 4 inc. Oscar C. Holne s, Inc. Redwood City, Cafif.fizz,zzz.oo $ e,zoo.oo S&QConstructionCo. So. San Francisbo, Cal-if .$24,619. oo $ao, ses. oo $ 6,724.oo $ B,roo.ooC. Norman Peterson, Tnc. Berko 1ey, Cal- rrf . Kenneth S. ScheyerEl Cemito, CaI if.128,170. OO $10 ,40o. oo Pred J. Earllr, Jr. Co., fnc. San Francisco, Callf.5zs,41z.oo $ ?,soo.oo Bid bonds accornpanled the foregoing. The bitls were referred to the City Engineer and to the Clty Attorney f or review and recomrnendati on prior to ad.journment. I{EAR TNGS (A) ANNIDGTTON OF ,NORBERG PROPERTY.I' Mayor Rooth announc ed that tois was the time and place scheduled asIegal requirements and approprlate notificatLon to conduct a hearingthe proposed annexatl.on of uninhabited tercitory designated as thetrNorberg Property'r . per on Item 5 286 .No person having appeared to object to said proposed annexation, Councllman Byrd introduced for first reading,ORDfNA}iCE NO 673 , 'AnOrdlnance Annexing to the City of Burlingar'ae Certain UnirhabitedTeritory Designated as tThe Norberg Propertyr ". (b) ABANDOIII,IENT DRAINAGE EASEITTd]trT, UNIT NO. 5, MfLLSDALE PARK The Chair arrnouneed that in eonformance u.,ith provisions descrlbed ln Resolution No. 8-58, declaring the intention of the clty to vacate and abandon a d.ralnage easement indlcated on lvlap of Unit No. 5, I{l11sda1eIndustrial Park, Burlingame, a public hearing v:as scheduled on this date. There being no protests received, Councll-man Morgan introduced and mov ed the passage of RESOLTITfON NO. l-2-58'r0rderin g the Vacation and Abandonrrent of a Certain Easement as Shown on that Certain Map E:)tttledt-r-Init No. 5, l,(iiIsdale fndustria]. Park, Burlingame, San Mateo County, Californiarrr seconded by Councilrnan Johns on and unanimously ad.opted. on ro11 ca1]. COivll,lullICAT IONS f . FTt.iAL i',,IA! TNGOID-I,,ITLLSDALd INDUSTRIAL CEJflTER APPROVM A communication dated March 14, 1958, was read from the Ctty lilanager, concurrlng in a reconmendatlon subnltted by the Planning Commission, under date of February 25, 1958, that th6 final- nap of the fngold-lvlil,lsdale fndustrial- Center be adopted and advislng further that the map sJrd portlnent documents have met nrlth the approval of the Clty EngLneer and the City Attorney. Councifman Thayer introduced and moved the passage of RESOLT]TTON NO. 13-sB , 'tApproving Flnal l{ap Entitled ? Ingold -}diIf sdale IndustriaLCenter, Burlingare, San Mat eo County, Californiar and Directing Execution of Agreement to Construct Public fmprovementsrt seconded by Councilman Johnson a rrd. unanlmously adooted upon ro11 cal-1 of members. 2. FIRE ZONE C}IA}IGES RECOII'A]\TDED IN SECTION OF }IILLS ESTATE A communication dated ldareh 14, 1958, was read from the City Manager,advising that an lnvestigation has been rnede subsequont to a r"equest for an ad Justment in the f i.re Zone along L{arco Polo tr[tay in the i{il1s-Estate. The Coulcil was advlsed that it lva s tLre reconanendation of theFlre Comnission, the Fire Chief and the offlce of the City Managerthat the appropriate legislation be enacted to place the abovementioned area into a number three (3) Fire Zone. ORDINAI'iCE NO. 674 'An ordinance Arnnd,ing Section 1999.1- of Burl inga"re Ordinance Code Establ-lshlng Fire Zone IL Wtthin By Withdrau'ing Lots L, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, gr.LO, l-L, 12,15, Block 10, and tots 1, 21 3r 4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, ll-, 15, 16.and 17, Block 6, Mills Bstd e No. 3, From Flre Zone lntroduced for first readlng by Council-man Johnson. the the City13, 14 and12, 13, 14,fIln was 3. REqUEST TO CHAJ'JGE ANGTE OF PANKTN(} ON BROAD'JVAY A communlcati-on, dated Marcn 15, 1958, was read from the City Manager,ad'rislng that tlle Broadway Development Associatlon has recommended a change in the degree of parklng on Broadway to perrnit an additlonal-four feet of space for the conter traffic 1ane. The City Manager recommended that the proposal be eonsidered at a study rneetlng of the Counci] on Monday, March 24, 1958, at ?:OO p.n. Councilman Morgan moved that the Council- concur with the recommendationof the City l,{anager, seconded by Counci lman By:rd and unanLmouslycarried. The City Clerk was instmcted to so notify lnterested persons. 4. RESIGNATION SUSAIi J. LIEDKIE: APPOINTI{EIIT PEARL NOLTE , CLERKlS OFFICE A ]etter dated March l{arch }4, l-958, from the Cltv Manager, advised of 237 the resignation of }lrs. Susan J. Lledkie, StenoErapher the Offiee of the City Clerk and a re co mmendatj. on that ment be made to fill the vacancy from the eliglble list po_si ti on. Clerk in an appoint -for said Council-nran Morgan moved that the next ellglbIe on the llst, ldrs. Pearl Nolte, be appolnted, effectlve April l-5, 1958, subJe ct to the required rules and regulations of ClviI Service, seconded by Councl l man Thayer and unanlmously camled. 5. STATE lmllo OF AGREEMENT: RESIJRFACING PoRTION BROADVTAY GROV}4 AVENIIE,BURLINGAME AVENUE AND OCCIDENTAL AVENUE A eommunicatlon dated March 14, 1958, was read from the City ldanag er, re cormendlng (1) the adoptlon of a resolutlon approving nremorandum of a.g'eement with the State Dlvlsion of Hig-hways for the expenditure of gas tax monies for the resurfacing of a portion of Broadway, Grove Avenue, Burf ingame and Oecldental Avenue and (2) the adoptionof a resolution authorizing the advertising for blds to be opened at 4:OO p.m., April 7, 1958, subsequent to u'hich the 1ow bid shall be presented to Council for award. RESOTUTION NO. 14-58 iAdoptins Br-rd get ald Approvlng Second Supplementalof L(emoranalurl of Agr€6ment for Hpend.iture of Gas Tax Allocatlon for Major City Streetsrr (Resurfacing abovementioned streets) was lntro- duced by Councilman l,{organ, who moved lts adoption, seconded by Councilman Byrd and unaninousfy carried upon ro11 cal-] of members. Councilman Byrd introduced and moved tho passage olrAuthorl zing and Directing the Reception and Openifor the Resurfacing of Portions of Broadway, Burli Occldental Avenue and Grove Avenuen seconded by Co adopted unanimously upon ro11 call of merdcers. f RESOTUTION NO. 1s-s8 ng of Sealed Proposals ngame Avenue, unc i]man Johnson and In response to Council lnqui.ries, the City Englneer advlsed that theengineerlng estimate of cost for the total project \[as b531747.OO. CITY }/IANAGER REPCR TS (Da te d l.{arch l-4 , 1958 ) (a)PERSO ]{}IEL A SSISTA]{CE FOR PARK DEPARTIIIE]. 7 ls be ing shorrrn in a fl-uorescent type of lighti ng. the CLty I',{anager that upon receipt of an estlmate1lghtlng, the appropriate procedure would be Llght ing fmprovenont Dlstri ct. (b) CO},{I,TUTMSI PARKI},IG LOT ON BROADY.J'AY A report that another driveway to provi.de lnaress and erress to thecomfiuterst parking l-ot on Caflfornia Drive and Broadway is superfluousat this time, was received, acknowledged and placed on fife. (c) SPOT LTGHT OI'I STREET LTG{T STANDARD IiVIPRACTTCAL fn response to a request from a 1oca1 merchant to place a spot light on a clty street llght standard, an investigation determlned theproposal impractical for several reasons. A notice was dlrected tobe forwarded to the mana6ement. (d) ri\iCEEASE IN I,TGHTING FACTLITTES F0R BUSII{ESS DISTRTCT The hll3hest lncand.escent lamps are pt"esentl-y ln use on BurJ.ingame Avenue; mercury vapor fj.xturos w oul-d provide nore l-ighting. On Bro adway, Lnte res t rt of to was recorulended bycost of fluorescentestablish a Stre e t advis ing the exi s ting A brief dlscussi on arese thereaf ter, vritir the City l"{ana gerthat the lighting on Bro adway ney be improved by replacing A recoilnendatlon that two temporary employees be engaged for the Park Department for a poriod of one month, was concurred in by the Council. 238 facllltles with 15,OOO lumen lncandescent larps; hof,ever, the rcrchants favored a more modern tJrpe of iJ.lumlnatlon. The Ctty Englneer advised that the cost to chalge each transformor ard the pole to accornodate the increased powen would approxlmate $3O.OO.The subject vras held pending fur"ther r"eport from the City Managen onthe progress of the f caemtlon of the Stneet Llghting fmproverrcntDlstrlct. (e )TRIAL BASTS FOR N]J!I! MODERN.TYPE PARK]NG I{ETERS The Corrncll concurred ln the recommendatlon of the City Manager that the Ctty accopt a free slx months offer to try new modern type MIIJ-er Meters, at no cost or placine the Clty unden no obligation. (f)PROPOSAL COUNTY ASSUME DOG CONTROL SERVICE A necommendatlon that the County essune tho Cityts dog control servlee expense and the coflection of fees, commenclne th6 nexb flscal year, was aclorowl edged and the subject held for study at the speclal Councll study sesslon, lrarch 24, L958. REPORTS OF OFF]CERS Reports from tiE DepartrEnt of PubLic Works and the Pollce DepantrEnt, for tlre l(onth of February, 1958, were acknowledged and placed on flle. REFERENCE TO SEIUAGE PI,ANT ]I{PROVdIItUNTS: CONTRACT AWARD CIW Engineer Marr, following a review of the bids receLved for Im-provo[Ents at the Sewago Disposal P]-ant, recomnpnded that the contract be awarded to the lowest responslble bldden, 0scar C. Holmes, Inc., 1n the total sun of $3o,422.OO Counci l nral ivlorgan, speaking as Chairnan of the Cotmcil FLnance Committee, advlsed that the sum ls avallable and re comnpnded that tho proJect be comrnenced. A motlon was thereupon lntroduced by Counci lman Morganthat the Council concur ln the recomnendatl.on of the Clty Englneer and that the contract be awarded to Oscar C. Holmes, Inc., RedwoodClty, Callfornia, in the total sum of $3Or422.OO as per bld quotatlon. The motlon wes seconCed by Cotrncll-man Johnson and unanlnously carrled. RESOLUTIONS Councllman Ryrd comrnented bniefly on hls activlties as a member of a county commlttee appointed to explore the posslbility whereby the County, by somo form of subvention or on a matching fund basls, mayasslst the cltles in the malntenance of its streets. Councllman Byrd advlsed that a r.esolutlon proposing an equitable formufafor the allocatlon of gas tax monLes has been prepaned for presentatlonto the County Board of Supervlsors. RESOLUTION NO. l-6-58 "Re questing the County Supervisors to Adopt aFair and Equitable FormuLa for Dlstnlbutlon of Gasoline Tax Monlesfor County Roads and City Streetstr was lntr:oduced by Councllman Byrd, who moved Lts pessage. The motlon was second.ed by Council-nan Johnsonald unanlmously adopted upon ro11 ca1l. Councl lrnan Byrd moved tbat li[ayor Robert D. PrLce of the Clty of Safl Bruno, representing an assoclatlon of county-rlde clty nayons, benotifled, by letter, of the sctlon recor.ded above, soconded by Councllman Morgan and unanimously carried. ORDI NAl{ CES - Consideratlon of: ORDI NANCE N0 6?2 rrAmendin g Sectlon ).429.7 of the Ord.lnance Code ofthe Clty of Bur i.lngame Prohlbltlng the Dlspenslng of fnflammableLlqulds to the Publ-ic by Unattended Dlspenslng DevLces in the Cltyof Bu!:llngalre ?r was given lts second reading and upon motlon of CounclLrnan llorgan, seconded by Councllman Byrd, sald ordlnance passed its second readlng and vras adopted by the following vote: 239 ln at tend -plans for Ayes: Noes: Absent: Counc llmen: C ounci lmen: Councilmen: Byrd - John s on- L'lorg an-Ro oth-Thaye r None None UNF]NISH}:]D BUSINESS 1. PROPOSAL FCR ENGfNEERING SRVICES, WATER SYSTEM EXT}lllSIOl{ C ounci l-rnan hlorg an referned to a coffmunlca ti on dated Mareh 14, 1958, recelved from Wilsey & Ham, Engineers, offerins a proposal for engin- eerlng services for the design of a twelve-inch transmission line from the Mil-f s Estate boundary to the City:s Skyllne reservoir. Councilman Morgan noted that the proposed extension to the r/ater sJrstem wlll ade-quately serve the residents located in ttre hill section of the City. The Clty L,tana ger recommended that the proposal f romthe engineering firm of VJilsey & Han be accepted. Mr. llowand fmus, Chairman of the Publlc Utl1ltles Com'rdssion, aJrce, announced tirat Corlqlissionls endorsement of the proposeil the impro ve nren t. Councilmal }.forgan aoved that the CounciI concur and that the engineer- lnf firm of Wilsey & Ham be employed atihe fee proposed; i.e. 6-l/Z of the actual construction costs or )2,25O.OO, whichever is greater. The raotlon was seconded. by Councllnan Thayer and unalimously carried. 2. PUBTICITY RE: PUBLIC UTILIIY C0hli,lISSfOl,J- None CIA f }iIS Claims, for the Month of March, )-958, Nos. Ll'777 to 1l-925 ln the total amount of ,$66r549.86, duly audlted, lEre approved and warrants otdereddrawn on the City Tre asur:y in their respectlve amounts, upon motion of Councllman Morgan, seconded by Councilman Thayer end unanLmously carried. PAYROLL Payr.oll warrants, for the'l{onth of February, '1958, Nos. 3970-4553, inthe amount ot *67,774.14, were approved upon motion of Counci Iman ldorgan, seconded. by Cowrci lman Johnson and uriariinous Iy carried. ADJ0URI'lidmiT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:IO p.m. VED HENBERT K. "JHII]EC l ty Cl-erk IIayor Cha Rooth Councilman JoLrnson, in clarlfying a recent newspaper article publl- cizing the dl spleasure of the Publlc Utlliti. Commission on not receiv- 1ng offlcial response to its inquiry concerning the status of the Commission, referred to the minutes of February 3, 1958, in whico a co mmunj,cat lon was lnstructed to be forwarded to the Publ-lc Utillty Commisslon. l1r. Howard Imus, Chairman of tlre Commlssion, i.n att6nd.ance, acknowledged the clarification ard accepted an apology for the oversight. NEW BUS]NESS Respe ctfully submltted, Jerhrt/r ""4{T