HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.03.03oeD1l) L! Bur'llngame r Callf ornla i'danch 3, 1958 CALL TO ORDER A reguJ-ar meetlng of the BurJ.lngame Clty Councll was held on the above given date. I{eetlng called to order at 8!OO p.m. - Mayorl Rooth in the Chab. PLIIDGE OF ALIT:GIANCE At word from ldayor Rootb, a1I ln the Councll Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Tho ml-nutes of the provlous meetlng of February 17, 1958, were amended to lnclude the Clty Engineenrs me rno to the Clty lrlanager dated tr'ebruary 6, 1958, quotlng an engineerlng estlmate of $57rO29.OOfor Sewago Disposal Plant Improvements and upon motlon of Councllman Byrd, seconded by Councllman Joblson and unani.mousfy carried the mlnutes were epproved and adopted. COMI,IUNICATIONS l-. REZOXING SECTIONS BLOCKS ] & 3 RAY PARK SUBDWISION (Albermarlo way) A comrmrnLcation dated February 28, l-958, was read from the CLty Manager, concurning in a recomrnend,atlon recelved fnom the Pl-anning Comrrission, dated February 25, 1958, that a designat€d area on Al-bemarle Way bo rezoned from a R-5 Dlstrict to a R-2 Dlstrlct. oRD I trAN@-Irc 6?I rAmendlng Section 1904, Article 50, Part X of theGdlfficlfu-of the cltf of Burlingame Di.rtding the ctty fntoDlstricts By Reclassifylng Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,1I, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, J-7, Block 3 and Lots 3r 4,5r 61 7r 8r 9, 10, 11, J-2, L3, 14, Block 1, Ray Park SubdlvisLon from a Thlrd Resldential ( I'{u1t t -Fandly ) Dlstrlct to a Second Resldontla} Dls-trlcti was lntroduced by Councllman Morgan and glven f l-rst reading. 2. PROPOSM ORDTNANCE DEFTNTNG NMOTEL.II A communlcatlon dated February 28, 1958, .fron the Clty ldanager, advlsed of the concurrencg of that Offlce with a recommendatlon subnltted by the Plannlng Comnission that Sectlons l-903 and 1971of the Zonlng Ordinance be a monded to lnclude a deflnltlon of trmoteltr and parklng requlrements pertlnent to such l-and use. The City Attorney was instructed to Zoning Ordinance as recommendod for meetlng of th6 C ounc iJ.. pE epare an amondment to theintroduction at the next :regular 3. SET BACK L]ITE PROPOSM FOR I}IDUSTRIAL ZOTES - HEARING SCHh]DULED A recomrnendatlon from the Plannlng Commission, in a Letter dated February 25, 1958, proposlng an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to provlde a ten foot set back in Industr.laL Zones and concumedln by the Clty Manager, under date of February 28, 1958, was ack- nowJ,edged and the subject held for public hearing at a regular meetl-ng of the City Councl1, Aprll 21, 195a. Present - Councilmen: Byrd -Johns on -ldorgan-Ro oth-Thayer Absent - Councllmen: None I,IINIITES PREVTOUS MMTING. qDD lJ, ) ") 4 LOT FRONTAGE REqUIREMEI,.ITS - HUAR]NG SCHEDUL'ID A communication from the Clty ldanager, dated February 28, 1958, endorsing the Planning Conrmissionrs proposaf to amend Paragraph D -rl,ot Llnritations and Lot Requirernentsr of Section 1926 of the Ordinance Code, was acknowledged and a publlc hearing on the subJect scheduled for the regular meeting of the Cor:ncil, April 21, 1958. 5. STANDARD OIL CO. . TDET&ATER OTL CO. . COMRACT AWANDS A recommend.ation from the City Manager, in a communication dated February 26, l-958, that the Standard Oil Company be awar:ded the bld for furnlshing Regular Gr:ade Gasol-ine at .1873y' per galIon and the Tidewater Oil Conpany for funnishtng Ethyl Grade Gasollne at .2188per gallon, for a tvrelve -rnonth period, was concurred in upon motj.on of Councllman Byrd, seconded by Councilman Johnson and r:nanimously carried. 6 PET]TTON TO PRUNE TREES ON OAK GRO\TE A}ID LII\DEN AVENI]ES A communicatlon dated February 27, L958, was read from the City ldanager, stating that a petition has been recelved from property o,rners request-lng the pruning of eucalyptus trees on Oak Grove Avenue near Linden Avenue and advising that serviclng shall be done in accordance with a schodule of priorities and avail-able manpolver. The Clty l,[anager was requested to investigate and to report tc the Council- whether there is a current ellglble J.lst fon lark Department employees and lf so, whether funds are available to engage additional park personneJ-. 7. PROPOSED CHANGES ]N FIRE ZONES A comrunlcation dated February 28, 1958, was read. from the l-an firm of Anderson and McMlllan, Burlingame, requesting that (1) Lots 2 and 3, BJ-ock IO, l,{111s Estate No. 3, owned by the ?ringle Construction Company,recently rezoned from C-5 to R-3 Zone and (2) the southerly l5O feetof Lot 3, Block 8 of Burllngame Land Company Subdivision, ov,a-re d by the BelLevue Corporation, presentfy zoned R-4 but conterrplated for apart- ment use, be placed ln Flro Zone IJo. 3. 8. CITIT ATTORNEY AUTHORIreD TO REPRESENT CTTY A comnuni cati on dated I'ebruary 28, 1958, ftom the City Attornelr, re-questing authorization to represent the City in an action initiated.by the Peninsula Jewish Communi ty Center, fnc., a capltal corporation,seeking an order to exempt property owned by the pLalntlffs withln theClty of Burllngame from taxatlon, was acknowledged and the City Attorneythereafter authonized to ropresent the City and, on i.ts behalf, takeany necessary or proper action in the proceedings. CTTY MANAGER REPORTS (a)Electrol-ysls Breakage at Recreation Center. (c) Pre-Councll and Study Meetin Reconmendatlon that (1) th6 7:OO p.m. Pre-Counc j.l- sessi.cn be held inthe conference room of the City Councll and (2) that, in addltlon, onestudy session be held per month, the same to be at a regularly schar'l_edset tims. Recommendation that a wator pipe breakage at the Recreation Center, dueto electrolysls in the pipes, be coreeted by the installation of over- head plping, was concurced in upon motion of Counclfnan Byrd. Councl-l- man Morgan in seconding the motlon, noteci that th6 report advised thatsaid bnoakage had occumed proviously; however, tho Councll were not aware of the conditlon prlor to thls instance. Tkre motion was thene-after unanirnously carried. (b ) Lighting ln \tlasington Park. i- Recommendatlon .that tho proJect of adequate and. proper llghting inItashington Park be consid.ered by the Park Commisslon. The report was acknowledged. and placed on filo. 284 Councllnan Byrd moved that the Council concur, and that the fou::th l{onday of each month be resorved as a study session, provlded an agenda and advance notificatlon is received fr.om the Clty i{anager that gald s6ssion is warranted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimously carr i ed. REPORTS FROM OF!']CERS Mlnutes and/ or reports frcrn the Commission, the Park CommLs s lon and placed on fi1e. Recreation Department, the Planning and the Public Library, were acknowledged C OM}fUI{ICATIONS A corurunication from Angelo Dellacassa, L4l Victorla Road, dated February 28, l-958, addressed to the l,{ayor, concerning a proposed improvement to the above-montioned premises, uas referred to theClty Manager for proper disposition. None ONDINANCES Introducti on of: ORDINANCE NO. 672 trAmending Section 1429.7 of th6 Ord.lnance Codeof the City of Burlingamo Prohibiting the Dispensing of fnflammableLiquids to the Public by Unattended Dispensing VehicJ-es i.n the City of Burllngamett was introduced for first reading by Councilman Byrd. UNF'INTSHM BUSTNESS Nono NEW BUSINESS l-. Sewen Plant Improvement s fn response to Councilman Morgan t s . inqulrios lmprovements, the City krgineer advised thatstructed one and contemplate const?uction of drylng bedi at a nomlnal cost to the clty. concerning sewer plant city forces have con- an additional trslud.ge 2. Request for better lishtine fac il i tie s Councilman Morgan advised that permlssion has been requested fromthe management of the newl-y opened Christian of Copenhagen, Inc., estab1ishment to eroct a special light on the electric s tand.ard lnfront of the store at no cost to the city. The above request lnltiated a brief discusslon on the subJect ofproviding a more adequate llghting service for the business districtof the city by increasi.ng the wattago. The City i'{anage r was instruc- ted to investigate and to submit a report to the Councll. Council-man Johnson expressed her pleasure on the opening of tLreChristian of Copenhagon establLshment on Burlingame Avenue aadplimented Counc lJ.man Morgan on his paintlngs displayed on the me zzanjne of Chri stlan I s. new com- ADJOURN},{ENT The meeting was thereafter regularly ad Jounned at 8:45 p.n. Respectfully submJ.tted, Herbert Clty K. APPROVM: rles W. Root I{ayor Clerk te RESOLUTIONS 3. C ormendat ions