HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.02.03CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of glven date. Meetlngthe Chalr. - Councllmen: - Councilmen: Burlingame, Calif ornia February 3, 1958 the Burllngane City Council was held on the above call-ed to order at 8:OO p.m. - Mayor Rooth 1n Byrd -Johns on-lrlorga.n-Rooth-Thayer None At word from Mayor Rooth aII ln the Couneil- Chaaber arose and gave tho Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROIL CALL Pre sent Abs ent MINUTES PREVTOUS ME}'TING The mlnutes of the previous meeting of January 20, 1958r upon motion of Councllman Byrd and seconded by Councilrnan Johason, were amend incl-ude the comp lete tlt]-e of RESOLUTION NO. 6-58 trOrderi ng and Ca Munlclpal Election to be HeId 1n the City of Burlingame on Apri 1958, for the Purpose of Electlng lVo i{embers of the City Councll; Provldlng for the ConsolldatLon of the Regul-ar . Elect lon Precincts For Conductlng Sald General Municlpal Election; and Flxing Po1}lng Places and Deslgnatlng Offlcers of Sald General }luniclpal Electlonr' adopted on the abovementloned date. The mlnutos were thereafter aporoved as amended and adopted upon motlon of Councll-nan Byrd, seconded by Councilman Thayer and unanimousJ-y carrled. C OMI,{IJNICAT IONS ].. TENTATTVE MAP INGOTD MILLSDAI,E II..IDUSTR IAL CE}STER APPROVED A comnmnicatlon dated January 28, 1958, from the Planning Corutrisslon, advised that upon thorough revl-ew of a Tentatlve Map of the proposed subdlviston entltfed ilngold liililfsdale fndustrlal Centerr!' the members were of the unani mous oplnlon that the map as submLtted was acceptable and lts adoptlon was recomnended. The City Manager and the Clty Ehglneer, Ln response to Councll inqulrles,lndicated their appnoval. Coulcilnan Thayer moved that the Tentative Map of the proposed IngoldlndustrLal Center be appr"oved, seconded by Councilman Byrd and unanlmously carrLed. 2. RECLASSIFICATIO].[ LOTS 1-15.BLOCK 10, MILLS ESTATE NO. 5 A commrnlcatlon, dated January 28, l-958, was read from the Plannlng Commlssion, recommendlng that the area ln the Mi1ls Estate, cornprislng the eight lots frontlng on Marco Po1.o Yrray, the three on Clarice Lane and the fou:: on SequoLa Avenue be reclasslfled from a C-5 Zone to an R-5 Zone. 46? The Counc il concumed and ORD f NANCE NO ma An Ondinanee Amend.ingSectlon 19O4, Articl-e 50, Part X of t Oidinance Code of the Cttyof Bur,lingarno Dlvldlng th6 Clty Into Dlstrlcts By ReclasslfylngLots 1, 2,3r 41 51 61 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 14 and 15, Block lO, Ml11s Estate Map No. 5, Burllngame, Californla, trbom a Third ComrnercialDistrlct (Pr:ofessional BusLness, C-3) to a Third Residentlal (I{u}t1- Family Dvro1l1ngs, R-3) District was introduced by Councilman Johnsonfor first readlng. ed to a11lng 1 8, 217 PLMGE OF ALLEGIANCE 218 3. PRIORITY RECOM}IEilDM FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEi{ENTS A comra.rnlcatlon dated Feb::uary 3, 1958, was read from tho Pl-annlng Comrd.sslon, 1n rhich the Councll was advised that lt was tho unanlmous opLnlon of the Commlssion that the questlon of ctty capltal lmprovo- ments merlts contlnued study. Authonlzatlon was requestod to penmlt the Plannlng Com,nlsslon to sollclt the cooperatLon of departnont heads and other clty commissions to eva]uate ali- proposals and to glveprlorlty natlngs to the pnoJects. Roquested by the Chair to elaborate further, the Planning . Consultant advlsed that lt was the oplnlon of the Planning Cormlsslon that atrcoordlnatLng conrnltteero servlng ln an advisory capacity, would submlt to the Counci] such mattens on clty doveJ.opment that re-qulne lnve stlgation. CouncLlman Thayer lnitlated considerable dlscussi.on among memborsof tho Counc11, on the lssue that such proposal-s, suggestions and recommendstlons should orJ.glnate flom the Offlce of the Clty Ma- nager. Questloned by the Councll, the Ctty Manager concurod and cal16dattention to the ordlnanco establlshlng the Office of Clty Manager and deflnlng his authorities, powers and dutles. It was the consensus of aI1 that, howeven commendabJ-e, the request should have been channeled through the Clty Manager ts OffLce. Councllman Irtorgan moved that the Councll deny the request to sollclt the asslstance of departnent hoads and clty comm.!.ssloners, secondsdby Councllman Thayer. Speaklng on the quostlon and for purposes of clarLfication, Councilman BJrrd emphasized the polnt that the subJect shall be consLdered by the Councl] thr.ough the Offlce of the City !,lanager. The motlon was thereafter unanlmously csrrLed. Counclfman Morgan mov6d that a comna.lnl catl on be directed to tho Plannlng Corrnlsslon commending 1ts actlon but advising that in conformance wlth terrns of the ondlnance affectlng the Offlce ofthe Ctty l anagor, such inltiatlvo matters nay be endorsed only through that office. The motLon was soconded by Councl]nan Johnson and r.uranlmous J.y c2,rried. 4. ORDINANCE RECOMI,{ENDD PROVIDfNG IVIINILIUM SETBACKS INDUSTRIAL AREA A Letter dated Janua?y %t 1958, was read from the Plannlng Connrisslon, notifylng the Councll that a publlc hearlng had been held on a proposed change in the zonlng ordlnance to establish a mlnLnum setback ln industrlal distrlcts. The communlcatlon called attontlon (1) tfrat the prosent sectlon oftho ordlnance is a icarry-overo from the older ordinancos of theClty and pnovldes for a setback of fifteen (15) feet on all- struc-tures on Bayshore Hlghwq, sald hlghway nory replaced by the Bayshoro Boulevard, the Bayshore Freeway and the remaindor of the Bayshore Hlghray along the bay north of Broadway and (2) that ther6 ls no setback establlshed by law on industrla1 lands. ft was the unanlmous rocommendatlon of the Planning CommissLon, because nany of the industrial propertles are too small to apply the flfteen foot rule, that a ten foot setback would be an appro-priate compr:omLae. The Plannlng Consultant, ln reply to Councllman B5rrdrs inquiry,stated that presently there 1s no setback establ-ished on industrial lands and slnce the devolopmont of industrl.aL property between Broadway and MlLls Cneek, Sectlon 1957 of tho Ordl-nance Codo, J.stoo ambJ.guous to be enforced. 219 Counc llman Thayer expressed hen obJectlon to the proposal of a tenfoot setback and suggested that the subject be referred back to the P1annlng CommLsslon for consul-tatlon with the Clty Manager. Fu:rthen reference rvas rnade to the correct procedure ln pr:ocesslng commrnlcations through the Clty }tlanager r s Offlce and in response to Councll lnqulry on lrhethor a resolution to that effect was ln propor order', the Clty Attorney advlsod that addltlonal study should bo glv6nprlor to Councll action, malnl-y for the re&son that a blanket rule may not apply to those commlsslons (Llbrary and Planning) that arofunctlonlng under the statutes of the State. It was the oplnion of the City Attorney that copies of a]l corr:€s- pondence may be submittod to tho Clty Manager and the latter, at hls dlscr:etlon, may thereafter repot"t hls necommendations to the City Councll. The Chalr ruled that further dlscusslon on the subJect of procodune would be consldered unde r the subJect of trNew Buslnessfl. Followlng a bnief dLscusslon on the subJect of a ten foot setback ln lndust::lal d.istricts, ln whlch members of the Councll expressed thelr obJectlon, Councllman litorgan moved that the subJect be re- ferrsd back to the Plannlng Commlsslon for its reconslderatlon on thebasls of establlshlng a flfteen foot, rather than a ton foot minimumset-back. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Thaye:: and ruranlmously carrled. 5. APPOINTIIIEI.IT FACT FlNDTNG COI{IITTEE DENIED A comrnunlcatlon dated Recreatlon Comnlsslon, Fact Flndlng Comml, tteeyears. January 28, 1958, was read from the Burlln€lame requestlng permlsslon to appoint an offlclal on tleter:front Development for a porLod of two The communlcatlon advised that a com.nlttee composed of two ropresenta-tlves each from the City Council, tho Plannlng Commlsslon, the Park Commlsslon, tho Recreatlon Commlsslon, th6 Recreation Associatlon and one representatlve from the Improvement Club CounciJ., tire Chamber of Commerce, the Broadway Dev€lopment Assoclatlon and the Clty Managon would be sollcLted to serve. The Chalr decl-ared the subJect open for purposes of dlscussion. Vlctor Manglnl, ChaLrman of the Recneatlon Commission, lnitlated the dlscusslon by advislng that tho proposed commltteo was not to be consldored a new commLsslon; however; thnee plans have been presented so far for the development of the Marlna end lt was the opinlon ofthe Recreatlon Commisslon that facts presented by varlous groups Lnterosted ln the development, would asslst the Recreation Commlsslonln lts dellboratlons. Speaklng ln support of the formatlon of a Fact Findlng ' Commlt toe andalso on the advantages of coordlnatlng the se::vices of the various commlssl-oners, were ldrs. Suzanne Strauss, nenbor of the Recreatlon Commlsslon, E. L. Llncoln, Superlntendent of Recreatlon and Ulelter Amstrup, Chalrman of the Park Commisslon. fn reply to Councll lnqulry, the Clty Attorney advised that the Recneatlon Commlssion nay consult wlth, seek the advice of, but 1snot emporrered to appolnt commlttees. Conslderable dlscussion arose ther6after, following which, Councllman Byrd moved that the Councll, through the Chalr, appoLnt a conmlttoe composed of two representatives from each of the Planning, Park andRecreatlon Conmlssions, the Recreation Associatlon, one representatlvefrom each of tho Improvemont CJ-ub Cou-ncll, th6 Chamber of Comnerco,the Bnoadway Development Assoclation and the City Manager. The motlonwas secondod by Councllman Johnson. 22{) Speaklng on the quostion, the Chair repeated his prevlous statern€nt that action at this tlme wes premature and pub1Lc reaction may be opposed to said con'nlttee appointment, partlcularly d,urlng the elec- tion period. Councilmsn Morgan, in reforrlng to the three proposals curentl-y proposed for the area, statod that lt may be wise to rvlthdrew theissue from the ball-ot. Councilman BJrrd stated that the Councll- has steadfastly maintained that health and wel-faro ls the prlne factor and tho bond proposal roquests the people of Burlingare to make an lnvestment to reclalmthe propenty. The Chalr requested a vote by roll ca11, subsequent to rvhicb the vote was record.ed as fol-lows: Ayes: CouncLlmen: Byrd - Johnson Noes: Coulcllmen: Morgan - Rooth - Ttlayer CounciLman Morgan noved that the request for permissLon to appoint a comrrittee, contained ln the letter from the Recneation Commisslon, dated Januar.y 28, 1958, be denied, seconded by Councilman Byrd and unanimously adopted upon ro11 caI1. 6. PUBLTC UTILITY COMI'{ISSION PRoPOSING PLAN OF PROCmURE A commullcatlon dated January 15, 1958, was road from the PubllcUti.ltty Commission, dinectlng the attentlon of the Council to thepresent status of that Commlssion and proposing the followlng threeplans of procedure! (1) Abollsh the Public Utllitles Cormisslon;(2) Commtssi.on meet once every three nonths; and (5) Commisslon moet on caLl. Councilrnan Morgan recomnended that no changes be made and Comnission contLnue for an additlonal- sLx months poriod, a month ln consultation wlth the City Manager. that the meetlng once Councilnan Byrd, ln refer"ring to a report received from the Clty Manage:r, reconnendLng the abollshment of the PubIlc Utllity Commls-slon and the formatlon of a Traffic Commlssion, suggested the possl- bt1lty of the two Comrnissions being consolidated, through ondlnance change. Councll-man llorgan observed that the Publlc ilealth and Safety CommLssion ls currently studylng traffic problems. E. C. Flchtner, a member of the Public Utiltty CommLsslon, advised the Councll that the Conmlsslon has not been functloning, due to thelack of pro jects. Following a brief discusslon, the Councll concurred. ln the Chairts recommendation that no action be taken at this tlme. A cornmunication was d.irected to be forwarded to the Publlc Utillty Commlsslon notlfying the Commisslon of the decislon of the Council. 7. PUBLIC UTILTTY COMXISSIOI{ . TRAFFIC COMMTSSION A communLcatlon dated January 50, 1958, frorn the City Manager advl,sedthat a previous report submj.tted to the Council- by the City Llanager,indlcated that a Public Utiltty Commlsslon ls not needed on a continuous basls but thet a TraffLc Commlssion rouLd be deslrablefor tho City. ft was suggested by the City Manager that if J.eglsla-tlon abolishlng the Public Utiftty Commission Ls directed, the adop-tlon of a Trafflc Comml-ssion Ondlnanco rnay bo executed.. The motion was declared defeated. 221 Councllman l{organ noted that the Pub}lc HeaLth and Safety Comnisslon has been directing lts attention to the probfem of trafflc and suggested that that Commisslon be consulted prlon to Council action. Cormcil-man Byrd suggested that the subJect be held ln abeyance pendlng furthen study of a Model Traffic Ordinance propared by the Natlonal Committee on Uniform Trafflc Laws and^ ordinances. There being no objection, such was the order. o - PETTTION RE: FIfiE UNDEIIVJRITER I,ABONATORY EQUIPIM}iT A petitlon, bearing the signatures of seventeen gas statlon operators, dated January 17, 1958, requesting a revislon and a clarLflcationof the ordlnance of the clty pertainlng to the use of approved Fire Underwrlter taboratory equipment for dispensing gas, was referred.to the City Manager. 9. ACCEPTANCE DEM FROM TROUSDAI,E CONSTfrUCTTO}'I CO. A commrnlcatLon from the City Manager, dated January 51, 1958, advlsed that an executed d.eed for. the 155 foot strip of real estateeast of the 01d Bayshone Hlghway from the I?ousdale Construction Company has been recelved for acceptance by the City Councll. The City Attorney was lnstructed to prepare a ::esolutlon of acceptancefor introductlon arld adoption at the next regul-ar Coulcil meeting. 10. IIPARKING" STIJDY co}i{MTTTEE RECO}{I'{ENDD BY CHAMBER oF CoMMERCE Ihe Chalr referred to a comnnrnlcatlon received by the Council fromthe Burlingame Chamber of Commerce concerning the appointment of a 'rparking study committeen and refer"red the subject to the City IUanager.. CITY MAT{AGER MPORTS City Manager Reports, dated January 51, l-958, pertaining to (a) fnstallation of New Playground Equipnent; (b) Carolan Avenue Exten-sion; (c) General- Plan for Physical Improvements Within the City;and (d) Subdivision Design Standards, were read, acknowledged and aceepted for f1l1ng. RESOLUTIONS None oRDINANCES - Introductlon of: ORDINANCE N0. 6?0 dAn Ordlnance Cal-l-l ng a Special Electlon ln theCity of Burllngame for the Purpose of Submltting to the Electors ofSaid Clty Certain Pr.oposltlons for Incurrlng a Bonded Indebtednessof Sald City For the Acqulsltlon, Construction and Completlon ofCentaln Municlpal Improvemonts in Sepanate Gr:oups, Each GroupIncludlng Only One Object; Consolldatlon Said Special MunieipalElectlon With The General Mr:nlcipal Electlon to be HeIcI ln Said Glty on April 8, 1958, Flxlng the Date of Said Special Election; Provldingfor the }lanner of Holding the Same; and Provldlng for }trotiee Thereof rr was introduced by Councilman Byrd for flrst readlng. UNFINISHED BI'SI]IESS l-. CITY OF BURLINGALIE FIFTY YdAR CEIEBRATfoN Mayor Rooth announced ttrat the Clty sha11 celebrate the ftfttethyear of lts lncorporatlon, June, 1958, and d.l.rected the City Attorneyto prepare a nesolution designatlng the Chamber of Commerce as sponsorsof a program for the commemoration. Non6 NE1II BUSINESS 222 2. CiIA}iGE PROPOSED IN PARKING }{ETER TIME TIMITS Cor:nc ilman Thayer, in referring to an advertisement in the Western City Irlagazine pllil icatlon, observed that parklng meters provldlng a time l-lmlt of flve hours for twenty-five cents ar6 now available and recomrnended that the Clty L{anager and the Chief of Po}lce lnvestigatethe advisablllty of altering the parking meters within the businessof::inge areasr to provide a sfuniLar tirre llmit for more convenlentparklng. The City Llanager and trre Chief of Pollce were so advlsed. 5. AT{ERICAN H]STORY I'IONTH Mayon Rooth proclaimed the Month of February, 1958 as AMERICAN HfSTORY 1ONTH as nequested by the Natlonal Soeiety Daughters of the AmerLcan Revolutlon In the lntenest of promotlng the study of Araerican Hlstony. 4. EEBATII_0N gT&EElr LIGHI FATLUBE REqUESTm Council-man Morgan advised that the Ctty of DaIy City receives aflfty-cent daily rebate from the Paciflc Gas and Electrlc Company f or street }-ights out of seyvLce. The City }ilanager was instructedto determlne whether the Ctty of Burlingarre may reeeLve a refundon a slmllar basis. 5. CONFERENCE REqLTESTD VJIIII KROEGER AND ASSOCTATES The Clty l,{anager was requested to schedule a meeting with theadnlnistrativo sur.vey flrm of Kr"oeger and Assoclates as soon as it may be conveni ent. 6. REQUEST TO INSTAL-]1 LIGHJq IN Y4\{iHING!ION PAEE The City Engineer was requested to investigate and to submit areport to the Councll on the i.nstallation of lights ln Washlngton Park. B. EXTRA CAUCUS STUDY MEETI i'iGS REqUESTm Councilman Johnson urged that consldoretion be glven to the schedulLngof extra Council caucus meetlngs for study purposes and at the requestof the Chalr, the City Manager was instructed to ascertain the pro- cedure adopted j.n other Penlnsula citles and to subnlt a report at the next r:egular mee tin€! of the Council. ADJOURNTvIFINT There being no funther buslness, the meotlng was regularly ad Jou::nedat 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, HERBERT K. IIIHITE City Clerk APPROVD: CIIARLES W. ROOTITI Mayor 7. EI.ECTRICAL ASSISTANCE At the suggestion of Councllman }Iorgan, th6 Director of Public Iluorks was requosted to keop a tlme necord of personnel requlred toassist the electrlcal d.epartment.