HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1958.01.06CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of given date. Mee ting Chair . the Burl ingame Clty Councll was held on the aoove ca-LIed to order at 8:OO p.m. - Mayor Rooth in the Brlrlingame, January ,Callfornl a 6, 1958 209 s ubrrit ted to upon motlon PLMGE OF ALIJIGIANCE At word from l{ayor Rooth aL} in the Councll Chamber arose and gave the PJ-edge of A1le;lance to the FIag. ROLI CALL fhe ninute s of the prevlous meetlng of Delembor 16, 1957r as members of the Co'rncll, were unanLnously asproved and adopted of Councllman Byrd and seconded by Councllman Johnson. C O]dI,{i]NICATI ONS 1. RESUBIYTSSION ORDINANCE REGULATING PUBLIC HOSPITALS A commnrrlcatLon, dated December 26, 7-957 t was recelved from the Planning Commission, advising that the zoning ordinanc e proviCing for a !-'!r Pubf ic IIos ital Dlstrlct , has been revised from that original}y submitted to the Counc eleting the phrase nresidentlal bulldlngs f or: employees. tr It was tho unanimous recoirxmend.ati on of the P1annlng Commisslon that the ord.lnance be adopted ln lts present form. The Chalr lnvlted Mr. Frank B. Ingersofl, Attorney, representlng the Peninsula Hospital DLstr!.ct, to comrnent on the effect the proposed ordinance regulating pub11c hospltals would have on the de,relopment of the Peninsula Hospltal . I{r. Ingersoll advlsed that the adoptlon of the ordlnanee would enable the Penlnsula Hospital Board of Directors to apply for an approprlate bu11:ln3 permit and thereafter to proceed with lts proposed extenslvebuilding pr ogram plans . CounclLrnan Byrd stated that favorable consideretlon should be gJ.ven tothe request of the hospital offlclals and that the property bo granted tho same zonlng privlleqos as other dLstrLcts. CouneLlman Johnson concurrod with the statements of Councllman Byrd, add.ing ttrat the rBmbers of the Plannlng Corrtnlsslon heve devoted con- slderable tlme and study prlor to the subnrisslon of their proposal to regulate pub1lc hospltals. Councll-man Morgan exp::essed his concern on the proposal to cneate a C-4 )lsr-rlct, whlch may perndt the establishment of other hospi.tals and questioned Ir. Ingersoll r,vtre the n an appllcation for a variance sdd. improvernnts to the property would serve the purpose. to Ivlr. Ingersoll replled by statinE that a variance would not be advlsable and in hls opLnlon, rra structure as permanent as a hospital should beplaced ln a permanent zonLng category.|l i,Ir. lngerso11 further stetedthat tho proposed ordlnance is llmlted to tpublic hospltals, n an excJ-uslvefeature un,ri er the control of the State or a polltlcal subdlvislon, whereasa smaLl hospltal would not quali.fy ln that catetjory. Mayor Rooth, ln commentlng on the section of the .oroposed ordlnance,Itappurtenant structures such as Laboratory, r€,search or radlololjlcal bul].dlngs and other uses slmL].ar 1n nature ::ecommended that the phraseiexcluslve of commerclaL enterprLses'r be lncluded. Present - CouncLlmen: Byrd-Johnson-Mor"gan-Rooth-Thayer Absent - Councllmen: None MINIITES PREV]OUS MEETTNG 210 The Clty Attorney advised that the ordlnance under conslderation merely defines and establishes a C-4 Dlstrlct (Pub1lc Hospltal) and an addl- tlonal ordinance would be re,rulred to pLace the present hospltal lnto the proper zone. Follovring further dlscusslon, the r,'ounc11 resolved to refer the subJect matter to the Clty Attorney and to the Cl,ty Manager wlth lnstr:uctlonsto lncorporate certain iexclusLons'r wlthln the ordlnance and to resubmit sai.d ordinalce to the Clty Council- for further conslderation. Durlng the lnterlm, IIr. Rlchard It/. Blalsdell-, Adminlstnator, PenLnsulaHospltal, present at the meetlng, was advlsed to apply lor a varlanceto be submltted to the Plannlng Comrnlsslon for its study rneotlng, January 15, 1958. 2. PARK COIill,lISSl0N RE: I'.ECREATI0I'IAL MARII'IA PROJECT The above subject was referred under A1;enda Item No. 5 proposed Bond fssues. relatlve to 3. HUII]"ANE SOCIETY CONTRACT RENEI1AL A communicatlon from the Clty Manager, dated January 3, 1958, recommond- ing that the agreement rrith the Peninsula [umane Soclety be extended on a month to month basis, was concurred ln upon motlon of Counc ll-man Morgan, seconded by Councilmsn Thaye!' and unanlmously earrled. 4. AGREEI\MNT TO ENCROACII UPON SOUTHERN PACIFfC COMPANY PROPERTY A conrmunLcati on dated January 3, 1958, wss read from the Clty ltlanager, reconnendinq thet an agr€ernent be executed wlth the Southern PaclfLc Company for the encroachrnent upon thelr property for the purpose oflnstalling a flfty-four lnch storn draLnage outfall . RESOLUTICN NO. 1-53 nAuthorl zl ng Executlon of Agreement lor the Rlghtto Construct, Roconstruct, Malntain and Oporate a 54 fnch Stonm DraLn, Whlch sald Agreement is Dated January 6, 1958, By and Between Clty of Burllngame and the Southern Pacifj.c Conpany, a Corporatloni w3s lntrodu- ced by Counc l1man Morgan n*ro moved. lts adoptlon, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanimously adopted upon ro11 call- of members. 5. BOND ISSUE REIORT FROM CITY IiIANAGEii A communlcation dated Janu&ry 5, 1958, w-s read from the Clty Manager, roporting on the status of the proposed Bond Issues. L. New !'lre Statlon Roquest for the submlsslon of a Bond fssue to flnance a new FLre Statlon wl thdrawn. 2. Llbrary Additlon The flnsnclng of the addltlon of a LLb:rary to be left to the discretlon of the Clty Councl]-. 5. Dralnage Bond IssueI better tax struciure, r*ren avallable, may equltab]-y flnancethe maJor dralnaqe construction or, the sol-utlon inay be resolved by a -roted bond ls sue . 4. Flnanc I Waterfront I rove ment TVo a ternat ves propose for f nancLng the purchase and develop- ment of 14,608 acres near th6 cltyrs waterfront for recreatlonal purpos o s : (a) A Bond Issue. Reconmendatlon that a commlttee be a ppointed, representlng the varlous groups lnterested 1n the proJoct, topresent accurato and cornplete flgures on the expendltures re(iulred. (b) A nPay-as -yoq-go ti basis. A 14 .5y' additlonal recreatlonaltax ]-ovy to purcirase toe land the flrst yeer ard with the same tax, development to proceed the second yoar. 211 A communication dated December zat l-957 t was recelved from the Commission, together with a record of a special meeting of the Commission, the Recroation CommLsslon ald other city official-s c i.vlc groups . Park Park ^hl The communication advised that it was agreed requested to acquire the l-4.6O8 acre pfot and lnitial cost by bond lssue or by tax Ievy. that the flnanc e City Councll be the $13o,ooo.oo The Chalr invited coi nents from members of the Council. (Firo eonds ) Councll-man ]dorgan lriltiated the dlscusslon by questloning Pire Com- misslon thairman, Wm. J. McI{e on, on the decislon of the tr'lre CommLsslon to wlthdraw 1ts request for a Flre Bond lssue. Commlssloner l,rlcKe on advlsed that the request reas wl thdrawn for two reasons: (a) The submlsslon of a report from the Board of Flre Under-rrr'1ters, currently conducting a survey of the flre protectlon facllitles of the clty and (b) the high malntenance and. operating costs involvedat thls time by the constructlon of an additional Fire Statlon. Quest loned by Counellman ltlorgan whether the Council shoufd place the issue on the April ba11ot, Commissioner MeKeon replled ne.'latively. (Library Additton) The Chalr questloned G. Paul Lechlch, Librari.an, concerning a proposed Llbrary Addition Bond Issue, who advlsed that the Llbrary Board has recommended that the flnalcing be left to the discretLon of the CouIlcil. Mrs. Edith Cohendet, a me riber of the Llbrary Board, statement of the tlbrarian.conlLrmed the No action was taken to place the issue on the ballot. (Dralnage Bond fs sue ) At the request of the Cormcll, the City Elglneer dlsplayed a map ll1ustrating the Flood Control and Drainaqe Systom wlthin the City ofBurlingame. The City E:rilneer advised that two major projects are urgently requlred to properly remedy the dralnage problem at an es-timated cost of' $75O,OOO.OO. C ouncL l-man Byrd advlsed that the current ten cent Flood ControL -Dra inage Tax levy was imposed as an emergency lBasure ard the passage of a Bondfssue would complete the project corcectly and permanently. Councllman Morgan advised that a suggestlon has been received to flnancethe proJect by a sales tax l.evy and to place that lssue on the ba1lot. Councilnan }dorgan recormended that earnest eonslderation be glrren toplacing the sales tax lssue on the baIlot. Councllman Johnson expressed her obJectlon to a sal-es tax but api:rovedof the suggestion that the issue be placed before the electorate. Councilman Thaye r expressed her approval of a sales tax with the qualifi-eation that sixty percent of the proceeds be applied to reduce city taxes and the remai.nder to be applled on the expenditure of capital improvements. Councifman Byrd. objectod to tbe Lntroductlon of the sales tax subjectat this time and thereefter moved that the subject matter of drainage bond, in the apiropriate amount, be placed on the forthcomlng April 8,Municlpal Ballot. The motLon was soconed by Councilman Johnson. Fol1-owing a brlef discusslon on the ouestion, a ro11 call vote wasrecorded as unanimous. RECESS The Chair cal1ed for a brief recess at 9: 55 p.m. 212 CALL TO ORDER The meeting reconvened. at 9:45 p.m (Financing Waterfront I:lrproverents ) Iilr. Vlctor Manglnl, Chalrman of the Recreatlon Comml"ssion, Iilr. Spencer Pors, nr mber of the Rurlingame Recroation Associatlonr Ivb. Walter Amstrup, ChaLrmar of the Park Conunisslon, Mr. Fred Lehman, President Burl-ingame Improvement Clubs Council, Mr. Larson, Dlrector, Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Suzanne Strauss, Recreatlon Co:e'irlssion member, Iv1r. John l{achesy, member of the Recreatlon Comrnlsslon anl l,fr. EdgarArnold, menber of the Burlingane Recreatlon AssocLatlon, each spoke lnfavor of the clty acqulring the acreage to provide the proposed recre- atlonal pro Jects. Questi oned by the Council as to the amount required to finance the proposed recreatlonal projects, the above mentioned speakers were re-luctant to state, expresslng the oplnion that lt rerirain the prerogatlve of the Councll. It was the consensus of the majority that a comnlttee be appointed to conduct a thorough invdstigation and thereefter to submlt an accurate ascounting. An lnformal pol] requested by the Chalr on vrhetlrer a $fSorOOO.OO bondlssue, or a lesser amount, wag favored, brought no response from the propone nt s . Couneilman Byrd stated that the arlount of S60,000.00 or $?O,OOO.OO forthe purchase and some improvement to the property, should be flrst re- quested by a voted bond j.ssue. Council-nan Byrd noted that it is pos- slble to lncrease the park and recreatlon tax to provide for park and recreation f acillties. A motion was thereupon introduced by CoLrncilman Byrd that a bond issue be placed on the Aprit ballot in the amount of $?OTOOO.OO for the ac- quisitlon, purchase and development of waterfront properties to asslstln the financing of recreati.onal- programs that are Justifled by the Recreatlon Consissj-on. Coulcllman Thayer seconded the motlon. On the question and ln rosponse to the Chairts r:equest for an lnformal-po11, proponents indicated thel-r approval. A ro11 cal- 1 vote was recorded as unaninous. TNTRODUCTION }/IR. JOHN },[ACK PRESIDENT ]I{AMBER OF COidi,.MRCE Mr. John Mack, newly elected Presldent of the Burlingame Charober Comrnerce, ras introd.uced and welcomed by Mayor Rooth in behalf of Counc il- . of lllr. Macl< pledged the Chamber of Comncerce I s announced that plans are belng fo::mulated Flftieth Year Anniversary in June, 1958. cont lnued cooperation and to eommemorate the City t g o PER}TISSION TO INSTALL UN}T,RGROUND STORAGE TANKS EEQUESTED A comrunication was recei-.,ed fro:n the Bay Lease, Inc., 1645 Ro]l-ins Road, datod January 3, 1958, requesting permissLon to Lnstall- two - 5rOOO gallon under;.iround storage tanks for gasoline to service thePurlty Stores, Ltd., 1n the ldillsdal-e Irrdustrial Tract. The Clty Attorney advised that an approprl.ate ordinance has been prepared to &ccomodate eonrner.c 1a)- plants. Councllman Byrd introduced for flrst reading,ORDTNAT,ICE NO. 668nAmondlng SectLon 141"7 of the Ordinance Code of the Ctty of Burl-lngame Liqulds . rlRegulating the Quantltlos of Stored Tnflanmable RESOLUTIONS RESoLUTI0N No. 2-58 "0f the City Cor:ncil- of the iity of Burlingamo Adopted Pursuant to Government Code, S 27281- Authorlzing the City Clerk To Execute Certlflcates of Acceptance of Deed.s or Grants Conveying Any Interest Tn or Easerent Upon Real- Estate to the City of Burlingame o was 213 lntroduc ed C ouncl lman Counc 11 . bv Jo Councllman Byrd who moved 1ts passager seconded hnson snd adopted thereafter by a unanlmous vote byof the ORDINAI{ CES fntroduction of: An ordlnance of theto Vacate a Portlon Portlon ls Ad jacent was wlthdrawn from t clt of to he y of Burl lngarre, Californla, rDeclaring Intentlon Bayshore Hlghway, a Publlc Street, Tlhi ch Sald the Property Commonly Known as the Keyston Property" agenda at the request of the Clty Attorney. OqDINANCES Conslderatlon of: oRDfNANCE NO. 666 trAn Ondlnance ArEndlng Sectlon L222.L of tbe Ordlnance lode Prohiblting Parkln,! of Veh lcles on the E1 Camlno Real-; on the Easterlf Slde of Californla Drive; and Llmitlng Parklng on the Westerly Slde of CalLforl'rla Drlve Botween Broad.way and Bel-Ievue Avenuer wss glven lts second readlng and upon motj.on of Councilman tsyrd, seconded by Councllnun Johnson, sald ordlnance passed lts second readlng and was adopted by ttre followlng vote: Ayos: Cotrncllmen: Byrd-Jobnson-Morgan-Rooth-Thayer Noes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: None ORD INANSE NO. 66? nAn Ordinance AnE ndin g Sectlon l-926 of the Ordinance Code of the Cit-.; of Burl lngame Regulatlng Permlssive Uses and Provldlngfor Bul1d1ng Regrlations, Lot LlmLtations ard Lot Requirenents and Helght Ltdtattons ln R-I (Flrst Resldential) Dtstrlctst wss glven 1ts second readlng. Councllman Thayer expressed her obJectlon to severaL sectlons provided 1n the ordinance, rrlth partlcular reference to that sectlon proposing a mlnlmrm frontage on a publlc street of twenty-flve feet. The City Manager also questloned the desirablfity of establlshing a twenty-flvefoot mlnimum frontage. W. Davld Mlrtln, Chalr nan of the Plannlng Commisslon spoke on the pro- posed changes and elaboratod on the P1annlng Coromlssionrs proposal toestabllsh a twenty-f1ve foot mlnlmum frontage. Chalrnan Martln advlsod that the present ordinance rrerely states thata lot or parceL of land shal1 have a frontage on a public street, thereby placLng the Plalnlng Comrnlsslon at a dlsadvantage, particularly ln metters of resubdlvlslons. Chalrnan Msrtln noted that most of the expansLon ofthe :lty ls ln the h111 sectlon of the clty end a mlnl. mum twenty-fLve foot frontage was consld.arod by the Commlsslon to be practlcable. ConsLde::able dLscussLon arose, ln which the Councll was dlvided Ln lts oplnlon on the proper mlnlmunr frontage. There balng no obJectlons, OFDINANCE NO. 667 was held for further study and the subJect r:eferred to the Clty Manager and to the Plannlnr3 Com- ml s s 1on. UNFINIS]ITD I{'SIi{ESS None NESJ BUSTNESS None CI,ATMS There being no further business,1I:35 p.m. the meeting was regularly adJourned at Respectfull y submltte vm: A clalm agalnst the clty, roceived from Mrs. Davi.d Appel, 769 Farringdon Lane, BurllnganE, ln the amount of $67.97, for damages to a sewor 1ateri.a1, alleged to have been caused by tree roota, was referred to the Clty Manager. ADJOURN},TSNT P erber t Yihl t e Ies W. Ro ]dayor Cha o h Citv Clerk