HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1959.01.19364 CAIL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of 5;1ven date. Mee t ing Cha 1r . Burl-ingame, California January 19, 1959 the Burl lngarue City Couacil was heldcalled to order at 8:OO p.m. - Mayor on Byr the aboved in the PI,EDGE OF ALi,EGIANCE At word from the Chair aII in the Pledge of Allegiance to the FIag. Council Chamber arose and gav6 tho ROLL CALL Pre sent Absent MINUTES Mr. Patrick J. Idullin, the appJ-icsnt,the request for a contlnuance and thepublic hearing, February 2, 1959. - Councilmen: Byrd -Johns on-Morgan-Ro oth-Thayer - Council-men: None FREVIOUS I\{EdTING The mLnutes of the prevlous rneeting of January 5, 1959, as submittedto members of the Council were unanlmously approved and adopted on motL on of CounciLnan Johnson arrd seconded by Councllman Rooth. SPECfAI PERI,,IIT F'O,R GOLF DRfVING RAIIGE Reference vias rnade by the Chaln to a c onr.nuni. cat I on d ated January 19, 1959, received from Robert R. Thompson, Attorney, representlng Patrlck J. Mullins, v,rho is requesting a use pe rmit for the erectlon of a golfdriving range on property lylng between the Bayshore Freoway and clty prope rty housing the m:niclpal d r-mp. The commulication requested that the matter of the abovementloned application be continued to ttr e next regular meeting of the City Courtcll. in attendance, verbally c onfi rmednatter rsas tirereafter set fbr C0l{lvllIiIICATf ONS 1 REPORT ON SlvlALL BOAT IL{RBOR LOAN APPLICAII ON A communlcati on froa the Clty wlanager, dated January 16, 1959, advised of the prrccedure required to apply to the Smal] Boat Harbor Commissionfor a planning or a constructlon l-ogn to establlsh a small boat harbor.At the request of tho Councl1, the City Manager was authorized to con-tinue hls lnvestigatlon as outllned in his report. 2. REQUEST T0 ANNEX O.55 ACRES TO To$.r,i OP HITISBOROUGH A communLcation f ronn the City Manager, dated January 16, 1959, advisedthat the Tovrn of HilLsborough has requested the annexation of a smallparcel- of O.55 1cr.€s1 adjoining the Kermit tllilllams property, previousl-y relinquished by the Clty of Burl ngame, in order to produce a straight boundany 1lne. A reconrEndation from the Clty Marager that the request be re.erred to the Planning Oornolssion, was concurred in by the Council-. 3. RESOLUTION TO ADD $5,OOO TO STORUI DRATNAGE FI]ND A comnunicatlon from the mended the adoptlon of a from bond sale pr oceeds Construction Fund.'r Clty I{anager, dated Jaruary 16, 1959, recon-resolution authorlzinq the affocation of $5rOOOto be deposited in the t1958 Burlingame Drainage Councilman Irlorgan lntroduced and moved the passage of 2-59 'rDesigiating Fund for the Al-locati on of Certain Burlingame Drainage Bonds of 1958, Second Division, HSSOl,UTfOli NO. Bond Pr oceeds, second.ed by HEARI]gG 365 Councllman Johnson. On ths questjon and for purposes of clarlfl- cation, Councllman Rooth noted that the proposed Ieglslatlon corrects an error ln an allocatlon ol funds provided ln the $725rOOO Storm Drainage Bond issue. The resofutlon was unanlmously carrled upon ro11 call of nembens. HIGHLA}ID AI.TENIIE NEZONING REQIIEST REI'ERRM TO PLANNINI} CO]ill,rlf SSION A request from }tlr. John B. Lauder, for the rozonlnl of tLE east slde of Hlghland Avenue between Ponlnsular and Bayswater Avenues, sub- mitted to CounclL by the Clty Manager, under date of January 16, 1959, was refer::ed to the Plannlng Commlsslon for lts recomnendation. 5. FOOT BRTDGE REQIIEST $IBITITTTED T0 PLAl'{i'irNG Coi'flvlISSlON A communlcatlon fron the Clty i{anager, dated January 16' 1959, advised that the Calvin Coolldge Elementary School Parent-Teachers Assoclatlon has requested the lnstallatlon of a foot bridge across It[1I1s Creok north of Highway Road. The subject was referred to the Plannlng C ornmi s sl on. 6. STOP SIGNS TO BE ERECTED AT LINCOLN AI,D CAPUCiI]NO AVENUES A communLcatLon from the Clty Mariager, dated January 16, J.959, recom- mendlng tho lnstellation ol stop slgns at the lntersection of LLncoln arn Capuchlno Avenues, was concurred in and actlon referred undertordLnances.t PARK DEPARTI'ENT EMPLOYES COl"li,ENDm A comr:ornl cati on from Margare t B. Sousa and Kenneth Hoard, I4O4 El Carnlno Rea1, dated January 2, 1959, comnending the Park Departrent employees for a servlce welL rendered, was acknowl-edqed and the Clty ]rlanag€r roquested to so notlfy tho Dopartrcnt llead. 8. FRAIiKS. BRADLEY CLAIM REJECTED A clalm of Frank S. Bradley in the amount of $3r5ro.oo for lnJurlesalleqed to have been caused by a faI1 upon the Cltyts sidewalks, was reJected and referred to the Cltyts insurance carrier, on motlon of Councilnan Morgan, seconded by Councilman Rooth and unanl- mously c a!'rled. RESOLInIONS -:r (See Page 366) 4 7 ORD]NANCE NO. 685 By Addln[ Thereto Intersoctl on Stop and La,luna Avenue Capuchlno Avenuerl "Anrendlng the Ordlnance Code of the Ctty of Burll"ngame Ne$, Sectlons 1221.8 and 1221 .9 Providing for an for Venlcles at tbe Intersection of Llncoln Avenue and at the Intersecti on of Llncoln Avenue ard was lntroduced by Councilman Rooth for flrst reading. Ui[-E I],IISHED HJ SINESS 1. SPECIAL fERI',1fT OF PATRICK J. I,IULLIN The contlnuance of the hearing on the matter of a speclal uso per.mit,subnitted by Patrick J. Mu11lnr ura s forms-L 1y scheduled for February2, 1959, I orclock, p.m., on motlon oi Councl lmen Thayer, secondedby Councllman Jobnson and unanlmously carrled. 2. LORTON AVENUE DRAINAGE PROJECT NEII' BUSTNESS ].. I'JALTEII AMSTRUP PASSAS TN DEATH May or Byrd announced the regret of the Council- in learning oi' th6death of l'!'alter Amstrup, former Park Commlssloner. and acknowledqedthe outstanding servLcds rend.ered the clty and the e ommunl ty bylrlr. Amstrup. Councl Lman Rooth requested that some action be taken to ellminatea sllt and gravel nulsance at the site of the Lorton Ave ue DrainageProject and the City Msnsger was thereafter instructed to inrrestigatethe pnoblem and report to Council. --t366 2. RESIGNATION H. HEINRICHS, FTRE COI.{MISSIONER Mqyor Byrd announceal recelpt ol the reslgnation of FLre CommlssLoner H. Helnrlchs, who is moving from the Clty. Tire Chalr sugSested that rE nrers of the Counell subnit the names of candldates of thelr choice to serve on the various conrnissions. A brlef dlscusslon arose on the srbJect of acknowledging offlclals and of f lcers, rvtro throui'h circums tances, resltln city servlce. A pollcy was thereafter adopted that an approprlate communicatlon of acknowledgmet bo dlrected to a retlred officlal or comnlssloner. CLAI ivls Jen uary clalms, Nos. 884 - IO44, 1n the amount of ,S1O8r555.15, duly audited, were approved and warrants ordered drann on the Clty Treasuryln thelr rospoctive amounts, on rnotL on of Councllmsn Thayer, seconded by Councllnan Johnson and unanlmously carrled. PAYROLL APPROVAj, The Decomber payrolJ", warrant s Nos. 38-428, in the amount of $?11318.25,were approveC upon motion of Councllman Thayer, seconded by Coturcilman Johnson ::nd unanL mously carried. ADJOURNI'{I]IIT Councilman Thayer, former nember of the Par{< Corunisslon, moved that the Councll adjourn in r.espect to the memory of Mr. T,ralter Amstrup, retlred member of the Park Commlsslon and that a c opy of the mlnutes bo fonwarded to the members of hls faml1y. Ttre motion rlras seconded and the meetlng thereafter regularly ad journed at 8:20 p.m. Respe ctfully s ubmltted, IIERBERT K. I/,,HITE Clty Clerk APPROVED: '("r/rrr- 4 "q1r./Andrew C. Byrd Ivlayor .F RESOLUTION NO. 5-59 IIA pprovlng Flnal i{ap dntitLed East MllLsdaleIustriiark, Unlt No. 1, Burlingame, San Meteo County, Cal_lfornLa,Dlnectlng Executlon of Agreemont for Improvlng and Fixing Amount ofBonds, East Mll1sdal-e Indu strial- Parkt was introduced by CouncLlmanRooth, $tro movod its passage, secondod by Counc ilman Johns on and unanlmously edopted upon ro11 cal-l- of rnembens.