HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1959.01.05358 Burllngame, Cel ifornla Jenuery 5, 1959 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of the Burl- lnqame Cltyglven date. Meetlng ca1led to or:den at Chair. Councll was held on the above 8: IO p. m. - Itlayor Byrd Ln the PIEDGE OP ALIE GIANCE At word from trle Chair al-l- ln the Pledge of Allesiance to the Flag. Cor:nc11 Chamber aros e and gave the NOLL CALL Present - Counci]-mon: Byrd - Johns on -Morgan-Rooth-Thayer Absent - CouncLlmen: None MTNUIES PREVIOUS IvIEETING The mlnutes of t i'E prevlous meotlng of December 15, l-958, as submltted to nrembers of the Council were unanlmous Iy approved anddoptod uponnotion of Counci l-rnan JoLrnson and seconded by Councllman Rcoth. BTDS - DRAINAGE BONDS OF 1958 - SECOND DI1TSION -$gz, ooo Mayor .Byrd announced that thls was the tlmo and place scheduled for openlns blds on the bonds of the Second DlvisLon of Drai.nage Bonds ofl-958, ln the prlnclpal a mount of $52,000. The blds were publlcly opened and declared as fol-lows: BANK OF AIIIERICA Par Value Yep r Interest San Frenclsco, CalLiornia Not Inter6st Cost $8,914.50or 3.19651[ AIIIERICAN TRUST COMPANY San Francls co, Callfornia ll6t fntorest Cost $8, ?89. OOor 3.t5o17y'" DEAN 1VITIER & CO. Ss2,ooo.oo an/aq-eh,/zo s# s 5,OOO.OO 25, OO0 . O0 2,O00. oo 4% 6*4 ZM B/t/64B/t/6b-s/t/6e a/L/7o San Frarclsco, California $32, ooo.oo ]-964-r969 1970Not Inter.6 s t Cost o? 3.26357/ $8 r 45 2.50 -.a-The bids ryere referred to the City Attorney, the Clty Engineer and toMr. Randolphr representlng the lsw firm of KlrkbrLde, $Jl1son, Hanzfeld and ltlallace, Attorneys for the p,roJect, for examlnatlon and recommenda-tl on pr'l or to 6 d Journrnent . IIF]ARTNGS 1. LAND USAGE OF PROPIIRTY FOR}IERLY iIOUSING COTTAGE IN 1YASHINGTON PARK layor Byrd announced that thls Councll at lts regular meetingpubIlc hearlng on the two uses Recreatlon Cent€r and formerly entrance to Washlngton Park. was the time and place scheduled by theof Novomber 1?, 1958, to conduct aproposed for property adjacent to the houslng a gardenerrs cottage at the Reference was made to a report lrom the City I{anager advising that thecotta'{e had been removed and that several suggestions had been offe::odreletive to lts use: (1) to rotain the property for park and recreation purposes and (2) to convert the property into an off-street parklng fac111ty. 359 A letter dated December 5, J-95E, w s read froxx the Executivo Board of the BurI lngame Hlgh School Parent-Teaclrers Association, r ecommendlng that the proporty be r etalned solel-y lor recreation and park faclllties. The Chetr recognlzed lbs. A. F. Herrlck, represontln8 the Burl lngame Hlgh School Par€nt-Teachers Associatlon as lts Recroation Chalrman, who stated tho f o1f ovrlng reasons ln oppositlon to the converslon of bhe prope rty lnto a parklng lot facillty: (1) that acceding to statistics, the City of Burllngame ls deficient ln necreatlon Land by two hundred acres; (2) the close pnoxlmlty to the small chlldrenrs pl-ayground would create a hazard; (S) tne parklng sltuatlon would not be lmproved; lnstead, an adJacent par:klng Iot ln exlstence should be lmprolred to prorrlde a greater use; and (+) tire Clty would not beneflt flnanclally by pnovlding an addltlonal parking faclllty ln that area. Rlchard T. Perry, Presldent, Burl ingable s -Oak -Grove C1ub, concurr:ed vrith the statbments of tbe prevlous that the property should be preserved as a park to ment s , I'itanor Impro v6 mgn t speaker, addlng,trei6yd off enroach- Ed Arrrold, member of the Recreatlon Comnlssion, speaklng 1n behalf of sald Comnlsslon, obJocted to the use of the area other than that forpark and recreation purposes and stlpulatlng reasons as aforerentLoned. The Chair invited comnEnts from members of the Councll. Councl lman Thayer stated her preference that tlre land be reserved for park and necreation and recalled to mlnd recommendatlons mado by the Recroation Commlsslon and the Park Cotn-nission by reading oxcer"pts from pr.ovious correspondence, whereln both Commlssions urged the retentlon of the property as a park and recneatlon faclllty. Councllman Johnson expressed her concurronce ydtir the statements of the previous speakers and ln further comment, urged that the matter of existlng parking lot faclLlty be lrvestigated as suggested. Councllman Morgan recalled that the publlc hoarLng was motlvated bythe fact that resldonts ln that partlcular sectlon of tho Clty have requested an additlonal- park lng lot f acll-ity and that ln hls opLnlon, there was merlt in each of the use proposed. Questloned by the Councll, th€ Clty Manager stated that lt was hls opinion that the issue to be resolvod ls one of po11cy ard cognlzantthat either use would be ln the pub1lc lnterest, he had no recomnenda-tion to submit to Councl 1. Following further dlscussLon, Councllman Johnson movod that the property be reserved oxcluslvely as e park and recreatlon faclllty, seconded by CounclLman Thayer. 0n the questlon, Councllman Rooth, through the Chalr, d irocted lnquirlesto Recreatlon SuperLntendont Lincoln viho advised that a picnlc and bar- becue area has been lnlormally dlscussed as a possLble fac111ty; however, any actLvLty would be sponsored by the Recreatlon Department wlth the maintenance of the proporty assumod by the Park Depar.tnent. Followlng a brlef discusslon on the questlon, tlre Chalr call-ed for a vote on the motlon and announced as follows: Ayes: Councl Imen: Byrd - Johnson -Morgan -ThayerNoes: CounclLmen: Rooth The publlc hearlng was thereafter declared concluded. 2. PROPOSM TURN-OFF' ON BAYS}{ORE BL]IWEEN BROAD1TJAY AND POPLAR AVENUES Mayor Byrd announced that thls was tne time and place prevlously duled by the Counclf to conduct a hoarlng on a rer.:uest lnltiatedthe Chamber of Comrnrce for an additlonal turn-off lnto tho City Burlingame from the Bayshore Htghway. s che by of 360 The Chalr r"ecognlzed John Cockroft, President of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, wtr o stated the interest of the Chamber of Cornmerce ln the creetion of an additlonal tul{l-off from the Bayshore Highway into the City to correct traffic pnoblems partlcularly prevalant at the Broadway turn-off. Mr. Cockroft stated that the actlon requosted of the Citylts concurrence ln the request of the Chamber of Commerco be nade to ttt State Divislon of Highways to lnclude in Iluture devel-opment of the Hlghway, an additl onal- turn-off between Broadway, Burlingame and Poplar Avonuo, San Mateo Ctts f ouncll *shat an appeal plans foror t raffL c Mr. Cockroft advl-sed that Howard Avenue had been referred to as anapproprlate turn-off because of the undoveJ-oped property et the foot ofthe street and lts 'mldway polntr of entry lnto the Clty. Questloned by tho Chalr as to whether, ln hls oplnion, a pub1lc hearlng was premature on this occasion, Mr. Cockroft replled affirmatr.vely,statlng that a survey should be r:equestod flrst by the State Ilighway DepartnEnt. The Clty Attorney, ln replying to Councllman Johnsonrs inoulry whether tho Clty would be obllgated to conforil to the findinqsDlvlslon of Hlghways as the resul-t of lts survey, advlsed that would be placed ln a pecullar posltLon lf lt falled to scceptDlvlsion of Hlghways re co nne ndatons. alt of the the to the Clty Rlchard T. Penry, President of the Burl lnqable s -Oak Grove Manor Improve- ment CIub, ln addr.esslng the Councll on the subJect, presented a Petltlon,rrProposlng a Thorough Study of Burl lngame Trafflc ln Relatl-on to Bayshore Freeway; Proposlng No addltLonaf Turn-offs between Broadway and Penlnsula Avenues'r bearlng the slgnatures of approximately 55O residents andproperty owners of the city. IIr. Porry advlsed that the petltloners strongly op-)ose additlonal turn-offs in the residential areas between Broadway and Penlnsula Avenues because such turn-offs would create a serious traffic hazard to scnool ctrlldr.en and create high speed traffic detrlrrental to a strlctlyresidentlal aroa and lts property values. A comnunleatlon, dated January 5, 1959, from the Washlngton School Parent Teachers Assoclatlon, opposlng an addltlonaf turn-off from Bay- shore Hlghway between lrssdway and Penlnsula Avenues was receLved andpl"ced on f ll-e. Followlng a brlef dlscusslon, the subJect mattor was referred to theCtty l[anager, tr,{ th instructions that a c ompleto study be made and h1s findlngs reported to the Clty Councll, the Chamben of Commerce and to Mr. Rlchard T. Perryr spokesman and representatlve of the petltloners. The hearlng was thereafter doclared concluded. RECESS A recess was declaned by the Chalr at 9:25 p.m. CALL TO ORDBR The meetlng was celled to order at 9:5O p.m. NEFERENCE 10 BIDS - $32,OOO DRAINAGE BO}{DS The Clty Attorney advlsed that blds recei',ed on bonds of the SecondDlrrlslon of Drainage Bonds l"n the prlncipaf amount of $52,OOO.OO had been examlned and it was recon:mended that theAmorican Trust Coinpany, the Low bid.der, be awarded the bld. 1-59 Awardlng Sale of -Bonds, Second Dlvlslon, $IIEFI CAx TRUST CoMPANYi seconded by Counellrnen E Counclfman Johnson introduced and moved tho passage of RESOiUTION NO. 52, ooo.Oo to the -ooth and adopted unanl - mously upon roJ-f cafl. 361 COI'I]JIUNICATIONS I. BURLINGAME SHORE LAND COI'PAI'T REQUEST]NG CITY PURCHASE EASEiIENT A comrn:.nLc r, tl on dated JanuprXr 2, L959 t w::s Pead from the CLty Manager, advlslnq that a com.mnic.tlon had been necelved from the attorneys for the Burl lngane Shore Land Company, requestlng that the Clty purchase a strip of property owne d by the Shor"e Land Company' east of the Bayshore Frseway neer the Broadway Ovenpass and usod by the Clty for sewage and dralnage purposes wlthout ac.lulrln{ tltIe. thereln. Tho City Manaqer advised that some years ago the Clty constmcted a thlnty lnch sanltary sewer forco maln from lts purnplng plant to lts treatment plan across tho property ln questlon and taklng possosslon under an oral aqreement whereby the Clty was to feceive tltfe to the southern portion of the tract ln exchange for fl 11lng the northernportlon of the tract. ft w,.-s the recommendation of the Clty Ma;rager that tire Clty ascortaln 1f lt 1s posslble to blnd the Sirore Land Company to the orlglnal agree- msnt or lf not, to (a) purchase the easement cr' (b) purchase such amount of fard as w1 If rergo with the easement to stnalghten property Ilnes, or(c) to purchaso all the )-and adJolnlng the Cltyrs in order to control and to devolop the property. For purposes of information and further clarlfleation, a comm-mlcatlon from the law flrm of Carr, Mc01o11an, Ingersoll and Thompson, dated December 3, 1958, ras reed, lncl cating that the Burllngame Shore Land Company ls of the oplnlon that the Clty of Burllngame has abandonedfurther consideratlon of the purchase of the dnolo piece of property. Tire corununlcatlon, in lts closirg paragraph, stated:tho fact that some afflm&tlve actlon rrust b6 taken by the Shore Land Company to prevent the Clty of Burl lngarne from arl$rt of usor undor lts rroperty, we must have a reply to t not lator than Januery 15, 1959.'t In 'rlew of Burl lngarecculrlng thehls offer that the because use of In replylnq to Councll lnquirles, the Clty Attornoy adrriseddate January 15, 1959, had been selected 1n all- probablllty, of the fifth year annlversary date of the City obtalnlng thethe 'rstrip of property' to InstaII lts sewer maln. Councllman Morgen mo..ed that the subJect matter be refemed Idanager and actl-on taken as outllned bythe CLty Attorney. was seconded by Councilman Rooth and unanlmousJ.y carrled. The Clty Attomey further advlsed that he was uncertain at this t lrfle whether the Clty has a nsubscrlptlve rlqht'r to the prcperty. It washls r.ecommondation that the subject bo roferred to the Clty Manager wlth the Clty Manager in turn advising the attorneys for the Burllngame Sho re tend Company that the Clty of Burllngame ls cognlzant of a sltu-atlon t,hat should be corrected. Followlng further dlscusslon, tne Chalr recomnended that the Clty itlanager conduct an lntenslvo study of the ertlre srbJect and that hlsflndings be reported to the Counc11. to The the CLty Ilotlon 2. COUNCILMAN THAYER APPOINTED REPRESENTATTVE FIIEEWAY DESIGN COI{IIITTEE A communlcatlon dated January 2, 1959, was read from the Clty L{anager, advlslng that the San Met€o County Advlsory Plannin.q Councll has re-quested an appolntrEnt of a membor of the Burllnqane Clty Councll toserve as a representatlve on the Junlpero Serra Freeway Deslgn Committee and has oxtended an lnvltatlon to the representetive to attend a meetlng of sald Corrr-eittee on January 20, 1959, Court House, RedwoodClty, at I p. m. CouncLlman l{organ morred t}rat Councll-nran Thayer be selected as the Cltyrsrepresentatlve, seconded by Councllman Rooth ald unanimously carrled. 362 3. FINAL MAP I,{ILLSDALE INDUSTRIAT PARK TEf.,IPOfi,ARILY IiJITTIHELD Actlon on No. f was the acceptance of the Flnaf Map of East Mlllsdale .Psrk, UnltheId, pending r.ecelpt of related docurrcnts. 4. REQUEST FOR STATE AID IN CREATI0N SI{ALL BOAT HARBOR A com:nunlcation dated January 2, 1959, was read from the Clty ldanager, subrdtting a request from A. A. Liggett, proprletor of e Sporting Goods store on Broadway, as to rrrhat actlon, if any, the City of Burllngame has taken to avall itself of State funds to assist cltles 1n the creationof a small boat harbor. The City l,{anager advised that State funds are available on a loan basis for pfanninq and constructlonl howe.rer r considerable lnformation must be submltted to the State prior to the granting of a loan. The Chair recognized li{r. A. A. Liggett, nho advLsed that the instalfa- tion of a smal-1 boat faclllty ln Burl- lnaame wou1d not only lncrease hls personal business, add mor e purchaslng in this area, but vould provlde a speclal recreation service ard f acil-ity to tho City aIso. Mayor Byrd observed that a loca1 boat concern has experlenced a decline in business alleged to the fact, prlmarily, that the Clty of Burl ingameoffers no facllity for boating. Follorving a brief discusslon, the City Manager was roquested bo obtal-n more information by communlcating with the City of Hayward, the Clty of South San Franclsco a'1d the Smafl Boat iiarbor Cornmission of the State of California Departlrent of Natural Resources. A comnunlcation dated Janua ry 2, L959, from the City Manager, advlsed that the tentatlve map of the nBearint fndustri a1 Parkr has been recorunended for acceptance by the Planning Commlsslon, the Clty Englneer and ttr e Offiee of the City Malager. Councll-man Morgan moved that tho Councll map as presented be accepted, seconded by unanLmously camied. concur and that the tentative Co',:ncllrnan Johnson and 6. STOP SIGNS ATNHORIZED AT INTERSECTION LAI}IINA AND L]NCOLN AVENUE A recommendation from the Clty l,lanager, dated Januany 2, 1959, STOP slgns be erected at the lntersection of Lincol-n Avenue and Avenue, was concurred in by nembers of the Councll. tha t Laguna NESOLUTIOI{S AND ORDI}IANCES None CI,A]M jJlari on A. Brown,185 Pepper Avenue A memo fro rn the City lvlanager, dated January 2, 1959, adrrised that a cfalm has been filed for an undeternxined amount for damages alleged by IIARION A. BROWN, 185 Pepper Avenue, to tlave been caused from erosionof a ditch ln the yard of the cl-almant and lt was recordmend.ed that thoclaim be re jecteo and referred to the Cltyt" insurance carrler. Councll- man Morgan moved that the cla1m be re jected and referred to the Cttyts insurance carrier, seconded b;r Councllman Eooth ard wranimously carried. I SAI'I FRANCISCo fIATER DEPARTMIiNT RE: PURCHASE OF lqAfER A roport from the City Manager, dated January 2, L959, ad'rlsed that the San Franclsco Water DepartrEnt is currently conducting a series of meetlngs to confer on problems concernlng the present and fu ture water supply. The Council was advised that an Association of Ball Area rrrator users is being formed for the protection of consuners and a furtherreport shal1 be submitted notlfying the Councll- of the actual formation and the advantage of the Clty partlcipatlng ln the Assoclatlon. 5. TE]NTATIVT] MAP .IBEARING INDUSTRIAL PARKT ACCEPTED C]TY MANAGER RiiPORTS 3s3 UNPINISHED BUS]]{ESS None NI]W BUSTNESS None ADJOURNI{ENT There being no further buslness, tLr e meetlng was requl-ar]y ad. journod at 10:25 p. m. Respe ctfully s ubml tted, Herbert K. lljhl teCity Clerk APPROVED: lLx{Andre Ma B-")/,1L)a-42- {a w C. Byrd yor l-t' M