HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1959.12.2152 Bur"llnga rne , Callf ornla Doc€mber 21, 1959 CALL TO OBDER A negular neetlng of the Burllngane Clty Councll *as held above dat6. Moeting called to order et 8!OO p.m., Meyor 1n tho Chalr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE on tbo Johnson At word from the Chak, all the Pledge of Alleglanco to ROLL CALt Pre sont Ab sent M]NIIIES ln the Councll Chemben arose and gave the F1ag. - Councllmen: Johnson-Mor8an-Rooth-Thayer - Councllmns Byrd (excused rreetlng Deco er 7, 1959.) PNEVIOUS HEETTI{G The rnlnutes of the prevlous rreetlng of Decenber 7, 1959, as gub- mltted to Councll, wore unanlmously approved and adoptod on motlon of Councilnan ltror'gan, soconded by Councllman Thayer. COMMUNICATTONS I. AGREE}.IENT APPROVM g. R. PARK PROPERTT FOR OF'F-S?REEE PARKTNG. A lottor dated Deoembon 18, 1959, Ib oru the Clty t anager advlsedthet ttrle Cltyts agneement rlth !&r. II. R. Park fon use of hls prop-erty for off-streot parklng, ln connectlon rith ths Clty-ownedlpanklng 1ot on Palona Avenuo, explnes at the erd of the curentyean. The Clty anagor reconmended oxocutlon of a reneral agr:ee -aont, to lnclude tio rdnor changea requested by Mn. Park for oneaddltlonal parklng space for hls use end rstentlon of lngress and ogress r.lghts over hls prope:rty. Councll mombsrs unanlmously concurnlng, the Clty Managor was auth- onlzed to prepare tho nee6ssary pepors. 2. I25 FOOT WIDTH OtD BAYSHORE HIGIIWAY ACCEPTM (EASTON IIEIRS SECTlON). The Clty Managen rocomrnerrlod ln a lottor dat€d December 1?, 1959,that the Clty accept the fu1l 125 foot width of thst soctlon of the 01al Bayshore Illghway own€d by the Easton heLrs on tbe basls of declarlng the road a ma Jor clty str€et rlth 84 foot rlght ofray, and deslgnatlng the excess footage avallabLo to pnoper:ty ornona along th€ stre€t; any conslderatlon therefron to be ehared rlth the Easton helrs . 0n a motlon lntroduced by Counc llman Rooth end s€condod by CouncLlDan Thayer, Councll expressed unanlmous concurrencc ln th6 rscommendatlon. 5. UEASURES TO CONTROL AIR POLLUTION FROM MOTOB VEHICI,ES PROPOSED. A conm:nicat lon dated D€c6[bst Control Dlstrlct r€quosted thata state-rlde nove to control aL RESOLUT]oII NO. 1C1-59 iIn TheCallfornla To CalI A Spec lal S€lature On The SubJect of Contnolllng ltloton Vohlclo Exhausts n wag lntnoduced fon passage by Councllman Mon8an, seconded by Councllman Rooth end unanlmously carrled on ro11 call voto of mer&ers pnesent. RESOLUrIoN NO. 102-59 rA Resolutton A pprovlng Certlflcate of Completed Work for Paynont M 111s Estate !lo. 15 and Ml1Is Estato l{o. 17 ras lntroduced fon passege by Councllman Morgan, soconded by Councllman Rooth snd unanLmously carrled on roll call vote of rm mbers present. 2, 1959, frono th6 Bay Area Pollutl.onth6 Clty of Bunllngane coopenate lnr pollutlon from motor. vehlcles. Matter of Requestlng The Goverlor of sslon of the Callforrtla State Legls- 53 ORDINANCES oBDII{AI{CE }I0. ?O7 nA pproving Ann€ratlon To The Clty of Burllngam of Uninhablted Contiguous Terr ltory Deslgnatod As The l[cMl11an Pnopentytr ras glven lts second r€edlng and on motlon of Councllman Mor"gan, seconded by Councl lrnan Rooth, sald or:dlnance passed lts second readlng and ras adopted by the follorlng vote: Ayes! Counclhun: Jobnson- organ-Rooth-ThayorFoss: Councllmen: l{one Absent CouncLlnen: Byrat OEDINANCE NO ?o8 n An Ordlnance Anendlng The Ondlnanca Clty o Bur lngane By Addlng Theroto A l{er Seetlon L222 On PalomA Avenue Botf,€en Broadta]r AParklng of Vehlcles Avenucn ras lntnoduc€d by Councllmen Morgan for flrst n I'NPII{ISHD EIiJSTIESS FII.BL ![APS NCA il TERRACEN AND IIBELVEDERE HETGHTSII SUPTVISIOI{S CO Code of The .21 Llntttng nd Carnellta eadlng. Upon advlce frora the Clty Attorney tbat the develop€rs bad requesteda contlnuanco, epproval of the flnal rnapr of iCanyon Terrace' andnBelvedere Eelghtsi SuMlvlslons xas scheduled for the Councll nset- 1ng of Jenueny 4, 1960. NETII BUSINESS Iu reply to an lnqulry fuon Councllman Uongan, the Clty Atbornoy advlsed that January 18, 196O, l! th6 flnel date that proposltlong nay be submlt ted to b6 lncluded on the 1960 Clty eloctlon ballot. Me !&ors agneed that the nattcr rould requlre furtho r dlscusslon and,at the suggestlon of Councllnan llorgan, s cheduled a study sesslon to bo h€ld prlor to January 18, e d6f1nlt6 dste to b6 determlnsd at thenoxt regula:r meetlng. PAYROLL }{ovenbsr Payroll l[anra]ots, Nos. 4580 S?6r54o.58, wero approved on notlon o by Councllroen l,{orgen. -4fC 989, ln th€ total emor.rrt of ouncllman Thayer ard seconded CTATMS Decenber, 1959, Clalms, l{os. 2668-2858 (exceptlng }Io. 2801), ln th6total anount of $2351461.97, duJ.y audlted, rore approved and rarrants ordored drawn on the Clty treasury ln thElr respectlv6 amounts, on notLon of CouncllEsn Thayon and seconded by Counc llman Rooth. MAYOR I S AC(NOWLEDGhIENTS UaJro:r Jobnson acknorledged recelpt of the Uovember, 1959, ,report f}omthe Departmont of Publlc Works, mlnutes of th6 Rocreatlon Coaldsslon,acttvlty and fac1l1ty reports fron tbe R€creatlon Dopartnont andstatlstlcal repor.t fronr th6 Llbrary Board. AGREEIIEI{T I}I nE: GARDEN CLI PPn{GS PrCi(-!P SERVICE. In neply to an laquky from Councllnen Rooth conconnlng prog:ross on econtrect rlth the f 1!rm responslble for plck-up of garden cll.pplngs,the Clty Manag€r. advlsed that he oxpects to have lnfornatlon aval1ab1efor Councll ln January, 196O. IIOLIDAY DECORATIO}IS . BURLTilGAME PI,AZA. Councllnan Morgan ne ferned to a letter from a pnlvate cltlzen, prlntedln the Bun lln€!4rtr6 Advance-Star on Thursday, Decombor 17, 1959, com-nentlng on the leck of Chr.1s tnas Doeoratlona ln the Burllngemo Plaza 54. shopptng center, and suggest€d, ttrat sorD tfi,asures be takon tolnclude the anEa 1n the cltytg decoratlng prograr0. The Clty Manager was nequested to punsuo ths matter wlth the Chanber of Comtmrce and th€ menchants. ADJ Thene belng no further buslness, the meetlng ras regularly ad Journedet 8!2O p.m. Respectfully subnltted, EERBERT K.Clty Clenk WHITE APPROVD: A)*d')uu,,.') Charlotte Johnson Mayon