HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1959.12.0744 Burllngame, Cellf ornla Decenb€r 7, 1959 CALL TO OFDER A negular m€etlng of the Burllngame CLty Councll ras held on the ebove glven date. trleotlng calIed to order: at 8:OS p.rtr., - Uayo:r Johns on ln the Chak. PLDGE OF ALI.,ECIANCE At rord fron tbe Chalr, al1the Pledge of Alleglance to ln the CouncLl Chanbor arosa th€ FIag. and gave ROLL CALL Proaont - Councllnen: BJrrd- Johns6l-fisigen -Booth-Tbayer Absent - Councllmn3 Foas IIINI}TES PREVTOUS IIEETT}IG The nlnutes of the prevlous nootlng of llovenrben 16, 1959, ag sub-nlttod to memb€rs of the Councll, tere rmanlrously appr.oved and adopted. PROPOSED OFF.STREET PARKING PROJECT A dlscussl,on on a proposed $55O,OOO.OO Burllngame Parklng ProJectrag contLnued fnon a special study rE6tlng scheduled at 7:3O p.n., on thlr date by Councllnan Rooth, Chalrraan of th6 Councll Off-Street Perking CoErtrltteo. Councllnen Rooth guestloned the desl:pe of Councll concernlng tbepnoceedlnga for ttre pnoposed proJect neconrended by Ernest A.Wl1son, Iegal counsel, 1n hls r:epor.t to Councll, dated llovenber 15, 1959. Councllnan Rootb, ln expresslng hls approvalto the proposed p1an, statod that th6 detalls requlre study by aIurger number of Councll repnosentatlves and petrlons lnterost€dln off-street parklng. A auggestlon advencod by tbe Chalr that all nenbers of tho Councll,i.n addltlon to other Lntsr€stod p€rsona, be nottfled to atterdOff-Street Panklng Comlttee reetLngs ln the future, ras generally concurred. ln by both reEbors of the Cowrcll and l{r. Wl1aon, lega} oounsello:r fon the proJect. Councllnan Tbayer erprBssod her obJectlon to tbo recorendatlon enbodled 1n the repo!:t that consLderatlon should be glven to tboreincluslon of the Gnay property on EI Card.no Real and to thelncluclon of property south of Hornnd Av€nue. Councllnan Rootb explalnod that the OreJr propenty ls not lncludedln the bor:ndar.le s as currently proposedi horev6r, it ras recoa- nended that negotletlons be lnstltutod for lta acquleltlon. fn r6p1y to Councllnen Byrdts lnquiry concennlng a statonent lnthe report ...... rone of the dlfflcultles ln thls pnoJect 18 thefact that the Clty has alrays comnd.ngled the parklng rovenues firon the Bnoadray dlstrlct ......i llb. Wllgon advls€d ttre t thero 1s no ray to ascorteln the true amount of rovonue fr:on parklngrrters rlthln thc Burllngame dl.strlct; therefore, the proJoct 1111 bave to bo assessed by a nflxed 1len assesgnent.r tdn. Wllson advLsed that tt would b€ more degfuablo to pnoceed on thla bagls than trap1lttr the revenue. IIr. Wllson replled to Councllaan llorgenr s lnqulny concennlng thacost to the pnoperty ornor, statlng that (a) tlre prlrm:ry pledge under tbe presently proposed distnlct anolrnts to $l5rOOO.OO;(b) thc provlous SOy' assossmsat tax to the pnoperty orner hag been lncreased to 75f, alold (c) a secorrdary pledge 1s estlnatodat $17'OOO.OO per year. 45 Follorlng a brlaf discusslone no actlon rag schedultng of a meettng by councllman Rootht Counc 11 Off-street Parktng Connlttee. tak€n, pend lng the Chelrman of tkre I{ayon Johns on announcect that thts ras the tlne and the place gcheduled prevlously by Qouncll resolutLon, lhen obJectlona. to tbs proposld reraovai oi tdangerous weedgn may bo heard and glven due conslderetlon. There bolng no pttotgsts recelved, olthori ln rrltlng or onally, nESoLUTIOtr }{0. 97-59 iordenlng Dostructlon of Noxlous and DanSorous ffiulsance ln the Clty of BurlLngarren rao lntro- duced for passago on motlon of Councllman Rooth, soconded btrr Councllman Byrd and unanlnoualy carrled by ro11 call vote. EEARINGS 1. WEED ABAIEMEIT PROGRAIi 1960 2. AIIIID(ATIO}{ 0F MCIfiLLAI{ PROPERTy Thare belng no property orneng rlt obJect to tbe pnoposed annexat 1on, Tbe Chalr announced thet thls ras the tlmo and the place scheduled,ln conf onmance rlth lega1 requlr€ment, to eonduct a hearlng on tho proposed arurexatlon of the nMcMlllanr property. htn gald ternltotry to oFDTtrAISCB l{O. 707 nA appear: to pprovlng AnneretloD to the Clty of Brrllngaro o? unlEabl tetf Contiguoug Tor*ltor5r Deslgnatod as the t tricMllLant Propertyr' (Sutnmt t Dnlve- Ellld. ite Clrele ) ras lnt:roduced by CounclLmn Byrd for f l:tst readlng. 5. APPEAL SUilDBERG VARIA}ICE IOTS 47. BLOCK 36. MrLI,S l{O. 15 A conmnlcatlon fron Ecand Sundberg, datod l{ovodtber 1r 1959, appeallng fron the deoialon of thc Plannlng Coomlsglon ln donylng a va:rlance requested on Lot 48, Block 36, I[11]s Estste }{o. 15e waa roed. Tho Chah announced that thls ras the tlre and the place scheduled by the Courcll to conduot a pub11c hearlng on sald appeal. A Letter deted Decer6er 5, 1959, fnoar the Plannlng Cor dsslon, advlsed that Lr. Edr ard Sundberg, Bulldlng Contractor, completeda home on ore of hlg tro ad Jolnlng lots ln the l[iIls Estate, subsequent to rhLch 1t ras dlscovered that the plot plan lncludetlan ar6e of flfteen feet by one bundr.ed and one fset of tho adJoln-lng lot and beeause tho proporty ls dtbln an aroa roqulrlng a TrOOO squane footage ninlmra, ltrn. Suntlbeqg raa corryolled to applyfor a venlaDcc. Tbe Cornlssloa further advlsed tbet Ih. SuDdberglndleatcd he had not consultetl tho lars of the clty and lt rastherefore the posltlon of the CoonlssLon that l{r:. Sundberg ghould have roade hlrgelf converaant d.th the lars of the clty and thattbe hardshlp ras sel f-l aposed. lb. Sundberlg, ln appoarlng before tho Councll, 8tat6d ttrat he ras confused ln hig ettenpt to lntorpret a map accoopanylng the cttytszonlng lar. Follorlng a b:r16f dlscueslon, nheneLn Councllnan Rooth expr.es sedhl,s oplnlon thst th6 applleant ras nogllgent ln appoarfurg boforetho Councll dthout ptlopon evLdence, C recoss tas cal1ed-by theChain at 8:45 p.n., and tho Clty Clork ras r:oquosted to obialn acopy of tbe nap and zonlng lar ln questlon. CALL TO ONDER The :regular order of busln€ss rag resuned. andto ordo! by the Chalr at 8:55 p.n.the rmetlng called 46 SEARIIGS (Cont.1 4. fWO EOUR PARKII{G ON PALOM E$ISEET BROADIIAY & CARI{ELITA Mayor Johnson announcod that a contlnuetlon of the ho arlng on thc roquost for a tro hou:r parklng lluitatlon on Palona Avenuo betroon Bno adray and Canlollta Avenuos ras scheduLed on thls date. A conru.urlcatl on datod Docorter 3, 1959, ras read frora tho Clty Uanagor, advlslng that an lnvestlgatlon further lnto the appealto establlsh a tro hour parklng on Pelom Avonuo and on thepetltlon agalnst sald llnltatlon, lndlcat€s a dlvlslon of oplnloa,wlth the apartn€nt bouse drell€rs and, enployees vorklng m Broadralrof the oplnlon that they shall bo lnconvenlenced and tbe slng1efanlly d.rellers of the oplnlon that they ere lnconv€nl.enced by all day pa:r kers ln flont of thek bones. It ras the :recomnentlatlon ofthe Clty Menagor that a nlaoty-day trlal for a tro hour perklng bo c ons ldered. WlL1lam O. Handl os, spokesnan for p roponents, advisod that t olveadditl onal names have been subndtted to be f lleil wlth the or"lglna1petltlon, ln addltlon to whlch tbe otnons of the Bl Rlte Storeg have lndl cated theh approval. H:r.. Eancllos urged favonable conaideratlonto allevLate the lnconvenlence. lbs. C. F. Kunz, 1151 Palona Avenu6, epokesmaa fon the opposltlon, requested that a letten bearlng hen slgnature, under: dat6 of Deconber 7, 1959, be nead on thls occaglon. Ibs c onrn:ntcatLonstatod 1n part .,.or th8t (l) 'From obs€rvatlon, adoquato parklng ltpeccs epp6er:B to b€ avallable at a1l tlmes; (2) e cltatlon lssuedto Suosts of apa:rtrrent house renters overstaylng e tro bour parklngrculd cnoate embaragsment; (3) tho Pollco Dopertmont xould bo bu:rdened rlth extra patrol llng dutlos and (5) as ther€ ars uocomnorclal bullctlngs on tho 1100 block of PaLoaa Av6nu€, tholnstallatlon of slgns rould detract fton the resldentlal ataosphsrs.r The comn[nlcatlon sugg€ s t€d tbt space! be resetlved and narked fcrpropot parklng and citatlons lgsued to v lolates accor.,illngly. CouncllBan Rooth proposed that the tro bour panklng rostrlctlon onbotb the clty orned p arklng lots on Palona Avenuo and on Capuchlno Avonus be removed to acconmodato tho rerchantg anil theh €nployoes on Broadray and thet the stne6t3 adJolnlng be marked for parklng spacoa, rlth a tro hour lltrltetlon provlded on the east slde oftho strosts and no parklna on th6 west glde. Councllnan Blrd erpressEd h1s concurr'enco tdth tlD neconmndatl onof the Clty lilanager. and f o1lor1ng f urther: dl. scusslon, rcved thatthe Clty Attomsy be lnstructed to prepare an ordlnance establlsh-tng a tro hour par.k!.ng llnttat 1on on a trLal nlnety-day basls, on Palona Avenue betu€en Broadray antl Carnellta Avenuo. The motlonras geconded by Councllnan orgaa and carrl.edr Councllmn Roothyg6tng nt1o. n The heartng was declared concluded. COMMUNICATIONS 1.SIGN VARIANCE GRAI{IT:D AMIRICAN UO?OBS CO. A connrnlcatlon dat6d Daoomb€r 5, 1959, ras road fro[ tbo Clty llanager, advlalng that a r€quost has been necelvod fron the Anerlcan Xot@s Corpany on Adr:lan Roadl r:eques tlng a varla:rce to 6root e 81gn abov€ thc flrrt E torJr of 1ts propenty or tblrty-trofeet from tbe ground. Councllnal Rooth moved that th6 varlencc be approved, soconded by Counc llruan Uorgan and unanlnourly ca::r.ied. 4? 2. PROPO SED ONDilANCE NE:SANITARY FACILITIES 3, ACCEITANCE CA Iryol{IERRACE.BELVMERE HEIGI{IS WITHHEID Aotlon on tho ecccptarEe of flnal naplt of Can]ron Tenrace Sub-dlvlslon and Belvedene Eeighto Subdlvl sl on ras tlthheld upon advlcc of th6 Clty Attorney. 1. PORIfOIIS OLD BAYSIIoRE BIGIIWAY VACATED (Atlantlc Life fns. Co.) A conmtrlcatlon dated Deaombor 5, 1959, ,as rgad froE tha Clty Uanagor, calIlog the attontlon of tho Cor:ncll to hla prevlous ropont relatlve to the krorl edge tbat tb6 Clty ttoe s not oEr the old Bayahee rlght-of-ray and attvlslng that ths Easton helrg have lntllcated th6ln rlll lngnes s to iledlcatc the 125 foot atrlpof lts portlon of th6 01d Bayshore Hlghray to the Clty provlQetl the clty corplles rlth lts oi'lglna1 lite.rf,lon to sel1-tle 20*feet on each slde at the appralsed price, to those dcslrlng to purchase tbe excess footage. A lettor rag algo lro ad from E:rnest A. Wllson, of thc lat flnnof l(irkbrlde e Wl1son, Earzfeld & wallacc, datod Deocnber 51 1959, :relatlve to tbs closlng of that portlon of tbe OId. Bayshore Hlghray betroen tho nortborly b cund.ary of the Clty of Bunllrrgane and thc Mllls Creek Charrrel, orned by tho Atlantlc Llfe InsurarBc CoEpany. Thc above connrnlcatlon descrlbed ln sorr ctetall flndlnga lncorroctlon dth the tttle of the htglray and fo11or1ng a euonatLon of oplnlon of the attorrxoys, the Councll res advlsedthat th6 Clty has no greater lnter€st thaa ras acqulred by tbeStats, rhl ch ras that of a road rlght-of-ray. Councllnan Bln at lnltlated the dlscusslon that ensued, statlngthe Councllrs opposltlon to tho :rellnqrlshrent of the pnoperty and thc desLne to netaln the full rldtb of the 125 foet ofhlghray. lh. V[llaon re fcr:necl to the elghty-four foot r"lght-of-tay estab-llshed by Councll resolutlon sore tlme pnlor and by a drarn sketch of East ilLIlsdale ilo. I Subdivlslon, lllustrated the set-backs, the pontlon pnoposed to b€ vacated to provlde sufflclentpropenty frontage ard that portlon rhereon slderalkc, curbs and Suttors bavo bo6n lastalled. Mr. Wllson stated that the pr:opertyrould attaln a hlgher uge value lf re llnqulghed fon taratlonpurposos rather than r€soryed for munlclpal purposos. In response to Councll lnquirl.es, the Clty Attonney, for punposerof clarlflcatlon, advlsed that there are txo lssued to be consld-sred pegardlng dlsposltlon of tho excess footage; that portlonof the 01d Bayshore prop6rty owred by the Atlantlc Llfe Insrranco Co@eny end that portlon orned by tho holrs of Ansel Easton. A conmrnlcatlon fron the Clty ManaSor deted Dece66! 4, 1959, roconnandlng tlat the Clty adopt an ordlnallc€ s1n1Ietr to tho County of Sin tlat€ors ondlnance controlllng the. buslness of cleaning chonlcal tollot! and as rsquested by the County Eeel'th Depar:tmnt yas concured Ln arail the Clty Attorney tnstructed to ptrepare an approprlete ordlnanco on notlon of CouncllEalx Uorgen, soconded by Councllnan Rooth and unanlnously carrled. In th6 lengthy dlsoussion that fol1ored., both the Clty Attorneyand }lr. Wllson each outllned pnlor hlstory relstlve to the orn6r- 3h1p of tbo tro seger$s of pro p6 r'ty and th6 Cltyts posltlon lnrel.atlonshlp tbereto. Tbo Councll rag advlsed by lrir. Wllgon tbet cur.bs, guttotrs, slda-ralkl, flre alar:rus and s erer lr@rovenents have been installedrdthln the East Ml1lgdale Industrlal Park and ln accordance rltb 48 speclflcatlons of the Offlco of th6 Clty Englnoor. Tho dlscusslon ras concluded rith a not lon latroduced by Corurcllnan Rooth that the Clty Uenagor be lnstructed to confer wlth ther6pres6ntetlve of the Baston helrs to ascortalB rhether thoproperty otned by tho lattor. nay be lryroved 1n a nannen slmllarto that conpleted rlthln tho East Mlllsalale fndus trlal Park Sub-dlvislon. The motlon ras aocondod by Councllman Blrral and unan- l mously carrled. In further actlonl Councllman Uongan lntroduced for passage, RESOLUTfON N0. 98-59 tA Resolution of Intsntl on to Vacato Pot'tlon' @ayi (orned by Atlantlc Llfa Insurance coryany) and schedullng liordar, Januany 4, 1960, to conduct a publlc bearlng on seld lntentlon. I'he motlon rea aoconded by Councllmn Bytd anatthe nesolutlon unanlnously adopted upon ro11 celI of menbers. 5. LIIICOLN AVENUE STORM DRAI}TAGE IMPROVEMEI{TS ACCEPTED A comm.mlcatlon dated December 4, 1959, was read from tbe Clty t{anager, advlslng that Dale Wl11lans, fnc., Contnactor., haa conpleted the constructlon of the Llncoln Avenue Storn Draln analflnal lnspectlon determlned thet all condltlons pertalnlng to theplans and epeclficatlons hav6 be€n rn€ t satlafactorlly. Councllman Rooth moved that the Councll concur wlth the necomnenda-tlon of the Clty Manager and the Clty Englneer and tha t tbe proJect b6 eccapted as conplete. Ihe notlon ras secondod by Councllnan Uongan and unanlmoualy carnled. 6. REPORT OI{ EABTI{ IIAIILTNG ON TNOUSDALE DRIVE A commrnlcatton dated Docember 4, 1959, ras road from the Clty xanager, subElttln8 a conrnrnlcatlon from Rlchard Do Lanclo, Presldont of the Broadvler Rosearch Cor?orat1on, t8I1 IlotredaleDrlve, r*rereln the latter ad.vances four suggestlons rolatlve to tbe haullng of earth on Trousdele Drlve. The Clty Managor, ln hla communlcatlon, advlsed that hls ollflce proposes a confononce to be s cheduled rlth ![r. De Lsncl e and tho had.lng concern to conslder nEans to allevlate the nulsanco. Tho c oinmunt catlonar€re acknoxledged and placed on filo. ACCEITANCE EAST MITLSDAI,E PART SUEDTVISION NO 1 A commrnlcatlon from the Clty llanagsr dated Decenbon 41 1959, advlsed that the E. T. Eaas Co., bas setlsfactorlly completed East M111sda16 Industrl-e1 Park Subdlvlslon No. 1 and lt rae recommend€d that the tnprovements be accoptod. A conmunlcatlon (No. 9 on Agenda) fron the Clty Manager, datod Deceraber 3, 1959, advlsed that lmprovonnnts along tho €astenly boundary of East Mlllsda1e Industrlal Pank llo. 1, conslstlng of slto cleaning, oxcavatlon, lmported f111, plant ralx surfaco, conatructlon of curb and gutter, sldaralk and stonn dralnage lnstallatlons have been completed ln accordance rlth all requlne- m€nts end lt ras neconmended that sald lmpnovements be aocepted. RBSOLUTIOI llO. 99-59 trAcce ptlng Work and Dlrectlng Englneor to FlIe Notlce of Complo tlon - East Mlllsda1e lndustrlal Park Sub- dlvlslon No. I fmprovenentstr ras lntroduced fon pass&ge on motlon of Counillnan ldorgen, geconded by Councllnan Booth and unanlnously carrled on ro11 call. 8. REQUEST INGRESS-EGRESS CIIAPIN IANE A cotreunlcatlon fnoll the Clty Uana8or, dated December 4r 1959, advised that Cyrus J. }lcMlllanr Attonney for Rdcrt L. Clar:k, has requestod the rlght of lngress and egress onto Cbapln Lane 7. 49 at lts nortberly doaat end fron a Lot to Chapln Lane it tho b ounda:Py of the On motlon of counclldan Bootht eubject natter rag referned to and nepont to Councl I. 1n Hlllabonougb' oontlguous Clty of Burllngane. secondcd by Cor:nc1lman l{ongan, tbe the Planntng Conmlsslon for revler 10.COMPLAINT CON CERNING AIR PORT OPERAEIONS A conmunlcatlon dated. Decembor 4, 1959, rag read fron tho Clty lfanager, advlslng that a conplalnt -has boen necelved relatlve to the ;llriort alrplane openatlone and recourcdlng that the -UayorapooLnt a ropresentatlve to aorve on a ilorth county Councll of Citfes ,Jet ilrportn Coomlttoe ln an effort to resolve the problen. Tho Clty Manager ias appolnted by the Chelr to ropros€nt th6 Clty of BurlLngame. 11.CLAIM OF CATHM II'IE U. RAPP REJECI@ A lotter fron tho Glty l{aaag er, datcd Dec6Ebar 4, 1959, advlsed tbat l{r8. Catherlne U. napp has flloat a claln for: $5,O85.OO for lnJurles susteLnod ag a result of a faII upon the Cltytg sldctafks. A recommndatlon lboa the Clty }tranaSor tbat the c laln be r€ Jected and neferred to tha Cltyts lnsunance carrler tag c oncumed ln on notlon of Councllman llorgan, aeconded by Councllmen Thayer and unanlmously carrled. ]-2. NEPORT ON PARKING LOT O}T PARK ROAD A report.dated Deeombon 4, 1959, rag read fron the Clty Manager,notlfylng th6 councll that the parklng 1ot on Park Road, opposlte the Clty IIa11; has been llsted for sa16, rlth the ners lndlca-tlng a proferonce that the sale be consumnated on a cesh b4818. The Clty ltanager advised that the pnoperty should be lncluded fonacqulsltlon rlthln ths propoaed dlstrlct lnnedlate1y. CouncllEan Rooth advlsed that tho lot 1s ons proposed to bo acqulned by the Off-Strset Parldng Comlttee for lnclusion xlthln the propos€d off-stroet park lng dlstrlct. 13. INDECB}m LITEBATURE ONDINANOE PROPOSD 14. PARI(II{G LOIT - PRIMOSE ROAD Al{D DOT}IELLY AVEI{I'E A morno to Councl.l firon the Clty tanag6r, dated December 7, 1959, advlged of tha ttlfficultles encountencd 1n hle att6npt to fore-sta11 the cloalng of the parklng Iot on Donnelly Avenue anil Prl@ose Road; tbat subsequent to the onaors I notl.co to tbe Cltyto vacate, .the lot has been leesed by tbo ornors, Stephen K. antt Eorton Whlpplc to Wallace C. C1ank, who has erected nno tneepaaa-lngr rlgns. It ras the contontlon of the Clty itanager that tboCltyts perlod of leasc hag been on a quarterly basls and thcfourth quarter tenancy does not explre untll the end of Decer&er. The Clty Councll ras requested. to support hls posltlon by lnstruct-lng the Clty Attorrrey to lnltlate 1egal actlon agalnet tho tres-passo:3s. Robcrt J. Leris, Attorney, roprosentlng tbo ornors, reforrod to aconmrnicatloa dat6d W! ?,2, 1956, rhcreln tbo Clty entered, Lnto anagre€Ent rl th the owrer to opolrate tbe lot f or a parking facl1tt,yon a rcntb-to-month basls at a spoclflod foe. In hls stateruonts A noeo flrots th6 Clty Eanag er, deted Docenbor 5, 1959, advlsedthat th6 Clty Attorney, the Cblef of Pollce and hls offlcc, hayonet rlth l{:r. Flo yd Jdrnlngs relatlve to tho r€guost fe annlndeoent lltcnatur:e i otdlnaacc end further tlne ls requestedpendlng r3port to Councll. fhe neno raa placed on flle. 50 to Councll, lb.effact.Lsrls stated that the onlglnal agneement is gttll in The- clty Att orrrey aclvlsed that an eramlnetlon of the necords dr fl}erlth the c1ty, lndlcate that th6 crw has no 1agal claln io netalncontrol of the lot. Conslderable dLscusslon arose ln rhlch member:s of the Councllqppealod to the orlers to allot tbe parklng lot to remaln openfor the convenience of Eollday shoppers. A brlef r€c€ss ras called by the Chaln at L1:40 p.n., to pennitthe owners to conf€r rlth thelr attornoy. CAI.L TO ORDER The metlng ras c al1od t o order by the Chalr at 1I : 45 p. rn. Mr'. Lerls, s pealdag ln behalF of b1s clionts, advlsod tb.at tbo 1otshaI1 ttoEln opon provlded a use permit fon comrrclal pu:rpoeea, denled by the Councll ln the past, la approved. The diacusslon t ernlnated *en rembers of the Councll reJected tbecoqronilslng offcr. The Clty Xana Ber rag connended for hLg efforts oa behalf of ths Clty. RESOLUII0}IS RES0LUTIO}{ l{0. lOO-59 nAcce ptlng Deeds of Dedlcetlon of Easernntsfon Bunllngame Shore Land Cor@any, a Conporatlon, Datcd 1. I{ov6mb6r 11, 1959; 2. November 1I, 1959n raa lntnoduced fotr passage on motlon of Counclkan !,lorgan, sec onded by Councllnan Thayer end adopted by the f ollorlng vote; Ayes: Counclln€n:lloes: Councllm€nt Jobns on-lrorSen -Rooth- fhay@ Byrd ORDINANCES . None I'}IFINISHM BUSTNESS 1 EOTJARD SI'IIDEERG APPEAL FON RESUBDIVISION APIROVICD A motlon lntroduced by councllEan Rootb that the appeal of Ilorard Sutrdborg, rhose appllcatlon fe a varlance to rosubdlvlde Lot No. 48, Block 56, lrlUs Estate No. 13, ras denled by the Plannlng Comolsslonr.be denled, falled for tb laak of a secortd. 2. ABAI{DONME}IT SEIUEN EASE}ENT BI'RLI}IGAUE PANX l{0. 5 WII'EDRAMI Tho subJoct lolatlng to tbe abandonEnt of a sei6r easerEnt, Burllngano Palk l{o. 51 ras wlthdram fnon the Councll ag enda upon edvr.co of the Clty Attorn€y. NEW BUSIIIESS 1. MOSq UITO ABATEMENT DIS?RICT FILM Courrcllnan Morgan nov ed that the appeal bo granted ard that Hqward Sundberg bs pornitted to nesubdlvlde hls propenty as he hea roqueated. ?tre notlon ras soconded by councllnan Byrd and carrled, rltb Councllnen Rooth vot lng nno.i Councllnan Morgan reported that e f1In docunentln8 the firnctlons of the Mosqulto Abat€mont Distrlct ras avallabIe fon dlsplay at a future Councll naeting. 5t 2. COI'NCTLilAN B}TD COM!{M{IS Councllnan Byrd connonded tho Clty Manager on hlg efforts 1nbehalf of the Cl.ty concernlng the parklrl8 lot at Donnelly Avenue and Prlnrose Road.. Councl.lman B;rrd announcsd that he rculd be absent from the Cltyat tho next tro Councll raetlngs end tas advLsed by the Chafuthat he rr ould be excused. 5. BEPORr ON CIVIL DEFENSE ACTTVTTY The Chalr neponted on the succoss of the re cent Clvll Defenseactlvlty and the partlclpatlon of tho Red Cr.oss, tho Flre Depart-rent, the PolLeo Depar.tnsnt, the School DepartGnt and tho clttzensof Bunllngane ln nOperat 1on Burllngame.n 4. ACKNOWI,MGMENTS The Ctrelr acknorledged reeelpt of mlnute s and./ or reponts fron the Recroatlon Department, the Plannlng Comn:lsslon, the Eealth and Safety CommLsslon atlal tho Park Connlsslon. ADJOURI$'EI{T Tho rootlng ras ragularly ad Journed at I2:1O a.n. Respectfully submltt6d, I{ERBERT K. WEIIEClbt CL€rk APPROVD: Charl.otte Johnson Mayor