HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.12.1920s Brrllngamo, Callfor:nla Deceobo! 19, 19@ CALL TO ORDER PLDGE OF ALIEGTANCE A- regular neeting of the Burllngame Clty Councll was belda-bove glven date, Meetlng ca1Iod to order at B:OO p.m., Ii[ongen ln tho Chaln. on the - Meyor At rord from the ChaLr, all ln the Councll Chaniber anose and gavethe Pledge of Alleglance to tha PIag. BOI,L CALL Present - CouncllrnenS Johnson-Lorcnz-llorganAbsent - Councllraen: Byrd-Rooth Councllnan Rooth, absent becauso of lllness, ras excused on motLonof Councllman Lorenz and seconded by Councllnan Johnson. Councllman Johnson rnoved that Councllman Byrcl be excusod, secondedby Councllnan Lorenz ad unanlnously ca:rrlod. MINUTES PREVIOUS }EETING The ninutos of the prevlous neetlrg of December 5, 1960, subrdttedto Councll wero unanlmously appn ov ed and ad.opted on rlotlon of Counc l1man Johnson and seconded by Councllnan Lorenz. C0l.{l'flTNICATI0NS 1. BiIRLINGAI'{E }IIANOR NO. 2 ACCEHID A communlcat Lon from tbe Clty Manager, dated Decerber 15, 196O, advlsed thet all Lnprwements rl ttrln Burllngam Mancn #2 havs been completed Ln accordance wlth plans and spoclflcatlons end fLnallnspectlon has b€en rBdo. It was the recommendatl on of the Clty Englneer and the Clty Malnger thet the subdlvlslon be accepted as complete. Councllman Jobnson Lntnoduced and moved the passage of RESOIUTIoI{ NO. 76-60 iA ocept lng Publ1c Jrryrcl/ €nen ts ln Burllngame ldanor llo. 2,BrFn(ame, Caf lfor<rla,n soconded by Counc ilraan Lorenz and adopted unanlmously on nol1 calL of monb ers present. 2. PURCHASE OP PARK ROAD LOT A communlcatlon from the City MBnager, dated December 15, 1960, advlsed that thE owrlers of tbs Park Road lot across fron the CltyEall have agreed to accept the offor of tho Clty to purchase tbelot 1n the total amount of $66,000.00, rlth $53ro0o.oo payable lnrredlately and the balance of $33,OOO.OO on l{ay 20, 1961, rlth lnter€ s t . The Clty Managor recomended (1) that the Clty Attorney be dlrectodto arrange for all legal documents and that the Clty enton lnto an agreemont fo:r purctiaso 1n accordance to terma s tlpulated anal (2) that a r.esolutlon be adopted creatlng a Bevolvln8 Fund snd t hat $34r0OO.OO be transferrod Lnto sald fund from Parklng !.{e ter rovenuea. Councllman Johnson noved that the Councll concur snd that ths Ctty l{anagor be authorlzed to proceed as rocomn€nded and that the Clty Attorney prepare the appropn Late documents, seccrtded by Councllnan Lor€nz and. unanl mously carrled. The Ctby Manager edvlsed that at su ctr tlme as e Parking Dlstr!.ct la for:rnd, funds de::lvod therofrom nay be aloposlt€d lnto the proposodrrevolvLng funtlr to r.6Lnbu.rs6 the Clty. BESOLUTION N0. 80-60 rA ResolutLon Craatln g Revolvlng Fund Parklng PFojett-To. T|r was lntroduced by counc l1nan Johnson, rho moved lts 206 pagsago,secondedbyCouncllmanLcrenzarrtladoptedurranlmouslyon noII call of members P:resent. Ue:r1e Larson, P!:esldent of the Burl lngamo Chamber of ComlIotnco, co"s""i"1"t "6 tnu Councll on tbo acquisltlon of tho parklng lot facltlty, wlth a few approprlate uords. A telegram was read from John J. Broderlck, ChaL rmEn, Chambor of Commde, Off -street Parklng Comnlttee, expresslng Sratlflcat lon on the acqulsltlon of the Iot. A. REVISD CIVIL SERVT CE RIILES AND REGUIATIONS A commullcatlon from tlro Clty Manenge n, dated Decenrber 161 1960, advlsed t flat th€ Clvll Servlce Connrlsslon has completed lts revLslon of the Clvll Sorvlco Rules and Regulatlona. It rss the recoErondation of the Clty Msnagen that sald RuIes and Regulatl ons be taken undor study by the Councll and tb at the Councllts employee llalson ,:eprosentatlve and tho Offlce of th€ Cltf Manager novler tbe revLsed coples and ,Fport to Cotncll wlttrln thlrty days. There belng no obJectlon from Councll, the recommsrdgt lon was concur.red ln. 4. REPORT OF ARCHITECTS ON NEVT POLTCE STATION A mo no to Councll from the Clty Manager, dated Docemlcer 16, 1960, advised that a schernatlc design of the pnoposed poIlco statlon hag been presented. by tho archLtocts and 1s avalIable for examlnatlon. Thc Clty Uanager funther advlsod that t€n parc€nt of the_archltectsfeo for servr.ce ls now due and payable ln the amount of $I,4O4.4Oand recommerriect tha t, tho archltects be so trelnbursed. Counc lLun Johnson moved that the Councll concur and ttre gum of $1r4o4.40 was authonlzed paid. soconded by Counc llnan Lorenz and unanlmously carrLed. 5. PROPOSED RAPID TBANSIT SYSTE!! PLAN A communl catlon from tho Plannlrlg Conmlsslon, dated DecoBber 14, 196O, advised that the Commlssion, at a pub11c be arlng, rerelnforned of the proposed plans of the Rapld Trarslt System lndetall and concurred ln general, wlth the physlcal development aaptoposed, contlngont upon the followlng: (1) Tbe tnacks to be solocated to provlde fcr a future rldenlng of CaI lfornle Drlve from Bu:r llnga me Avenue to the northerly Ilne of the clty ln the amount of24 feet- at the eastorly slde of Csllfornr.a Dnlve and (2) At lEast one pedestrlan overpass be provldod to e1lof, eccess to the hlgh school and to Sashlngton Park, the preclse locatlon to be flxedlator by mutual egreem€nt. At the meetlng of December 12, 1960,a motlon that th€ Councll be apprized of ttD Commlsslonrg recon- mendatlon was carrled by a voto of six Commlssloners ln favon to one opposed. Councllman Johnson advlsed that the proposed p)-an lndlcates thatthe Clty of Bu:rl ingame wlll be favonably consldered and thereafber moved that the Councll concur wl tb the roconmendatJ. on of tbe Plannlng Conmlsslon and, that the plan be appr.oved c ontlngont uponthe stlpulatlons enumerated by the Commlsslon. Th€ BotLon ra8 seconded by Councllman Lor.enz and, unanlmously canr'led. RESOLUTTOITS RESOLUTION N0. 7?-60 nAuthcr12 lng and Dlnectlng Executlon of Acceptance of Revocable Per mLt fssued by the San Pnanclsco Water Departtrent of the Clty and County of San Franclsco for the Constructlon and Malnt€nance of a BUE Stop Lane and Pedestrlen Walkray on Lards Under the Jurtsdlctlon of the San FrancLsco Wat6n Depantrrentr ras Lntroduced by Couacllroan Johnson, who ooved lts adopt5.on, seeonded by Councllmsn Loronz and. unanlmously eanrLed on ro11 ca1l of rrmbers. 207 tAuthorl zlng end Dlr6ctlng Executlon of Agreenont rlth SouthernPaelflc Corpany for Grant of Eas6m6nt for Storm Dtraln purposes Uponand Acnogs Land.s of the Soutlrertt Pacl.flc Conpany, raa lntnoduced _for passage on rctlon of Councllmen Johnson, seconded. by CouncltmanLorenz and unsrllrrously adoptod on roII call of merbers. BESOLUTION AND ORDII{AI{CE RE' SALES TAtr May or Mcrgan r:eferred to th€ rosult of the vote on the adoptlon of OFDfNANCE l{0. 726 at tbe last regular moetlng, necordlng a trro ln favor. and one agaLnst tha establlshment of the sales and use tax and stated that fnom advlce rocelvod fronr tbe Clty Attonney thatthree rayen votes are requhed to adopt sald ordlnance, the subJect rva s agg.Ln b€fono the Councll to reconslder 1ts pnevlous actlon. Mayor Morgan related brlefly h5.s opposltlon to the lmposltl.on of tbesalos tax, statlng that ho Bs cognlzant, horever, that lf the Citytg ordlnance faLled, th6 County of San Mateo would tbsreafter derlve thebeneflts of the revonue collected. Mayor Morgan stated hls lntentlonto vote iayei therefor, because of the exlstlng clrcunstences. A notlon was lntroduced by Councllman Lorenz t hat the Councll !€corr-slder lts prevlous actlon, seconded by Councllman Johnson snd unanlnously carrled. An addltlonal motlon wag lntroduced by Counclloan Lorenz, seconded by Councllmsn Johnson and unanlnously canrlect tbat the Councllrs vote on 0BDINANCE NO. 726 be amended to record the follorlng: Ayos: Councllnen: Johnson-toren z -Morgan NoesS Councl lmen: None Absent Councllnen: Byrd-Rooth RESOLUTION NO. 79-60 nAuthonlz tng and Dlrectlng Executlon of Agreemont a1 Sales ani Use Taxesn was lntroducedfor State Adnlnlstnatlon of Loc by Counc llman Johnson, who movsd 1ts passage, so conded by Cor:ncl1man Loronz and adopted unanlmously on ro11 call of members present. Ihe Clty Attonney advlsed the Councll to schedule a meeting beforo Januany l-, 1961, ln order to protect the City lf notlco should be recelved from th6 State tndlcatlnS lrrogularL tLes ln tho onactoontof the foregolng leglslatlon. Tuesdayr December n t L96O t was sohed- uled es an ad, Journed date Ln ordor that funther I€gl.slatlon may be enacted lf clrcums tanc os render 1t necessany. UNFINISHD BI]SINESS Itena on the Agenda (1) Clty Man ager reports on 1t6ltrs per Counclllnstructlon; (2) Carolen Av€nue (3) Trafflc fl pattera, (4) D onnelly Avenue (5) Planntng Advls or Dutles (Rssolutlon) were held for actloaat a subsequent neetlng. I{EW BUSTNESS I. PROPO SED GROUP INSURANCE POLICY FOR LAW AGENCIES A cornnn:nlc at 1on, dat6d December 15, 1960, Som tr. J. Wlsnon, Chlofof Po11c6, Torn of lllllsborough, and ChaLrman, Insurance Commltto€ of the Sen llateo County taw Enforceraent Assocl,atlon, advlsed of a proposed gnoup lnsurance po1lcy covenlng all Munlelpal Pollce Departrrent Personnel, the Sherlffrs 0fflce and tfte Dlstrlct Attorneyts Offlce, and nequesttng that the Coffnlttee re€t rlth Counsll representatlves to dlscuss the plan ln d€tall. The subJect was roferred to Councllman Johnson snd the Clty Clerk was lnstructod to so notlfy Chief wlsnom. 2. PARKING i'lEfER EXPERIIIIENT A memo f!'on the clty uanager, dated Deceder 16, 1960, ad.vlsed. that the RESOLUTION NO. 78-60 208 A confiunlcat lon frora the Clty Xsnager, dated December' 16, 1960, advlsed of a conferenc€ wlth a llbr. Nerton, Dlnector of Katser PropertloE, relatlve to the sale of the latterts property on Carolan Avenue to the Clty. Follovlng a brlef dlscusslon, the City Mana ger. wag authorlzed to submlt a b1d to the Kalser Propertles, fnc. ln the a nount of $58,80O.OO. Trafflc Appllcance Corporatlon of IJos Angelos has a gad,getx to aid and asslst- 1n the enfmcement of parklng vLolatLons. It wag rocon- rended by the Clty Manager that the devlee be put lnto ope ratLon es an exporiment at no cost to the Clty, rlth Counc 11 c on cur rlng wltb the reconnendatl on. A motlon ws.s introduced by Councllmsn JoLrneon that the City Contrl-bute tlre sum of $1rOOO.OO to tho Capuchlno IIl gLr Schoo1 Band Fund, soconded by Councllraan (Mayon ) M@gan. Follcnvlng some dlscusslon on the questlon, the vote was recorded as follows: 5. KAISER IIiDUSTRIES PROPERTY 4. PENI NSULA HTGII]I'AY POLICY CO}TMITTE REPTACEMENT Reference was nadc by the Chalr to a notlce recelved f:rom T. Loulg Cbess, ChaLrnan, Penlnsula lllghway Pollcy Comnlttee, announclng an lnportant meetlng to be held in San Franclsco, I'rlday, Decomben 16, 1960, at 1:50 p.m. Councllman Lorenz ras appolnted Councll roptro -sentatlve to the conrolttee. 5. COUNCTL-COMMISS]OI{ AII{UAL DINNER The Clty Manegor, ln a memo dated Decerabe:r 16, 1960, advlsed that Tuesday, Jarnrary 10, 1961 ls ava1labl6 for the Anrrual Commlsslon- Councll Dlnner Me€tlng at Bobrs on Broadray. Councll approvod thedate selected anal lnvLtatlons wer:e requested to be sent to nonbersof all CommLsslons, to cLtlzens I cofinltteo!, nor functloning, to aJ-l departnent heads and to the Planrdng Advlsor. The Chafu announcedthet a subsequent notice w111 be sent advlslng partlclparts to beprepared. to speak on a speclflc subJect. 6. BULLETIN RE: ASSOCfATION BAY AREA GOI/ERNMENTS The Chatr acknorledged recelpt of a bu].letln annournclng a rnetlngof the Bay Area Governeents ln oaklard, Thursday, January 12, 1961. The subJect of partlclpatlng ln the onganizatlon was held forfurther study. 7. J. I{UNTM BE.ELECTD TO BAY AREA RAPID TRA}.ISI| A conmrnicat lon from Joseph G. Huntor, Burllngano C1vll ServlcE ConmlssLoner, announclng h1s :reeloctlon for a four y6 a!. torm as e menbor of the San Francisco Bay Area Rapld Translt System, ras aclmorledged and whereln !lr. Hunter offered such asslstsnce to theCity as Councll may deslne. 8. CAPUCHINO EIGH SCIIOOL BA}ID TO TNAUGERATION CEREMOI,IIES Mayon Mongan announced thet the Capuchlno Elgh School Band has beenlnvLted to partl,clpate ln the Presidential fnaugeratlon Coromonie sln Washlngton, D. C., on January 20, 196I, and funds a:re belngsollclted to help defray exponses. Councllraan Johnson exp:ressod the oplnion that tho partlclpatlon ofthe band in a natlonal event rrerlts favorable conslderatlon and asa oatter of civic prLde, clty funds sbould be contrLbuteil to helpdefray e)p6ns€s. Councllrmn Lorenz suggested that actloa be dclayod t enponarlly atleast untll a f 1na1 accountS.ng ig made of the cument fr:nd drLve. Ayes: CouncL lmen:Noos: CouncLLmon ! Absent Councilnen: Johnson-Morgan Loron z Byrd-Rooth Mayor }Jlorgan thereafter proclal ned ![ednesd.ay, Decembor 28, 1960,as ft0apuchlno Day' ln the City of Bu::llnganre. 9. SELECTION ROLLINS ROAD STIE FCR NEI{ FIRE STAT]ON Mayor Uorgan stated that the selectlon of a s1t€ for the new FLroStatlon has besn delayed for a congld.erable p€ rlod of tlre. Rofer"enco was rasde to tho fact that the Clty l[anager, the Clty Englneor, the Plannlng Dfuocton, the Archltects, the Chlef of theFlro Statlon, tho Board of Flro Undorr:r ltens and, four meulbers oftho Councll havo concurned wlth the pnoposal to erect the FlreStatlon on city-otned pnoperty on Rolllns Road, south of Easton C::eok. Councllman Johnson stated that the selectlon should be nade lmmedlately;that consi.derablo tlrre has elapsed and that sho concurred rlth the re c otrmond.atl ons of those abovementloned. A motlon ras theresjten lntroduced. by Councllman Johnson that tho clty-owned proponty onRolllns Road be desL gnat ed as th6 slte for tho new Flre Statlon. The rnot lon was seeond.ed by Councllman (Mayor ) Morgan. A ro11 callvoto wag recorded as follows: Ayes! Councllmen: Johnson-Mongan I{oes 3 Councllrren: Lorenz Absent Counellmsn: Byral-Rooth Councllman Loranz, 1n caetlng his rnon vote stat€d that ho was st1lIof the opinlon that both tbe Ffue and Po1lce Statlons should bo erected on ono lot and on the Kalser propert5.es on Carolan Avenue;that 1n hls oplnlonl prlvate homes and ths lLves of the cltlzens wo u1d be b€tter served by a ffue statlon located nore contrally. CLAIMS C1alms, l{os. 46?1-4865, ln th€ totel amount of $691007.05, for the Month of December, du1y aud,ltod, were appr.oved f or payrrent arrl warrants ondanod drarn on the Clty freasu.rT ln theln r:espoctlve arnowrts on motlon of Councllnan Lorenz and seconded by Councllnan Johnson. PANOLL Payroll warrants, Uonth of Novorbe:r, 1960, Nos. 7457-75A4, 1I1 th6total anount of $831555.45, rero appr.ovod for payrent on motloa of Councllman Johnson and seconded by Councllman Lorenz. ACKNOWLEDGiTIENTS The Chair acknorledged the p:resence of Menle A. tsrson, outgolng Pr:esldent, Bunllngame Chamber of Conmerco and c ongratulatoal i!:r. Larson on the progress made by the Chamloen of Conrerce the past year. l{r. Lar:son nespondod rlth a foy, approprlate words. The pnesence of merbers of th6 Recroatlon, Park and Llbnary Comrd.ssLona was also a cknorledged. DONNELLY AVENI'E Councllman Lorenz ouestloned the status of the request to croato Donnelly Avenue lnto a two-way streot. ltre Clty Managat ad.viscd thatthe Pol1ce Dopartmont has lndlcated a preference that the street nemalna one-tray street. Chanles Gfno€tr€r, a local merchant, stated tbat cneating Donnel]-y Avenu€ a two-ray street rvould r.elieve tho flow of trafflc on BurlLngame Avenue durlng peak hours. Pollorlng a brl6f dlscusslon, th6 ilay or stated that ono of the obJectlvesof Councll thls year, was the lmprovement of the entlre rovomont oftraffic and the assurptlon that a study would b€ uldertaken by the m€mbe!:s of the H:a1th, Safety & Trafflc Commlsslon, the PoU.ce Departm€nt and the TraffLc Dlrector. 209 2,,0 Speaklng to members of the Pa:rk Conmlsslon ln attend.anee, Mayon Mongan advised that another Councll obJectlve was to lnltlatea study on a master: plan of plantlng for future guidance. Mombens of the Commlsslon wene urged to glve senLous consldenatlonto the proposal. AD.TOURNMEl{T there belng no f urther busS.ness, the Bstlng ras ::egular1y ad.Journed.at 9:O5 p.B. to meet Deeernb er Zl ,196O, at 8:OO p.m. Rospe ctfully subnltted, EERBENT K.Clty Clerk ITE A 0 I t. B. MORGAN,yon Burllnganre, Cal lfornL a Docember 27, L96O An ad Jourrrad ra€6t1ng of tho Brr llngame Clty Councll from ltsreetlng of Decenben 19, 1960, ras called to order at 8:0O p.o. There belng no quorum present, the Clty Clork adJ ournod thereotlng to ?uesday, January 3, 1961. HERBERT K. WHITECity Clenk L.B ilIOR il{ayor P t R€sp6ctfully submltted, -fu-Arrl*z-,P6- 0