HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.11.0918e Burllngartr, Novemb er Callfol{l la 9, 1960 CALL TO OIDER An- ad joulrn€d meetlng of th6 Clty Councll frorn lts meetlng November ?,1960, was held on the above d.ate. Ideetlng calIed. to orden at B:5O p.m.- Mayor Morgan 1n the Chaln. ROLL CAI,L Pre sent - Councllmen:Absent - Counc 11men: Byrct -L orenz -I,ilor gan Johns on-Ro ot h Councllman Johnson, absent because of a prevlous comroLtrGnt, wasexcusod on rnotlon of Councllman BJn"d, seconded by Councllman Lorenz. Councilman Rooth, absent because of 1l-Iness, was excused on motlonof Councllman torenz, seconded by Councllman Byrd. PURPOSE OF ],{EETTNG I}ITRODUCTION OF SAIES TAX ONDTNANCE. It was announcetl by the Chalr that the moetlng had been scheduledfor the purposo of lntroducing an ordinanco to provido for salestax ln the Clty of Burl lngane. ORD INANCES - Introduction of: ORDINANCE NO. 724 rAn Ordlnance Anendl ng The Ordinance Code Of TheClt, bT Bur}lnfarne By Actdtng Article 118 lo Part IV And Imposlng A Llcense Tax For The Prlvllege 0f Sell-ing Tanglble Personal PropertyAt Retal1, Provldlng For'Perfllts To Retallors, ProvLdlng For TheCollection And Payment Of Such Tax, And Provldlng Ponaltles FonVlolations Of Tho Provlslons Herooftr was intnoduced f o:r first readlng by Councilnan By:ed. }Iayor Morgan questlonod the Clty Attomey concerr-rlng preparatlon ofthe ondlnance and 1ts slmllanlty to ordlnances aalopted by other Penlnsula cltles. fn nesponse, the City Attornoy ac}orowledged that he had prepared the ordlnanco; that lt ls rralmost ldentlcal wlth the ordlnanceg rtrlch have been adoptod ln the cltles of San Carlos and L{lllbraen; that rtlt 1s an ordlnence under rfi1ch cltles on the Penlnsula are prosently collectlng sales tax. rt Ivlayon Mor gan thereupon stated that he wl1l neport to the San l,{ateo County Councll of Mayors, at the meeting to be held with the County Board of Super:vlsors on November 10, 1960, that the ordinance has been lntroduced. for flrst readlng by the Clty Councll of Burllngams. The l{ay or, ln further clar lfylng the Cltyts positlon, stated that should a compnomlse be reached v,'tth the Board of Supervlsors, to the oxtent of a 5S allocatlon of sales tax revenue to the County, the Clty w111 not adopt Ordlnance No. 724. Counc ilmsn Byrd expressed concurrence wl th the ]ilayorrs remarks, declarlng that 1t ls the intont of the Clty Councll to place the Clty in a bargainlng posltlon. Ho stated aLso that if subsequent evonts should pnove that 1t would be to the CLtyts ad,vantage to adopt the Brad.ley-Burns Unl-form SaIes Tax Ordlnance, such ordlnance wouId. supersode Ordlnan ce No. 724. Mayor Mor. gan declaned hls pensonal oppositlon to the sales tax, howover, agneed tbt the Bradloy-Burns provides fon an efflclent admLnistratLon of tho tax. Councllman Lononz stated that he was thoroughly ln accord. wlth the seles tax program, that he felt the members of the Clty Councll were prepared to control expondi ture of the r:evenues and statedhls personal desfu:e to noduce the propenty tax. onDINANCE NO. 725 nAn Ordlnance Ansnail ng The ordLnance Code 0f 190 The Ctty of Bur1lngar.'re By Adding Article l1C To Part IV And Providlng For The Impositlon 0f An Exctse Tax 0n The Storage, Use or Othor Consumptlon Of Tarrglble Porsonal Pr.opertyrr was introduced for f lrst ::eadlng by Counc l1man Byrd. CouncLlman Byrd roforred to the announced lntont of the County Ivlanager to recorurrnd t hat a Countywide sal-e s tax ordlnance be adopteal on the basls of allocatlng 1ofi ot the revenue to thocitles and LOfi to the County and stated that tt vras hls oplnlonthat the proposal was a violatlon of home ru1e. In further comruent, CounclLman Btrrd statod that ho has favored tho sales tax as a m€r ans of prov ldlng lncreased rovenue whereby th6 City can supply ad.equate servlces to the cltlzens without the necessltyof lncr.oaslng property taxes or requostlng approval of bond lssues. Th6 City Attorney, ln reply to tbe Chalr, confl:rmed that Ondlnance No. 725 carrlod the same stipulatlons as to preparatl on and sinllarlty to ordLnances pnesently ln offect ln other Ponlnsula clties, as ear:I1er assignod to Ord.lnance No. 724. NEI|I BUSTNESS 1. DISqqSSION RE: O.FF-RAMPS, BAYSHOFE FREEI'I/AY. Councilman Byrd o ff erecl for conslderatlon the posslblltty of theClty negotiating wlth the State Dlvlsion of Hlghways to provldeaddltlonal egress roads from the trlr.eeway fon s outhbound trafflc and montLonod spociflcally two locatlons - David Road and Eumboldt Road. The City Engineor, as actLng Ctty l,lanager, rsas requosted to brlngthe subJect to the attentlon of the IIea-L th and Safety Commlssion,the Clilef of Pollce and the Trafflc Director. 2. PARKTNG FAC]LITY FOR CHBIST],{AS SHOPPERS. Councllnan Byrd mentl oned. that the vacant property, at torton Avenue and Donnelly Avenue, fomerly the site of the PortolaHotel and a used car sales 1ot, rey posslbly bo available forClty use as a par* lng lot durlng the Chrlstmas shoppLng perlod. 3. WIDENING OF CALIFORNIA DRIVE. Councilnan Byrd suggestod that the wldenlng of Ca1 lfornia Drivemight be accorpllshed through a cooperatlve effort between the County of San Mateo and the cltlos of M11lbrae and Brr lingame. Mayor" Morgan advlsed. that lt was his understandlng that th€ Rapld trans lt Systen propolres to utl11ze tho property of the City antl County of San Fra rr isco, f orrre r'Iy the rlght-of -way of the l'llarketStreot Rallway, whlch paral1e1s Callfornla Drlve. Thls possibly would complicato the Cityrs posltlon wlth respect to lmpr:ovingCaflfornia Dnlve. 4. DONNELLY AVENIIE TRAFF'IC FI.O.W. Councllman Lonenz exprossed the oplnlon that Donnol-ly Avenue 1sof sufflcient wid.th to be usod as a two-way stroet, rrlth parklng on both sld.es of the street; however, as an alternatlve, on-streetparklng could be conflned to tho nor thenly slde. Councilman Byrd suggested that were the City to be successful ln securin6 tho l-ot at Donnelly and Lorton Avenuos for panking, tbestreet could be oponed fon two-way traffic, wlth on-street parklng prohlbl t ed. 5. SHORE,INE COI"lirlIi'TEE REPORT. Mayor llo?gan a cknowledged receipt of tlre c ompleted. report of the Bur llngamo Shorollno Corurlt tee. ADJOI]RNMENT T was rogular]-y adJourt-ied at 9:5O p.m. A Re sp octful l y submlt d L. B. DIORGAN,yor IIERBERT K.ITE, Clty Clerk l/