HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.10.17L73 Burllngane - Callfornia October. J,7 , 19& CALL TO ORDER A regular: noetlng of th6 Brr:1lngsrne Clty Council was held on theabove glven- da!g. I,leetlng ca11ed to orde:r at 8:10 p.m., - MayorMongan ln tho Chaln. PI,EEE OF ALLEGIANCE. a:ros e and gaveln the CormcLl Chamberthe F1ag. At wond f:rom the 61eain,the Pledge of Alleglance ROtL CAIL all to Byr.d- Johns on-Lonenz -l{organ Roo th CounclLman Roothr absent because of l11ness, was excused on motlonof CouncLlman Johnson and seconded by Coirnetlman Lo::enz. Mayon Mor.gan advlsed of hls vlslt with Councllman Rooth, statlng tLat hlshealth wag rmrch lmpnoved and that Councllman Rooth may be ln attend-ance at a Ccuncll meetlng eat:1y ln November. !,ftNuTEsIl[6.Elf,utes of the pr.evlous meetlng of Octobe:r 3, 1960, submlttedto Coi:ncll, llene unan lmors 1y approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Johnson and seconded by Councllman Byr:d. The ralnutes of the pnevlous ad J or::rned meetlng 9f Osioben 6, submlt ted to Councl1, were unanlmously appnoved and adoptedof Councllman Lo:lenz and seconded by Councllrnsn Joluns on. Pnesent - Abs e nt Counc l1men: Counc ll-men: 1960, on motLon IIEARING USED CAR tOT APPLICAIfON (Lorton Avenue ) the Clty Clerk announced that an appllcation fo:: a used can lot, 327 Lonton Avenue, Burlingame, h COMMI'NTCATIONS: a ad pennl t to oper"ate been wit hdnarn. 1. ADDTTTONAL REPORT TRAFFIC SURVEY-ROLLINS ROAD-BROAUAIAY A communicatlon fnom the Clty Managcr: r dated Octobe? 1!, 1960, sub- mltted a r:epor:t fi:om the Chlef of Police Depantment on a fu::then sunvey conducted by the department relatLve to the trafflc condltlonat the Broadway and Rolllns Boad lnte::sectlon. The Clty Manager observ€d that from an analysLs of the..accidents, the lnte::sectl.on eannot be classifled as hazandous and ln "we lghing the matter admlnls trat lveIy, the declslon was against the beneflts achle- ved conslderlng the auilllary pr.oblems lnvolvedtr. It was the lecom- mendatlon of the Clty Manager that the CouncLl concur with the recom- mondatlons outllned Ln the survey report and l-n additLon, that a re- survey be conducted at the lntensectlon eve?y slx months for accld- ents and vo hme Lncnease. Reference was made by the Councll to a communlcatLon r dated October 17, L960, fnom the l6a1th, Safety and Tnaffic Cormrlsslon, r€comtn€[d- 1ng that rrthe trafflc at the Broaduay. Overpass bg patro11.ed between the hou.r.s of 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., and l+ p.m. and 6 p.m., untl1 the automat lc devLces can be lnstalIed on other: penmanent ar:rangementg mey be made. rr Councllmsn Johngon referred to cor:nespondence r:ecelved fi:ora the Clty Manager, the Sunvey nepor"t necelved from the Chtef of Pollce, the lmpend lng report fnom the State Eighray Englneers and the fonthcomlng necotnmendatlon from the Plannlng CommLsslon ( renamlng OId Bayshone Elgbway) and suggested that the Cor:ncLl asait development. t74 C ouncllroan Lonenz concu:rred wlth the statements of Councl1man Johnson. Cor:ncl1maa Byr.d, 1n r.6fe"ring to the commualcatlon fron the Health, Safety and Tnaffic Commlssion, questloned uhe ther the Com-mlsslon was cognlzant of the facts as presented by the Chlef of Pollce and the Clty Manage:r. Councllrnan Bynd, speaklng as a membelr of a Itpoll cy-maklngn ErouPrstated that lt was hls obllgation to focus attentlon on a pnoblemthat should be corr"ected; horeven, 1n vlew of the evldence, he uould ooncede to the recorgnendat lons submltted, ulth the suggostl-ontbat measunes to allevLate the problem be expedlted. The Clty Manager r.efenr"ed to and nead excenpts fnom a letter re- ceived by the Chlef of Pollce fr.om the Stete Hlghway Engln€ers, dated Octob€r 14, 1960, advlsing that ttin vlew of oun observatlons and the accldent expenLence, we couLd not necommend any tnaffLc control devlces such as signals or a STOP slgn facing the ramp tnaff lcrr ..nwith the present volume, lt 1s felt that thedrlvers ane flndlng thefu: wey thnough thls lntersectlon much moreefflciently and with less over:al1 delay than a trafflc slgnal coulddlnect them.rr The conrnrnlcatlon concluded, .statlng ttfn vier of thefect that the State controls only one 1eg enter.Lng thls i.ntensec-tlon, we cannot Justl.fy any fu::ther study of tr.afflc conditlons; however, ws wlll cooperate in the--usual mannen in whateve:: correc-tLve measures may be ag?6ed upon.tt Councllman Johnson reforred to r"e commendatlons submltted by theChlef of the Pollce Depa::tment; (1) Remove o: drastlcalLy pnuneall shrubbery at ths southwest corner of the Lnter.sectlon! (2) ne-palnt the rrKeep Cleartr legends withln tho Lntensectlon; (3) lnstalllntensectlon warnlng slgns on Broadway and the Bayshore Ramp, and(4) After rrOld Bayshone' has been renarned and the- State Dlviilon of Ilighways cah direct trafflc a:round the lntensectlon to that stneet-and- the Bayshor.e Ser:vlce Road, lnstall a No Left fi:rnrt slgn on the Bayshone Ramp entnance to the LntErsection. Followlng a bnlef discusslon, Councllman Mongan necomrended thataII docurnents, repor:ts, analyaes, ete., be r.efenred to the Eealth, Safety and Traffic Comnlsdlon for evaluatlon and f r::: ther repont toCouncll. 2. TREE PI,ANTiNG PROGRAM A corrr"runlcation from the Clty Manager, dated 0ctoben 1!, 1960, :re-ported bnlefly on the Cltyrs present tnee plantlng program. Mayon Morgan statod that the Councll is deslrous of establishlng a masten plan of tnee plantlng and replacements and that lt was hls understandlng that the Park Commlsslon and the Pa::'k Supenlntendentanticlpates fonmrlatlng a long-::ange p1an, to lnclude a course ofactlon to pu:.sue if and when the State sha11 remove tnees on EI Camlno ReaI and the replacement of old tr6es wlthln the Cltyr fonpresentatlon at a future meetlng of the CouncLl. 3.DONNELLY AI/ENUE A conmunlcatlon from the Clty Manager, dated october' 1[, 1960, ad-vlsed that Donnelly Avenue can be rnade a tro-lray sbreet lf parklng ls pnohiblted on the south slde of the streot (par.klng currentlypnohlblted on no::th slde); horever, tC it ls tho desir.e of Couni:Ll to provlde pankl,ng, 1t lrould be more advLsable to netaln the stneettbne-way.' Gnanvllle Brovmlng, Executlve Secrotary of the Burllngane Chanber of Corrnence, tn attendance, and at the request of Councll, advlsedthat a menchantg comml ttee orlgtnally requested a survey of thestreet to detenmlne whether tttwo-way" tnafflc would re]-leve con-gestlon on Lonton Avenue. Conncilman Lorenz suggested that pnrklng be penmltted on both the nonth and the south slde of the stneet wlth sufflclont noom to a a IIow trucEs lngress and egness and that the stneet be netalned 'one-waytt str6et. E. E. Iluntlgy, Chalnman, Health, Safety and lt'afflc CommlssLon, in attendance, nefer"r.ed the Councll to the Commlsslon mLnutes of ap- proxlmetely ten moa.thg ago, ::elatlve to a recomnendatlon on L75 A communlcatl,on from the c11y Manage!:, dated october' 11, 1960, necom-g9ld9q the followlng actlon retatLve to !Ia::co Polo Way and Davls Dntve:(1') STOP Slgns be placed on Marco Polo hlay at both entnances to Davls Elve, wlth necella:ry leglslatlon to affect the change; (2) A doub16whlte llne be palnted on both entrances of Marco Polo Way for trentyfeet and (l) a STOP 11mlt llne..be palnted. Mayo:: Mor"gan- stated thalthe resldents of Ray Pank ane "hopeful that Mai'co Po16 Way lnto theI,IllIs Estate at Davls Drlve shall not become a rrace-wayt -.tt The subJect was referned to the Eealth, Safety and Tnafflc Commlss-lon and the Clty Atto:rney lnstnucted to prepare an ondLnance pro-vldlng fon STOP slgns at the lntersectlon. Donnelly Avenue. The subJect was referlredfunther neport to CouncLl. 4. MARco Poto wAy ?RAFprc to the Clty Managen f or: (NE|}J SCIIEDUI,E FEES AT CITY DIN,IP 6. RECOMMENDATION FROM EEALTH. SAFETY AND TRAF FTC C 0I'{MTSSI6N A. BUS STOP AT OAK GRO'\/E AND CAL]FORNIA DRI1IE City requested to const:ruct g [pu11-1n polntrr on the northeast cornenof Callfornla Dnj.ve and Oak G:rove Avenue. Councll was advlsed thatthe cost would appr"oxinato $1,000. and penmlsslon would have to be obtained fnom the San trbanclsco Wat6r Compsny. The Ctty Engtneer was lnstructed to propare a plan fon the p::oposed bus stop and to comnnrnLcate wlth the Sen lnanclsco Waten Depa:rtrnentfor: permLsslon to use lts r.lgbt-of-way at sald lntersectlon. B. NO PARKfNG ON CALfFORNIA DRM - SOUfII OF BROADI'IAY A comrmrnlcatlon was l:eceived fnom the City Manager, dated October. 1l+, 1950, submlttlng a new scheduLe of dunp fees. The Clty Managenadvlsed that the pnoposed lncnease would affect lange commenclal deposltons and that the r.evenue denlved rould help defnay the costof the purchase of d1rt fon ftI1lng purposes. As an alteroative method, the City Manage:r advlsed that the Dump Openator has requestedCouncll to conslden (1) approval of the proposed fees; (2) a l_yeancontnact, wlth the (3) operaton paylng tLe elty a flat fee of $1r5OO.OOper. month for the operatlon of the durrp. A gener.al dlscusslon engued on the acceptance of a flve yeer contractas pr:oposed by the Dump Oper.ator, wlth the Oouncll concurrlng thatthe proposal was an equttable one. ?he ChaL:r advlsed of neceipt of a complalnt from the Eealth and Safety Con-,nlss 1on on the handltng'of the ttfllrr problen at the dunrp and sug-gested that an expenlenced employee fr:om the San Mateo County Eealth Depar.tment be. consulted. Councllman Lorenz suggested that ways and means be provlded to pno-hlblt and pnevent the dr:np lng of new garbage. A motlon was lntroduced by Councllrnan By::d that the Clty Attonney be lnstructed to pnepane an appt3opr'1ate contract ni th Romeo Jolyfor the openation of the dunrp, on a flve-yea:r besls, wlth the Cltyneeelvlng an annual feo of $1BrOO0.0O; erd that suggestlons made by membens of the Councll be consldered for lnconporatlon rlthln tLe Cont::act. The motlon was soconded by C6ung 11man Johns on and uaanimously car.nled. A communLcetlon from the Ctty Manager, dated octoben 1[, 195o, advlsedthat the Heal-thr Safety and Tnafflc ConrnlssLon has msde the followlng r.eeommendatlons : A request that the Ci.ty p:rohlblt panklng on the west slde of Callfon-nla Dnlve fr.om PaIm D::lve to Broadray betueen l+ p.n. and 5 p. m., wes scheduled fon pub11c hearlng at a regular meetlng of tbe Councll, November 21, 1960. r-76 CAROLAN AYENUE . OAK GROVE AIE}IUE A nequest that the trafflc slgnal at Carolan Avenue and Oak Gnove Avenue be relocated was wlthheld pending dlsposltlon of the subJect on the wldenlng of Ca::olan Avenue. D. NO PARKING . CHUI,A \TISTA AVE}IUE TO CALIFOBNIA DRIYE A neguest that t.he Clty onohlbit panklng on B3qgflIirsy between 7 e.m.and ! a.m. fnom Chula Vlsta Avenue to Callfornla Dr.1ve to lmp::ovetnafflc flow was appnoved on motion of Councllpan Byrd and second-ed by Councllman Johnson. fhe Clty Attorney was lnstnucted toprgpare an approprlate or"dlnanc e. 7. AtL DAT PAmINi o}{ NoRTH SIDE PALo},IA PARKTNG LoT A communlcatlon fnom the Ctty Manager., dated October l!,vlsed of a confer€nce wlth the Pnesldent of the Bnoadway mant Associatlon, subsequent to whlch lt was r:ecommended nonth slde of the Paloma Avenue Parklng Lot be allocat€dday parkens wlth app:ropr"late metens lnstalled. 1950, ad- Devetop- that thefon all Followlng a brief dlscusslon CouncLlman Byr.d moved that parklng meters be neinstalled as necommended, seconded by Counci lman John- son and unanlmous Iy carnled. U.REVOCABLE PERMIT ACCEPTED FROM SAN I'RANCISCO WATER CO. A commrnlcatlon from the Clty Manager. dated Octoben 11,r, L950 mended that authonlzatlon be glven to execute and to accept able Permlt from the San Fnanclsco trleter Department to enablClty to install stor"m drainage lmprovements acnoss lts propenear the Lntersectlon of California Drlve and Palm Dnlve. Councllman Byr.ti noved that the Coun aRetrty € COm- e VOC- he ad- pes s age ,RESOLUTION NO. 57.60 ttAc ce Water D epartm€nt to Use Centaln Pnoper:ty cl1 conc'ur and intr"oduced forpting Permlt of San Fr:anclscoIlItthln ainlng Clty of Bunllngame a 2[ Inch C.M.P. trt seconded by fot th€ Pr:rpose of Constructtng and Maint Stor.m Dr"ain across Property Refer.::ed to in Penmi Councllman Johnson and adopted unanlmously on noI1 ca1I. 9. CA1IYON TERRACE SUBDIVISION COI{PI,ETED A communl,catLon from the Clty Managen, dated October: 1.l1vlsed that Canyon Ter.nace Subdivtsl-on has been complete was theneby r:ecomrnended that the Subdlvlslon i,mprovemen cepted as complete. The Clty Attorney lrasr lnstructed t an appnop::1ate resolutlon acceptl,ng said Subdlvlsion. 1960,, d ts o and lt be ac- p].epare A memo to Councllr dated Octoben 1!, 1960, fnon th€ Clty Managen, ad-vlsed that no neply has yet been receLved from the representatlvesof the Kaisen Conporati.on nelatlve to the cltyts interest ln the pur:- chase of lts pnopenty on Carolan Avenue. 10. KAISER PROIERTY . CAROLAN AVENI'E Councllman Johnson advised that the Councll has lnfonmally dlscussedthe advlsabllity of obtalnlng an app:ra1saI of the property. A rnotlon that I{::. Fr. ank Rochex, 106 South E1 Cerlno Rea1, San Mateo; be engaged to conduct an appr:alsal of the pnope:rty was Lntr"oduced by Corrncl].man Johnson, seconded by Counctlman Byr:d and unan lmous Iy carr:ied. 11. OVJNERSHTP OF SIGN tsROADilAY.BURLINGAMEI' A memo to Councllr dated Octoben 1!, 1960, from the Clty Manager, advlsed thet tbe sLgn over the stnoet at the foot of B:roadway aI-legedly was provlded by a group of mer:chants th.tl.ty yeans ago andthat the Clty, trfon all pr.ectlCal pu:rposes would have the o*nenshlp :1815, 1' e', the rlght to do anvthlng destred to do wlth the The subJec lng unde!: t r.ras requested to be eontinued at the next r.egulsr me6t-nunflntshed buslness. rl 177 The Chain suggested that the rrembens of the Bnoadray DevelopmentAssoclatlon conslden the posslble removal of the si!n. A-memo-t9. C9un911, Dated 0ctoben 1.l1 , 1960, from the C11y Manager,advLsed that the Clty Englneer has estlrnated that to coi:strucl a- r.oad fnom the entrance of the City Refwe Dlsposal Grounds anoundthe perlphgny to the south edge of the b:eatment plant would ap-pnoximat'e $l+; ooo. oo. A bnlef dlscussion arose on the advlsabillty of inltlatlng actionto pnog::am the pnoJect ln vlew of the lateness of the yean. Coune llman Bynd moved that the Clty Manager. and the City Englneer: collabonate on the preparatl.on of plans and speclflcatlons toconstruct the roadway, contlngent upon clncumstances whereby theproJect may be conmenced. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmously canrled. A nequest fnom Councllman tonenz that a road gnadar be appltedto keep the area fnom f1oodlng dunlng the winter ralns, we refernedto the Clty Manager:. 12. COST ESTTMATE ROADWAY PROI4 DUMP TO TREAT}M }IT PLANT 13.COI'II,ITSSION.COUNCTL DTNNER },IEET]NG A memo to Councll dated October [, 1960r fr. om the Clty Manage:r, advlsed that the last Annual Councll-Commls s lon Dinner was held on Februa::y 9, 1950. Councllman Byrd moved that an evenlng durlng .the second week ln Januany, 1961, be scheduled fon the Annual Counci 1-Conrrl s s lon and Depantment Head Dlnne::, secondad by Councllman Johnson and unan- lmowIy can:rled. 1l+.TMEqNATfONAL CITY MANAGERSI CoLEERENCE A nemo to Cor:ncl1 fnom the Clty Manager dated October' l-4, 1960, advlsed of hls lntentlon to attend the lnternational Clty Managens I Confenence ln San Franclsco, October 15 thr: ough Octoben 19. TLre subJect lnltlated dLscusslon on a poIlcy established by membersof prevlous Cor:ncils, llmitlng the numben of conferences that de- partment heads may attend. Ihe City Attorney advlsed that the po1lcy unden dlscusslon 1s anrfunrrltten law;" that the Council, at the tlne the budget ls belng prepar:ed, determlnes the sum to be allocated end the dlstance a depai:tment head my t:rave1 to attend a Confenence. The Clty Attonn- new furthen advlsed that a depa:rtment head rry be absent fnom wor:kto attend a Confenence at the dLscretlon of the Clty Manager and elected offlclals. ft was the genenal coturerurus of Councll that the ttobsoletett policy be amended to permit a depantment head to attend confenences of . lntenest to hls partlcular depantment wlthin the Bay Anea upon re- calving approval of the Clty C6unsll- on the City Managen. t5.CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WATMFqONT COM{TTTEE A memo to Councll from the Clty Managen, dated octoben 1l+, 1950, advised that the I'Iatenfnont Commlttee of member:s of the Chanben of Coru[erce has advlsed of theln wlllingness to col.labonate and co- openate wtth the Councll Cltlzens t Conmlttee. Gnanvllle Bnownlng, Chamben of Conqnerce Exeeutlve Secreta:ry, advlsedthat the Sma1l C::aft llanbo:r Commlssion has lndicated lt may conduct meetlngs ln the Clty of Bur.llngame on Novemben 13, 14, 1!, 1960, andlt was necommended that a comtrunlcatlon be dlrected to the Corunlssion extendlng a donmal lnvitatlon to the membe::s to s chedule thefu meet- lngs ln X61g C lty. 16. RECOI\{I,IENDATTON RE:PARK ROAD PARKING LOT A communLcatlon from 166 Bsr']lngarre Chamber of Commence, dated Oct- ober 11, It50, advlsed that the Jolnt Par.klng ConrrLttee at a rne eting 178 Oc tober. Councll the Clt purchas 1L hayMeo , L960, unanLmous 1y voted to recomnend that nthe clty ve the Pa::k Road property appnaised lmmedlately and that anager: be authonLzed to enten lnto negotlatLons for thef the pnopenty fon perklng purposes. A motlon was lntroduced bv Councllman Joh.ns on that Grenvl11e Stenden, Ih24 E1 Caralno R6aI, San Mateo, be engaged to appralse the Park Road panking 1ot, pr ior to submittlng en offer to the owners for the punchase of sald lot. 'Ihe motlon was seconded by Counc 11man L,orenz and unanimously carr"ied. RESOLUTfON NO. 65-50 trDkectlng Sale of Sunplus Pens onal Prope::tyrr @ken and .fink ltetaf ) was lntnoduced for pass- ag€ on motlon of Counci lrnan Bynd, seconded by CouneL lman Johns on and unanlmously car.rled on ro11 ca11. ORDlNANCES ORDINANCE N0. 721 trAn Ondinance Amendlng the Ordinance Code of TEe Aftt-iffiGllngarae by Addtng Ther"et6 a New Sectlon t222.21+tlmltlng the Pa:rk 1ng of Vehlcles on Capuchlno {venue Between Broadway and Ca::mellta Avenuerr was !.ntroduc6d by Cotrncilman John- son for flrst readlng. RESOLUTTONS UNFINISIIED BUSTNESS 10.POLITTCAL SIGNS The Clty Manager edvlsed that wannings eleetlon of po1ltlca1 signs wlthln the rsrvod on one violaton. Items I, 3, \,5.61 7.8,9, 11 and 12 on the Council Acenda unden the headlng of rrunflnlshed businessn ene held pending fur-ther pnogress neports. 2. BROADWAY OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICI The Chak annor:nced that a plan for a Bnoadway Off-street Par.klng PrgJgct prroposes an off street parklng p1aza, composed of nlne l-otsand cleslgned to accomodate 200 cans. Refer:ence was made by the Chafu: to a communlcatlon ::ecolved throughthe Offlce of the City Managen fnom Ennest A. W11son, Attorney, associated wlth the 1as flrm of Kfu"kbr.lde, WlIson, Ilarzfeld and Wa1l3ce, submlttlng a detailed schedule on the amortl,zatlon of bonds for the pnoposed Bnoadway Off Street Parklng PnoJect. The Ctty Itlanager was nequested to submLt a ::epont to Councll onthe method applted to estlmate Br"oadway I s shal"e of panklng metenrevenueg. haveclw the be€n been isgued on and notlce has 13.COI.IMISS I ON.DEPARTJ"IENT HEAD ATTENDANCE ( Mlnutes ,etc. ) vanlous Com-The Chafu: .acknowledged the pr.esence of membens of the mlssLons and the recelpt of Commlssl,on mlnutes. The subject of depantment heads attending Councll meetings wasbriefly di.scussed, wlth the declslon to attend left to the des- cnetlon of the depantment head. 1l+.PENSION FOR WfDOWS (Pollce and Fip6) CITY OF PACII']CA COMMEMORATION Councllman Johns on neponted on her attendance at a meetlng rlththe Ffue Chlef, the P-o1lco Chlef, the Clty Manager end th; Clty Attorney to confer! on the beneflts necelved by a wldow of apollce on a flreman accidently k1L1ed in l-ine of duty. It was r@nmended that a further: r.epont be submltted follor,rlng a meet-lng on the subJect scheduled by the North County Counclls; llovem- be:r 10, 1960. L5. The Clty Manager was requested to communlcate rlth Selma Rusch, L79 ItMiss Burl lngametl relatlve to nepnesentlng the Clty th6 for.thcomlng C1tr, of Paclflca blnthday corslemor.at The Clty Managen advised that tt wes trls undenstandlngDepartment would tnlm follage at the lntersectlon of Be and Callf or:nla Dnlve to all€vlate the traffic hazar.d. of Bunl lngame at lon . Mayon Morgan lnltlated dlscusslon on the latest development concennlng the Bnadley-Burns Unlforn Sales Tax, and nead a communlcation from Councllman Char.les W. Roothr dated October" 1!, 1950, wrltten whllehospltallzed, uheneln the Council was advlsed that he was "ln favor ofths County Boand of Supervlsons enactlng suoh a sTn'es tar provldlng;lt bd ln accor:dance wlth the Bnadlsy-B1s.ns Act, and, that the countyrs share from the eltles be not 1n excess of flo qf the lattenrs share.tt At the fequegt of the Chab, Councllman Johns on revlerred the posltlon of the clty uouncil and actLon teken by the Councll slnce the adoptlonof a Resolutlon 1n 1955 (Intentlon to ilnact 1l Sales Tax Upon Enalt- ment of a SlmlJ-ar O?dlnenco by County Super:vlsons). In reply to the Chalnrs lnqulry concernLng po1lce patnol cars ca1l1ng fon_ and retunnlng pollce officers to and from duty, thereby r"eleaslngpanking spac€s on the Pnlmose Road par:klng lot, the Clty Manager ad- vlsed that lt ls an tlmpnoper pract!.cett to use cLty cars to hranspontlts employees. The subJect was agaln neforred to the Clty Manager.. 18. PROPOSED RAPID TRANS]T PROJECT. 15. SAI,ES TAX Mayor Mongan announced that the proposed proJect to establlsh a r"apldtranslt system for the Bay Anea has been nefenr.ed to the Plannlng Com- mlsslon to scb€du1e a publtc hear:lng 1n the future. 19. BELLEWE AVENUE.CALIFORNTA DRI\IE HAZARD Councllman Jobnson advLsed that a Commlttee df members fr.om the SanMateo Ccunty uouncll sf Mayons I has r.ecently urged that all cltles endonse a petitlon nequesting the Boa:rd of Supenvi.s ons to lnltlate a one cent sales tax and that the County retaln Sfr of t}re nevenue col-lected wlthln the cltles. Refenence lras made to a conrmrnlcatlon neceived from the Cor:nty Managen, dated October thr 1950, edvls lng that members of the Boand have lndic- ated that they w111 not accept the contemplated offer of five pencent. Councllman Bynd nepeated h1s prevlous statements favorlng the sales tax as beLng an equitable tax and one rheneby the cltles may better as s uttrethefu flnancial obligetlons. Councllman Byrd stated that he was notln favor of the County recelvlng any pontlon of the rev€nue collected by the cltiesi h.owever, tf the Councll does endonse a pnoposal a11oc- a-t lng a pencentage of the revenuo to the County, he would eoncur wlththe ma Jonity._ A motlon wes theneefter. lntroduced t'y Councllman Lo:renz that the Clty of Bu:r1lngame endorse a pro.posal of the San Miteo County Mayons I Corln-cl1 Committee, ailocatlrls 518 of the re rrenue collected by the cltles tothe Counly, Et such tLme as the B:radley-&rnns Uni.for-m Sales Tax ls'adoptsfl by the Board of Supenvlsons. rhe motlon was seconded by Coun- c l1man Johnson. Member.s of the 1ng onden: Councll nesponded to a vote by r:o11 call 1n the fo11or- 4yes: Councllmen: Lor:enz - Johns on-Morgan-B3rrdNoeg: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: Rooth L7. EMPLOYEE PARKING ON PRI}MOSE ROAD LOT that the Par"k Ilevue Avenue 20. RESOLUTION GRANTTNG AUTHORITT TO PLANIJING CONSULTANT A proposed nesolutlon gnanting certain admlnlstratlve author.lty to th6 Plannlng Consultant wes tabled fo:: funther. conilderatlon. 180 The . P1ann ln8 - Qonsultant , ln reply to the Chalnrs lnquiny, advlsed thatsenlous consideratlon has been gLven to changing thd nair6 of trold B-ayshore Hlghwaytr ard a 1lst of suggested naies-has been fonwe:rded. tothe membens of the Comnlssion fon itudy and declsion at the nert reg-ulan meetlng. Mayor Morgan suggested the name nTneadwell Boulevandnafter' the Clty of Bu:r1lngame ts f lnst Mqyor. Cha::Ies A. I'ILlsonrStneet Supe:rvlson, suggested the name ttAndenson Boulevar.d[ ln hon-or of Frank D. Anderson, Park Supenlntendent for the Ctty for manyyeer.s. 2I. }{AME CEAIEE NOLD BAYSAORE HIGHI,IAYN 22. COUNCTLMAN JOHNSON REPORTS ON MERTINGS ATTENDED NEW BUSI\ESS 1. PROCLAMATICNS Councllman Johnson announced that she had attended e necent JunlorFl-e Patnol posten awend eer.emony, !.nltlating rrFine PreventLonn Week, a confenence at the Vll1a llotel, on ttfndecent Lltenatunertand an Auxlllary lllneman Dlnnen-Dance, on whlch occaslon, Counctl- man Lorenz was also ln attendarce. Mayon Morgan pnoclalmed Monday, octoben 2L,, 1960, IffI9ED NATIONS DAY. b. In nesponse to a request frorn the Bay A:rea Aln PollutLon Contnol Distr"lct, October' 2l thr"ough octoben 29' !960, was p"oclalmed by Mayor Morgan as CLEANER AIR WEEK. 2. DEMONSTRATTON RE! NUCLEAR WEAPONS 3.PHILATELIC SOCTETY The Chal:: nefenr.ed an lnvltation to attend a demonstratl,on on the care of lnJunles sustained as the result of aL"craft carr.ying nuclean !{eepons, San Rafaelr Octoben 25, 1960, 1:30 p.mr, to tho City_Managen wlth authonlty to delegate an employee to nepr:esentthe 01ty of Bu-Ilngame. Mayon Morgan delegated Councllman Johnson Councll at a meeting of the Phllatellc Soc neer advlsed that hls offlc on on Elllslde Drlve and th mpr"ovement. to ie e1ed repnesent the Clt ty, November L2 rL9 s cognlzant of the efLclency tS belng v60. h.SIDEWALK ON BAYSEOBE BLVD. The Chain refenred to complalnts recelved fr"om the Health andSefety CommLsslon on (t) ihe lack of sldetralk 1n an area southof Broadway on Bayshoro I r -. and (e') trre overf low of water: onHlllslde Drlve. The City Englnee:: rras dLnected to prepare a cost estlmate on th€lnstallatlon of e sidewalk on Bay shore B1vd., north of Toyon Dr. The City Englwater condltlstualled. for I 5.TAXT U-CE OF RED ZONES fhe Ctty Manager was r:eques ted to lnvestlgate the neason taxis ane penmltted the use of all the ned zones. CLAI}{S Clalns, Nos. 4310-l+l+85, 0ctober, 1950, ln the total amount of $78,L52.\3 du).y audlted, uere aut}.onlzed pald and wernantsdrarn on the Clty Tneasuny ln thelr respeetlve amounts, on motion of Councllman Johnson, seconded by Councl lman Byrd and unanlmous 1y carrLed. PAYROLL Payroll werrants, Nos. 8315-87 1950, ln the total amount of $ LI+, fon the Month of Septemben, 9L'O51.75' xere approved on motLon sf Councllman Johns on, seconded b5r Councllnan Lorenz and unan-lmously carried. 181 INTRODUCTIONS Councllman Johns on lntnoduced Rev. Karl 0e1schIager., Pastor, Luth- enan Ghu:r ch of the Good Shephend, rho ln tunn, expnessed pleasr:re on belng at hls finst Councll meeting ln Burl lngarne. FEPORT ON ERECTTON STORAGE F'ACILTTIES IN RAY PARK FEqIIEST RE:PARKING STR]P ORDTNANCE REQUIRE}IENT W. E.Chambllss, memben of the Pank Cormlsslonrspoke on the dlffl-culty experlenced by the Commlsslon on va::lous occaslons ln the enfor:cenent of the ordlnance pnohlbltlng the paving of panklng stnlps. The Clty Englneen advlsed that Les Kelly, eontractor fon the con-structlon of a comfont statlon ln Ray Pank, has submltted a bld fon the constnuctlon of an 8 x 10 concrete stonage bulldlng 1n the amount of $1r700.00. fn nesponse to the Clty Englneerrs request for permlsslon to obteln sever"al addltionat lnfonmal blds, Councllman Byr.d moved that theClty Managen and the Clty Englneer. be euthottlzed to obtaln addltlon- a1 informal b1ds, 1n an imount not to exceed $1,7OO.OO, and thattha flnal selectlon of a contr:acton be left to theln dlscr.etlon. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Lor:enz and unan lmously canrled. Fo lIowln ond lnancclty Man 8sef age ome dlscusslon on the advlsabtltty of revlewlng the o:: posslble r:evlslon, the subJect was nefenned to ther and to the Plannlng 0onsultant. fn reply to the lnqulrles of Mns. Dor:othy Dlrr, 20 Anita Road, theClty Englneen advlsed that the dr"alnage deflciency affectlng prop-ertles at No. 8, No. 10 and No. 16 Anlts Road r"rLII be cor"r:ected. DFAINAGE ?tsOBLEM ON ANTTA ROAD CLOSING The Rev. Karl Oelschlagen closed the neeting wi.th an appnopnlatebenedlctlon and the rneetlng uas theneaften regularly adJourned at 11:20 p. n. Respectfully submltted B . I{HTTEClty Clgrp AT L. B. MORGAN,YOR o i. I /1 ?n