HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.12.18379 Burllngemo, Callfonnla Decenben 18, 1961 CALL TO ORDER A ttegulenroetlng of the Bu:rl lngame Clty above glven datc. Meetlng celled to or"d Byrd ln tho Chatut. CounclL vas held on the er" at 8:00 p.n., - l,lsyori PLEDCE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Cheln, alL ln the Councll Chamben ar:ose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the P1ag. ROLL CALL hossnt - Councllaen: Byld-Johns on-Lorenz -Mantln Absent - CouncllmEn: llolr8an Councilnan Morgan, absent be eause of lllness, nas oxcused on motlonof CormcLlnan Lonenz and seeonded by Councllnan Johncon. l{r}{uItss PREmous t{EBrrlE }MARINGS 1 BARRETT CONSTRUCTION CO. APPEAL RE: COI{STRUCTION OF MARKET ON PROPEREI ZoNED PAFIIALLY R-lr lhe Chal:r announced that thle was the tlme and the place schcduledto conslder the Banrett Constnuctlon Companyrs appeel fnom s declslon r.endered by the Plannlng Corurisslon, denylag the appllcant a vanlanceto construct a marke t and an off-street panklng facl1lty on pnoperty, a pantlal of whlch ts ln a R-11 (Apartnlent) Zone, uore partlculanly,Iot 10, Bloek I0, Bunllnftarne Land Corupany. Leo Borregard, Attonney, ropresentlng t'he Barnett Constructlon Company, desorlbed the pnoperty ln questlon, advlslng that plana to constnuct a medLcal center, ln addltlon to other. p1ans, havs fal1ed to naterlal-Lzc. The pnoposed use of tha propenty for the constructlon of a roputabls marke t vlth an off-etreet parklng faclllty lras conslderod,therefore, to be an enterprlse beneflclal to both the conmunlty andto the oun6rs. !,br. Bornegard rpeferr:ed to the lntroductlon of the subJect at meetlng qf the Plannlng Corrnisslon, the subsequent revls lons heer.lng at a regular meetlng of tbe ComrLssLon at whlch tlne pittoPos a1 was denled. a study and the the Councll ras edyr.sed that an appanent nlsunders tandlng concernLngthe zonlng etatus of e sma1l portlon of tho proporty, dlscovered slnoe tho Planntng Comlsslon publlc hea:ring, suggested the subnla- slon of an alternate p1an, Locetlng th6 bulldlng at ttre riear of the prop6trty. !ft.. Bonregand nsfenred Councll to a comaunlcatlon from Carl F. Roepke, Klngsnay Corpo:ratlon, ultbdtrawlng h1r prevlous obJeetlon to the constr:uctlon and operatlon of a mankEt on propenty adJacent to the Klngsway Bulldtng. Concludlng hla pnesentatlon, lif:r. Bonnegar:d suggested thst Councllelthc! (1) grent the tr€ques t fon a va:rlancc, a! subnltted to tho Plannlng Corrmlaslon or (e) pe:rnlt th6 Benrett Constructlon Conpanyto re-ft1o an elternete plen rlth the Plannlng Commlsslon. The rnlnuteg of the prevlous meetlng of Decenber b, 1951, w€no uran- lmously appltoved and adopted on motlon of Councllman Johngon and socondod by Counc lIrnan Lor.enz. The mlnutes of tbe adJourned meetlng of D6c6mber: 13, 1961, wenc unenimously approved and edopted on motlon of Councllmsn Lonenz end seconded by Counc l1raan Ma::tln. 380 Robert McDonald, respondlng to the Chafurrs lnvltatlon for com- E€nts ftton the opposltlon, advlsed that he nepresented the Lntorosts of the Cochroft pnopertles and s ubrnltted a color.ed dnawing of a $2,O0OrOOO.OO- luxury-type apartment bulld!.ng cu:rnently unden constnuctlon and adJacent to the proponty proposing the e:rectlon of a narket. Mr. lilcDonald entered the obJectlon of hls clLent, partlcula:r1y on the pnoposod us6 ofth€ property. At the request of the Cheln, the Plennlng Consultent surmarr,zedthe posltlon and subsequent actlon tak6n by tbe Plannlng Connls -glon. Ee advlsed that the Comnlsslon ls vltally lnterested tnthe devalopment of Chapln Avenue and that the raaJonlty of the memb6rs, ln votlng agalnst the grantln8 of tbe vanLanc€, re:reof the oplnr.on that a bettor use should be nade of the property, lnasmuch as Chapln Avonuo la a comrer:clal stneet and an adJunctto the downtorn business anea. Fnank Clstu1ll, speaklng es ono member of tho Plannlng Connlsslon favorlng the pnoposed congtnuctlon, advised of hls po:rsoDal knorl- edge of the owne:rs operat!.on of theirthet a s uper"nanke t Bu:rllngame and 1ts developncnt. and the hlgh standards malntalned lnmarkets. l{r. Clstu11l cxpressed the as p:roposed ia a necesslty for the Cl congtructlon would t"esult Ln an att:ra the opln lonty of c tlve W. E. Chambltss, 518 Almer Road, property orner and a nemben of the Park Conmlsslon, erpnassed h1s obJectlon to the proposed use, statlng that ln hls oplnlon, there ane suffLclent markets currently operatlng 1n the Ctty of Burllngane. Joseph A. Chl ckenella, nepnesentLng the Brentwood arketg, Inc.e advlsed that a suttvey r€cently conducted lndlcated that theroaro lDsufflclent marrk€ tg to serve tbo Clty of Bunllngame and the adJacent Toun of El1lsborougb. TJee Clty Attornsy, at thls polnt ln tho dlscusslon, dl.rectedthe attentlon of the Councll to the proposod modlflcetlon ofthe or lglnal planr subnltted by the attorney for. tJre appellsnt on thls occaslon end advlsed that the lssue e hould bc nesolvedelthen by acceptlng or. teJoctlng the appeal 1n 1ts ppesont status or esccrtalnLng fnom the appellant rhether lt lg hlslntcntlon to re-gubmit a modlfled plan. A brlcf lecess, nequested by !{r. Bornegard to telephone hls c1lcDt wat gr.anted, follorlng the advlce of the Clty Attorney. The subJect wag contlnued upon thc reappearencc of n. Bonregard, rho annou:rced tbat hls cllent proternod that the appeal be rlth- drarn wlthout pre Judicc and thet the altennete plaa bs cubnlttedto thc PlaDnlng Counlsslon. Followlng furthen discusslon, a motlon nag lntnoduc€d by Councll- man Johnson that the appllcant nesubtrrlt the p1an, sr modifled, to the Plannlng Cormlsslon, seconded by Councllnan Mantln. A RoI1 Ca1l vote was recorded as follorrs: Ayea: CouncLlmen: Johns on-Lor€nz -UartlnNoes: Councllmen: Byrd Abaent Councllmea: Mongan ayon Blmd, spesklng ln tho lntenest of consonanco, neques ted th;t hf; nnon-vote be changcd to an rayetr vote. 2.4 PPEAL RE! COIISIBUCTION GASOLINE STATTOI{ PEMNSIILA AND DI{TGIIT ROAD tha Chaln annouDced that thls was the t lrne and placc achedulcd to conslder the appeal from the declslon of the Plennlng Comrl.sgLon d€nylng the r.eguest of Eugene C. Slgnarowltz, for-a vanlan-ce to coD;truct a gaiollne statlon on prop€rty zoned B-3, descrlbed more psrtlculanly as Lot 1A and 2, Block 11, Lyon and lloag-Sub- dlvlsion, at the- oor:thwest colner of Penlnsula Avsnue and Drlght Rd. ts81 Itn. Slgnaroultz, appeanlng ln hls oun behalf, stated that thc . value of Penlnsule Avonue as a thonoughfare has been overlookedithe conner: ln questlon ls surnounded b5r comnencLel g tructu:res atthe cdge of re81d€ntlal ereas and wlth lts prox lnlty to the new Courthougs and college anea, the plscement of e coDstructlon as pnopolred ls Justlflable. Thene belag no pnotests enter:ed, eltber verbally or ln Hritlng and no pnoponents to speak lD fevor ttreneof, the Chak lnvlted Councll eomments. Councllnan Lorenz voleed bi.s appnoval, atathg tbat the streot on uhlch the gasollne stetlon ls pr.oposed ls an lmpontant ar tenywlthln the City. Counctlnan Johnson also erprossed helt approval, statlng that the prroposod lnpnovenent rould be a distlnct advantage to thc connunlty; ther:e ane conraerclel s tructr[!6s at the lntensectLon of the an€a but Do gasollne gtatlonr rlthln a close pr:orlnlty. Refencncc ras uade to a conmunlcatlon fnoa the Plannlng Comlsslon, dated Decenben 12, 1961, outllnlng ln some detall the pneaentatlon nade by the appllcant at the Comnlsslon publlc hear:lng and the unenlnous vote of the Coutrlsslon to deny the appllcatlon fon thereason! that nno ha:rdshlp could be shorir, the propenty ls zonedfor a us6 that can bo prloflteble and us6fu1 to the owner andthat the nelghborhood uould be hrut by the lntruslon of a gervl.ce statlon.n Councllman Martln stated that oDly the propenty on both connerg ofDrlght Road should be oonsldered ln thls lnstance and 1n h1s oplnlon the proposed use was 1n dltect eonfllct ulth the provlslonsof the or:dlnance. Councllnan Martln suggested that lf the verlancorore epproved, speclfi.c restrlctlons shouJ-d be stlpulated. tr{ayor Byld lndlcated hls appnoval r -, s tatlag that ln hls oplnlon,tbo orne! rould endune a thardshlpn lf the vanlance re:rs notpernltted. A notlon lntroduccd by Councllnan Johnson, soconded by Councllnsn Lor^enz tbat the varlance be gnanted, was rl thdnawn upon advlcefron the Clty Attonney thet contaln nestrlctlons should be lncluded ln the condltlons grantlng a varLance. Councllman Lorenz noved that the appllcant aubnlt a detalled planfor Councll t!6vleu at the regular meetlng of the Clty Councll onFebruary 5, L962, seconded by Counclfunan Johns on and unan!.nous ly carnl ed . A nlemo fron th6 Clty Manager, dated Decemben L5, 7-961, tr€fcrnlngto the r:ccent t:raglc accldent tn MlIIs Canyon, advlsed Councilthat an lnspeetlon rr111 bo made of the a:re a and that sefoguar.ds,pnecautlona and wannlng programs r.111 b6 lnstlgated. Itlayor Byr.d urged the Clty Manager to explore wa]rs and neang to lnsu:te the neccssary lrafety to fonestall furthor tnagedy. 2. MILLS CAI{YON ACCIDENT A comtrnlcatlon firom t{rs. Ju1lc Donatl, Q Toledo Count, lrllglng actLon to ellnlnate dangens ln thc MlI}s Canyon ar6a, nar acknorledged and the Clty Manager nequested to f ortrand an approprLate reply tohs. Donatl. CouncllnaD l{artln advlsed of hLs p6r:'s onal vtlltatlonto th€ aree. COMMU}ITCATIONS 1. UILLS CANTOil ARE]I 382 3.NEW AEiRIAL PHOTO AUTHORIZED A comrunlcatlon from th€ CltJr UaEag6r., dated Decembor 14, 1961, reconmendcd thet the aerlel photo dlsp1-aycd on the east ralI ofthe Councll Chanber:s be neplaced with an up-to-deto oniglnalnogiec of the Clty of But:11ngam6. The Ctty Manager, ln nesponscto Councllnan l,lantlnrs suggostlon, advlsed that the proposedaerlal rould lnclude sectlons of the Clty of llllIbree end Coyote Poiat ln San Mateo. A motlon lntroduced by Councllman Martln thet tbe expendlture be authonlzed 1n tbe sun of $h50.OO rag geeonded by Councllnan Ionenz and unanlnous 1y carr.lad. 4.RECODIFICATION CITT ORDINANCES A connunlcatlon fi:on the Clty I'teneger, dated Deccmber 15, 196I, advlsed thst ths Mlehle Publlshlng Company of Los Angeles andthe Book Publlshlng Company of Seattle, wcre the only flnma subnlt tlng blds and contnacts for the r:ecodlflcatlon of theCltyra ordlnances Ln eccordance ulth speclflcatlons. A tcbu-Iatlon of ths bLds was acknorlcdged. At the request of Councll, the Clty Attorney necomtronded thetthe bld of the Book Publlshlng Company be selected ln tbe estlmated sum of $61500.00 for a total of 5OO pag6s; lf less peg6s r€n6 nequlned, the prlee rould decrease proportlonately. Followlng a bnlef discusslon, the Clty Attorney waa r.eques tcdto agcertaln the cogt of the sorylce for coplee over ono huadredin nunber. Counc l1nan Johns on moved that the Council concur ulth ths p6con- nendatlon of the Clty Attonney and that the Clty tanager be euthorlzed to accept the bld fron the Book Publtshlng Company, 1n rr'ltlng, seconded by Councllnan Ma:rtln and unanlnous 1y canried. ,.FUXNTTURE. COMMIIIfIC.{TION SYSTEU POLICE STA1ION A connunlcatlon f:ron the Clty Hanagcr, dated December 1.5, 1951r subntttod a nepont on the pur:chase of furniture fon the ner Pollee Statlon and the bld received fon the lnstallat1oD of thc conmunlcatLons system. ttre Clty Manager n€ferrod CouncLl to ttr $6rOh3.f3 resonyod ln the Bond Fund allocatlon forr the purchaso of fur:nlshlnga fo:r tbe ner Po1lce Statlon, recoIrnending that the fur.rtLtune be purchaced fron the Callfornla Cor:rectLonal fndustr:lea, e tar s upported organizatlon, at a total cost of $61879.?1, an appnoxlmate savltrg of sovenal thousand dollarg In conpanlsoa Hltb prlcar quotod by pr:lvate vendors. It rer ths furtber reconmendetlon of the Clty l,[anager. that ttre Communicatlon Englneerlng Co4pany be awer"ded-tbe ndonur.rnicatlong Systcmtr bid ln the sum of $l+,089.4l+. A br:lef di.scusslon concluded rith a notLon lntroduccd by Councll- nan Johnson that the Clty absonb tbs addltlonal $800.00 fumltlsc oxpendltutte allocatlon and that euthorlzetlon bc gLvon for &c punchase of thc Pollcc Statlon furpnltune fitom the Callfonnla Cornectlonal Indwt:llea. The notlon walt seconded by Counellnan Lorenz and car::led, Councllnan lilant la oarttng a inotr vote. A funther motlon ras lntroducod blr Cor:ncllnen Johnson that the bld for the nCoanunlc atlone Systemn be awar:ded to ths Comrunlcatlon Englaoertng Company ln the slm of $41089.44, ltecondsd by Councllman Lttenz and unenLnously carrled. Councllnaa ilar:tln observed that erpendltu!'os fon tho constructlon and furnlshlng of the neu Po1leg Statlon nort excecdlt tb Bord rssue allocatlon by the sum of $241000.00. 383 6. CALIFORNIA DRIVE WIDENTNG None ORDII{AICES - Cons lderatlon tber.eof : 8&DI{ANCE_IO. 7&7 nAa ondlnsnce Anendlng Sectlon 1903 of thc Ff,Inan ce Cde oT the City of Bunllngame Defln!.ng l{onilg r Ter:mg and Phresos as ?hey Are fuployed In Pa::t X, Ar:tlc16 !0 of Sald Code Provldlng for the Establlshnent of Distnlcts Wlthln Sald Clty ABd Regulatlng Uses Wlthln Sald Dlstnlctsr wag gl,ven Lts necond readlng and upon notlon of Cormellman Johns on, seconded by Counc llnan Loltenz, sald ondlnance passad itg eecond neadlng and nss adolted by thc followlng vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Bynd- Johnso n-Loren z -!{art ln llo€s ! Councllmen: Nono Absent Councllmen: Mongan UIIFTNISHED BUSIIIESS 1. BAY AREA. AIR POLLUTTOI{ CONTROL TNCREASE ASSESS},IEIflT Mayon Byrd gave e brlef nesums on leglslatlve actlon autironizing the Bay Anea Afur Po11utlon Control Dlstnlct to raLs6 the assessnent A comunlcatlon Ha8 acknorledged fnon the Clty Hanagen, dated Decemben L5, L96l , neportlng ln detalL the results of a conforcncoulth clty officlals and offlclals of the San Franclsco Waten Departnent, concennlng the use of the lattents p!:operty to_asalstthc Clty ln the wldenlng of Callfornle Dnlve. A proposed "Revocable Per.rat.tr outllnlng eI€von coadltlons to be lmposed lf Councll electsto aecept thls ne thod of acqul:rLng the pnopenty, acconpanled the comlrtu:l.c a tlon. Consldereble dlscuasion srose on obtalning the property other than by moans of a revocsblc perrnlt ard the Lncr:mbent delays Ln a con- dennatlon pnocedrtne actlon. termg of tbe perrnl. t ver:c revLewed ulth s, onte eone6 n expneased r:egandlng 'Condltlon I{o. IIn stlpulattng that ifhc Pcrnlt shall be revokcd only to dedLcatE the str.lp to hlgher ard bettcr use.t CounclLnan Hartln, speaklng fnon a practlcal standpolnt, statedthat thc Ctty ls not ln a flnanclal posltlon to acqulre thc rlght- of-uaY property other: than by means of a ,levocablc penai t and lnhls oplnlon, CouncLl shouLd procccd on that basls. Ths dlacucaion eoncluded rlth tha Counell. neasonably assuitcd that the clause rould not be cnfonced by the San Franclsco Watorr Dopertnent ln a mannen to place the Clty ln en unfavonable posltlonat a laten date. Counollnran Ior.enz noved that the Clty Councll aecept the Revocable Pennltr lnoludlng its eleven condltlons, fnom the San Fnanclsco lfatcn Dcpantment as reoonmcnded by the Clty Managen, and that tbs subJoct be nefer:ned to the Clty Managen and to tbe Clty Attor.noyfor eppropr.late dlsposltlon of documents. The motLon was geconded by Councllnan Msntln end unanLmously carrl€d. 7. nsPoRT 0r NEWSPAPm VENDTI{G RACKS A commrnLcatlon firora the Plannl.ng Consultant, dated Decemben 8, 195L, acknorledglng tha pnevLous reques t of Councllman Ma::tln, reported ln sone d6ta11, his personal sunvey coacennlng the number of newspapen vendlng nacks on Br:oadway and on Bur:llngarae Avenuo. It was the suggestlon of thc Plannlng Advlsor that the norspapers petltlon tho Councll for the pnlvllege of placlng stands ln deslgnatod locatlons. Tbe subJect was referred to ttro Ctty llanagen for collabonatlon rl tJr the Plannlng Consultant and Councllman }{artln. RESOLUTTONS 384 llralts fl.oa Ly' to 1.6y' on €ach $tOO or assessed valuatlon rithinthe Dletrlct, Ln ondcn to provlde a nore effectlve enforeenent ofregulatlons. Folloulng a brlef dLscusslon, Couno t lnran Lor:enz moved that the proposed lncneage be appnoved, secondod by Cormcllnan Jobnson and unanfunour ly canrled . 2. CIIANGE II{ ASSESSI'{EIII.COLI,ECTION TAXES APIROVED Replylng to Councll Lnqulrles, the Clty Manager out).lned br"lef1y the new State 1aw lmplement 1ng th6 transf6r of the assessment and collcetloa of 1oca1 propenty taxes to the County Assesson and Tax Co1lector", :resultLng 1n a morlo econonlcal and sfftclent msnnolrln uhlch to pelform thls functlon. Tbe Ctty lilanagen further advised that lt has been estlnated thet a city 6xp6nds an av€nage of seven times as nuch es the county expends to aasesa and collect texes aDd the tnansfer would penmlt e greater efflciency ln the respons lbllltlee and dutles aasignedto personnol ln both the Offlees of tb6 Ctty C1erk and the Clty Tax Collector-Pr:easurer. ll. B. Sldebotharn, ropr:esontlng thc Burllngame-Mll1brac fndustrlelAssociatlon, speeklng ln fevon of the tr:ansfen stated that nonc of the etns of the Assoclatlon ls efflclency ln goverrment end aa a att6r of oconoury, the proposal has the approval of hls As socl.atlon. o Councll lnqufules dlnoetcd to the City Clerk (Asscssor) and hls responsoE lndlceted no obJ€ctlon to tbe pnopossd tnansfer. Furtbc! dlscusslon advlsed Councll that tttc Clty natntalns thcnlght to cancel the contract upon propcr notice. A notlon was lntrodueed thereafter by Councllmen Martln that tbo Councll concur ln the neconmendatlon of the Clty l'[anagen ard tbatthe Clty Uanager end the Clty At torney be author'lzed to executethe approprLate docurnents, rlth e provllrlon thet the clty nalr, upon proper notlce, wlthdraw fnon the cont:ract. The motlon was secondcd by Councl'l man Johnson and carried, rrlth Councllmau Lorent castlng a rnor vote. AI{NOUNCEMENTS I{ayor Byrd announced that th6 Flro and Po1lee Auxlllary DlnnG:l Meetlng rould be s eheduled at an early date. The Chslt" fu:rthor announced that Councllrtan Jobnson hed bscn appoluted e n6nb€r. of the nBy-t"r" Counlttccr by the I[onth County Councll of CltlEg. WARRANT APPROVAL Councllman Lorenz, obJectlng to tbo proposed tnansfer, expnessed the optnloD that trthe mone unlts of goverment that are retalnedIocally, the b€tter.n A motlon lntnodueed by Cor:ncllnan Lonenzthat the trensfer be denLed, fal1ed fon the lack of e gecond. clelns, Nos. 5601+ - 6799, nlth the cxcoptlon of l{o. 6613 ard I{o. 6629, totallng $1hIrU2.90, duly audlted, rrero epnovcd snd uarrants ordered drarn on the Clty Tneasury 1n thelr n€apcetlet emounts on motlon of Councllman Lonenz and geconded by Councllnan Johng on. PAYROLL APPROVAL Payroll- warnantg , !,lonth of l{ovember , 1951, Xos . h5l+9 - 5097 , L\ the total aurount ot $9O 1262.15, ucne appnoved on motlon of Councllman torenz and seconded by Councllman Johngon. 385 PROCLAMATION The Chab neferred to a conmunlcatLon, dated De cember. 15, 1961, fnom the Sen Fnanclseo Bay Rcglon School of AntL-Comrunlgnr apons or:ed by a 1oca1 cltlzergt courlttee 1n assoelatlon uittr the Chr.lstian Antl-Comunlsn Cnusadc, so].lcltlng the asglstancc of the Mayor:s of the Bay Anea Clttcs ln :.ssulng a p:roclamatlon 1n support of th6 School. lilayon B3rr"d advlsed that hls s lgnatune would be aff!-:red to the pr.oclamatlon. CHANGE Tl{ MEBTITG NIGET lfcdnesday, Jarnrar:y 3, L962, ras e cheduled for the ncxt regulan ncctlng of the Couacl l. ADJOURIIUE}Itr Tho moEtlng was regularly adJourned at L1:35 p.n. Respectfully submLtt6d, lez ? EERBERT K. TJIIITE Clty Clerk APPROVED: A$DREI' C. BMD Mayon f*J"*. €G't.I