HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.04.17444 Burlingame, California April 17, 1962 A meeting of the Burlingame City Council, scheduled in conformancewith the California State Election Law, was caIled to order at 8:05 p. m. , - l.,tayor Byrd in the chair. PIADGE OF ALLEG IANCE At word from the Chair, all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen; Absent Councilmen: Byrd-Johnson-Lorenz-Martin-uorgan None DECI,ARING RESULT OF I4UNICIPAL ELECTION fhe city Clerk attested to the County Clerk's office Certification verifying the tabulation of the voti.ng machines. Ihe result of said tabulation was set forth as follows: TOTAL VOTE CAST R. DAVTD MARTTN L54 206 r17 L34 112 85 l7'7 L2L 60 t67 t-70 104 t37 L25 208 244 KAY BRIG}'A}4 69 86 52 64 44 L7 44 4L 32 56 66 25 24 47 37 57 WITLIAM J. CROSBY ,rAIvlES G. B . DEMAR?INIPRECI}ICT A B e D E F G H I J K L t( N o P AbBentee Ba110tE TotaI 233 285 196 226 179 t20 260 l_91 100 264 257 t44 163 190 27L 366 171 2L2 161 183 L4L 100 200 L46 75 2t5 ta2 116 111 L34 2ta 196 55 52 53 43 37 29 77 57 2L 7L 69 30 39 67 62 195 2A 3,46A ti*! 7 22 22 45 RV tt*t''^ 2,344 767 2,5A3 960 CA].L ?O ORDER 445 RESoLUfION IIO. 20-62 "Dec1ari ng Result of ceneral tuunicipal Election" waE introddcied for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried on roll call vote of members. OATH OF OFFICE Will-iam,J. Crosby and R. David Ittartin, duly elected as City Councif- men for the fuIl term of four years, were invited to the council rostrum and the City Clerk administered the Oath of office, \^,it- nessing the signature of each thereafter. ELECTION CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BT'RLINGA.II{E Uayor Byrd relinquished the gavel to Mayor Pro Tempore Lorenz, \"rho announced that nominations were in order for the position of Chairmanof the Board and l{ayor of the City of Burlingame. Councilman I'lorgan nominated Councilman Joseph H. Lorenz- Ihere being no further nomj.nations, the nominations were declared closed and on a roll call vote, Councilman Lorenz was elected Clairman and l{ayor for the ensuing year. ELECTION MAYOR PRO TEMPORE CounciLman Uorgan nominated Councilman .fohnson for the position of I{ayor Pro Tempore. Ihere being no further nominations, the nominations were declared closed. councilman lr{organ observed that he had not served previously as Mayor Pro Tempore; however in deference to the alleged wishes ofthe ne\^, Chairman and in the interest of unanimity, he would votefor the confirmation of Councilman Johnson as Mayor Pro Tempore. A Ro1l CaIl vote thereafter elected Councifman Johnson, Tempore for the ensuing year.Mayor Pro CLOSING - ADJOT'RNI4ENT Mentbers of tle families of newly elected Councj.lmen, R. David Martin and William J. Crosby, were introduced and there being no furtherbusiness, themeeting riuaE vras adjourned at 8:20 p.m. with an annouce- ment that the next regular meeting of the City Council would beheld on May 7, !962. Respeetfully submitted, I{ERBERT . IVFI ITE ,city Clerk APPROVED: )t WS I.TAYOR ,/fi^/Zh ,,6