HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.12.13a.72 fhe meetlng uas negulaltly ad Journed at 10:l+5 p.m., to meet Wednesday, Decemben 13, 1951, at 8:00 orclock p.m. i -,r ResPectfully submltted' J/fu*E ^,4,rC ADJOURNI.{ENT APPROVED: hesent - CouncLlnenl Absent - Councllnan: PURPOSE OF MEE?IMi HERBERT K. WHITEclty Clenk A,2or' Z.(il3-4ANDREW C. BYRD Mayor. Burllngame, Callfonnla Decemben 13, 1961 CAtt TO ORDER our:ned meetlng firon the Clty Counell negular neetlng,1, ras held on the above glven date. Heetlng caIled 0 p.ra. - Mayor: Byrd ln the Chah. ROLL CALL An adJ l.t, 195at 8:0 Decemberto order Byr.d, Jobnson, Lorenz, Mantln, Morgan l{onc Mayon Bynd ennounced that the adJour.ned meetlng had be€n scheduled to'conslder a form of petltlon (coples of rrhlch had been subml t tedprevlously to Couhcll) for the proposed fonmetlon of a Bur:l1ngarm Avenuc anea Off-Street Panklng Dlstrlct and such ltens of unflnlshed buslness and new business that may be presented to Councll fon actlon. PETITION OI'F-STREET PARKTNG DISTRICT ltrg Ctty Attonney, at the request of Councll, sunqarlzed lnltiatory procedure r.elatlng to the formetlon of a Speclal Assessnont Dlstnlct. Tlre Clty Attorney advlsed tbat the petltlon sets forth the Cltyrs contnlbuti.on to the total cost of the pnoJect, enabllng clnculatorcof the petltlon to properly advlse the propenty ouners to be lncludedln sald Aesegsment Dtstrlct, the €xtent to whlch the Clty shaIl contrlbute. Cou:lcllnen Mar"tln, Counoll llalgon member to the Centr.al ParklngDlstnlct Comnlttee, advlsed that 1n hls oplnlon, the pebltlon ls 1n an appropriate fomr fon Councll approval; some changes have occumed and addltlonal ehanges uay bo nec€lrsary follorlng publlc hearlngs at e future date. J. Ed. McC1e1lan, Chal rrran, Cenb:al Dlstrlot Parklng Cormlttee, out-llned the functLons of the Comnlttee prllo? to the pr:esentatlon ofthe petltlon, the pnoposed clrculetloa of tb6 petltlon anong pnop€rty ownolts to be sffocted and tbe concludlng actlon ln tho fonmatlon of the Dtstnlct by a Councll-conducted pubIlc hearlng at a later date. Questloned by the Chalr, the Clty Hanager end the Plannlng Consultant eacb expnessed hls appr.oval to the off-streEt pa:rking plan a! cunrently pnroposed. 378 Ther.e betng no protests recelved, elther ver.baIly or. ln vnltlng,the Chalr lnvlted members of the Councll to eomrent. The corments of Councllman Lonenz cono€rnr.ng the s chedullngof a publlc hearlng rrh6n the nequfi:ed nunber of signatures hayc been obtalned, wer6 neplled to by the CIty Attonney, uho edtllodthat the hearlng Ls mandatory. Errrost A. Wllson, Attorney for.the pr"oposed Assessment Dlstrlct, at the concluslon of the meetlng, conffumed the s tatenbnts of the Clty Attorney. EEEOJ.'IQII IIO. 66-6f nA Regolutlon A ppnovlDg Form of Petltlon Mayon Bynd extonded the congratulatlong of the Councll to menbensof tbe Central Dlstnlct 0ff-Stneet Panklng Courtlttee end othersfor their effonts ln behelf of th€ Dlstnlct fonmatlon. J. Ed. McC1e1lan respondod rlth a fer app::opnlate words. ADJOURNMEN? and Agneenent To Ma-ke Contnibutlons, BunlLngame Avcnue Area0ffstr:eet Panklng Dlstnlctr ree thaneaften tntroduced by Councllmanl{aptln, irho moved lts passage, s6cond6d by Councllman Mongan and unanlmously ca:rnled on noll caIl. There ba!.ng no further buslnassr the neetlng was negularly ad Jounned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submltt6d, IIERBERT K. WHITEClty Cle::k APPROVED! 4 /hr/+zr.r Z" ATDREI' C. BYRD lifayon