HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.09.19-152 Burl5.ngame, CelLfornla Septeraben 19, 1960 CALL TO ORDER A negulan neetlng of the Bu:rlingame above gLven date. MeetLng called to Mongan ln the Chal::. City Councll was held on theorder at 8:O0 p.m., - Mayor hes ent - Counc llmen : Byrd-Johnson-tor6n2-]ttppgs.Absent - CouncLLnen: Rooth Councllman Rooth, absent because of 5.11ness, was excused oa motLonof CouncLlman Lorenz and seconded by Councllman Johns on. },TINUTES PREIrrOUS MEETITG fhe miDutes of the pnevious meetLng of September 7, a96O, ag sub-nttted to Cerms11, uore appt3oved and adopted on motLon of CounctlmaaJohnson, geconded by Councllmgn Byrdr..with the following amendmentnot€d: that on the motlon approvl-ng "a plen appnoved by the Chlefof the Flne Department for a slx monthg perlod" the wonils nand foran addltLonal slx monthe lf necessany," be lnserted. BIDS PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE At uord fron the ChaLr, all ln the CorrnclLthe P1edge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CAT,L Chanben al:os 6 and gave F.,I(TENSION OF MARCO POLO WAY Blds recelved for the pnoposed extension of Marco Polo iriayr openedat 2:00 p.m., per l-ega1 notlce, were declared as follows! FISK, I'IRENZE & MCI,EAN 1320 Marsten Rd., BurlLngame $ 3,r3r.oo F. D. SPE|SRY CO. 1311 No:rth Carolan Avenue, Burlingame 3,200.00 KirNz PA\[]iG C0. 800 South Bayshone, San Mateo BRAGATO PAIING CO. !00 Bragato Rd., Belmont 3,730.00 LOL'RTE PAIENG CO. 17[ San trn616 Rd.,SO. San tr'r.a"nclsco $l.,t,ooo.oo l+,200.00 Enginee::ing Es tlmate Councllman Lo::enz mov€d that the low bld of Fisk, Firenze & Mctean,ln the amount of kJr111.00,be acceo 60-50 na ted and thereafter lntroduceduthorizlng Executlon of Contractf or. passage,RESOTUTTON NO.wlth I' S tr.e et lrm of Flskr Flrenze & Mclesn Fo:r the ConstructLori of the Extenslon of Msnco PoIo lday" seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanLmously ca*i€d on ro11 ca11. The Chafu nefer:ned to the monthly report of the Pub1lc Wor"ks Depant- ment, August, 1950, and partlculirla to paragraph nJob No. 50-16 Manco Polo Way ExtensS.on: Plans and Speclfications have been p:repaned for this proJect....fhe process of r€ceiving monles due theCtty of Bu?llngame f::om the San Fnancisco tlater Company for rLght-of- way thrgugh Ray Pa::k should be expedlted ln onder to ftnance this pnoject" and instructed the Clty Manager to take cognlzence of the ne c ommendatLon. 3,675.Oo 153 fhe Clty Managen ras funther. dinected to conduot a study on antr"afftt control plan" fon the area and to submlt a nep6r:t to Cor:ncl1. couMuclcATroNs COI{PI,ATM OPERATTON BURLINGAME BUILDING MATENTALS COMPANY A conmuntcatlon r.ecelved fnom the Clty Menagerr dated Septemben 16,1!50, advlsed that the complalnts of the r.ei ldents on Anlta Road has boen lnvestigated and firom obser:vatloa of the prenlseg, l.tsconduct, maLntenance and uge of the property, could corae "wlthlnthe deflnltlon..of a nulgance as deflned by Iaw and as alleged bythe res Ldents . It fn a venbal r€port to CouncLl, the Clty Managen stated that trequoststo the Bulldlng Materlals Corapany to abate the nuLsance have metrlth no ]tesponrre . Ihe Clty ManaSen referred to Sectlons of the Or:dinance Code: Sectlon 105, p Cttv Attpoirt Clty 1 pe:rs onof erc endang novldlng fon the abatement of nuisanees end advlsed that thettgrney has lndleated that lt may be mone ln the nature of ate nulsance lnasmuch as a sufflclently lange segment of thes not af,fected: Sectlon 1511, nenderlng lt unlawful for any , fLnm or conpo?etlon to permLt the escape lnto the open aln essr.ve or unreasonable quantltles of dust, ctc. .... to en the confont, health or safety of pe:rsons .... It was the ::ecormendetlon of the Ctty Managor that the Bu::1lngame Butldlng Materlals Company be ::equested to pnevent the ercape of dust and dirt by lnstalllng a fence or otber means to abate the nulsance and that fallure to corply, be consldered sufflclent caulre to Justlfy lthe nesLdents pnesentlng evldenco of vlolatlonto the Clty Attonney for. pnocesslng unde:r tlre C odes of the Clty. Counc llraan B5nrd neeommended thet the Clty Manager conmuni.cete wlth the B6y Anea Aln Pol-Lutlon Control Dtst:rlct to determlne rrh€ th6r. asslgtance may be obtalned fnom that source. The Ctty Managen advlged that hls office rould accept the recommendat lon as a pnocedwe to pu::s ue. hs. Chartes Br:rn, 28 Anita Road, Mn. George Chrlstianson, 16 Anlta Road and Mr. J. B. Cb"e1ker, 3h Anlta Road, each ln turn, exp:ressed obJectlon to the..statement thet "lt may be none ln tbe nature of aprlvate nulsance" statlng that lt aff€cts all nesidents of the' Clty who may have oecagLon to vlslt the atea. The Chaln assured the petltloners thet eve:ry effont rrlU be expendedto ellnlnate the nuLgance. 2.BIDS FOR NEW REST ROO},TI IN RAY PARK A comrunlcatlon fnom the Clty Managerr dated Septemben 16, 1960, advlsed that tho p:roposed new rest irootnr, In Ray Par:k are s lm1Iar to those lnstalled at t{ashlngton Park, wlth a gma11 space provlded In the center for s to:rage facllltles; howeven, both the Park and the Recneatlon Depantment s haye concuJ.t'ed that tho s to::age of suppllas 1n a rest noom faclllty ls unsatlsfector:y and means eJle now belng erplored to provlde a sto:lege faclllty apart from a sanltany fac111ty. It was the ngconmendatlon of the Ctty Manage:r that blds be adve::tLsed fon open!.ng u6toben 3, 1960 end presented to Counctl fon euard. CounclLnan Byr:d moved that the City Mansge? end the City Englneer prepare plans and speelflcatLons to advertLse fon blds to be opened Oetoben 3, secoDded by C ounc lIman Lorenz and rmanlnor:s 1y canricd. CouncLlman BSnrd pnefaced e sccond motLon necomnending that the Clty Managen lnvestlgate the feaslblllty of repal::lng the extstlng ft6ld- house for converslon to a storage faclltty and thereaften moved that the Clty Managen lssue a dlnectlve that the f leld-house 1s not to be dlsposed of and to be consldered lnstead, as a potentlal structrue 1. 1.54 for storage purposes. The motLon was seconded by Councll rnqn l,g1.sng and unanlnously carrled. 3.PETITION FOR PARISNG ON CAPUCHTNO A1ENUE SET FOR IIEARII{G A coronunicatlon from the Clty l'{anager r dated September. 6, 1960,advlced that a nequest fo" a trro hour parklag nestnlctlon on Capueblno Ave nue fnom Broadray to Ca:rmelLts Avenue has beenlnvestlgated and that it rras his neconmendatioa that a publlc hean-ttg be scheduled to deterrnLne whether a tnial penlod ls warranted. Ther.e belng nc obJectlonr October, 3, 1960, nes s cheduled fon publlc he arl ng . 4.ACCEPTANCE STORM DRAIN IMTROVEMENTS . INITT 6 . }TLLS CREEK A connnrnLcatlon f:rom the Ctty Manager, dated September: 1!, 1960, advlsed that HllLs &rcavatl-ng, Inc. has conpl.eted tbe Mltls ClteekStorn Drain Inpn oveme nt s and final lnspect!.on lndlcates that all roqulrsmeDts of the plans and speclflcatloDs have beea met gatLg- facton 1Ly. nEsor,uTroN N0, 50-60 ,'a cceptlng Pubtlc Impnovements - Constructlon vements - l4lL1s Creek Storm haln Job No. 59-10ttof Sf,onm Eainago-Inpro was lntroduced fon passage on motlon of Councllman Byld r s€conded by Councllman Io:renz and unanLmous1y carrled on ro11 ca1l. 5. EUIL G. SEICES?SIIEN CTAIM NEFERRED TO CARRIEN A conmunlcatlon fnom the clby Ma.nager r dated Septemben 15, 19_60, necoomended that a clal.m,,flIed by Ertll G. Relchstetter, 7L5 NevhaLl Drlv€, Hll].sbonough, for $3r000.00 for: pensonal tnJwy as tho rosultof a faII upon the Clty of Bur"l lng ame I s eidetalks, be reJected and r.efenned to the Cltyrs insunance oarrLer. fhene belng no obJectlon, the neconmendation ras concurned tn by Councll. 6. NOTICE OF COMPI,ETION RECREATION CENTER ADDTIION A conmunlcatlon from the Ctty danager, dated September 15, 1960, ad- vlsed thst the Archltect for: the Recr.eatlon Centen Addltlon has certlfled that the wonk hss been completed wlth tro mlnor l tens to be added; hor€ve:r, ln vlew of the faet that the contnactons have notflled evldenc€ that all lndebtedness has been paLd, lt w111 be neceslan;r to wlthhold tuenty-flve percent of the ooDt:ract prle6. The Clty Managen t!6oommend6d that a Resolutlon authoriz lng the cxecutlon of the NotLce of Conpletlon be adopted, subJect to the af oncmentloned condltLons . f RESOLUTIONn to Fl1e tlon Centerrr On the questlon and ln r€p1y to lnqulrles of Coutxcllman Lonenz con- cernlng the co:rnectlon of deflclencles, the Clty Atrtrepney advlsed that twenty-31s6 p€r.cent of the cont::act w111 be withheld for thfu:ty-five days followlng the reco:rding of the Notice of Completlon, du::i.ng rhlchtlne deflclencles w111 be :requlned to be corrected and lndebtedness cLeened to the setisfectlon of the Anchltect. A ro11 call vote on the motion was reconded as follorrs 3 Ayes: Councllmen: Bynd-Johnson-tonenz Boes: CouncLlmen: None Abs ent Councllmen: Rooth Abgtalnlng Cormcl-lnen: Mor:ganr rho edvised he res not fu1ly ecquaLnted r,lth th€ detaLls beceuse of hls abs€nco fr:om Pt evlous Couacll meetings. Cotrncllman Johns on lnt:roduce No. 59-50 nAcceptlnc Work an NoEIce of Completlon - Addtt seconded by Councllman Byrd. d and moved the passage od Authonlzing Clty Manage lons to Bur:l lngame Rocnea 155 7. RE?OHT OTI TRAFFTC - BROADWAY AREA A cormunlcatlon from th€ Ctty i'iranager, dated Septenrben 15, 1p50,repontlng on ( a ) Bnoadray anE RoUfns - Road tnaf i and (b ) ,inuct iartrng on Broadway. On the formor, the Clty Manager advlsed that the expenj.ment of placlng two offlcers at the lnter.sectlon of Rolltns Road and Br:oaduay lndtcatedthe servlce was not war:nsnted nor conrmensu:rate wlth beneflts to be aehl.eved and the tnlal pe::lod vas theIrefo:: dlscontLnued, malnly because of lnsufflclent manpowen. Ihe Ctty Msnager suggested the followlng changes: (1) An rrfr1l! Speed- 25 L[PH" slg! for trafflc comlng off the tunn-off; (z) Reqr:est the Stateto nequfue turn-off tnaffic Stop at Rolllns Road; (3) Speed controlslgns for traffic golng northeast on Bnoadnay to the overpass andfurther, that the lnte::sectlon be kept under constant observatlon; andthat the City "wonk wlth the State on suggested changes, and 1fsignallzatlon can be made, that lt be budgeted out of gas tqx funds. ' On nTr:uck Panklng on Broadwayt' the City Manager advlsed that tr:aff lcofficers having been eompelllng truck drlvens to park paral1e1; houever,to conr:ect the problemg actlon rould be nequired rendenLng lt mandatorythat all delive?les be rnade prlon to 10:00 A.M. Mayor Morgan expr"essed dlssatisfactlon ulth the dlscontlnuance of aCouncll dfu.ectlve uheneby trafflc would be patrolled at the lntersectionof Ro111ns Road apd Bnoadway and also rlth lhe statement contelnedln the :report on tttnuck parltng on Broadway" that concessLons have to be msde on dellveries of heavy supplles and stock. Councllman Blrrd relat€d personal expenlence wlth tnafflc " 5..s " o., Broadway and the handlcap unden uhlch flI:emen rould be fonced to ope::atelf nes-pondlng to a flne. In reply to Councllman Byrdis fuqutlL0c 3 theClty l{sngg.n advlsed that g meeting has been scheduled rrlth the stateDlstrlct Hlghray Englneen, September 20, 3230 p.m., to dLscuss all aspects of the trafflc condltlon at the Broadray lntersaction, at whlchtlme members of the Councll wene lnvited to be present. Councl}aan Johns questloned the Clty Managen on (1) the tength of tlm6 the experlrnent rral conducled; (2) wtry t o nen were assigned and (3) whatls consldened "peak hou:sj' In r:eply, the Clty Managen advised that the expenlnent of patr.o11lng the lnter.section sas conducted fon a perlod of sevenal rroeks. subs€ouent to whlch lt was the Chlef of Pollcers evaluatlon ttrat lhe ttreiults wene not worth the menpouer expended;I the asslgnment requbed two rrren because of the aggnavated tnafflc condltlon and thqt the houns betreen h p.m. and 5 p.n.l we:re eonsldened ttpeak hour.g.tt The,.Clty Managen sdatea that ln hls oplnlon, the patnolllngof the anea "1g a h:xu::y the Clty cannot effond." In concludlng the subJect, Mayon Morgan statcd lhat the Councll is charged witnltne resp5nst6lliiy of piovtcltng a 'rsmooth flow of trafflcrr and the most app?opriate way ln vhlch to meet the pnoblen ls by speelal poI1ce se::vlce. 8. APPLICATTON FOR USED CAR LO4 PIRMIT SET FOR }IEARING A coumunlcatlon from the Clty Manager, dated Septernben 16, 1950, advlsed that an appllcatlon has been r.eeelved for a penmlt to openate a used car lot by Fned Hudkins, )2J Lorton Avenue and tt rras necormrendedthat ln confonmance wlth or.dlnance ::equ1:renents, a publlc hearlng be sct, october" 1?, 1950. there being no obJectlon, the hearing thengafter scheduled ag necornraended. ORDTNA}{CES llo ne 156 1. REIIPPOTITMENT-APPOINTMSNT COMMISSIONERS Mayon l{or"gan submltted ttre folloning names Conmlsglons I for neappolntment to RECREATION COMMISSION l,b:g . Mlldned G:rens , M3 .Mr. Vlctor. Manglnl John Mackesy and LIBRARY BOARD l{n. Jack Edwards EEALTII & SAFETY Mn. Angelo taverna RESIGNATION The Cbaln read a comrrunlcatlon from Mrg. Audrey Brown, 2525 SunnttDrlvel submlttlng her: r.eslgnatlon as a membor of tbe Pa::k Corudsslon because of a pr.osslng asslgnment es a membe!: of the San Mateo CountyGrand Juny. Councllman Bynd moved that the reslgnetlon be acceptedwith :reg:let and an appnopnlate conmunlcatLon be directcd to Mns. Bnown acknowledglng hen servlcc to the Clty of Bu:rl1ngane. Tbe motlon was seconded by Councllmen LonEnz and unanlmowly carnled. APPOINTMEM P.LRK COMMISSIONER ayor: Mongan submLtted the neme o as a menber of the Park ConnlssLo rnents uette unanlmous 1y conf lr'med 3.FIRE HAZARD NOltsD ON ACCESS ROAD The Chalr. lnstructed the C through the Chl,ef of tha Pof thc Ilambno Automotlve C Road) for: th6 exlstonce of whether th6 flre alar:m box hn M. FLsch, 1011 Capuchlno Ave., f111 the vacancy. The appolnt- he Counell. fJontobvt 2. PIRE STATION SITE DESIGNATION WITHIIELD Councllman Byrd lnltlated dlscusslon on the subJect of dcslSnetlng clty-owned property at Rolllns Road and Easton CreEk as the slte fon an addltlonal fli!6 statlon (voted by the elector.atc at thc MunlolpalEleetlon) by necommendlng that the Councll pnocecd slor1y on the Lssue, possibly unt11 the next Munlclpal Electlon. Counellnan Byrtl necalled prevlous dlscusslons wher.61n lt ras lndlcatedthat at least ten mea wlll bo nequlned to man the ner statlon, thecost of rhlch at this polnt, would be pr"ohlbltlve trnden the prescnt budget and tax s tructur:E of the Clty. Councilman Lonenz ooncured rltb the statements of Councllman Johnson,stetlng fu:rther, that th6 adoptlon of a gal-es tax ras the epproprlato solutlon to provlde addltlonal lncome for the Clty. CouncLlman Johns on obJected to the delay, expneaalng the oplnlon that once the flre statlon.. ls completed and equLpped, lt wl1I pe obvlousto the cltlzens that "lt is a necesslty and not a luxury. " Mayor Mongan suggested that Council, as a body, lnveetigate all ava11ab1e sites and reconnrended that both the archltect seloctod for the poL1ce statlon and the enchltect selected for the flre statlon cxplore the possl,bllity of comblnlng a flre and pollcy safetlr heed- quar:ters. Councllman Lorenz suggested thet the Coqncll conslder qomblnlng both the flre and po1lce iE'nsonnel lnto on6 "safety servlce" depantment. The dlsoussLon contlnued bnlefly and concluded vlth no actlon taken by the CounclL on the dcslgnatlon of a speclfic Ffu'e Statlon slte. lty }lgnagEp to nequest the Flne Inspector:, llre Department, to lnvestlgate the premlses orporatLon, 1017 Bsyshone B1vd. (Acccss a posslble f fu:e hazand end to ascentaln tn' thc anca ls ln trronklng order. t' UNFIIISIIED BUSINESS 75? 4.SAI,ES TAX Mayon Mongan repo::tcd bnlefly on the actlvltles of the San..ffateo County Coincll 6f Uayons ln 6onnectlon wlth the "sales tax" Lssuestatlng that he was of the oplnlon that the manner ln whlch Lt has been proposed to spend the revonue der"lved fnom e sales tax lslnequitable ard as a cltlzen, a Couneilman and a member of the MayonrsAssoclatlon, he would oppose the lgsue. trln addLtlonr " the Mayor contlnued lf lt comes to a polnt rher:eby theClty bas to have e sales ta:, he would not be a pan t;r to a tsp1lt ofthe spolls I wlth the Couqty end unt1l Lt can be pnoven that a poon pc!.son does not suffer mone than a rlch per.so4, he w111 contlnue to oppose a sales ter Ln the City of Bun1lngame. " 5. OFF-STEEET PARXIIG STRUCTIIRE PROPOSED Counellman Byrd neferned to hls suggestl,on made at the Last regularme€tllg of the Cogurctl, urglng the Council to conslden tdre enectlonof a ndouble-deckn par:[tng-s tiucture, complete wlth pub1lc nest rooms and a bomb shelten. thet the Clty purchase the on a lease-pu::chase p1an.tttentatl veiy explone s ome ft ras Councllman Byrlil t s recommendatLonparklng 1ot adJacent to the Post Offlce City Managen ldea of cost. rras t heneafter r.equested to The 6. CONTINUANCE OP LXASE PARK ROAD PARifi{G LOI REQUESIED Mayon Mongan advl.sed that from all indleatlons, there wlll be no forqratlon of an off-stneet parkLng dlstrlct wlthln the time l1mlt ln whlch the lease sha1l erplra on the par:klng 1ot factllty adJacent tothe Post Offtce and necormnended that the Councll petltlon the ownensfon a contlnuatl-on of the lease for a perlod of at 1€ast slx months to assuno hollday shoppers of panking space. Councllman Bynd moved thet the Clty Manager be authorlzed to negotlatefor the conllnuatlon of the lease rlth the owners, at the current "eompnomlse" rental rate, for a mlnimum perlod of slx months. fhe motlon was seconded by Councllnan Johns on and trnanlmous ly carrled. PROCLAMATION The Chaln announced the week of Octobe:r 23 - 29 as UNfTED NATIONS WmK and OCTOBEE 2l+, Lg6Or IrNIIED NATfOI{S DAY, durlng which penlod, Mn. Fncd W. Rlcc would off lelate as the Ctty of Bunllngame I s prognam chalman. ANNOUNCE}IENTS 1. SELECTION OF BUS]NESS FIRM NAMES Mayon Mongan nefer::red to sevcral obJectlonal nanps of busl-nesses located wlthLn the Clty of Burllngame and erpressed ttre opinLon that Counell should have some means by whlch to control the selectlon of flnm names. Mayon Morgan arnounced th6 appolntment of Councllman Johnson to repnesentth; clty Eouncll at a meqtln!'of trCttlzens for Decent LltEnatunerr at the Vllla Cbartlen, San l{ateo, uctober 5, 195O. The Chafu: announced that lhs. Robert Eammatt, Chairman, School Bond Electlon ConBtttee, has u:rged the electorate of the Ctty of Burllngame to vote 'yes" at the fonth6omlng bond electl,on, Tuesday, Octoben 1Ir1960. The Chalr dvlsed that the bond 5-ssue, ln the total amount of Sf95,OOO.OO would cost the taxpeyer $f.f5 pen year on a homes valuedat $20,000.00. l{EId BUSTNESS 158 2. hTT:gE]R DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL I,AUDED Uayor. Morgan compllmented the pensonnel of the Watcn Depantment forthe wonhnanshlp of the s tructu:ee eonstructed at the Cor.por. atlon -ar"d and the Dlnecton of Publle hlonks rras requested to c ommend the depantment. REPONTS OF CO{'NCIL Councllman Johnson treport€d that she and Cou:rcllman Lor€nz hedattendod the General fienbershlp Lunche on-ldeet lng of the Chamben of Comnerca and that she had attended a meetlng ln Redwood Cltv onthe issue of nVioleaee ln San Mateo County.tr COI{PEI{SATIOI{ PI.ANI{II{G ADVISOR TNCREASED CounclJ-man Lor:eng refspred to a budgetary ltem to pnovlde for: an anDual 1nc:lease ln s a1ar.y for the Cltyrs Plannlng Advlsor. ft nas the gonerel eonscnsus, fo1lowlng sorre dlscu.ssion, that the present contract should be modlfled to provlde for an lncnaase, as budgeted, effectlve Septemben 1, 1960 and that a ner contraet,dellneating servlces to be perfonmed, be submltted fon Councll Actlon at the next negulan meetlng. Councl-1man Byrd lntroduced and moved the passagetrAuthonlzlng Executlon o1 a1 Agneement Modlfylng Speclal Plannlng Advlsony Ser:vlcesr Dated January by Cotmc ilman Johnson and unanlmously carried on of RESoIUTIOI{ }I0. 51-60 the l sreEmenE for, t95>." seconded ro11 c eII. STREI REPAIR REPOR?S The Ctty Manager advlsed of the poor" condltlon of the streets on AcacLe hlve and Paloma Avenue and r:ecornuended that plans and Epectflcatlons be pnepa::ed end blds advcrtlsed fon openlng on October J, for the nesulfaclng of gald gtreets. In reply to Counel,l Lnqulry, the Clty Manager advLsed that fuds neserved ln the Str.eet Repalr" Fund ar.e sufflcient to pnovlde for the pr.o Jec t. MAYOR COMI'{ENIS The Councll coneunred wlth th6 "oconmendation on motlon of Corurcllman Johnson, geconded by Councllman Bynd and unanlnous Iy carnled. On the subJect, and tn reply to the Chelris lnqulny, the Ctty Englneen advised thet Stre€t Repalr Funds are to be expanded so1ely for street maintenance purposes. Couaellman Bynd neponted that grass grolJlng on the street of Coronado Llay should be lnvestlgated. ?he subJect uas referlred to the City Englneer. Councllman lor.enz t report of complalnts recelved concor:nlng the h'azard due to the gnowth of ioliage at the i,ntersectLon of Bellevue Avenue and CallforrrLa Dr.lve was referr:ed to the Clty Msnsg... Mayor Mongan stnessed the lmpor:tance of the representatLves of all the Conmlsslons (wlth exceptlon of Clvll Senvlce) attendlng Councll meetlngs and the submlsslon of the mlnutes of thelr nespectlve rneetlngs to the Councll. The Chalr stated that of partlculan lnterest was the Comtisslons t recotmendatlon oD the most appnoprlate tlme to schedu].e ttre annual Counc i 1-Comtriss lon dlnners. The followlng ltems ore requested by the Chair to be pleced on ttre Corurcll "genda unt11 r"osolvia: (f)_Anoadray 0ff-St"6o, Parklng. Dlstric t; (e) nevfsion ln the Clvll Servlce Rulcs and Regulatlons and (3) fhe proposed extenslon of Canolan Avenue. fn addltlon, the Mayor r:equested that (1) a r:epont be submltted ad- vlsing rhethen the cl,tizens of Bunllngame have recelved notlees of Clalns, Nos.4273-4309, Month of September, 1960, 1n the totel suaot $337,01+5.18, duly audlted, rre:te apprsoved fon paynent and wa:rrants orde:red dnawn on the Clty Treasuny 1n thel:: r.espectlve amounts, on rnotLon of Councllman Johns on and seconded by Councllman Lonenz. the nerl nganden plck-up" requLrements and (2) that tbo Clty Clenk supplement corrected 1960-1961 budget pages to Councll coples. Councllmsn Lorenz comnentod on hls attendance at the :regula:r and atudy maetlngs of the Plannlng Coumlsslon and of the tlme belng erpended by the mcnbens on a study of amendments to the zonlng ordlnance. CLATMS PAYROLL SAN MATEO COUMIY MOSOUITO ABATEMTNT DISTETCT REERSNCE TO POL]CE PERSONNEL ]SSUE PayroII waprants, Month of August, 19601 Neg. 7872-8315, ln the total amount of $83172?.12, uere approvcd on motlon of Councllman Jotrns on and seconded by Councllnan B;rrd. Tha Chab acknowledged recotpt of the compnebens lve L959 Annual Report of the San ^'tateo County Mosqulto Abatement Distnict and noted thathlll]-lan Boese, Burllngane nesldent, ls Vlce-Chahmen of the Dlstr.lct. At the nequcst of Mayon Morganr the Clty Managen vas submlt an up-to-date repont on the Pollce Depantment reque s te pers onno d I ue to lss CITIZEN CO},IMEI{IS h. George Chnlstlanson, 16 Anlta Roadr eaIIcd attentlon to a storm d:ralnage deflclency occurlng partlcul anLy durlnS the rlnten season and afiectlng the pr.opentles of No. 8, No. 10 and No. 16 Anlta Road. The subJect vas refenred to the Cl.ty Manager for. report to Councllet the next meeting. !lns. R. R. Cullen, 74O Acacta h!,ve, eipressed appnectatlon to theClty Couricll, the Clty Usngggr and the Clty Englneen, fon prompt actlon ln connectlon ulth the nesu::f aclng of Acacla hlve. T.DJOIIR}IMF}IT Thene belng no funther buslncss, the meetlng vas th5reaften tegulerly adJourned at 10:0! p.n. Respectf,.ully submlt ted, I{ERBERT K.Ctty Clcrk APPROI/ED L.B Mayor '15e t