HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.11.20366 Bunllngane, Cal lfor.nla Novemben 20, 1951 A regulan meetlng of ths Br:nllngame Clty Councll was held on th€ above dete. Meetlng ca11ed to o::der at 8:00 p.mo - Mayor" Bynd ln the Chatur. CALL TO ORDER PI,EDGE OF ATLEGIANCE At uord from the Chaln, all the Pledge of Alleglance to in the Councll tho FIag. Chambens arose and gav6 ROLL CALL Present: Councllrnen: Bynd, Johnson, Lorenz, MartLn, Mongan Absent: Councllmen: None MINUTES PREVIOUS },flSETTNGS 1. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT CIVIL DEFENSE AND DTSASTER ORG.ANIZATTON. The mlnutes of Novemben 6, L967,, wene unani.mously approved ag subnlt-ted on motlon of Councllnan Johnson, seconded by Counc llman Martln. IIEARING 1. BARRETT CONSTRUCTTON CO. APPEAL: VARTANCE EL CAMINO & CHAPTN AVENUE. The mLnutes of November 1l+, 1961, were approved on motlon of Councll- man Lonenz, seconded by Councllman Johnson, folloulng a correctlon unden nRepont on Appnaisals 0f Pancels Of Waterfnont Proper.tyrn chenglng paragraph 6 to nead nA brLdge would b6 prov!.ded acros!, Sanchez Cneek.....tl A heanlng on en eppeal fnom the declslon of th6 Plannlng CommJ.sslon, denylng a var'lance to penmlt corrner"c laI use of R-[ pnopenty, was postponed untlI the negular meetlng of the Counc11, December 4, 1961,at the nequest of the appellant, Barnett Constructlon Company. COMMUNICATIO}ts A communicatlon from the Clty Manager deted Novemberi 17, 1961, edvlsed that the Jolnt Powens Agreement pnovld 1ng fon a Clty-CountyClvll Defense and Dlsaster Onganizatlon has been nevLsed. Amoru; othen changes, Sectlon I rf Locil Responsibllttyr has been nernltlen. The comnunlcatlon stated that coples of the revlsed agneement have been fonwanded by Super.vls o:r' James V. Fltzgerald, Chairrnan of thoDlsaster Councll Plannlng Board, who requests that appr.oprlate measures be taken fon lts exeeutlon. fn a brief penlod of dlscusslon, Councll agreed to wlthhold actlonuntl1 a lrltten oplnlon hes been neceived for the Cltyts Clvl1 Dofenso offlclals. The Ctty Managen was nequested to lnform Supervlsor Fltzgorald acc ond 1ng1y. Coples of the Agreement are to be supplled to Cotrncl)- and to the Offlce of Clvll Defenss. 2. IEE SET FOR ENGINEMIS WORK TN APPORT]ONING PUBLTC IMPROVEMENT BONDS A commrnLcetlon from the City Maneger detod November 17, 1961, nefen- rod to certeln detall work nequhed of the Offl,ce of the City Engineen uhen publlc lmpnovement assessments ar.e lnvolved tn lot nes ubdlvi.s lons . Ths communlcatlon recommend€d, ln accordanco wltlx the procedur.e estebllshed by State Iew, that a fee of $10.00 pen parcel be fLxed to compensate for the Cltyrs costs. 367 RESOLUTION NO. 61-6I nsettl ng The Fee For The Appontlonment Ofnpaldssecsnens Code, Part 10.5, Sectl adoptlon by Councllnan Mor"gan, seconded by Counellman Johnson, and unanlmous 1y approved on ro11 call vote. 3 . TEMPOqARY I.iODTF]CATTON OF CONTRTCT !TJ.IT{ DI,MP OPE?AT OR APPROVED. A communlcatlon from the City Manager dated Novemben 16, 1951, advlsedthat flnancial necords subnltted by Roneo Joly would lndlcate'that hels unable to malntaln hls contractr:::a1 obllgatlons wtth the Clty.Openatlng costs appean to have lncneased to a g::eater: degree thin necelpts . The comnunlcatlon recormended, es a temporery solutlon, that thepresent contract be nodlfled fon a penlod of- slx months by reduclngth6 amount of the monthly payment to the Clty fnom $1500.00 to S1000.00. Counc ilman Mentln expressed the oplnlon that merely neducing the feefon a temporery pet"lod w111 not solve the pnoblem. He recelled thatthe contnact w111 not exph"e untl1 November, L965, end measures shouldbe taken to determlne whe then on not the eontnact ls wor.kable to theextent that the operato:: w111 not be fonced penlodlcally to seeknellef from the Clty. In a per.lod of dlscusslon whlch fol1owed, partlcular emphasls was placed on the necesslty of PIr. Joly malntainlng complete bookkeeping recorlds, lncludlng a separ:ate account of the dump operatlon. only then ulIL Lt be posslble to d6 te!.mlne whe ther or not a new contrect should be wrltten. fn ::ep1y to Counell lnqulny, the Clty Attonney advlsed that 1t would not be lmpnopen to nequfue of the operator that ln exchange fon therollef that he s6eks thet he supply fLnanclal necords as the Clty may reqube. A motlon was lntnoduced by Councllman Mantln appr:ovlng modlflcatlonof the exlstlng ag:reement with the d ump operatol: wheneby the monthly paynrents to the Ctty wtI1 be reduced fnonr $150C.00 to $1000.00 fo:: a perlod of slx months commencing Novemben, 1951, condltlonal upon the openeton malntalnlng du:rlng thls perlod, end submlttlng to the CLty, bookkeeplng neconds whlch w111 reflect a detailed breakdown of all phases of the operetlon; the Clty Manager: to nepont wtthln 30 deys on errangements that have been made to accompllsh thLs. Motion seconded by Counci.lnan Lorenz and unanlmously carrled on ro11 call vote. l+.STREET TREES. A rnemo to Councll fnom the City Managen dated November 17r 1961, out- Ilnlng measures to be taken to conrec! nulsances created by streot tnees at speclflc Iocatl ons wlthln the Clty was acknowledged and ac- cepted for flIlng. 5.FIRE CODE VIOLATTONS. A memo to Councll fnom the City Manager dated November 17, 1961 ,relaylng a neport fnom Howand Peanson, Ffue Depantment fnspector, concernlng FlI:e Code vlolatlons Ln the area adJoinl,ng the new Po1lce Bu!.1dlng was aclrnowledged and accepted for. fi1lng. A CENTRAL PARKING COMMITTEE RE: PETTTION TO FORM DISTRICT. A communlcatLon from tbe Centrel Panklng Cormnl.ttee, dated Novemben B, 1!61 , requested that tho matter of the petltlon to form the PanklngDistrlct be nemoved temponarlly fnom the agenda of Councll buslness. There belng no pnotests, fnorn the Committee. the subJect was tabled pendlng frr then wond Councllman Martln advlsed that thene appears to be some dlfflculty 1n the rrap whlch 1s belng rovlsod. er Dlvlslon 10 Of The Stneets And Elghways ons 87lro to B7l+0.5n was lntnoduced f;r 368 ORDINANCES Consldenatlon of: ORDINANCE N0. 7h6 'rAn Ordlnance Repeallng Sectlons 1171.2(e)r 1171.1+(b)(l+)(11) 0f The or.dinance Code of The clty 0f Bur.llngame, Renumberlng sectlons tt71.l+(b) (l+)(11r) 0f said Code And Amending - sectlons r1?1.1+(a) (2), Lt7l.5(b) (2) And 11?L.((b)(3) (tl) 0f sald Code was glven lts sscond readlng, and on motlon of Counc llmsn Johnson, seconded by Councllman Lor"enz, was unanlmously adopted on ro11 call vote. UMINISIiED BUSTNESS: 1. HECODTFICATION OF CTTY ORDINANCES. Tho Clty Managen advlsed that one 1oca1 larr firm obtained fnom hlsofflce a copy of the speclflcattons fon necodlflcablon of the Cltyrs or.dlnanceg. He advlsed that ther.e ar.e no flrms ln the Clty speclal-lzlng ln thls wor:k and ::equested that he be authorlzed to sollclt pr.oposels from code revlslon speclallsts. The Clty Attorney ::ecalIed that at the last Councll meetlng he steted that ln hls oplnlon thene ane no ffu.ms 1n the Clty of Burllngame quallfied to undentake tlee wonk of recodlflcatlon. fn response to Councll lnqufu.y, the .Ctty Attorney advlsed that the per.for"med on a contract basts. Flr'ms pr.ofesslonally1s ged l1s wor.k enga de ta ln the flefd ere requested to submlt pr"oposals lncludlngof wonk artd costs lnvolved. thene belng no pnotests, the Chaln lnstructed the Clty Managen to r.equest pnoposals fnom lntenested f fu"ms and to neport to Councllwlthln 30 days. 2. Mts4BERSHIP IN ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS (ABAC) APPROVED. Councllman Mar:tln refenred to a prevlous dlscussion concennlng tbeClty of Burllngam€ Joinlng the AssocLatlon of Bay Area Govennments (ABAG) and stated that he would apprecLate an opinlon fnorn CourrcLlat thls tlne. He expressed the opinlon that the Assoclatlon maybe the means of contnolllng lts upen-governmentst and speclal dlslnlcts and authonltles wlth tax levylng powers. Councllman torenz stated that he rould pnefen to wLthhold actlon temponanlly in or.den to observe the Assocl,atlonls development and pr3oSress . Councllman Mantln lntroduced e motLon pnoposlng membershlp for theClty of Burllngame ln nABAeI Motlon sicoirded 5y Councllmin Johns on and declaned can::led on the followlng no11 call vote: Ayesl Councllmen! Byrd, Johnson, Mantln, Mongan Noeg! Councllmen: Lor.enz Absent Councllmen: None Ttle CIW Managen was r"equested to contact Hanold Feyge, CouncllmanClty of Paciflca, and San Mateo County Citles repr:esentatlve to the Association for documents necessany to be erecuted by the Ctty. .)REI,TSD STRFET IREE ORDINANCE (PROPOSED) Acknowledgment was made of the pnoposed new stneet tree ordinance, coples of whlch were prevlously submltted to Councll for Study. Councllman Johnson commended m€nbers of the staff responsible for the nevls 1on. fn neply to Councll lnqufu:y concennlng the posltlon of the Pank Commlssion, the Chalr necognlzed W.E. Chambllss, Park Coru:nlsslonen, who advised that the dnaft has been r:ecelved by the CommlssLon and ls presently undor study. A r:e commendat lon wl11 be forthcomlng to Council at an early date. 869 NEW BUSINESS 1. CWII SERVICE. Councllman Mongan stated that he has been lnfonmed of the appr:oachlngnetlrement of the Chlef Disposal Plant Operator" and lnqulned concenn- 1ng pnocedu:re to be fol]ored to select a succ€ssor. Councllman Mongan mentloned that he ls partLcu1ar.1y lntenested lnas- much as he is errare that thene ls an asslstant ln the depantnrent who has been employed by the Clty fon a numben of yeers. the Dlrecton of Publlc Works stated that ho nequested that an ellglblel1st be establlshed but made no reeommendatlon as to procedur.e. The Clty Cler.k-Se c::etany, Clvll Service Corrnlsslon, advlsed that Commlsslon ls lnvestlgatlng to detenmlne the type of examlnatlon be conducted. the to Mayor Bynd and Couneilman Lonenz each malntalned that Clty employees should be glven pnefer.ence by llmittng all examlnatlons to promotlonal. Councllmen Mar.tln steted that he w111 suppont the authontty of the Civ1l Senvlce Commlsslon and accept 1ts necommerd atlon wlthout reserv- at 1on. Councllman Mor.gan stated that lt ls not hls lntentlon to Lntenfere wl-th the Commlsslon but pr.esent cfi"cumstances would lndlcate that e promotLonal examlnatlon should be scheduled. Councllman Johns on r.ecalled that the Clvll Servlce Rules and Regulatlons, adopted by Councll earlter thls yean, speclflcalJ.y state that lt ls the functlon of the Clvl1 Se:pvlce Conmlsslon to select the type of exsm- lnat 1on. Ihe Clty Manager neponted that 1n e cormunicatlon to the Clv1l S6r'vl-ce Commlsslon, advlslng of the appnoachlng vacency, a sugglestlon was madethat lt mlght be wlse to conduct an open examlnAtlon slnce thene ls only one othen penson ln the depar.tment. The Clty Managen expnessed the oplnlon that all appllcants for aposltlon, r:ega::d1ess of rhe then ln Clty employ or not, should be r.equlned to meet c6r.taln mlnLmum quallflcatlons by successfully passlng a m:1tten test. Ihe Clty Manager. advlsed also that a meetlng has been amanged wlth members of the Clvll Senvlce Contnlsslon to dlscuss the merlts of establlshlng a polnt system for Clty employees pantlcipatlng ln conpetltlv6 examlnatlons. Mayon Bynd offened the suggestlon that lf there ls a question of malntalnlng the monale of Clty Employees, lt ruay be 1n onder. to conslden a nevLsion of the Clvll Senvlce Rules and Regulatlons. CLAIMS clalms, Nos. 61a26-5503, ln the total amount of $15 l{ovemben, l-961, rere ap pnoved and wannants ordened Tneasury ln theln r"espectlve amounts on motLon of seconded by Counc l1man Martln. PAYROLL 3,5dr Cou 95.92, Month of awn Ln the City ncllman Johnson, Payr.ol1 warrants, Month of Octoben, 1951,of $92,390.61, were appr.oved on motlon of by Councilnan Mantln. Nos. [202-115\8, ln the amor.rnt Councllmen Johnson, seconded 370 ACKNOWLEDGI"IENT Mayor" Byrd acknowledged a comm.rnlcatlon fnom Car'1 Schwabn expresslng appneclatlon to members of the Clty Councll folr thegold stan and certlflcate pt'esented to hlm on the occaslon ofhls recent retiremsnt aften thkty years of senvlce Ln the Burllngame Po1lce Departrnent. ADJOURN}MNT The meetlng was r:egulanly adjounred at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submltted, I{ERBERT UI{fTE, Clty Clerk APPROVED: 4* /rt .'a ANDREW C. BYRD, Ma