HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.09.06148 Bunl.Lngame, Septenb6r: Callfornla 5, lg@ A regular meetlrrg of the Bu::llngame Clty Councll scheduled on the above glven date xas adJourned to Septenber 7, 1960, 8:00 p.m., fonthe lack of a quorun of n6mbens ln attendance. CALL TO ORDER CALL TO ORDER PI.,EDGE OF ALLECIANCE At rorrd from the Chalnl Pledgc of Alleglance to Septemben 7, 1960 A negular meetlng of the Burllngamc Clty Councl1, ad Jotrned fron Septemben 5r-1950, uas held on the above glven date.' Meetlng ca116dto onden at 8:L0 p.m., Mayor. Pro Tempor.e ln the Chab. Councll Chamben anose and gave the ROLL CALI., Pnesent - Councllnen! Blrnd-Johns on-Lor€nzAbsent - Cowrcllmen: Uongan-Rooth l{ayon Mongan and Councl}rnan Rooth, absent bocausg of Lllnesa, weneexcuscd on motlon of Councllman Lor:enz and seconded by Councilrnan Johns o a. MINUTES PREVTOUS MMTING all la the the Flag. UEED ABATEMEITT PROGRAM 1 950 - 1961 llhe Chein announced that thls was the ttrae and the place to conduct epubllc heanlng on the llced Abatenont Pnog:ram, 1950-1961, whenelnpnoperty ownsrs may appear to entcn pr.otcsts to pnoposed reed assess- ments on theLr r.espectlve propentles. I'lrer.e belng no pnotests r:ecelved, elther rrltt€n or ver:bal, C ouncllmanof RESOLUTIOIT NO. 97-50Johns on lntnoduccd end moved the passagenFlxlng Assessment for. l{ecd and Rubblsh A batement" sCcondod bt Counctlmsn Lor"enz and unaninowly adoptcd on ::o1I call of nenber.s pre s ent . COU}{UNICATIONS 1.RECREATION CEI{IER ADDTTION A corauuni.catlon fron the Ctty Manager, dated Septcmben 2, 1960, advlaedthat the Contrecton corxr truc tlng the addltlon to the Recreatlon Ccnter: has petltloned the Councll fon an lncrease ln the prognsss payments tothe sum of ninety pettcent of the contr.act prlce. fhe Clty Manager advlsed that cer:teln deficlenclcs noted ln the constructlon must be nesolvod prlon to fLnal acceptancc. In a funther communicetlon, dated Scptcmben 6, 1950, the Ctty Manager advlgcd that the Architect has lnformod hls offlcs thet the entko constructlon wLlI be completed to th6 satlsfactlon of botb th6Anehltect and the City of Bunllngame end hes neconomendcd that a Notlc€ The aLnutes of th6 prlo"l.ous r!6et1ng of Aryust 15, 1960, subnlttcd toCouncll, rer"e recelved aad appnovcd. EE.ANII{G 749 of Corpl6tton be fllod. The Ar.chltect fu:rthen stated that thecornecttons v111 be nade rlthln the thlrty-five day peri.od r€seryedfor tlre retcntlon of the tcn pcnceut of the contnait'prlce of tbepnoJect, ln accor.danco rrlth stlpulatlons of the cont:ract. fh6 counoll concu:rned vlth the nccormrendatlon of the city Managen thatthe Contnacton, ln u:rlting, lndlcate hls wllllngness to cornectLtemlzed deflcloncles and that upon nccelpt of a letter of consentand- agr:cemont, the Clty A6l6pney be dfu.ected to p!€pane the necessarylegls latlon. A conuunlcatlon fron the Clty Managen, datcd Septemben 2, 1960, advlsedthat a reques t hes bccn rcoelved fnon lfr. and l,bs. Ernest L. Cook,for the rlght to ,!cnt clty rlglt-of-way propenty at 102! Oak Gnove Avenue to openate a Day f,unseny. A cornrmrnlcat|on fr:om Mr:. aad Mr.s. Ennest L. Cook advlsad that tho buslness was pu.nchased ln June, 1958, pntor to nhlch tlne lt was openated on a ocoopenatlve basLs" wtth the Clty donatlng the use of th6 playground ar:ea ln cxchange fo:: the malntenance of the grounds. The Clty Manager edvlsod that an evaluatlon of the lot lndlcatcd a S50.00 nental per month rould bo appnopr:late. Mr:. Cook, oraer: of the rtice Toten Day llung cr"y, ln "6p1y to hls lnqulnles,ras advlscd by the Clty Attonney throqb the Chalr, that tn sddltlon to applylng for a buslnesi llcenae, a tuse" penralt 6ust be obtelned fi:onthe Plannlng Coumlsslon. 4.OFFICIAL DESTGIATION OF FTRE STATTON SITE WITIIIIEI,D A comrmulcatl.on fnon the City Managen, dated Scptenber 2, 1950, dvlsedthat e nurber of coqrlalntg havs been recolved ir.om nesldents itvlngwlthln the enea of th9 Br:r1lnganr Bulldlng MeteI:lsl Company onBaysraten Avenuc and Anlta Roadr pnotestlng the nulsance cneated bythe opcratlon of the conpany. fhc CormclL conourod rLth th6 recomcndatlon of tbe C1ty l{anager: thathls offloc conduet an lnvestlgatlon and thcreaften suhlt a neport to Counc tI at the n6xt r.egulat! meetlng. 3. RETTAL crrr EBoPERTY rc?tr_A4X S8qr4q lvEl{qE EEqTESEED A recomnrendatlon f:rom the Clty Uanagcn, 1n a letten dated Augus t J1,1960, thet the Ctty owned tnact at Ro11lns Road and Easton Cncck be officlally deslgnatcd as the slte for the ner Flne Statlon, rras held for actlon at th6 ncxt regular m6otr.ng, S eptemben 19, 1950. t=olIJe-EEn fa ln PnopEnty l{lthln Clty of Bnrllngame for tbe Purpose of Constructlng a Publlc StneEt (Extenslon Manco Polo llay) ras lntnoducedfor passage on motlon of Councllman Johnson, socondcd by Councllman Lorenz and unanlmously canI:led on roll cel1 of membens presont. OR'INANCES 2. OPERATION BUILDING !{ATERIAL COMPAIT PROTESTED !Ione UI{PTNTSEED BUSTN9SS 1. FIREMAN CALL BACK OFF DUTY RBOLUTIONS RESoLUTIoI I{o. 58-50 nAcce ptlng Penuit of San Franclsco l{ater. Depantment councllman Johnson pDefaccd a notlon concennlng ncaIl back dutyrr for It was the consensuc of ths Cotmcll that the Clty Attorney p::epar:c the appropnlate docunents pernlttlng the rental of the parccl on a monthto month basls, condltlonal upon the appllcant beLng granted a use penmlt and a buslnegs 1lcense. 150 flreman, exprcsslng synpethy for the tno member"s of the Councll vbo heve becn absent beeausc of lLlnesq and statlng thet lnasmrch eg tbc subJect of Flreman trcaIl back duty[ has becn p6ndlng for a consldcnable perlod of tlme, lt was her optnlon that nembens pr€sont rene unde:r obJ.lgatloa to :pesolve the 1ssuc. A motlon was thoneafter lntr"oduced by CounclLaen JoErson that tho Councll cotlcu? with thc rccommendatlon of the Clty Manager that aplan proposcd by the Chlef of Plre Depantment, as pen Counclllnstructlon, be edoptcd on a sLx months t tr.la1 basls: (1) That mcn roff duty" be p6nnlttcd to reneln off duty and not t equlred to enlrycr an alanm unless lt uas determln€d that addltlonal agslstanceras nooesnany and (2) that men 'off dutyr who aT6 called back toduty sbal] necelve conpensatlon at tbe nate of S2.00 for: thc flnet houn and St.75 for eaoh hou? tbereaften. The notlon nas scconded by CounclLman Loncnz. Councllman Byr.d questloaed whether the pnoblon of oyertlne conpcnsa-tion exlsted ln other depantments e statLng that lf the abovo notl.onues approv€d, a pnecedent rnay be.cstabllshed. The Clty Manager: ln neply, advlged that compensatory tlme-off 1gpenmlttcd other depantments and on a prLor occaalon enployee iepncsentat&es coniu::red that overtln6 fon f lnemen ls tteiullantt tothat wlthln the fu. respcctlve departments. Thc Chal:r erpressod coneorn that Clty funds were lnsufflcient toadcquately conpensete oventlme, statlng tbat whlle not ln opposltlonto grant "call back" compensatlon, he gou1d, beceuao of the absenceof othen nemberg of th6 Councll, vote "nor on the motlon. The vote rras thercaften necordcd as follors: Councllman Loreazr ln secondlngtbe motlon, lruggelrtod that the Clty Hanager ascer:ta1n, ln vler of the latencss of the yean, rhether a louen pr:lce that that onlglnally submlttod ney be obtaLn€d. ThaCity Manager advLsed that he would necanvass the blds and purchase a car fnon the lowest nesponslble bldder:. A vote on the motlon ras racorpded ag follors: Ayes: Couacllnen: Johnson-Lorenzoeg: Councll6o1s Bynd Absent Cou.ncLlnen: Morgan-Rooth Counctlmen Bynd advleed that h1g raon votc rss cast fon th€ sene lrealrons as atated ln tbe pr:e vl. ous motlon. 3.BAY AREA OOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Ayes: Councllnen: Johngon-Lorenzlloes: Councllnen: Byld Absent Councllnon: Morgan-Rooth 2. CAR PI'RCEASE FOR.FIRE DEPAXTUEDT Councllnan Jotrs on pri€f a ccd a second motion, concarnlng the puncbase ofa ca" for the Flne Departmentr stetlng thet tb6 subJect also haa becn delaycd for a penlod of llne and that shc personeJ.ly uas opposed tothe punchase oi Ecompact[ cans fon use Uy ibe FlIre Depantm6i:t ana tUcPollcc Depar.tment. Colncllncn Jobng on thcr€upon moved that thcCouncll concur wlth thr recomnendatlon of the Clty Managen to purcha se one of the negular r161,1-prlced th:reen 6ais. A memo to Cor.uacll r datcd September I, 1960, advl lnfo::matl.on on tho fornatlon of an AgsoclatLon o Councllmam Jobis on moved thet the subJeet be he1 cons lder:atr.on, secondcd by Councllnan Lorenz and sed of necelpt off Bay Anea GovsrnmEnts. d fon funthen unanlmously carried. 151 4.REPORT ON CANTON ARE]I A meno to Counctl, dated Septemben 2Constnuctlon Company has lnfor.ned hlarea 1s avallab1e and pendlng a legaClty Attonney, the subJect sha1I be acceptance ln the nean future. Ihe on flle. , 1960, advlged that the Tnousdeles offlce that a decd to the canyon1 polnt to be nesolved by thcpnesentcd to Councll for" fonmal repo?t ras echiowledgcd and placed Mayon ho Tempone Byr:d suggested thet the Councll glve consldcratlon lnthe futu:re to: (1) the ercctlon of a "double-dsckn s tructuJr€ on tb6parklng lot acrosg the stneet from the CtW Eell, to lnclude rest roorns ind a bomb shelten; anO (2) an ercuptlon firon tares for! stnuctlons er.ected by pr.lvate ownons as bomb sheltens. }IEW BUST}IBSS 2. TRAFFIC ROI,LIIS ROAD-BROADTJAY INTERSECTIOI{ 3.fRI'CK PARKING ON BROAUilAY There belng no funther buslness, the nrctlng wes r€gulerly ad J ouraedat 9:20 p.m. Respectfully subml t tcd, BIERT K. WEITE, Clty Clenk ATT The Clty Managen was requested to lssue e dlncctlvc to the Po11ce Dcpartment nequcstlng that offlcers be arslgned to dlnect trafflcat the lntensectlon of RolllDs Road and Broadway, partlculanly dunlng pcak houns . On the subJect, the Clty Managcn advlsed that a neetlng rlth offlelalsof thc State Dlvision of El8huays to lr0prove trafflc condltions at the abovementloned lntcrssctlon ls antlclpatcd ln the near future. Thc Chaln requestcd that the Clty Mgnggsr submlt an obJectlve nepontto Cormcll at the next mcctlng. Mayon The clty Manager, ln reply to the Chafurs lnqulny concernlng the abusc of panklng pr:tvllegcs by tnucks panklng on Br.oadray, pertlcularly du:ring the mornlng hotu:s betrccn 8:30 a.n. and 10:30 a.tn., advised that hls office rould euthorlze an lnvestlgation. ADJOINRNUENT /1 IIFIR